author Tero Marttila <>
Thu, 28 May 2009 01:17:36 +0300
changeset 219 cefec18b8268
parent 149 549913bbe0d2
permissions -rw-r--r--
some of the lib/transport stuff compiles
#include "irc_proto.h"

#include <string.h>

err_t irc_nm_parse_buf (struct irc_nm *nm, char *prefix)
    const char *token;

    // parse the first token to determine if this is a nickmask or server name
    token = strsep(&prefix, "!");

    // did strsep find that "!"?
    if (prefix) {
        // it must be a full nickmask
        nm->nickname = token;
        nm->username = strsep(&prefix, "@");
        nm->hostname = prefix;

        if (!prefix)
            // something silly, didn't have an @token
            return ERR_INVALID_NM;

    } else {
        // handle as a server name
        nm->nickname = NULL;
        nm->username = NULL;
        nm->hostname = token;


    // ok
    return SUCCESS;


err_t irc_nm_parse (struct irc_nm *nm, char *buf, const char *prefix)
    // too long?
    if (strlen(prefix) >= IRC_PREFIX_MAX)
        return ERR_INVALID_NM;

    // copy to mutable buffer
    strcpy(buf, prefix);
    // parse from buf
    return irc_nm_parse_buf(nm, buf);

 * Compare two nicknames
int irc_cmp_nick (const char *nick1, const char *nick2)
    // XXX: just use strcasecmp for now
    return strcasecmp(nick1, nick2);

int irc_ncmp_nick (const char *nick1, const char *nick2, size_t n)
    // XXX: just use strncasecmp for now
    return strncasecmp(nick1, nick2, n);

err_t irc_prefix_parse_nick (const char *prefix, char nick[IRC_NICK_MAX])
    const char *bang;

    // find the !
    if ((bang = strchr(prefix, '!')) == NULL)
        return ERR_INVALID_NM;

    // too long?
    if (bang - prefix > IRC_NICK_MAX - 1)
    // copy up to the !
    memcpy(nick, prefix, bang - prefix);

    // terminating NUL
    nick[bang - prefix] = '\0';

    // ok
    return SUCCESS;

int irc_prefix_cmp_nick (const char *prefix, const char *nick)
    const char *bang;

    // find the !
    if ((bang = strchr(prefix, '!')) == NULL)
        return -ERR_INVALID_NM;

    // compare up to that
    if (irc_ncmp_nick(prefix, nick, (bang - prefix)) == 0)
        // match
        return 0;

        // doesn't match
        return 1;

const char* irc_nick_chanflags (const char *nick, char chanflags[IRC_CHANFLAGS_MAX])
    char *cf = chanflags;

    // consume the chanflags, using strchr to look for the char in the set of chanflags...
    // XXX: error if nickname is empty...
    while (*nick && strchr(IRC_CHANFLAGS, *nick) && (cf < chanflags + IRC_CHANFLAGS_MAX - 1))
        *cf++ = *nick++;

    // NUL-terminate chanflags
    *cf = '\0';

    // then return the pointer to the first nickname char
    return nick;