changeset 48 ba101beeb062
parent 40 b9fdb7710768
child 49 666e638059b2
--- a/fixbot/logwatch/	Thu Feb 04 20:14:22 2010 +0200
+++ b/fixbot/logwatch/	Thu Feb 04 20:39:53 2010 +0200
@@ -1,66 +1,121 @@
 import re
-class FullFilter (object) :
+class BaseFilter (object) :
+    """
+        A filter object matches incoming lines, to determine how they are handled, classify them, and optionally reformat them
+    """
+    # the LogWatchModule event to send
+    event_type = None
     def __init__ (self, event_type) :
         self.event_type = event_type
     def test (self, line) :
-        return line
+        """
+            Match against the given line, and return one of:
-class NullFilter (object) :
+                None        - filter did not match, continue
+                False       - filter matched, line should be dropped
+                    (type, <str>)
+                            - filter matched, pass formatted output
+        """
+        raise NotImplementedError()
+class FullFilter (BaseFilter) :
+    """
+        A trivial filter that matches every possible line as-is
+    """
+    def test (self, line) :
+        # pass through
+        return self.event_type, line
+class NullFilter (BaseFilter) :
+    """
+        A filter that drops every line matching a given regexp
+    """
     def __init__ (self, pattern, flags=None) :
+        # don't need an event_type
         self.regexp = re.compile(pattern, flags)
     def test (self, line) :
         match =
         if match :
+            # drop
             return False
-class SimpleFilter (object) :
-    def __init__ (self, event_type, pattern, format) :
-        self.event_type = event_type
+class SimpleFilter (BaseFilter) :
+    """
+        A simple filter that passes through any lines that match, optionally reformatting them with the given string
+        pattern, using the regexp match groups as parameters.
+    """
+    def __init__ (self, event_type, pattern, format=None) :
+        super(SimpleFilter, self).__init__(event_type)
+        # store
         self.regexp = re.compile(pattern)
         self.format = format
     def test (self, line) :
+        # match
         match =
-        if match :
-            return self._filter(match)
+        if not match :
+            # continue
+            return None
-    def _filter (self, match) :
-        return self.format % match.groupdict()
+        # reformat?
+        if self.format :
+            # format with regexp match groups
+            return self.event_type, self.format % match.groupdict()
+        else :
+            # match as-is
+            return self.event_type, line
+# matches a timestamp prefix
 _timestamp = "\w{3} [0-9 ]\d \d{2}:\d{2}:\d{2}"
+# matches all lines
 all = FullFilter("all")
+# match all lines, but drop the prefixed timestamp
 all_wo_timestamps = SimpleFilter(
     "^" + _timestamp + " (?P<line>.+)$",
+# match sudo invocations, reformatting them nicely
 sudo = SimpleFilter(
     "(?P<hostname>\S+)\s+sudo:\s*(?P<username>\S+) : TTY=(?P<tty>\S+) ; PWD=(?P<pwd>.+?) ; USER=(?P<target_user>\S+) ; COMMAND=(?P<command>.*)",
     "%(username)s:%(tty)s - %(target_user)s@%(hostname)s:%(pwd)s - %(command)r"
+# match accepted ssh logins
 ssh = SimpleFilter(
-    "(?P<success>Accepted|Failed) password for (?P<username>\S+) from (?P<ip>\S+) port (?P<port>\S+) (?P<proto>\S+)",
-    "%(success)s login for %(username)s from %(ip)s:%(port)s proto %(proto)s"
+    "Accepted password for (?P<username>\S+) from (?P<ip>\S+) port (?P<port>\S+) (?P<proto>\S+)",
+    "SSH login for %(username)s from %(ip)s:%(port)s"
+# drops pam output from cron
 cron_killer = NullFilter(
         "^" + _timestamp + " \S+\s+(CRON|su)\[\d+\]: pam_unix\(cron:\w+\): session (opened|closed) for user \w+( by \(uid=\d+\))?$",
+# drops `su nobody` output (from cron)
 su_nobody_killer = NullFilter(
     "^" + _timestamp + " \S+\s+su\[\d+\]: (Successful su for nobody by root|\+ \?\?\? root:nobody)$",