changeset 36 64a0168a6f50
parent 35 73aef1124b67
child 38 2e9fdb080ad6
--- a/javascript/taggr.js	Wed Jun 03 18:36:17 2009 +0300
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,470 +0,0 @@
- * dir-list manipulation
- */
-function toggle_dir (header_a_tag) {
-    var div =;
-    if (div._have_contents) {
-        if (div.visible()) {
-            Effect.BlindUp(div, {duration: 0.5});
-            func = hide_tag_image;
-        } else {
-            Effect.BlindDown(div, {duration: 0.5});
-            func = show_tag_image;
-        }
-        Element.up(header_a_tag)._images.each(function(key){
-            $("img_" + key)._tags.each(function(tag){
-                func(tag, key);
-            });
-        });
-    } else {
-        new Ajax.Updater(div, "", {
-            parameters: {
-                act: "dirlist",
-                path:,
-            },
-            method: 'get',
-            onSuccess: function () {
-                Effect.BlindDown(div, {duration: 0.5});
-                div._have_contents = true;
-            }
-        });
-    }
-var g_last_select;
-function image_click (img, ev) {
-    var updiv = img.up(2);
-    if (img.hasClassName("selection")) {
-        img.removeClassName("selection");
-    } else if (ev.shiftKey && g_last_select && g_last_select.up(2) == updiv) {
-        var from = Math.min(img._offset, g_last_select._offset);
-        var to = Math.max(img._offset, g_last_select._offset);
-        for (var i = from; i <= to; i++) {
-            $("img_" + updiv._images[i]).addClassName("selection");
-        }
-        g_last_select = img;
-    } else {
-        g_last_select = img;
-        img.addClassName("selection");
-    }
-function selection_clear () {
-    $$(".selection").each(function(e){
-        e.removeClassName("selection");
-    });
- * image-loading callback
- */
-function image_info (img, offset, key, tags) {
-    img._key = key;
-    img._tags = $A(tags);
-    img._offset = offset;
-    img._tags.each(function(tag){
-        if (!$('tag_' + tag + '_images'))
-            new_tag(tag);
-        tag_add_image(img, null, tag, false);
-    });
-    var dir = img.up(2);
-    if (!dir._images)
-        dir._images = new Array();
-    dir._images.push(img._key);
- * tag list manipulation code
- */
-function _tag_name (tag_name) {
-    var tag_name_p = Builder.node("p", {id:"tag_" + tag_name + "_name", className: "draggable tag_name"}, [tag_name]);
-    tag_name_p._tag = tag_name;
-    return tag_name_p;
-function new_tag (tag_name) {
-    if ($("tag_" + tag_name)) {
-        $("tag_" + tag_name).show().scrollTo();
-    }
-    var tag_images = Builder.node("td", {className:"tag_images", id:"tag_" + tag_name + "_images"});
-    tag_images._tag = tag_name;
-    tag_images._visibleCount = 0;
-    tag_images._images = new Array();
-    var tag_row = Builder.node("tr", {className:"tag_row", id:"tag_" + tag_name}, [
-        Builder.node("td", {className:"tag", id:"tag_" + tag_name + "_tags"}, [
-            _tag_name(tag_name)
-        ]),
-        tag_images
-    ]);
-    tag_row._tag = tag_name;
-    tag_row._tags = new Array(tag_name);
-    $("tag_table").appendChild(tag_row);
-    return true;
-function tag_add_tag (new_tag, tag) {
-    var tag_row = $("tag_" + tag);
-    if (tag_row._tags.indexOf(new_tag) != -1)
-        return false;
-    tag_row._tags.push(new_tag);
-    $("tag_" + tag + "_tags").appendChild(_tag_name(new_tag));
-    new Ajax.Request("", {
-        parameters: {
-            act: 'tag',
-            tag: new_tag,
-            img: $("tag_" + tag + "_images")._images,
-        },
-        method: 'get'
-    });
-function tag_remove_tag (tag_name) {
-    var tag_row = $("tag_" + tag_name + "_name").up(1);
-    array_remove(tag_row._tags, tag_name);
-    $("tag_" + tag_row._tag + "_tags").removeChild($("tag_" + tag_name + "_name"));
-    if (tag_row._tags.length == 0)
-        $("tag_table").removeChild(tag_row);
-function get_tag (tag_name, postfix) {
-    return $("tag_" + $("tag_" + tag_name).up(1)._tag + "_" + postfix);
-function tag_add_image (orig_img, copy_img, tag, saveToDB) {
-    var tag_images = $('tag_' + tag + '_images');
-    if (tag_images._images.indexOf(orig_img._key) != -1)
-        return false;
-    if (!copy_img)
-        copy_img = image_copy(orig_img);
-    tag_images._images.push(orig_img._key)
-    orig_img._tags.push(tag);
- = "tag_" + tag + "_img_" + orig_img._key
-    copy_img._tag = tag;
-    tag_images.appendChild(copy_img);
-    tag_images._visibleCount++;
-    if (saveToDB) {
-        new Ajax.Request("", {
-            parameters: {
-                act: 'tag',
-                img: orig_img._key,
-                tag: $("tag_" + tag)._tags,
-            },
-            method: 'get'
-        });
-    }
-function tag_add_images (images, tag_name) {
-    var tag_images = $('tag_' + tag_name + '_images');
-    var copy_img, img_keys = new Array();
-    images.each(function(orig_img){
-        tag_add_image(orig_img, null, tag_name, false);
-        img_keys.push(orig_img._key);
-    });
-    new Ajax.Request("", {
-        parameters: {
-            act: 'tag',
-            img: img_keys,
-            tag: $("tag_" + tag_name)._tags,
-        },
-        method: 'get'
-    });
-function tag_remove_image (img_key, tag_name) {
-    var tag_images = $("tag_" + tag_name + "_images");
-    tag_images.removeChild($("tag_" + tag_name + "_img_" + img_key));
-    array_remove(tag_images._images, img_key);
-    if (tag_images._images.length == 0)
-        $("tag_" + tag_name).hide();
-    new Ajax.Request("", {
-        parameters: {
-            act: 'untag',
-            img: img_key,
-            tag: $("tag_" + tag_name)._tags,
-        },
-        method: 'get',
-    });
-function hide_tag_image (tag, img) {
-    $("tag_" + tag + "_img_" + img).hide();
-    if (--$("tag_" + tag + "_images")._visibleCount == 0)
-        $("tag_" + tag).hide();
-function show_tag_image (tag, img) {
-    $("tag_" + tag + "_img_" + img).show();
-    if ($("tag_" + tag + "_images")._visibleCount++ == 0)
-         $("tag_" + tag).show();
- * Frontend image drag code
- */
-var g_ghost;
-function drag_start (e) {
-    if (e.hasClassName("image") || e.hasClassName("tag_image"))
-        g_ghost = image_copy(e);
-    else {
-        var name;
-        if (e.hasClassName("tag_name"))
-            name = e._tag;
-        else
-            name = $F($('new_tag'));
-        g_ghost = Builder.node("span", {className: 'dragged'}, [name]);
-    }
-    $('taggr').appendChild(g_ghost);
- = "absolute";
-function drag_move (e, ev) {
- = ev.pointerX() - g_offset.left + "px";
- = ev.pointerY() - + "px";
-function drag_end_drop (e, s, ev) {
- = "static";
-    $('taggr').removeChild(g_ghost);
-    if (e.hasClassName("image") || e.hasClassName("tag_image")) {
-        var selection = $$(".selection");
-        if (selection.length)
-            tag_add_images($$(".selection"), s._tag);
-        else
-            tag_add_image(e, g_ghost, s._tag, true);
-        if (!tag_add_image(e, g_ghost, s._tag, true))
-            // it was already in there
-            Effect.Shake("tagimg_" + s._tag + "_" + g_ghost._key);
-    } else if (e.hasClassName("tag_name")) {
-        null;   // breakpoint
-    } else {
-        tag_add_tag($F($('new_tag')), s._tag);
-    }
-function drag_end_fail (e, ev) {
-    if (e.hasClassName("tag_image")) {
-        tag_remove_image(e._key, e._tag);
-        $('taggr').removeChild(g_ghost);
-    } else if (e.hasClassName("tag_name")) {
-        tag_remove_tag(e._tag);
-    } else {
-        $('taggr').removeChild(g_ghost);
-    }
-function drag_cleanup (e, ev) {
-    g_ghost = null;
-function drag_hover (e, s, ev) {
-    s.addClassName("hover");
-function drag_unhover (e, s, ev) {
-    s.removeClassName("hover");
- * Backend image click/drag code
- */
-var g_drag, g_hover, g_start, g_offset, g_targets;
-function check_mouse_down (ev) {
-    var e = ev.element();
-    if (!ev.isLeftClick())
-        return true;
-    if (e.hasClassName("image") || e.hasClassName("draggable") || e.hasClassName("tag_image")) {
-        g_drag = e;
-        g_start = false;
-        var offset = e.cumulativeOffset();
-        g_offset = {
-            'left': ev.pointerX() - offset.left,
-            'top': ev.pointerY() -
-        };
-        g_hover = null;
-        g_targets = $$(".tag_row");
-    } else if (e.hasClassName("directory_link")) {
-        toggle_dir(e);
-    } else {
-        return true;
-    }
-    ev.stop();
-    return false;
-function check_mouse_up (ev) {
-    if (g_drag) {
-        if (g_start) {
-            if (g_hover) {
-                drag_unhover(g_drag, g_hover, ev);
-                drag_end_drop(g_drag, g_hover, ev);
-            } else
-                drag_end_fail(g_drag, ev);
-            drag_cleanup(g_drag);
-        } else if (g_drag.hasClassName("image") || g_drag.hasClassName("tag_image")) {
-            // in case image_click blocks and we get a mouse_move during it
-            var tmp = g_drag;
-            g_drag = null;
-            image_click(tmp, ev);
-        }
-        g_start = null;
-        g_drag = null;
-        g_hover = null;
-        ev.stop();
-        return false;
-    }   
-function check_mouse_move (ev) {
-    if (g_drag) {
-        if (!g_start) {
-            drag_start(g_drag);
-            g_start = true;
-        }
-        drag_move(g_drag, ev);
-        Position.prepare();
-        var px = ev.pointerX();
-        var py = ev.pointerY();
-        if (g_hover) {
-            if (!Position.withinIncludingScrolloffsets(g_hover, px, py)) {
-                drag_unhover(g_drag, g_hover, ev);
-                g_hover = null;
-            }
-        } else {
-            for (var i=0;i<g_targets.length;i++)
-                if (Position.withinIncludingScrolloffsets(g_targets[i], px, py)) {
-                    drag_hover(g_drag, g_targets[i], ev);
-                    g_hover = g_targets[i];
-                    break;
-                }
-        }
-        ev.stop();
-        return false;
-    }
-function check_drag_hover (ev) {
-    if (g_start) {
-        var e = ev.element();
-        if (e.hasClassName("tag_row")) {
-            drag_hover(g_drag, e, ev);
-            g_hover = e;
-        }
-    }
-function check_drag_nohover (ev) {
-    if (g_start) {
-        var e = ev.element();
-        if (g_hover && e == g_hover) {
-            drag_unhover(g_drag, g_hover, ev);
-            g_hover = null;
-        }
-    }
- * utility code
- */
-function image_copy (img) {
-    copy = Builder.node("img", {
-        src: img.src,
-        className: "tag_image",
-    });
-    copy._key = img._key;
-    copy._tags = img._tags;
-    return copy;
-function array_remove (a, i) {
-    a.splice(a.indexOf(i), 1);
- * events
- */
-Event.observe(document, "mousedown", check_mouse_down);
-Event.observe(document, "mouseup", check_mouse_up);
-Event.observe(document, "mousemove", check_mouse_move);
-Event.observe(document, "mouseover", check_drag_hover);
-Event.observe(document, "mouseout", check_drag_nohover);
-Event.observe(document, "dragenter", check_drag_hover);     // worth a try...
-Event.observe(document, "dragexit", check_drag_nohover);