author terom
Fri, 21 Dec 2007 20:36:03 +0000
changeset 12 c2d8e9a754a1
child 13 c229bcb1de41
permissions -rw-r--r--
Major code restructuring. Version is now 0.5, templates use Mako, and the code is split off into several files under lib/
import os, os.path

import PIL.Image

import settings, utils
from log import index, render
from template import image as image_tpl
class Image (object) :
    def __init__ (self, dir, name) :
        # the image filename, e.g. DSC3948.JPG = name

        # the Folder object that we are in
        self.dir = dir
        # the relative path from the root to us
        self.path = dir.pathFor(name)

        # the basename+ext, e.g. DSCR3948, .JPG
        self.base_name, self.ext = os.path.splitext(name)
        # our user-friendly title
        self.title = name

        # our long-winded description
        self.descr = ''

        # the image before and after us, both may be None
        self.prev = = None
        # the image-relative names for the html page, thumb and preview images
        self.html_name = + ".html"
        self.thumb_name = utils.url_join(settings.THUMB_DIR,
        self.preview_name = utils.url_join(settings.PREVIEW_DIR,

        # the root-relative paths to the html page, thumb and preview images
        self.html_path = self.dir.pathFor(self.html_name)
        self.thumb_path = self.dir.pathFor(settings.THUMB_DIR,
        self.preview_path = self.dir.pathFor(settings.PREVIEW_DIR,        
        # Figured out after prepare

        # (w, h) tuple
        self.img_size = None
        # the ShortURL code for this image
        self.shorturl_code = None

        # what to use in the rendered templates, intended to be overridden by subclasses
        self.series_act = "add"
        self.series_verb = "Add to"
    def getObjInfo (self) :
            Metadata for shorturl2.db
        return 'img', self.dir.path,

    def breadcrumb (self) :
            Returns a [(fname, title)] list of this image's parents
        return self.dir.breadcrumb() + [(self.html_name, self.title)]

    def render (self) :
            Write out the .html file
        # stat the image file to get the filesize and mtime
        st = os.stat(self.path)

        self.filesize = st.st_size
        self.timestamp = st.st_mtime
        # open the image in PIL to get image attributes + generate thumbnails
        img =

        self.img_size = img.size

        for out_path, geom in ((self.thumb_path, settings.THUMB_GEOM), (self.preview_path, settings.PREVIEW_GEOM)) :
            # if it doesn't exist, or it's older than the image itself, generate
            if not (os.path.exists(out_path) and os.stat(out_path).st_mtime > self.timestamp) :
      "Create thumbnailed image at %s with geom %s", out_path, geom)
                # XXX: is this the most efficient way to do this? It seems slow
                out_img = img.copy()
                out_img.thumbnail(geom, resample=True)
        # look for the metadata file
        title_path = self.dir.pathFor(self.base_name + '.txt')
        self.title, self.descr = utils.readTitleDescr(title_path)
        if not self.title :
            self.title ="Rendering image %s", self.path)

            stylesheet_url             = self.dir.inRoot('style.css'),
            title                      = self.title,
            breadcrumb                 = self.breadcrumb(),
            prev                       = self.prev,
            next                       =,
            img                        = self,
            description                = self.descr,
            filename                   =,
            img_size                   = self.img_size,
            file_size                  = self.filesize,
            timestamp                  = self.timestamp,
            shorturl                   = self.dir.inRoot('s', self.shorturl_code),
            shorturl_code              = self.shorturl_code,
            series_url                 = self.dir.inRoot('series/%s/%s' % (self.series_act, self.shorturl_code)),
            series_verb                = self.series_verb,
    def __str__ (self) :
        return "Image `%s' in `%s'" % (, self.dir.path)