author Tero Marttila <>
Fri, 05 Jun 2009 17:25:58 +0300
changeset 53 14d73f544764
parent 41 3b1579a7bffb
permissions -rw-r--r--
expressive HTML-rendering module with doctests
# Functions taken from Version 0.2.5 (2005/12/06),
# Copyright Michael Foord 2004
# Released subject to the BSD License
# Please see

# formatbytes takes a filesize (as returned by os.getsize() )
# and formats it for display in one of two ways !!

# For information about bugfixes, updates and support, please join the Pythonutils mailing list.
# Comments, suggestions and bug reports welcome.
# Scripts maintained at
# E-mail

def formatbytes(sizeint, configdict=None, **configs):
    Given a file size as an integer, return a nicely formatted string that
    represents the size. Has various options to control it's output.
    You can pass in a dictionary of arguments or keyword arguments. Keyword
    arguments override the dictionary and there are sensible defaults for options
    you don't set.
    Options and defaults are as follows :
    *    ``forcekb = False`` -         If set this forces the output to be in terms
    of kilobytes and bytes only.
    *    ``largestonly = True`` -    If set, instead of outputting 
        ``1 Mbytes, 307 Kbytes, 478 bytes`` it outputs using only the largest 
        denominator - e.g. ``1.3 Mbytes`` or ``17.2 Kbytes``
    *    ``kiloname = 'Kbytes'`` -    The string to use for kilobytes
    *    ``meganame = 'Mbytes'`` - The string to use for Megabytes
    *    ``bytename = 'bytes'`` -     The string to use for bytes
    *    ``nospace = True`` -        If set it outputs ``1Mbytes, 307Kbytes``, 
        notice there is no space.
    Example outputs : ::
        19Mbytes, 75Kbytes, 255bytes
        2Kbytes, 0bytes
    .. note::
        It currently uses the plural form even for singular.
    defaultconfigs = {  'forcekb' : False,
                        'largestonly' : True,
                        'kiloname' : 'Kbytes',
                        'meganame' : 'Mbytes',
                        'bytename' : 'bytes',
                        'nospace' : True}
    if configdict is None:
        configdict = {}
    for entry in configs:
        # keyword parameters override the dictionary passed in
        configdict[entry] = configs[entry]
    for keyword in defaultconfigs:
        if not configdict.has_key(keyword):
            configdict[keyword] = defaultconfigs[keyword]
    if configdict['nospace']:
        space = ''
        space = ' '
    mb, kb, rb = bytedivider(sizeint)
    if configdict['largestonly']:
        if mb and not configdict['forcekb']:
            return stringround(mb, kb)+ space + configdict['meganame']
        elif kb or configdict['forcekb']:
            if mb and configdict['forcekb']:
                kb += 1024*mb
            return stringround(kb, rb) + space+ configdict['kiloname']
            return str(rb) + space + configdict['bytename']
        outstr = ''
        if mb and not configdict['forcekb']:
            outstr = str(mb) + space + configdict['meganame'] +', '
        if kb or configdict['forcekb'] or mb:
            if configdict['forcekb']:
                kb += 1024*mb 
            outstr += str(kb) + space + configdict['kiloname'] +', '
        return outstr + str(rb) + space + configdict['bytename']

def stringround(main, rest):
    Given a file size in either (mb, kb) or (kb, bytes) - round it
    # divide an int by a float... get a float
    value = main + rest/1024.0
    return str(round(value, 1))

def bytedivider(nbytes):
    Given an integer (probably a long integer returned by os.getsize() )
    it returns a tuple of (megabytes, kilobytes, bytes).
    This can be more easily converted into a formatted string to display the
    size of the file.
    mb, remainder = divmod(nbytes, 1048576)
    kb, rb = divmod(remainder, 1024)
    return (mb, kb, rb)