Mon, 15 Sep 2008 00:53:59 +0300
changeset 23 67e71e9170e5
child 25 6c0a53a512d8
permissions -rw-r--r--
rename plugin fixbot -> fixbot_nexus, add fixbot_logwatch plugin, fix some random bugs
from zope.interface import implements

from twisted.python import usage
from twisted.plugin import IPlugin
from twisted.application.service import IServiceMaker

from twisted.application import internet

from fixbot import nexus

class NexusOptions (usage.Options) :
    optParameters = [
#        (   "uid",          "u",    "fixbot",           "user to run as"                                ),
#        (   "gid",          "g",    "nogroup",          "group to run as"                               ),
        (   "irc-hostname", "s",    "",     "IRC server hostname",                          ),
        (   "irc-port",     "p",    6667,               "IRC server port",                      int     ),
        (   "irc-nickname", "n",    "FixBotDev",        "IRC nickname",                                 ),
        (   "irc-username", "U",    "fixbot",           "IRC username",                                 ),
        (   "irc-channel",  "c",    "#fixme-test",      "IRC channel",                                  ),
        (   "api-listen",   "l",    "",        "address for API server to listen on"           ),
        (   "api-port",     "P",    34888,              "port for API server to listen on",     int     ),

    optFlags = [


class MyServiceMaker (object) :
    implements(IServiceMaker, IPlugin)
    tapname = "fixbot_nexus"
    description = "A SysAdmin's best friend"
    options = NexusOptions

    def makeService (self, config) :
        return nexus.makeService(config)

serviceMaker = MyServiceMaker()