author Tero Marttila <>
Tue, 05 May 2009 19:39:44 +0300
changeset 15 707ddd7a7912
parent 13 a0cb32f3de3d
child 16 9234f5ae765b
permissions -rwxr-xr-x
fix if fewer text than chars
import werkzeug
from werkzeug.exceptions import HTTPException

from PIL import Image, ImageDraw, ImageFont, ImageEnhance
from cStringIO import StringIO
import random, itertools, time, os.path

if not hasattr(itertools, 'izip_longest') :
    def izip_longest(*args, **kwds):
        # izip_longest('ABCD', 'xy', fillvalue='-') --> Ax By C- D-
        fillvalue = kwds.get('fillvalue')
        def sentinel(counter = ([fillvalue]*(len(args)-1)).pop):
            yield counter()         # yields the fillvalue, or raises IndexError
        fillers = itertools.repeat(fillvalue)
        iters = [itertools.chain(it, sentinel(), fillers) for it in args]
            for tup in itertools.izip(*iters):
                yield tup
        except IndexError:
    itertools.izip_longest = izip_longest 
class Defaults :
    # settings

    text_lang = 'en'

    chars = [ u'"', u'!', u'?' ]

    colors = [

    font_name = 'helvetica'
    font_size = 30
    bg_color = "#ffffff"
    line_spacing = -10
    sharpness = 0.6

    img_format = 'png'

TEXT_BY_LANG = dict(
    en = [
    fi = [
    se = [

STATIC_PATH = "static"

        'dejavu-sans-bold':     "/usr/share/fonts/truetype/ttf-dejavu/DejaVuSans-Bold.ttf",
        'helvetica':            "fonts/HELR65W.TTF",

    'jpeg': 'jpeg',
    'jpg':  'jpeg',
    'png':  'png',
    'bmp':  'bmp'

IMG_SIZE_MAX  = 1024

TILE_SIZE = (100, 100)

# enable debugging
DEBUG = True

def randomize (seq) :
        Returns the given sequence in random order as a list
    # copy
    l = list(seq)
    # rearrange

    return l

def randomize_str_char (str) :
        Randomize the given string by moving one char around

    l = list(str)

    c = l.pop(random.randint(0, len(l) - 1))
    l.insert(random.randint(0, len(l)), c)

    return ''.join(l)

def build_data (text, chars, line_colors, random_chars=True, random_text=False, random_text_char=False) :
        Returns a matrix of (text, color) tuples representing the data to render

        [ [ (str, str) ] ]

            text        - list of lines
            chars       - list of random chars to interpse
            line_colors - list of colors to draw the chars in
            random_chars        - randomize the lines the chars go in
            random_text         - randomize the chars in each line
            random_text_char    - randomize each line by moving one char around

    data = []

    if random_chars :
        chars = randomize(chars)
    for line, char, color in itertools.izip_longest(text, chars, line_colors, fillvalue=None) :
        if not line :

        # pick position to place char
        pos = random.randint(1, len(line) - 1)

        if not color :
            color = "#000000"

        if random_text :
            line = ''.join(randomize(line))

        if random_text_char :
            line = randomize_str_char(line)
        # split into three parts
        if char :
                    (line[:pos], "#000000"),
                    (char, color),
                    (line[pos:], "#000000"),
        else :
                    (line, "#000000"),
    return data

def load_font (font_name, font_size) :
        Load a font by name
    # load font
    font_path = FONTS[font_name]
    font = ImageFont.truetype(font_path, font_size)
    return font

def render_img (data, font, background_color="#ffffff", line_spacing=0, img_size=None) :
        Render the data (as from build_data) as an image, using the given PIL.ImageFont, and return the PIL Image object

    img_width = img_height = 0

    img_data = []
    # compute image/segment width/height
    for segments in data :
        line_width = line_height = 0
        # build a new list of segments with additional info
        line_segments = []
        for seg_text, seg_color in segments :
            # compute rendered text size
            seg_width, seg_height = font.getsize(seg_text)
            # update line_*
            line_width += seg_width
            line_height = max(line_height, seg_height)
            # build the new segments list
            line_segments.append((seg_text, seg_color, seg_width))
        # update img_*
        img_width = max(img_width, line_width)
        img_height += line_height
        img_data.append((line_segments, line_height))
    if img_size :
        # override size
        img_width, img_height = img_size

    else :
        # calculate height needed for line spacing
        img_height += (len(img_data) - 1) * line_spacing

    # create image
    img ="RGB", (img_width, img_height), background_color)
    draw = ImageDraw.Draw(img)

    # draw text
    img_y = 0
    for segments, line_height in img_data :
        img_x = 0
        # draw each segment build above, incremeing along img_x
        for seg_text, seg_color, seg_width in segments :
            draw.text((img_x, img_y), seg_text, font=font, fill=seg_color)

            img_x += seg_width
        img_y += line_height + line_spacing
    return img

def effect_sharpness (img, factor) :
        Sharpen the image by the given factor

    return ImageEnhance.Sharpness(img).enhance(factor)

def build_img (img, format='png') :
        Write the given PIL.Image as a string, returning the raw binary data

        Format should be one of the PIL-supported image foarts

    # render PNG output
    buf = StringIO(), format)
    data = buf.getvalue()

    return data

def arg_bool (val) :
    if val.lower() in ('true', 't', '1', 'yes', 'y') :
        return True
    elif val.lower() in ('false', 'f', '0', 'no', 'n') :
        return False
    else :
        raise ValueError(val)

def arg_color (val) :
    if val.beginswith('#') :
        int(val[1:], 16)

        return val
    else :
        raise ValueError(val)

class Option (object) :
    def __init__ (self, name, is_list, type, default, range) : = name
        self.is_list = is_list
        self.type = type
        self.default = default
        self.range = range

    def parse (self, args) :
        if self.is_list :
            if in args :
                return args.getlist(, self.type)
            else :
                return self.default
        else :
            if self.type == arg_bool and not self.default and in args :
                return True

            else :
                return args.get(, self.default, self.type)

class Options (object) :
    def __init__ (self, *options) :
        self.options = options

    def parse (self, args) :
        return dict((, opt.parse(args)) for opt in self.options)

OPTIONS = Options(
    Option('lang',          False,  str,        Defaults.text_lang,     TEXT_BY_LANG.keys()),
    Option('text',          True,   unicode,    None,                   None),
    Option('random-text',   False,  arg_bool,   False,                  None),
    Option('random-text-char', False, arg_bool, False,                  None),
    Option('chars',         True,   unicode,    Defaults.chars,         None),
    Option('random-chars',  False,  arg_bool,   True,                   None),
    Option('colors',        True,   arg_color,  Defaults.colors,        None),
    Option('font',          False,  str,        Defaults.font_name,     FONTS.keys()),
    Option('font-size',     False,  int,        Defaults.font_size,     None),
    Option('bg-color',      False,  arg_color,  Defaults.bg_color,      None),
    Option('line-spacing',  False,  int,        Defaults.line_spacing,  None),
    Option('sharpness',     False,  float,      Defaults.sharpness,     None),
    Option('image-format',  False,  str,        Defaults.img_format,    IMAGE_FORMATS.keys()),
    Option('seed',          False,  int,        None,                   None),
    Option('img_width',     False,  int,        None,                   None),
    Option('img_height',    False,  int,        None,                   None),

def handle_generic (req, img_size=None) :
    # parse options
    opts = OPTIONS.parse(req.args)

    # postprocess
    if opts['text'] is None :
        opts['text'] = TEXT_BY_LANG[opts['lang']]

    if opts['font-size'] > FONT_SIZE_MAX :
        raise ValueError(opts['font-size'])
    if opts['seed'] is None :
        opts['seed'] = time.time()

    if opts['img_width'] and opts['img_height'] :
        img_size = (opts['img_width'], opts['img_height'])

        if opts['img_width'] > IMG_SIZE_MAX or opts['img_height'] > IMG_SIZE_MAX :
            raise ValueError(img_size)
    # load/prep resources
    data = build_data(opts['text'], opts['chars'], opts['colors'], opts['random-chars'], opts['random-text'], opts['random-text-char'])
    font = load_font(opts['font'], opts['font-size'])
    # render the image
    img = render_img(data, font, opts['bg-color'], opts['line-spacing'], img_size)

    img = effect_sharpness(img, opts['sharpness'])

    png_data = build_img(img, opts['image-format'])
    # build the response
    response = werkzeug.Response(png_data, mimetype='image/%s' % opts['image-format'])

    return response

def handle_help (req) :
    return werkzeug.Response('\n'.join(
        "%-15s %4s  %-10s %-20s %s" % data for data in [
            ("name", "", "type", "default", "range"),
            ("", "", "", "", ""),
        ] + [(
            'list' if opt.is_list else 'item', 
            opt.range if opt.range else ""
        ) for opt in OPTIONS.options]
    ), mimetype='text/plain')

def handle_logo (req) :
    if 'help' in req.args :
        return handle_help(req)
    return handle_generic(req)

def handle_tile (req) :
    return handle_generic(req, img_size=TILE_SIZE)

def handle_request (req) :
    if req.path == '/' or req.path.startswith('/logo.') :
        return handle_logo(req)
    elif req.path == '/tile' :
        return handle_tile(req)

    else :
        raise ValueError(req)

def wsgi_application (request) :
        Our werkzeug WSGI handler

    try :
        # request -> response
        response = handle_request(request)

        return response

    except HTTPException, e :
        # return as HTTP response
        return e

def build_app () :
        Build and return a WSGI application

    app = wsgi_application
    # add other middleware
    app = werkzeug.SharedDataMiddleware(app, {
        '/static': STATIC_PATH,

    if DEBUG :
        # enable debugging
        app = werkzeug.DebuggedApplication(app, evalex=False)
    return app

def main_cgi (app) :
    import wsgiref.handlers

    handler = wsgiref.handlers.CGIHandler()

def main_fastcgi (app) :
    import flup.server.fcgi

    server = flup.server.fcgi.WSGIServer(app,
        multithreaded   = False,
        multiprocess    = False,
        multiplexed     = False,

        bindAddress     = None,

        umask           = None,
        debug           = True,

def main () :
    from sys import argv

    # get our file extension
    root, ext = os.path.splitext(argv[0])

    # get our handler
    handler = {
        '.cgi':     main_cgi,
        '.fcgi':    main_fastcgi,

    # get our app
    app = build_app()

    # run

if __name__ == '__main__' :