author Tero Marttila <>
Tue, 31 Mar 2009 22:09:53 +0300
changeset 98 f357f835f0d5
parent 97 d3bc82ee76cb
child 118 05b8d5150313
permissions -rw-r--r--
add irc_client_defaults to apply default values for irc_client_add_net irc_net_info, implement --defaults cmd opt and lua_client_connect
 * The main test code entry point
#include "sock_test.h"
#include "line_proto.h"
#include "irc_queue.h"
#include "irc_conn.h"
#include "irc_net.h"
#include "log.h"
#include "error.h"

#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <getopt.h>
#include <assert.h>
#include <ctype.h>

#define DUMP_STR_BUF 1024
#define DUMP_STR_COUNT 8
#define DUMP_STR_TAIL 10

 * Global test-running state
struct test_ctx {
    /** The event_base that we have setup */
    struct event_base *ev_base;

} _test_ctx;

char *dump_str_append (char *buf, const char *str)
    while (*str)
        *buf++ = *str++;

    return buf;

 * This re-formats the given string to escape values, and returns a pointer to an internal static buffer.
 * If len is given as >= 0, only the given number of chars will be dumped from str.
 * The buffer cycles a bit, so the returned pointers remain valid across DUMP_STR_COUNT calls.
 * The resulting string is truncated to (DUMP_STR_BUF - DUMP_STR_TAIL) bytes, not including the ending "...'\0".
 * @param str the string to dump, should be NUL-terminated unless len is given
 * @param len if negative, ignored, otherwise, only this many bytes are dumped from str
 * @param return a pointer to a static buffer that remains valid across DUMP_STR_COUNT calls to this function
const char *dump_strn (const char *str, ssize_t len)
    static char dump_buf[DUMP_STR_COUNT][DUMP_STR_BUF];
    static size_t dump_idx = 0;
    // pick a buffer to use
    const char *str_ptr = str;
    char *buf_ptr = dump_buf[dump_idx++], *buf = buf_ptr;
    // cycle
    if (dump_idx >= DUMP_STR_COUNT)
        dump_idx = 0;

    // NULL?
    if (str == NULL) {
        buf = dump_str_append(buf, "NULL");
        *buf = '\0';

        return buf_ptr;

    // quote
    *buf++ = '\'';
    // dump each char
    for (; (
            // ...don't consume more than len bytes of str, unless len < 0
                (len < 0 || (size_t) (str - str_ptr) < (size_t) len)

            // ...stop on NUL
            &&  *str 

            // ...leave DUMP_STR_TAIL bytes room at the end of buf
            &&  (size_t) (buf - buf_ptr) < DUMP_STR_BUF - DUMP_STR_TAIL 
        ); str++
    ) {
        if (*str == '\'') {
            // escape quotes
            buf = dump_str_append(buf, "\\'");

        } else if (*str == '\\') {
            // escape escapes
            buf = dump_str_append(buf, "\\\\");

        } else if (isprint(*str)) {
            // normal char
            *buf++ = *str;
        } else {
            // something more special
            switch (*str) {
                case '\r':
                    buf = dump_str_append(buf, "\\r"); break;

                case '\n':
                    buf = dump_str_append(buf, "\\n"); break;

                    // format as "\xFF"
                    buf += snprintf(buf, (DUMP_STR_BUF - (buf - buf_ptr)), "\\x%02x", *str);

    // end quote
    *buf++ = '\'';

    // overflow?
    if ((size_t)(buf - buf_ptr) == DUMP_STR_BUF - DUMP_STR_TAIL)
        buf = dump_str_append(buf, "...");

    // terminate
    *buf = '\0';

    // ok
    return buf_ptr;

const char *dump_str (const char *str) 
    return dump_strn(str, -1);

void assert_null (const void *ptr)
    if (ptr)
        FATAL("%p != NULL", ptr);

void assert_strcmp (const char *is, const char *should_be)
    if (!is || strcmp(is, should_be))
        FATAL("%s != %s", dump_str(is), dump_str(should_be));

void assert_strncmp (const char *is, const char *should_be, size_t n)
    if (!is || strncmp(is, should_be, n))
        FATAL("%s:%u != %s", dump_strn(is, n), (unsigned) n, dump_strn(should_be, n));

void assert_strlen (const char *str, size_t n)
    if (!str || strlen(str) != n)
        FATAL("strlen(%s) != %u", dump_str(str), (unsigned) n);

void assert_strnull (const char *str)
    if (str != NULL)
        FATAL("%s != NULL", dump_str(str));

void assert_success (err_t err)
    if (err != SUCCESS)
        FATAL("error: %s", error_name(err));

void assert_err (err_t err, err_t target)
    if (err != target)
        FATAL("error: <%s> != <%s>", error_name(err), error_name(target));

void assert_error_info (struct error_info *is, struct error_info *should_be)
    if (ERROR_CODE(is) != ERROR_CODE(should_be) || ERROR_EXTRA(is) != ERROR_EXTRA(should_be))
        FATAL("error: <%s> != <%s>", error_msg(is), error_msg(should_be));

void assert_sock_read (struct sock_stream *sock, const char *str)
    char buf[strlen(str)];

    log_debug("read: %p: %s", sock, dump_str(str));
    // read it
    assert(sock_stream_read(sock, buf, strlen(str)) == (int) strlen(str));

    // cmp
    assert_strncmp(buf, str, strlen(str));

void assert_sock_write (struct sock_stream *sock, const char *str)
    log_debug("write: %p: %s", sock, dump_str(str));

    // write it
    assert(sock_stream_write(sock, str, strlen(str)) == (int) strlen(str));

void assert_sock_eof (struct sock_stream *sock)
    char buf;

    log_debug("eof: %p", sock);

    assert_err(-sock_stream_read(sock, &buf, 1), ERR_READ_EOF);

 * Maximum amount that can be pushed using test_sock_push
#define TEST_SOCK_FMT_MAX 1024

void assert_sock_data (struct sock_test *sock, const char *fmt, ...)
    char buf[TEST_SOCK_FMT_MAX];
    va_list vargs;
    size_t len;
    va_start(vargs, fmt);

    if ((len = vsnprintf(buf, TEST_SOCK_FMT_MAX, fmt, vargs)) >= TEST_SOCK_FMT_MAX)
        FATAL("input too long: %zu bytes", len);


    // get the data out
    char *out;
    sock_test_get_send_data(sock, &out, &len);
    log_debug("get_send_data: %s", dump_strn(out, len));
    // should be the same
    assert_strncmp(out, buf, len);
    assert_strlen(buf, len);

    // cleanup

 * Nicer name for test_sock_add_recv_str, also supports formatted data.
 * The formatted result is limited to TEST_SOCK_PUSH_MAX bytes
void test_sock_push (struct sock_test *sock, const char *fmt, ...)
    char buf[TEST_SOCK_FMT_MAX];
    va_list vargs;
    size_t len;
    va_start(vargs, fmt);

    if ((len = vsnprintf(buf, TEST_SOCK_FMT_MAX, fmt, vargs)) >= TEST_SOCK_FMT_MAX)
        FATAL("output too long: %zu bytes", len);


    return sock_test_add_recv_str(sock, buf);

 * Setup the global sock_stream state
struct event_base* setup_sock (void)
    struct event_base *ev_base;
    struct error_info err;

    assert((ev_base = event_base_new()));
    assert_success(sock_init(ev_base, &err));

    return ev_base;

 * Create an empty sock_test
struct sock_test* setup_sock_test (void)
    struct sock_test *sock;
    assert ((sock = sock_test_create()) != NULL);

    return sock;

void test_dump_str (void)
    log_info("dumping example strings on stdout:");

    log_debug("normal: %s", dump_str("Hello World"));
    log_debug("escapes: %s", dump_str("foo\r\nbar\a\001"));
    log_debug("length: %s", dump_strn("<-->**", 4));
    log_debug("overflow: %s", dump_str( "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx"));
    log_debug("null: %s", dump_str(NULL));
    log_debug("quote: %s", dump_str("foo\\bar'quux"));

void test_sock_test (void)
    struct sock_test *sock = sock_test_create();
    struct io_vec _read_data[] = {
        {   "foo",      3   },
        {   "barx",     4   }
    const char *_write_data = "test data";
    // put the read data
    log_debug("set_recv_buffer: %p, %d", _read_data, 2);
    sock_test_set_recv_buffer(sock, _read_data, 2, true);
    // read it out
    log_info("test sock_test_read");

    assert_sock_read(SOCK_TEST_BASE(sock), "foo");
    assert_sock_read(SOCK_TEST_BASE(sock), "ba");
    assert_sock_read(SOCK_TEST_BASE(sock), "rx");

    // write the data in
    log_info("test sock_test_write");

    assert_sock_write(SOCK_TEST_BASE(sock), "test ");
    assert_sock_write(SOCK_TEST_BASE(sock), "data");
    // check output
    assert_sock_data(sock, _write_data);

    // check output
    assert_sock_data(sock, "");

    // cleanup

void assert_read_line (struct line_proto *lp, const char *line_str)
    char *line_buf;
    log_debug("expect: %s", dump_str(line_str));

    assert_success(line_proto_recv(lp, &line_buf));

    if (line_str) {
        assert_strcmp(line_buf, line_str);

    } else {


 * Context info for test_line_proto callbacks
struct _lp_test_ctx {
    /** Expected line */
    const char *line;

    /** Expected error */
    struct error_info err;

static void _lp_on_line (char *line, void *arg)
    struct _lp_test_ctx *ctx = arg;

    log_debug("%s", dump_str(line));

    assert_strcmp(line, ctx->line);

    ctx->line = NULL;

static void _lp_on_error (struct error_info *err, void *arg)
    struct _lp_test_ctx *ctx = arg;

    assert_error_info(err, &ctx->err);

static struct line_proto_callbacks _lp_callbacks = {
    .on_line        = &_lp_on_line,
    .on_error       = &_lp_on_error,

void test_line_proto (void)
    struct sock_test *sock = sock_test_create();
    struct io_vec _read_data[] = {
        {   "hello\r\n",    7   },
        {   "world\n",      6   },
        {   "this ",        5   },
        {   "is a line\r",  10  },
        {   "\nfragment",   9   },
    }, _trailing_data = {   "\r\n",     2 };
    struct line_proto *lp;
    struct _lp_test_ctx ctx;
    struct error_info err;
    // put the read data
    log_debug("set_recv_buffer: %p, %d", _read_data, 5);
    sock_test_set_recv_buffer(sock, _read_data, 5, false);
    // create the lp
    assert_success(line_proto_create(&lp, SOCK_TEST_BASE(sock), 128, &_lp_callbacks, &ctx, &err));
    log_info("test line_proto_recv");

    // then read some lines from it
    assert_read_line(lp, "hello");
    assert_read_line(lp, "world");
    assert_read_line(lp, "this is a line");
    assert_read_line(lp, NULL);

    // then add a final bit to trigger on_line
    log_info("test on_line");

    ctx.line = "fragment";
    sock_test_add_recv_vec(sock, _trailing_data);

    // test writing
    log_info("test line_proto_send");
    assert_success(-line_proto_send(lp, "foobar\r\n"));
    assert_success(-line_proto_send(lp, "quux\r\n"));
    assert_sock_data(sock, "foobar\r\nquux\r\n");

    // XXX: test partial writes

    // cleanup

void test_irc_queue (void)
    struct sock_test *sock = sock_test_create();
    struct line_proto *lp;
    struct irc_queue *queue;
    struct irc_queue_entry *queue_entry;
    struct error_info err;

    // create the lp
    assert_success(line_proto_create(&lp, SOCK_TEST_BASE(sock), 128, &_lp_callbacks, NULL, &err));

    // create the queue
    assert_success(irc_queue_create(&queue, lp, &err));

    struct irc_line line = {
        NULL, "TEST", { "fooX" }

    // then test simple writes, we should be able to push five lines directly
    log_info("test irc_queue_process (irc_queue_send_direct)");
    line.args[0] = "foo0"; assert_success(irc_queue_process(queue, &line));
    line.args[0] = "foo1"; assert_success(irc_queue_process(queue, &line));
    line.args[0] = "foo2"; assert_success(irc_queue_process(queue, &line));
    line.args[0] = "foo3"; assert_success(irc_queue_process(queue, &line));
    line.args[0] = "foo4"; assert_success(irc_queue_process(queue, &line));

    // they should all be output
            "TEST foo0\r\n"
            "TEST foo1\r\n"
            "TEST foo2\r\n"
            "TEST foo3\r\n"
            "TEST foo4\r\n"

    // then enqueue
    log_info("test irc_queue_process (irc_queue_put)");
    line.args[0] = "foo5"; assert_success(irc_queue_process(queue, &line));

    // ensure it was enqueued
    assert((queue_entry = TAILQ_FIRST(&queue->list)) != NULL);
    assert_strcmp(queue_entry->line_buf, "TEST foo5\r\n");

    // ensure timer is set
    assert(event_pending(queue->ev, EV_TIMEOUT, NULL));

    // run the event loop to let the timer run
    log_info("running the event loop once...");
    assert(event_base_loop(_test_ctx.ev_base, EVLOOP_ONCE) == 0);

    // test to check that the line was now sent
    log_info("checking that the delayed line was sent...");
    assert_sock_data(sock, "TEST foo5\r\n");
    assert(!event_pending(queue->ev, EV_TIMEOUT, NULL));

    // cleanup

struct test_conn_ctx {
    /** Callback flags */
    bool on_registered, on_TEST, on_error, on_quit;

static void _conn_on_registered (struct irc_conn *conn, void *arg)
    struct test_conn_ctx *ctx = arg;

    (void) conn;

    if (ctx) ctx->on_registered = true;


static void _conn_on_error (struct irc_conn *conn, struct error_info *err, void *arg)
    struct test_conn_ctx *ctx = arg;
    (void) conn;
    (void) err;

    if (ctx) ctx->on_error = true;


static void _conn_on_quit (struct irc_conn *conn, void *arg)
    struct test_conn_ctx *ctx = arg;

    (void) conn;

    if (ctx) ctx->on_quit = true;


static void _conn_on_TEST (const struct irc_line *line, void *arg)
    struct test_conn_ctx *ctx = arg;

    assert_strcmp(line->command, "TEST");
    assert_strcmp(line->args[0], "arg0");

    if (ctx) ctx->on_TEST = true;


static struct irc_conn_callbacks _conn_callbacks = {
    .on_registered      = &_conn_on_registered,
    .on_error           = &_conn_on_error,
    .on_quit            = &_conn_on_quit,

static struct irc_cmd_handler _conn_handlers[] = {
    {   "TEST",         &_conn_on_TEST  },
    {   NULL,           NULL            }

 * Create and return a new irc_conn with the given ctx (will be initialized to zero).
struct irc_conn* setup_irc_conn (struct sock_test *sock, bool noisy, struct test_conn_ctx *ctx)
    struct irc_conn *conn;
    struct error_info err;
    struct irc_conn_register_info register_info = {
        "nick", "user", "realname"

    // init the ctx
    memset(ctx, 0, sizeof(*ctx));

    // create the irc_conn
    assert_success(irc_conn_create(&conn, SOCK_TEST_BASE(sock), &_conn_callbacks, ctx, &err));

    // test register
    if (noisy) log_info("test irc_conn_register");
    assert_success(irc_conn_register(conn, &register_info));
    assert_sock_data(sock, "NICK nick\r\nUSER user 0 * realname\r\n");
    // test on_register callback    
    if (noisy) log_info("test irc_conn_callbacks.on_register");
    test_sock_push(sock, "001 mynick :Blaa blaa blaa\r\n");
    if (ctx) assert(ctx->on_registered);
    assert_strcmp(conn->nickname, "mynick");
    // ok
    return conn;

void test_irc_conn (void)
    struct test_conn_ctx ctx;
    struct sock_test *sock = setup_sock_test();
    struct irc_conn *conn = setup_irc_conn(sock, true, &ctx);

    // add our test handlers
    assert_success(irc_conn_add_cmd_handlers(conn, _conn_handlers, &ctx));

    // test on_TEST handler
    // XXX: come up with a better prefix
    log_info("test irc_conn.handlers");
    test_sock_push(sock, ":foobar-prefix TEST arg0\r\n");

    // test PING/PONG
    log_info("test PING/PONG");
    test_sock_push(sock, "PING foo\r\n");
    assert_sock_data(sock, "PONG foo\r\n");

    // quit nicely
    log_info("test QUIT");
    assert_success(irc_conn_QUIT(conn, "bye now"));
    assert_sock_data(sock, "QUIT :bye now\r\n");

    test_sock_push(sock, "ERROR :Closing Link: Quit\r\n");
    assert(conn->quit && !conn->quitting && !conn->registered);

    // destroy it

void test_irc_conn_self_nick (void)
    struct test_conn_ctx ctx;
    struct sock_test *sock = setup_sock_test();
    struct irc_conn *conn = setup_irc_conn(sock, false, &ctx);
    log_info("test irc_conn_on_NICK");
    test_sock_push(sock, ":mynick!user@somehost NICK mynick2\r\n");
    assert_strcmp(conn->nickname, "mynick2");

    // cleanup

struct test_chan_ctx {
    /** The channel name */
    const char *channel;

    /** The channel we're supposed to be testing */
    struct irc_chan *chan;
    /** Flags for callbacks called*/
    bool on_chan_self_join, on_chan_self_part, on_chan_join, on_chan_part;


void _on_chan_self_join (struct irc_chan *chan, void *arg)
    struct test_chan_ctx *ctx = arg;

    assert(chan == ctx->chan);
    ctx->on_chan_self_join = true;


void _on_chan_join (struct irc_chan *chan, const struct irc_nm *source, void *arg)
    struct test_chan_ctx *ctx = arg;

    assert(chan == ctx->chan);

    // XXX: verify source

    ctx->on_chan_join = true;


void _on_chan_part (struct irc_chan *chan, const struct irc_nm *source, const char *msg, void *arg)
    struct test_chan_ctx *ctx = arg;

    assert(chan == ctx->chan);

    // XXX: verify source
    // XXX: verify msg

    ctx->on_chan_part = true;


struct irc_chan_callbacks _chan_callbacks = {
    .on_self_join       = &_on_chan_self_join,
    .on_join            = &_on_chan_join,
    .on_part            = &_on_chan_part,

 * Setup an irc_net using the given socket, and consume the register request output, but do not push the RPL_WELCOME
struct irc_net* setup_irc_net_unregistered (struct sock_test *sock)
    struct irc_net *net;
    struct irc_net_info net_info = {
        .register_info = {
            "nick", "user", "realname"
    struct error_info err;

    // create the irc_net
    net_info.raw_sock = SOCK_TEST_BASE(sock);
    assert_success(irc_net_create(&net, &net_info, &err));

    // test register output
    assert_sock_data(sock, "NICK nick\r\nUSER user 0 * realname\r\n");
    // ok
    return net; 

 * Push to RPL_WELCOME reply, and test state
void do_irc_net_welcome (struct sock_test *sock, struct irc_net *net)
    // registration reply
    test_sock_push(sock, "001 mynick :Blaa blaa blaa\r\n");
    assert_strcmp(net->conn->nickname, "mynick");


 * Creates an irc_net and puts it into the registered state
struct irc_net* setup_irc_net (struct sock_test *sock)
    struct irc_net *net;   

    net = setup_irc_net_unregistered(sock);
    do_irc_net_welcome(sock, net);
    // ok
    return net;

 * General test for irc_net to handle startup
void test_irc_net (void)
    struct sock_test *sock = setup_sock_test();
    // create the network
    log_info("test irc_net_create");
    struct irc_net *net = setup_irc_net_unregistered(sock);

    // send the registration reply
    log_info("test irc_conn_on_RPL_WELCOME");
    do_irc_net_welcome(sock, net);

    // test errors by setting EOF
    log_info("test irc_net_error");
    assert(net->conn == NULL);

    // cleanup

 * Ensure that an irc_chan_user exists/doesn't exist for the given channel/nickname, and return it
struct irc_chan_user* check_chan_user (struct irc_chan *chan, const char *nickname, bool exists)
    struct irc_chan_user *chan_user = irc_chan_get_user(chan, nickname);
    if (exists && chan_user == NULL)
        FATAL("user %s not found in channel %s", dump_str(nickname), dump_str(irc_chan_name(chan)));
    if (!exists && chan_user)
        FATAL("user %s should not be on channel %s anymore", dump_str(nickname), dump_str(irc_chan_name(chan)));

    log_debug("%s, exists=%d -> %p: user=%p, nickname=%s", 
            nickname, exists, chan_user, chan_user ? chan_user->user : NULL, chan_user ? chan_user->user->nickname : NULL);
    if (chan_user)
        assert_strcmp(chan_user->user->nickname, nickname);

    return chan_user;

 * Creates an irc_chan on the given irc_net, but does not check any output (useful for testing offline add).
 * You must pass a test_chan_ctx for use with later operations, this will be initialized for you.
struct irc_chan* setup_irc_chan_raw (struct irc_net *net, const char *channel, struct test_chan_ctx *ctx)
    struct irc_chan *chan;
    struct irc_chan_info chan_info = {
        .channel        = channel,
    struct error_info err;
    // initialize the given ctx
    memset(ctx, 0, sizeof(*ctx));
    ctx->channel = channel;

    // add a channel
    assert_success(irc_net_add_chan(net, &chan, &chan_info, &err));
    assert_success(irc_chan_add_callbacks(chan, &_chan_callbacks, ctx));
    ctx->chan = chan;
    // ok
    return chan;

 * Checks that the JOIN request for a channel was sent, and sends the basic JOIN reply
void do_irc_chan_join (struct sock_test *sock, struct test_chan_ctx *ctx)
    // JOIN request
    assert_sock_data(sock, "JOIN %s\r\n", ctx->channel);

    // JOIN reply
    test_sock_push(sock, ":mynick!user@host JOIN %s\r\n", ctx->channel);
    assert(!ctx->chan->joining && ctx->chan->joined);

 * Sends a short RPL_NAMREPLY/RPL_ENDOFNAMES reply and checks that the users list matches
void do_irc_chan_namreply (struct sock_test *sock, struct test_chan_ctx *ctx)
    test_sock_push(sock, "353 mynick = %s :mynick userA +userB @userC\r\n", ctx->channel);
    test_sock_push(sock, "353 mynick = %s :trailingspace \r\n", ctx->channel);
    test_sock_push(sock, "366 mynick %s :End of NAMES\r\n", ctx->channel);
    // XXX: this should be an exclusive test, i.e. these should be the only ones...
    check_chan_user(ctx->chan, "mynick", true);
    check_chan_user(ctx->chan, "userA", true);
    check_chan_user(ctx->chan, "userB", true);
    check_chan_user(ctx->chan, "userC", true);

 * Creates an irc_chan on the given irc_net, and checks up to the JOIN reply
struct irc_chan* setup_irc_chan_join (struct sock_test *sock, struct irc_net *net, const char *channel, struct test_chan_ctx *ctx)
    setup_irc_chan_raw(net, channel, ctx);
    do_irc_chan_join(sock, ctx);

    // ok
    return ctx->chan;

 * Creates an irc_chan on the given irc_net, sends the JOIN stuff plus RPL_NAMREPLY
struct irc_chan* setup_irc_chan (struct sock_test *sock, struct irc_net *net, const char *channel, struct test_chan_ctx *ctx)
    setup_irc_chan_raw(net, channel, ctx);
    do_irc_chan_join(sock, ctx);
    do_irc_chan_namreply(sock, ctx);

    // ok
    return ctx->chan;

 * Call irc_net_add_chan while offline, and ensure that we send the JOIN request after RPL_WELCOME, and handle the join
 * reply OK.
void test_irc_chan_add_offline (void)
    struct test_chan_ctx ctx;

    struct sock_test *sock = setup_sock_test();

    log_info("test irc_net_create");
    struct irc_net *net = setup_irc_net_unregistered(sock);

    // add an offline channel
    log_info("test offline irc_net_add_chan");
    struct irc_chan *chan = setup_irc_chan_raw(net, "#test", &ctx);
    assert(!chan->joining && !chan->joined);

    // send the registration reply
    log_info("test irc_conn_on_RPL_WELCOME");
    do_irc_net_welcome(sock, net);
    // test the join sequence
    log_info("test irc_chan_join/irc_chan_on_JOIN");
    do_irc_chan_join(sock, &ctx);
    // cleanup

void test_irc_chan_namreply (void)
    struct test_chan_ctx ctx;
    struct sock_test *sock = setup_sock_test();
    struct irc_net *net = setup_irc_net(sock);
    setup_irc_chan_join(sock, net, "#test", &ctx);

    log_info("test irc_chan_on_RPL_NAMREPLY");
    do_irc_chan_namreply(sock, &ctx);

    // cleanup

void test_irc_chan_user_join (void)
    struct test_chan_ctx ctx;
    struct sock_test *sock = setup_sock_test();
    struct irc_net *net = setup_irc_net(sock);
    struct irc_chan *chan = setup_irc_chan(sock, net, "#test", &ctx);

    // have a user join
    log_info("test irc_chan_on_JOIN");
    test_sock_push(sock, ":newuser!someone@somewhere JOIN %s\r\n", "#test");
    check_chan_user(chan, "newuser", true);

    // cleanup

void test_irc_chan_user_part (void)
    struct test_chan_ctx ctx;
    struct sock_test *sock = setup_sock_test();
    struct irc_net *net = setup_irc_net(sock);
    struct irc_chan *chan = setup_irc_chan(sock, net, "#test", &ctx);

    // have a user join
    log_info("test irc_chan_on_PART");
    test_sock_push(sock, ":userA!someone@somewhere PART %s\r\n", "#test");
    assert(ctx.on_chan_part); ctx.on_chan_part = NULL;
    check_chan_user(chan, "userA", false);

    // cleanup

void test_irc_chan_user_kick (void)
    struct test_chan_ctx ctx;
    struct sock_test *sock = setup_sock_test();
    struct irc_net *net = setup_irc_net(sock);
    struct irc_chan *chan = setup_irc_chan(sock, net, "#test", &ctx);

    // kick a user
    log_info("test irc_chan_on_KICK (other)");
    test_sock_push(sock, ":userA!someone@somewhere KICK %s userB\r\n", "#test");
    check_chan_user(chan, "userA", true);
    check_chan_user(chan, "userB", false);

    // cleanup

void test_irc_chan_self_kick (void)
    struct test_chan_ctx ctx;
    struct sock_test *sock = setup_sock_test();
    struct irc_net *net = setup_irc_net(sock);
    struct irc_chan *chan = setup_irc_chan(sock, net, "#test", &ctx);

    // kick a user
    log_info("test irc_chan_on_KICK (self)");
    test_sock_push(sock, ":userA!someone@somewhere KICK %s mynick foobar\r\n", "#test");

    // cleanup

void test_irc_chan_user_nick (void)
    struct test_chan_ctx ctx;
    struct sock_test *sock = setup_sock_test();
    struct irc_net *net = setup_irc_net(sock);
    struct irc_chan *chan = setup_irc_chan(sock, net, "#test", &ctx);

    // rename one of the users
    log_info("test irc_net_on_chanuser");
    test_sock_push(sock, ":userA!someone@somewhere NICK userA2\r\n");
    check_chan_user(chan, "userA", false);
    check_chan_user(chan, "userB", true);

    // cleanup

void test_irc_chan_user_quit (void)
    struct test_chan_ctx ctx;
    struct sock_test *sock = setup_sock_test();
    struct irc_net *net = setup_irc_net(sock);
    struct irc_chan *chan = setup_irc_chan(sock, net, "#test", &ctx);

    // rename one of the users
    log_info("test irc_net_on_chanuser");
    test_sock_push(sock, ":userA!someone@somewhere QUIT foo\r\n");
    check_chan_user(chan, "userA", false);

    // cleanup

void _test_irc_chan_on_CTCP_ACTION (const struct irc_line *line, void *arg)
    bool *flag = arg;

    log_debug("CTCP ACTION");

    *flag = true;

static struct irc_cmd_handler _test_irc_chan_handlers[] = {
    {   "CTCP ACTION",      &_test_irc_chan_on_CTCP_ACTION  },
    {   NULL,               NULL                            }

void test_irc_chan_CTCP_ACTION (void)
    struct test_chan_ctx ctx;
    struct sock_test *sock = setup_sock_test();
    struct irc_net *net = setup_irc_net(sock);
    struct irc_chan *chan = setup_irc_chan(sock, net, "#test", &ctx);
    bool cb_ok = false;

    // add our handler
    assert_success(irc_cmd_add(&chan->handlers, _test_irc_chan_handlers, &cb_ok));

    // rename one of the users
    log_info("test irc_conn_on_CTCP_ACTION");
    test_sock_push(sock, ":userA!someone@somewhere PRIVMSG #test \001ACTION hello  world\001\r\n");

    // cleanup

void test_irc_chan_privmsg (void)
    struct test_chan_ctx ctx;
    struct sock_test *sock = setup_sock_test();
    struct irc_net *net = setup_irc_net(sock);
    struct irc_chan *chan = setup_irc_chan(sock, net, "#test", &ctx);

    // rename one of the users
    log_info("test irc_chan_PRIVMSG");
    assert_success(irc_chan_PRIVMSG(chan, "foobar quux"));
    assert_sock_data(sock, "PRIVMSG #test :foobar quux\r\n");

    // cleanup

 * Test definition
static struct test {
    /** Test name */
    const char *name;

    /** Test func */
    void (*func) (void);

} _tests[] = {
    {   "dump_str",             &test_dump_str              },
    {   "sock_test",            &test_sock_test             },
    {   "line_proto",           &test_line_proto            },
    {   "irc_queue",            &test_irc_queue             },
    // XXX: irc_line_parse_invalid_prefix
    {   "irc_conn",             &test_irc_conn              },
    {   "irc_conn_self_nick",   &test_irc_conn_self_nick    },
    {   "irc_net",              &test_irc_net               },
    {   "irc_chan_add_offline", &test_irc_chan_add_offline  },
    {   "irc_chan_namreply",    &test_irc_chan_namreply     },
    {   "irc_chan_user_join",   &test_irc_chan_user_join    },
    {   "irc_chan_user_part",   &test_irc_chan_user_part    },
    {   "irc_chan_user_kick",   &test_irc_chan_user_kick    },
    {   "irc_chan_self_kick",   &test_irc_chan_self_kick    },
    {   "irc_chan_user_nick",   &test_irc_chan_user_nick    },
    {   "irc_chan_user_quit",   &test_irc_chan_user_quit    },
    {   "irc_chan_CTCP_ACTION", &test_irc_chan_CTCP_ACTION  },
    {   "irc_chan_privmsg",     &test_irc_chan_privmsg      },
    {   NULL,                   NULL                        }

 * Command-line option codes
enum option_code {
    OPT_HELP            = 'h',
    OPT_DEBUG           = 'd',
    OPT_QUIET           = 'q',
    OPT_LIST            = 'l',
    /** Options without short names */
    _OPT_EXT_BEGIN      = 0x00ff,

 * Command-line option definitions
static struct option options[] = {
    {"help",            0,  NULL,   OPT_HELP        },
    {"debug",           0,  NULL,   OPT_DEBUG       },
    {"quiet",           0,  NULL,   OPT_QUIET       },
    {"list",            0,  NULL,   OPT_LIST        },
    {0,                 0,  0,      0               },

 * Display --help output on stdout
static void usage (const char *exe) 
    printf("Usage: %s [OPTIONS]\n", exe);
    printf(" --help / -h            display this message\n");
    printf(" --debug / -d           display DEBUG log messages\n");
    printf(" --quiet / -q           supress INFO log messages\n");
    printf(" --list / -l            list all tests\n");

static void list_tests (struct test *tests)
    struct test *test;
    printf("Available tests:\n");

    for (test = tests; test->name; test++) {
        printf("\t%s\n", test->name);

int main (int argc, char **argv)
    struct test *test;
    size_t test_count = 0;
    int opt, option_index;
    const char *filter = NULL;

    // parse options
    while ((opt = getopt_long(argc, argv, "hdql", options, &option_index)) != -1) {
        switch (opt) {
            case OPT_HELP:
            case OPT_DEBUG:

            case OPT_QUIET:
            case OPT_LIST:

            case '?':

    if (optind < argc) {
        if (optind == argc - 1) {
            // filter
            filter = argv[optind];
            log_info("only running tests: %s", filter);
        } else {
            FATAL("too many arguments");

    // setup the sockets stuff
    _test_ctx.ev_base = setup_sock();

    // run tests
    for (test = _tests; test->name; test++) {
        if (filter && strcmp(test->name, filter))

        log_info("Running test: %s", test->name);

    // no tests run?
    if (test_count == 0)
        FATAL("no tests run");

    log_info("done, ran %zu tests", test_count);