author Tero Marttila <>
Thu, 21 May 2009 17:08:47 +0300
changeset 214 0d5d46ab49d5
parent 180 22967b165692
child 217 7728d6ec3abf
permissions -rw-r--r--
merge lua_thread_setup bcak into _lua_thread_start, as everything can be done on the main lua state
#include "irc_net.h"
#include "irc_net_internal.h"
#include "log.h"

#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <assert.h>
#include <time.h>

const char* irc_net_name (struct irc_net *net)
    return net ? net-> : NULL;

 * Do a lookup for an irc_user with the given nickname, and return it it found, else NULL.
 * This does not refcount anything.
static struct irc_user* irc_net_lookup_user (struct irc_net *net, const char *nickname)
    struct irc_user *user = NULL;

    // look for it...
    LIST_FOREACH(user, &net->users, net_users) {
        if (irc_cmp_nick(nickname, user->nickname) == 0)
            // found existing
            return user;
    // not found
    return NULL;

 * Our irc_conn has registered. Join our channels
static void irc_net_conn_registered (struct irc_conn *conn, void *arg)
    struct irc_net *net = arg;
    struct irc_chan *chan = NULL;
    struct error_info err;

    (void) conn;

    // join our channels
    TAILQ_FOREACH(chan, &net->channels, net_channels) {
        if ((ERROR_CODE(&err) = irc_chan_join(chan))) {
            // XXX: this should be some kind of irc_chan_error instead

 * Our irc_conn has spontaneously failed, destroy it
static void irc_net_conn_error (struct irc_conn *conn, struct error_info *err, void *arg)
    struct irc_net *net = arg;

    (void) conn;
    // log an error
    log_error(err, "irc_conn error");
    // tear down state
    // reconnect, either right away, or at the five-minute interval
    if (irc_net_connect(net, (time(NULL) - net->connected_ts > IRC_NET_RECONNECT_INTERVAL), err))
        log_error(err, "unable to reconnect");

 * Our irc_conn has quit succesfully
static void irc_net_conn_quit (struct irc_conn *conn, void *arg)
    struct irc_net *net = arg;
    (void) conn;

    // clean up the conn

    // XXX: notify user

 * Our irc_conn_callbacks list
struct irc_conn_callbacks irc_net_conn_callbacks = {
    .on_registered  = &irc_net_conn_registered,
    .on_error       = &irc_net_conn_error,
    .on_quit        = &irc_net_conn_quit,

 * Propagate the command to the appropriate irc_chan based on the given name
static void irc_net_propagate_chan (struct irc_net *net, const struct irc_line *line, const char *channel)
    struct irc_chan *chan;

    // look up channel
    if ((chan = irc_net_get_chan(net, channel)) == NULL) {
        log_warn("unknown channel: %s", channel);

    // propagate
    irc_cmd_invoke(&chan->handlers, line);

 * Propagate line to irc_chan based on args[0]
static void irc_net_on_chan0 (const struct irc_line *line, void *arg)
    struct irc_net *net = arg;
    irc_net_propagate_chan(net, line, line->args[0]);

 * Propagate line to irc_chan based on args[1]
static void irc_net_on_chan1 (const struct irc_line *line, void *arg)
    struct irc_net *net = arg;
    irc_net_propagate_chan(net, line, line->args[1]);

 * Propagate line to irc_chan based on args[2]
static void irc_net_on_chan2 (const struct irc_line *line, void *arg)
    struct irc_net *net = arg;
    irc_net_propagate_chan(net, line, line->args[2]);

 * Propagate line to irc_chans based on the source nickname and chan_users.
static void irc_net_on_chanuser (const struct irc_line *line, void *arg)
    struct irc_net *net = arg;
    struct irc_chan *chan;
    // scan each channel
    TAILQ_FOREACH(chan, &net->channels, net_channels) {
        if (irc_chan_get_user(chan, line->source->nickname)) {
            // propagate
            irc_cmd_invoke(&chan->handlers, line);

 * :nm NICK <nickname>
 * Look for a relevant irc_user, and rename them.
 * Ignores if the irc_user could not be found, then propagates to the irc_chan's that the user is on, and then renames
 * the irc_user.
static void irc_net_on_NICK (const struct irc_line *line, void *arg)
    struct irc_net *net = arg;
    struct irc_user *user;
    err_t err;

    // ignore for unknown
    if ((user = irc_net_lookup_user(net, line->source->nickname)) == NULL)

    // propagate to channels
    irc_net_on_chanuser(line, arg);

    // rename them
    if ((err = irc_user_rename(user, line->args[0])))
        // XXX: what to do?
        log_err(err, "irc_user_rename failed");

 * :nm (PRIVMSG|NOTICE) <target> <message>
 * Either propagate to channel if found, otherwise handle as a privmsg
static void irc_net_on_msg (const struct irc_line *line, void *arg)
    struct irc_net *net = arg;

    // XXX: does two lookups
    if (irc_net_get_chan(net, line->args[0])) {
        // short-circuit to on_chan0
        irc_net_on_chan0(line, arg);
    } else {
        // XXX: callbacks for privmsgs

 * :nm MODE <target> [<stuff> [ ... ]]
 * If target is ourselves, handle as a private umode, otherwise, propagate to channel
static void irc_net_on_MODE (const struct irc_line *line, void *arg)
    struct irc_net *net = arg;

    if (irc_conn_self(net->conn, line->args[0]))
        // don't really care about our umode...
        log_info("mode set: %s -> %s %s %s...", line->source->nickname, line->args[1], line->args[2], line->args[3]);

        // it's a channel mode
        irc_net_propagate_chan(net, line, line->args[0]);


 * Our irc_cmd handler list
struct irc_cmd_handler irc_net_cmd_handlers[] = {
    // propagate certain messages to the appropriate channel
    {   "QUIT",             &irc_net_on_chanuser    },
    {   "JOIN",             &irc_net_on_chan0       },
    {   "PART",             &irc_net_on_chan0       },
    {   "MODE",             &irc_net_on_MODE        },
    {   "TOPIC",            &irc_net_on_chan0       },
    {   "KICK",             &irc_net_on_chan0       },
    {   IRC_RPL_NAMREPLY,   &irc_net_on_chan2       },
    {   IRC_RPL_ENDOFNAMES, &irc_net_on_chan1       },
    {   "CTCP ACTION",      &irc_net_on_chan0       },
    // special-case handling for others
    {   "NICK",             &irc_net_on_NICK        },
    // Note: no need to handle QUIT, as the channels should take care of irc_net_put_user'ing it away.
    {   "PRIVMSG",          &irc_net_on_msg         },
    {   "NOTICE",           &irc_net_on_msg         },
    {   NULL,               NULL                    }

err_t irc_net_create (struct irc_net **net_ptr, const struct irc_net_info *info, struct error_info *err)
    struct irc_net *net;
    // allocate
    if ((net = calloc(1, sizeof(*net))) == NULL)
        return SET_ERROR(err, ERR_CALLOC);

    // initialize
    // XXX: we need to copy *info's fields
    net->info = *info;
    // init subsystems
    if (irc_net_connect_init(net, err))
        goto error;

    // initial connect
    if (irc_net_connect(net, true, err))
        goto error;

    // ok
    *net_ptr = net;

    return SUCCESS;

    // cleanup main

    return ERROR_CODE(err);

void irc_net_destroy (struct irc_net *net)
    struct irc_chan *chan_next = TAILQ_FIRST(&net->channels), *chan;
    struct irc_user *user_next, *user;

    // our conn
    if (net->conn)

    // our channels
    while ((chan = chan_next)) {
        chan_next = TAILQ_NEXT(chan, net_channels);


    // our users
    // XXX: this disregards external refs
    for (user_next = LIST_FIRST(&net->users); (user = user_next); ) {
        user_next = LIST_NEXT(user, net_users);


    // our info
    if (net->info.ssl_cred)
    // misc

    // ourselves

err_t irc_net_add_chan (struct irc_net *net, struct irc_chan **chan_ptr, const struct irc_chan_info *info, struct error_info *err)
    struct irc_chan *chan;

    // create the new irc_chan struct
    if (irc_chan_create(&chan, net, info, err))
        return ERROR_CODE(err);
    // add to network list
    TAILQ_INSERT_TAIL(&net->channels, chan, net_channels);
    // currently connected?
    if (net->conn && net->conn->registered) {
        // then join
        if ((ERROR_CODE(err) = irc_chan_join(chan)))
            return ERROR_CODE(err);

    // ok
    if (chan_ptr)
        *chan_ptr = chan;

    return SUCCESS;

struct irc_chan* irc_net_get_chan (struct irc_net *net, const char *channel)
    struct irc_chan *chan = NULL;

    // look for it...
    TAILQ_FOREACH(chan, &net->channels, net_channels) {
        if (strcasecmp(chan->, channel) == 0)
            // found it
            return chan;

    // no such channel
    return NULL;

err_t irc_net_get_user (struct irc_net *net, struct irc_user **user_ptr, const char *nickname)
    struct irc_user *user;
    err_t err;
    // lookup
    if ((user = irc_net_lookup_user(net, nickname)) == NULL) {
        // create a new user struct
        if ((err = irc_user_create(&user, net, nickname)))
            return err;

        // add to our list
        LIST_INSERT_HEAD(&net->users, user, net_users);

    } else {
        // check for refcount overflow
        assert(user->refcount < SIZE_MAX);

    // 'get' it

    // ok
    *user_ptr = user;

    return SUCCESS;

void irc_net_put_user (struct irc_net *net, struct irc_user *user)
    (void) net;

    assert(user->refcount > 0);

    // nothing if it's still in use elsewhere
    if (--user->refcount)

    // remove from list
    LIST_REMOVE(user, net_users);

    // destroy

err_t irc_net_quit (struct irc_net *net, const char *message)
   if (!net->conn)
       return ERR_IRC_NET_STATE;
    // send the QUIT message, and then we can wait for the reply
    return irc_conn_QUIT(net->conn, message);