author Tero Marttila <>
Sun, 14 Jun 2009 16:09:04 +0300
changeset 107 2e2ef5c99985
parent 80 f4b637ae775c
child 144 97505a789003
permissions -rw-r--r--
change to take multiple paths
    Generating XHTML output

    XXX: use a 'real' XML builder?

from cgi import escape
import itertools as _itertools, types as _types

class IRenderable (object) :
        Something that's renderable as the contents of a HTML tag

    def render_raw_lines (self, indent=u'\t') :
            Render the indented lines for tag and contents, without newlines


    def render_lines (self, indent=u'\t', newline=u'\n') :
            Render full output lines with given newlines

            >>> list(Tag('xx', 'yy').render_lines())
            [u'<xx>\\n', u'\\tyy\\n', u'</xx>\\n']

        for line in self.render_raw_lines(indent=indent) :
            yield line + newline

    def render_unicode (self, **render_opts) :
            Render full tag as a single unicode string

            >>> Tag('xx', 'yy').render_unicode()

        return "".join(self.render_lines(**render_opts))

    def render_str (self, encoding='ascii', **render_opts) :
            Render full tag as an encoded string

            >>> Tag('xx', 'yy').render_str()

        return self.render_unicode(**render_opts).encode(encoding)

    def render_out (self, stream, encoding=None, **render_opts) :
            Render output into the given stream, encoding using the given encoding if given.

            >>> from StringIO import StringIO; buf = StringIO(); Tag('xx', 'yy').render_out(buf, 'ascii'); buf.getvalue()

        for line in self.render_lines(**render_opts) :
            if encoding :
                line = line.encode(encoding)

    def render_file (self, file, encoding=None, **render_opts) :
            Render output to given file, overwriteing anything already there

        self.render_out(file.open_write(encoding), **render_opts)

    # default output
    __str__ = render_str
    __unicode__ = render_unicode

    # default .render method
    render = render_unicode

class Container (IRenderable) :
        A container holds a sequence of other renderable items.

    def process_contents (cls, contents) :
            Postprocess contents iterable to return new list.

            Items that are None will be omitted from the return value.

            Certain core sequence types will be recognized and flattened for output: tuples, lists, and generators.

            >>> list(Container.process_contents([]))
            >>> list(Container.process_contents([None]))
            >>> list(Container.process_contents([u'foo']))
        for content in contents :
            if content is None :
            # Hardcoded list of special-case nested contents
            elif isinstance(content, (_types.TupleType, _types.ListType, _types.GeneratorType)) :
                for subcontent in cls.process_contents(content) :
                    yield subcontent

            else :
                # normal, handle as IRenderable/unicode data
                yield content

    def __init__ (self, *contents) :
            Construct this container with the given sub-items
        # store postprocessed
        self.contents = list(self.process_contents(contents))
    def render_raw_lines (self, **render_opts) :
            Render our contents as a series of non-indented lines, with the contents handling indentation themselves.

            >>> list(Container(5).render_raw_lines())
            >>> list(Container('line1', 'line2').render_raw_lines())
            [u'line1', u'line2']
            >>> list(Container('a', Tag('b', 'bb'), 'c').render_raw_lines())
            [u'a', u'<b>', u'\\tbb', u'</b>', u'c']
            >>> list(Container(Tag('hr'), Tag('foo')('bar')).render_raw_lines())
            [u'<hr />', u'<foo>', u'\\tbar', u'</foo>']

        for content in self.contents :
            if isinstance(content, IRenderable) :
                # sub-items
                for line in content.render_raw_lines(**render_opts) :
                    yield line
            else :
                # escape raw values
                yield escape(unicode(content))

    def __repr__ (self) :
        return 'Container(%s)' % ', '.join(repr(c) for c in self.contents)

class Tag (Container) :
        A HTML tag, with attributes and contents, which can a mixture of data and other renderables(tags).

        Provides various kinds of rendering output

    def process_attrs (attrs) :
            Postprocess attributes.

            Key-value pairs where the value is None will be ommitted, and any trailing underscores in the key omitted.

            TODO: only remove one underscore

            >>> dict(Tag.process_attrs(dict()))
            >>> dict(Tag.process_attrs(dict(foo='bar')))
            {'foo': 'bar'}
            >>> dict(Tag.process_attrs(dict(class_='bar', frob=None)))
            {'class': 'bar'}

        return ((k.rstrip('_'), v) for k, v in attrs.iteritems() if v is not None)

    def __init__ (self, name, *contents, **attrs) :
            Construct tag with given name/attributes or contents.

            The filtering rules desribed in process_contents/process_attrs apply.

            >>> Tag('foo')
            >>> Tag('foo', 'quux')
            Tag('foo', 'quux')
            >>> Tag('foo', 'quux', bar=5)
            Tag('foo', 'quux', bar=5)
            >>> Tag('foo', class_='ten')
            Tag('foo', class='ten')
        # store contents as container
        super(Tag, self).__init__(*contents)
        # store postprocessed stuff = name
        self.attrs = dict(self.process_attrs(attrs))

    def __call__ (self, *contents, **attrs) :
            Return a new Tag with this tag's attributes and contents, as well as the given attributes/contents.

            The filtering rules desribed in process_contents/process_attrs apply.

            >>> Tag('foo')('bar')
            Tag('foo', 'bar')
            >>> Tag('a', href='index.html')("Home")
            Tag('a', 'Home', href='index.html')
            >>> Tag('bar', None)(5, foo=None, class_='bar')
            Tag('bar', 5, class='bar')
            >>> Tag('a')('b')('c')(asdf=5)
            Tag('a', 'b', 'c', asdf=5)
            >>> t1 = Tag('a'); t2 = t1('b'); t1

        # merge attrs/contents
        # XXX: new_attrs is not an iterator...
        new_attrs = dict(_itertools.chain(self.attrs.iteritems(), attrs.iteritems()))
        new_contents = _itertools.chain(self.contents, contents)
        # build new tag
        return Tag(, *new_contents, **new_attrs)

    def format_attr (name, value) :
            Format a single HTML tag attribute

            >>> Tag.format_attr('name', 'value')
            >>> Tag.format_attr('this', '<a"b>')
            >>> Tag.format_attr('xx', 1337)

        return u'%s="%s"' % (name, escape(unicode(value), True))
    def render_attrs (self) :
            Return the HTML attributes string

            >>> Tag('x', foo=5, bar='<').render_attrs()
            u'foo="5" bar="&lt;"'

        return " ".join(self.format_attr(n, v) for n, v in self.attrs.iteritems())

    def render_raw_lines (self, indent=u'\t') :
            Render the tag and indented content

            >>> list(Tag('xx', 'yy', zz='foo').render_raw_lines(indent=' '))
            [u'<xx zz="foo">', u' yy', u'</xx>']

        # render attr string, including preceding space
        attrs_stuff = (" " + self.render_attrs()) if self.attrs else ""

        if self.contents :
            # wrapping tags
            yield u"<%s%s>" % (, attrs_stuff)
            # subcontents
            for line in super(Tag, self).render_raw_lines(indent=indent) :
                yield indent + line

            yield u"</%s>" % (, )

        else :
            # singleton tag
            yield u"<%s%s />" % (, attrs_stuff)

    def __repr__ (self) :
        return 'Tag(%s)' % ', '.join(
            ] + [
                repr(c) for c in self.contents
            ] + [
                '%s=%r' % (name, value) for name, value in self.attrs.iteritems()

class Text (IRenderable) :
        Raw HTML text

    def __init__ (self, line) :
            Initialize to render as the given lines

        self.lines = [line]
    def render_raw_lines (self, indent=u'\t') :
        return self.lines

class XHTMLDocument (IRenderable) :
        A full XHTML document with XML header, doctype, head and body.

        XXX: current rendering is a bit of a kludge

        <?xml version="..." encoding="..." ?>
        <!DOCTYPE ...>
        <html xmlns="" xml:lang="en">

    def __init__ (self, 
        head, body,
        xml_version='1.0', xml_encoding='utf-8', 
        doctype='html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.1//EN" ""',
        html_xmlns='', html_lang='en'
    ) :
        # store
        self.xml_version = xml_version
        self.xml_encoding = xml_encoding
        self.doctype = doctype
        # build the document
        self.document = Tag('html', **{'xmlns': html_xmlns, 'xml:lang': html_lang})(
            Tag('head', head),
            Tag('body', body),

    def render_raw_lines (self, **render_opts) :
            Render the two header lines, and then the document

        yield '<?xml version="%s" encoding="%s" ?>' % (self.xml_version, self.xml_encoding)
        yield '<!DOCTYPE %s>' % (self.doctype)

        for line in self.document.render_raw_lines(**render_opts) :
            yield line
    def _check_encoding (self, encoding) :
        if encoding and encoding != self.xml_encoding :
            raise ValueError("encoding mismatch: %r should be %r" % (encoding, self.xml_encoding))

    def render_str (self, encoding=None, **render_opts) :
            Wrap render_str to verify that the right encoding is used

        return super(XHTMLDocument, self).render_str(self.xml_encoding, **render_opts)

    def render_out (self, stream, encoding=None, **render_opts) :
            Wrap render_out to verify that the right encoding is used

        return super(XHTMLDocument, self).render_out(stream, self.xml_encoding, **render_opts)

class TagFactory (object) :
        Build Tags with names give as attribute names

    def __getattr__ (self, name) :
            Get a Tag object with the given name, but no contents

            >>> TagFactory().a(href='bar')('quux')
            Tag('a', 'quux', href='bar')

        return Tag(name)

# pretty names
container = Container
tag = Tag
tags = TagFactory()
raw = Text

# testing
if __name__ == '__main__' :
    import doctest
