author Tero Marttila <>
Mon, 15 Jun 2009 01:36:58 +0300
changeset 125 74f135774567
parent 122 292aaba6d6ec
child 130 94888270dae0
permissions -rw-r--r--
fix rotated size of auto-oriented thumbnails, and throw some code at mirroring - untested
    The various Exif backends that we have

from __future__ import with_statement

import utils

MIRROR_NONE         = 0

ROTATE_NONE         = 0
ROTATE_90           = 90
ROTATE_180          = 180
ROTATE_270          = 270

class ExifHandler (object) :
        Our generic interface for Exif data

    def __init__ (self, file) :
            Load Exif data from the given File.

        self.file = file
    def image_tag_value (self, tag, default=None) :
            Load and return the raw binary value for the given main image tag.

        return default

    def image_tag (self, tag, default=None) :
            Load and return the human-readable unicode-safe value for the given main image tag.

        return default

    def image_tags (self, tags) :
            Load and return the given tags for the main image as a sequence of (tag, value) tuples , following the same
            rules as image_tag, except there should mainly be only one call to this function, encompassing all the
            relevant tags.

            The returned list should omit those values which were not found.
        for tag in tags :
            # try and fetch value
            value = self.image_tag(tag)

            # filter out default not-found
            if value is not None :
                yield tag, value

    def get_orientation (self) :
            Get the orientation of the image in terms of mirroring and rotation in integer degrees clockwise.
            Returns a (MIRROR_*, ROTATE_*) tuple, or None if the Orientation tag could not be found.

            Returns None if it could not be found.
        # load value
        orientation = self.image_tag_value('Orientation')

        # map to tuple or None
        # XXX: these are from EXIFpy, verify
        return {
            1:  (MIRROR_NONE,       ROTATE_NONE ),  # Horizontal (normal)
            2:  (MIRROR_HORIZONTAL, ROTATE_NONE ),  # Mirrored horizontal
            3:  (MIRROR_NONE,       ROTATE_180  ),  # Rotated 180
            4:  (MIRROR_VERTICAL,   ROTATE_NONE ),  # Mirrored vertical
            5:  (MIRROR_HORIZONTAL, ROTATE_270  ),  # Mirrored horizontal then rotated 90 CCW
            6:  (MIRROR_NONE,       ROTATE_90   ),  # Rotated 90 CW
            7:  (MIRROR_HORIZONTAL, ROTATE_90   ),  # Mirrored horizontal then rotated 90 CW
            8:  (MIRROR_NONE,       ROTATE_270  ),  # Rotated 90 CCW
        }.get(orientation, None)

try :
    import pyexiv2

except ImportError :
    PyExiv2_Handler = None

else :
    class PyExiv2_Handler (ExifHandler) :
        NAME = 'pyexiv2'

        def __init__ (self, file) :
                Load as pyexiv2.Image
            # create
            self.image = pyexiv2.Image(file.path)

            # load
        def image_tag_value (self, tag, default=None) :
            # try with likely prefixes
            for prefix in ('Exif.Photo', 'Exif.Image') :
                try :
                    return self.image["%s.%s" % (prefix, tag)]
                except (IndexError, KeyError) :
                    # nope...

            else :
                # not ofund
                return default

        def image_tag (self, tag, default=None) :
            # try with likely prefixes
            for prefix in ('Exif.Photo', 'Exif.Image') :
                try :
                    return self.image.interpretedExifValue("%s.%s" % (prefix, tag))
                except (IndexError, KeyError) :
                    # nope...

            else :
                # not ofund
                return default
try :
    from lib import EXIF

except ImportError :
    EXIF_Handler = None

else :
    class EXIF_Handler (ExifHandler) :
        NAME = 'EXIFpy'

        def __init__ (self, file) :
                Load using EXIF.process_file
            with'rb') as fh :
                self.tags = EXIF.process_file(fh)
        def image_tag (self, tag, default=None) :
            # try with likely prefixes
            for prefix in ('Image', 'EXIF') :
                name = prefix + ' ' + tag

                if name in self.tags :
                    return self.tags[name]

            else :
                # not found
                return default

# ExifHandler implementations to use, in preference order
    # reasonably fast, but requires the native library and extension module

    # pure-python, but very, very slow

# default ExifHandler to use

# ExifHandler implementations by name

def load (config, file) :
        Load Exif data using the configured Exif handler, and return the instance.

        Returns None if there wasn't any Exif handler available for use.

    if config.exif_handler :
        # explicit
        exif_handler = config.exif_handler

    elif config.exif_handler_name :
        # by name
        exif_handler = EXIF_HANDLERS_BY_NAME[config.exif_handler_name]

    else :
        # default
        exif_handler = EXIF_HANDLER
    if exif_handler :
        # found one, use it
        return exif_handler(file)

    else :
        # nothing :(
        return None