author Tero Marttila <>
Tue, 10 Mar 2009 01:11:12 +0200
changeset 26 aec062af155d
parent 25 56367df4ce5b
child 27 e6639132bead
permissions -rw-r--r--
add irc_chan module
#ifndef IRC_CONN_H
#define IRC_CONN_H

 * @file
 * Support for connections to IRC servers, a rather fundamental thing. This holds the line_proto to handle the network
 * communications, and then takes care of sending/receiving commands, as well as updating some core state like
 * current nickname.

struct irc_conn;

#include "error.h"
#include "sock.h"
#include "line_proto.h"
#include "irc_line.h"
#include "irc_cmd.h"
#include <stdbool.h>

 * Connection state
struct irc_conn {
    /* We are a line-based protocol */
    struct line_proto *lp;

    /* Registered (as in, we have a working nickname)? */
    bool registered;

    /* Command handlers */
    STAILQ_HEAD(irc_conn_handlers, irc_cmd_chain) handlers;

// XXX: this should probably be slightly reworked

 * The configuration info for an IRC connection.
 * XXX: this should probably be reworked, maybe as a separate irc_conn_register function?
struct irc_conn_config {
    /* Nickname to use on that server */
    const char *nickname;

    /* Username to supply */
    const char *username;

    /* Realname to supply */
    const char *realname;

 * Create a new irc_conn using the given sock_stream, which should be connected to an IRC server. The parameters given
 * in \a config will be used to identify with the IRC server.
 * On success, the resulting irc_conn is returned via *conn with SUCCESS. Otherwise, -ERR_* and error info is returned
 * via *err.
 * @param conn the new irc_conn structure is returned via this pointer
 * @param sock the socket connected to the IRC server
 * @param config the basic information used to register
 * @param err errors are returned via this pointer
 * @return error code
err_t irc_conn_create (struct irc_conn **conn, struct sock_stream *sock, const struct irc_conn_config *config, struct error_info *err);

 * Add a new chain of command handler callbacks to be used to handle irc_lines from the server. The given arg will be
 * passed to the callbacks as the context argument. The chain will be appended to the end of the current list of chains.
 * @param chain the array of irc_cmd_handler structs, terminated with a NULL entry
 * @param arg the context argument to use for the callbacks
err_t irc_conn_register_handler_chain (struct irc_conn *conn, struct irc_cmd_handler *handlers, void *arg);

 * @group Simple request functions
 * The error handling of these functions is such that the error return code is can be used or ignored as convenient,
 * as connection-fatal errors will be handled internally.
 * @{

 * Send a generic IRC message
 * @param conn the IRC protocol connection
 * @param line the irc_line protocol line to send
 * @return error code
err_t irc_conn_send (struct irc_conn *conn, const struct irc_line *line);

 * Send a NICK message
 * @param nickname the new nickname to use
err_t irc_conn_NICK (struct irc_conn *conn, const char *nickname);

 * Send a USER message
 * @param username the username to register with, may be replaced with ident reply
 * @param realname the full-name to register with
err_t irc_conn_USER (struct irc_conn *conn, const char *username, const char *realname);

 * Send a PONG message to the given target
 * @param target the PING source, aka. the target to send the PONG reply to
err_t irc_conn_PONG (struct irc_conn *conn, const char *target);

 * Send a JOIN message for the given channel
 * XXX: this doesn't implement the full command options
 * @param channel the full channel name to join
err_t irc_conn_JOIN (struct irc_conn *conn, const char *channel);

// @}

#endif /* IRC_CONN_H */