author Tero Marttila <>
Fri, 26 Jun 2009 22:10:49 +0300
changeset 136 29e41a6415d7
parent 118 60b126ff0b74
child 139 d3167c40e7b9
permissions -rw-r--r--
no need to use 'id_' in html attributes instead of just 'id'
    Filesystem path handling

import os, os.path, errno, stat
import codecs, shutil
import itertools

from utils import lazy_load

class NodeError (Exception) :
        General exception class for errors associated with some specific node

    def __init__ (self, node, message) :
        super(NodeError, self).__init__(message)
        self.node = node

    def __str__ (self) :
        return "%s: %s" % (self.node, self.message)
    def __unicode__ (self) :
        return u"%s: %s" % (self.node, self.message)

    def __repr__ (self) :
        return "NodeError(%r, %r)" % (self.node, self.message)

class NodeErrno (NodeError) :
        OSError/errno errors for nodes

    def __init__ (self, node, errno) :
            Converts the given errno into an error message and uses that as the exception message

        super(NodeErrno, self).__init__(node, os.strerror(errno))

class Node (object) :
        A filesystem object is basically just complicated representation of a path.
        On the plus side, it has a parent node and can handle unicode/binary paths.

    # the binary name
    fsname = None

    # the unicode name
    name = None
    def decode_fsname (self, fsname) :
            Decode the given raw byte string representing a filesystem name into an user-readable unicode name.

            XXX: currently just hardcoded as utf-8

            >>> Node(None, 'foo').decode_fsname('\xa5\xa6')

        return fsname.decode('utf-8', 'replace')
    def encode_name (self, name) :
            Returns a suitable fsname for the given unicode name or strict ASCII str

            XXX: currently just hardcoded as utf-8

            >>> Node(None, 'foo').encode_name(u'ab')
        # this should fail for non-ASCII str
        return name.encode('utf-8')

    def __init__ (self, parent, fsname=None, name=None, config=None) :
            Initialize the node with a parent and both name/fsname.

            If not given, fsname is encoded from name, or name decoded from fsname, using encode/decode_name.

            If parent is given, but both fsname and name are None, then this node will be cloned from the parent.

            >>> Node(Root('/'), 'foo')
            Node('/', 'foo')
            >>> Node(Node(Root('/'), 'bar'))
            Node('/', 'bar')
            >>> Node(None, fsname='foo\xa5').name
            >>> Node(None, name=u'foo').fsname
        # fsname must not be an unicode string
        assert not fsname or isinstance(fsname, str)

        if parent and not fsname and not name :
            # no name given -> we're the same as parent
            self.parent, self.config, self.fsname, = parent.parent, parent.config, parent.fsname,

        else :
            # store
            self.parent = parent
            # config, either as given, or copy from parent
            if config :
                self.config = config
            elif parent :
                self.config = parent.config

            else :
                # XXX: no config
                self.config = None
            # fsname
            if fsname :
                self.fsname = fsname

            else :
                self.fsname = self.encode_name(name)
            # name
            if name :
       = unicode(name)

            else :
       = self.decode_fsname(fsname)
    def subnode (self, name) :
            Returns a Node object representing the given name behind this node.

            The name should either be a plain ASCII string or unicode object.

            >>> Node(Root('/'), 'foo').subnode('bar')
            Node('/foo', 'bar')
        return Node(self, name=name)
    def nodepath (self) :
            Returns the path of nodes from this node to the root node, inclusive

            >>> list(Node(Root('/'), 'foo').subnode('bar').nodepath())
            [Root('/'), Node('/', 'foo'), Node('/foo', 'bar')]

            XXX: circular reference hell?
        # recursive generator
        for node in self.parent.nodepath() :
            yield node

        yield self

    def path (self) :
            Return the machine-readable root-path for this node

            >>> Node(Root('/'), 'foo').subnode('bar').path
            >>> Node(Root('/'), name=u'foo').path
            >>> Node(Root('/'), fsname='\\x01\\x02').path
        # build using parent path and our fsname
        # XXX: rewrite using nodepath?
        return os.path.join(self.parent.path, self.fsname)
    def unicodepath (self) :
            Return the human-readable root-path for this node
            >>> Node(Root('/'), 'foo').subnode('bar').unicodepath
            >>> Node(Root('/'), name=u'foo').unicodepath
            >>> Node(Root('/'), fsname='\\x01\\x02').unicodepath
        # build using parent unicodepath and our name
        # XXX: rewrte using nodepath?
        return os.path.join(self.parent.path,
    def path_segments (self, unicode=True) :
            Return a series of single-level names describing the path from the root to this node.

            If `unicode` is given, then the returned items will be the unicode names, otherwise, the binary names.
            >>> list(Node(Root('/'), 'foo').subnode('bar').path_segments())
            [u'/', u'foo', u'bar']
            >>> list(Node(Root('/'), 'foo').subnode('bar').path_segments(unicode=False))
            ['/', 'foo', 'bar']

        # iter
        for segment in self.parent.path_segments(unicode=unicode) :
            yield segment

        yield if unicode else self.fsname
    def _stat (self) :
            Cached low-level stat.

            Returns None on ENOENT (node doesn't exist).
        try :
            # syscall
            return os.stat(self.path)

        except OSError, e :
            # trap ENOENT for soft
            if e.errno == errno.ENOENT :
                return None

            else :

    def stat (self, soft=False) :
            Returns the os.stat struct for this node.
            If `soft` is given, returns None if this node doesn't exist.

            These stats are not cached.

            >>> Root('/').stat() is not None
            >>> Root('/nonexistant').stat(soft=True) is None
        if self._stat :
            # got it
            return self._stat

        elif soft :
            # doesn't exist
            return None

        else :
            # not found
            raise NodeErrno(self, errno.ENOENT)

    def exists (self) :
            Tests if this node exists on the physical filesystem

            >>> Node(Root('.'), '.').exists()
            >>> Node(Root('/'), 'nonexistant').exists()

        return self._stat is not None

    def is_dir (self) :
            Tests if this node represents a directory on the physical filesystem.

            Returns False for non-existant files.

            >>> Node(Root('/'), '.').is_dir()
            >>> Root('/').subnode('dev').subnode('null').is_dir()
        return stat.S_ISDIR(self._stat.st_mode) if self._stat else False

    def is_file (self) :
            Tests if this node represents a normal file on the physical filesystem

            Returns False for non-existant files.

            >>> Node(Root('/'), '.').is_file()
            >>> Root('/').subnode('dev').subnode('null').is_file()

        return stat.S_ISREG(self._stat.st_mode) if self._stat else False

    def test (self) :
            Tests that this node exists. Raises an error it not, otherwise, returns the node itself

        if not self.exists() :
            raise NodeErrno(self, errno.ENOENT)

        return self
    def path_to (self, node) :
            Returns a relative path from this node to the given node

            XXX: doctests

        # get real paths for both
        from_path = list(self.nodepath())
        to_path = list(node.nodepath())
        pivot = None

        # reduce common prefix
        while from_path and to_path and from_path[0] == to_path[0] :
            pivot = to_path.pop(0)

        # full path
        path = itertools.chain(reversed(from_path), [pivot] if pivot else (), to_path)

        # build path
        return Path(*path)

    def path_from (self, node) :
            Returns a relative path to this node from the given node.

            This is the same as path_to, but just reversed.
        return node.path_to(self)
    def __str__ (self) :
        return self.path

    def __unicode__ (self) :
        return self.unicodepath
    def __repr__ (self) :
        return "Node(%r, %r)" % (self.parent.path, self.fsname)
    def __eq__ (self, other) :
            A Node is equal if compared to another node that shares the same name, and the parents are also equal.

        return isinstance(other, Node) and == and self.parent == other.parent

    def __cmp__ (self, other) :
            Compare two Nodes or with None. This does not support comparisons with other kinds of objects.
            >>> cmp(Node(None, 'foo'), Node(None, 'foo'))
            >>> cmp(Node(None, 'aaa'), Node(None, 'bbb'))
            >>> cmp(Node(None, 'bbb'), Node(None, 'aaa'))

            >>> cmp(Node(Node(None, 'a'), 'aa'), Node(Node(None, 'a'), 'aa'))
            >>> cmp(Node(Node(None, 'a'), 'aa'), Node(Node(None, 'a'), 'ab'))
            >>> cmp(Node(Node(None, 'a'), 'ab'), Node(Node(None, 'a'), 'aa'))

            >>> cmp(Node(Node(None, 'a'), 'zz'), Node(Node(None, 'b'), 'aa'))
            >>> cmp(Node(Node(None, 'a'), 'aa'), Node(Node(None, 'b'), 'zz'))
            >>> cmp(Node(Node(None, 'z'), 'aa'), Node(Node(None, 'a'), 'zz'))

        if other is None :
            # arbitrary...
            return 1
        else :
            return cmp((self.parent,, (other.parent if self.parent else None,

class Path (object) :
        A Path is a sequence of Nodes that form a path through a Node tree rooted at some Root.

        Each node must either be the parent or the child of the following node.

        The first and last nodes may be Files, but all other objects must be Directories.

        XXX: better to keep Paths symbolic/relative?

    def __init__ (self, *nodes) :
            Initialize with the given node path.

            The node path must not be empty.

        self.nodes = nodes
    def subpath (self, *nodes) :
            Returns a new path with the given node(s) appended

        return Path(*itertools.chain(self.nodes, nodes))
    def path_segments (self, unicode=True) :
            Yields a series of physical path segments for this path.

            File -> Directory : 
                file.parent == dir      -> nothing

            Directory -> Directory :
                dir_1.parent == dir_2   -> '..'
                dir_1 == dir_2.parent   ->

            Directory -> File :
                file.parent == dir      ->

            >>> root = Root('root'); Path(root, root.subfile('foo'))
            >>> root = Root('root'); Path(root, root.subdir('foo'), root.subdir('foo').subfile('bar'))
            Path('foo', 'bar')
            >>> root = Root('root'); Path(root.subfile('foo'), root)
            >>> root = Root('root'); Path(root.subfile('foo'), root, root.subfile('bar'))
            >>> root = Root('root'); Path(root.subfile('foo'))

        # XXX: this logic should be implemented as methods in Node
        prev = prev_last = None
        # output directory components
        for node in self.nodes :
            if not prev :
                # ignore the first item for now

            elif isinstance(prev, File) :
                # going from a file to its dir doesn't require anything
                assert isinstance(node, Directory) and prev.parent == node
            elif isinstance(node, File) :
                # final target, must come from a directory
                assert node is self.nodes[-1] and (not prev or (isinstance(prev, Directory) and node.parent == prev))

            elif prev.parent == node :
                # going from a dir into the dir above it
                yield '..'

            elif node.parent == prev :
                # going from a dir into a dir underneath it
                yield if unicode else node.fsname
            else :
                raise Exception("invalid path: %r" % (self.nodes, ))

            # chained together
            prev_last = prev
            prev = node
        # output final file/lone dir component
        if isinstance(node, File) :
            # the last/only node is the final file target and must *always* be output
            yield if unicode else node.fsname

        elif isinstance(node, Directory) and (prev_last is None or isinstance(prev_last, File)) :
            assert prev_last.parent == node

            # going from a file into it's own directory is a direct reference
            yield '.'
    def __iter__ (self) :
            Iterate over the nodes

        return iter(self.nodes)
    def __unicode__ (self) :
            Returns the unicode human-readable path

        return os.path.join(*self.path_segments(unicode=True))
    def __str__ (self) :
            Returns the binary machine-readable path

        return os.path.join(*self.path_segments(unicode=False))
    def __repr__ (self) :
        return "Path(%s)" % ', '.join(repr(segment) for segment in self.path_segments(unicode=False))

class File (Node) :
        A file. Simple, eh?

    def basename (self) :
            Returns the "base" part of this file's name, i.e. the filename without the extension

        basename, _ = os.path.splitext(

        return basename
    def fileext (self) :
            Returns the file extension part of the file's name, without any leading dot

        _, fileext = os.path.splitext(

        # strip leading .
        return fileext[1:]

    def matchext (self, ext_list) :
            Tests if this file's extension is part of the recognized list of extensions
        return (self.fileext.lower() in ext_list)
    def test (self) :
            Tests that this file exists as a file. Raises an error it not, otherwise, returns itself

        if not self.is_file() :
            raise Exception("File does not exist: %s" % self)

        return self

    def open (self, mode='r', encoding=None, errors=None, bufsize=None) :
            Wrapper for open/

        if encoding :
            return, mode, encoding, errors, bufsize)

        else :
            return open(self.path, mode, *(arg for arg in (bufsize, ) if arg is not None))
    def open_read (self, *args, **kwargs) :
        """ Open for read using open('r') """

        return'r', *args, **kwargs)

    def open_write (self, *args, **kwargs) :
        """ Open for write using open('w') """

        return'w', *args, **kwargs)

    def copy_from (self, file) :
            Replace this file with a copy of the given file with default permissions.

            XXX: accept mode

        # perform the copy
        shutil.copyfile(file.path, self.path)

    def newer_than (self, file) :
            Returns True if both files exist, and this file is newer than the given file.

        if self._stat and file._stat :
            return self._stat.st_mtime > file._stat.st_mtime

        else :
            return None
    def older_than (self, file) :
            Returns True if both files exist, and this file is older than the given file.
        # mirror
        return file.newer_than(self)

class Directory (Node) :
        A directory is a node that contains other nodes.

    # a list of (test_func, node_type) tuples for use by children() to build subnodes with
    NODE_TYPES = None
    def subdir (self, name, create=False) :
            Returns a Directory object representing the name underneath this dir.

            If the create option is given, the directory will be created if it does not exist.

        subdir = Directory(self, name=name)

        if create and not subdir.is_dir() :
            # create it!

        return subdir
    def subfile (self, name) :
            Returns a File object representing the name underneath this dir

        return File(self, name=name)

    def test (self) :
            Tests that this dir exists as a dir. Raises an error it not, otherwise, returns itself

        if not self.is_dir() :
            raise Exception("Directory does not exist: %s" % self)

        return self

    def mkdir (self) :
            Create this directory with default permissions.

            XXX: mode argument
        # do it

    def listdir (self, skip_dotfiles=True) :
            Yield a series of raw fsnames for nodes in this dir
        # expressed 
        return (fsname for fsname in os.listdir(self.path) if not (skip_dotfiles and fsname.startswith('.')))

    def subnodes (self, skip_dotfiles=True, sort=True) :
            Yield a series of Nodes contained in this dir.

            If skip_dotfiles is given, nodes that begin with a . are omitted.

            If `sort` is given, the returned nodes will be in sorted order.

        iter = (Node(self, fsname) for fsname in self.listdir(skip_dotfiles))

        if sort :
            return sorted(iter)

        else :
            return iter

    __iter__ = subnodes

    def root_path (self) :
            Build and return a relative path to the root of this dir tree

            XXX: move to node
        # build using parent root_path
        return os.path.join('..', self.parent.root_path)
class Root (Directory) :
        A special Directory that overrides the Node methods to anchor the recursion/etc at some 'real' filesystem path.

    # XXX: config needs a default
    def __init__ (self, fspath, config=None) :
            Construct the directory tree root at the given 'real' path, which must be a raw str

        # abuse Node's concept of a "name" a bit
        super(Root, self).__init__(None, fspath, config=config)

    def nodepath (self) :
            Just return ourself
        return [self]

    def path (self) :
            Returns the raw path

        return self.fsname

    def unicodepath (self) :
            Returns the raw decoded path


    def root_path (self) :
            Returns an empty string representing this dir

        return ''

    def path_segments (self, unicode=True) :
            No path segments other than our own
        yield if unicode else self.fsname

    def __repr__ (self) :
            Override Node.__repr__ to not use self.parent.path

        return "Root(%r)" % self.fsname

# testing
if __name__ == '__main__' :
    import doctest
