author Tero Marttila <>
Mon, 15 Jun 2009 01:42:45 +0300
changeset 127 37d19805b7ca
parent 123 31c4a328ef96
child 131 7021d949222c
permissions -rw-r--r--
fix pagination Next arrow
from degal.command import command
from degal.concurrent import task
from degal import templates

def render_image_html (ctx, image) :
        Render the thumbnails and .html for one image

    ctx.log_debug("%s", image.html)

    # render output
    tpl = templates.master(, image, 
    # write output

def update_image_thumbs (image) :
        Render the thubmnails for the given image, returning the image.

        This /should/ be threadsafe.
    # this will unconditionally update the image

    return image

def render_folder_images (ctx, images, for_update=True) :
        Render the given series of images

    # XXX: handle this thumb-update/html-update stuff better

    # render all HTML
    for image in images :
        render_image_html(ctx, image)

    # render the thumbnails concurrently
    for image in ctx.concurrent.execute(
        task(update_image_thumbs, image) 

            for image in images 

            # only test if not already filtered for update
            # XXX: externalize logic
            if for_update or ctx.config.force_thumb or image.stale()
    ) :
        # log image path
        ctx.log_info("%s", image)

        # release large objects that are not needed anymore

def render_folder_html (ctx, folder) :
        Render the .html output for one folder

    # render each page separately
    for page in xrange(folder.page_count) :
        # output .html page
        html = folder.html_page(page)
        ctx.log_debug("%s", html)
        # render template
        tpl = templates.master(, folder,
            templates.folder_page(folder, page)

        # write output

def render_folder (ctx, folder) :
        Render the HTML/images for this folder if needed, and recrurse into subfolders.
    if ctx.config.force_html or ctx.config.force_thumb :
        # index all
        for_update = False

    else :
        # only new images
        for_update = True
    # full count of images
    image_count = len(folder.images)

    # index selected images
    new_images = list(folder.index_images(for_update=for_update))

    if new_images or ctx.config.force_html :
        # update folder index
        render_folder_html(ctx, folder)
        ctx.log_info("%s - render %d/%d images", folder, len(new_images), image_count)

        # update images
        render_folder_images(ctx, new_images, for_update)
    else :
        ctx.log_info("%s - up to date", folder)

    # index subfolders
    for subfolder in folder.subfolders :
        render_folder(ctx, subfolder)

def main (ctx) :
        Scan the gallery for new folders/images, and render updated ones

    # render the gallery