changeset 197 d9ac888de778
child 200 2dbf40661580
equal deleted inserted replaced
196:e2d32c4601ce 197:d9ac888de778
     1 #include "Player.hh"
     2 #include "PhysicsObject.hh"
     3 #include "Engine.hh"
     5 #include <cmath>
     7 PhysicsObject::PhysicsObject (PhysicsWorld &world, float mass, 
     8                               Vector position, Vector velocity)
     9     : world(world), position(position), velocity(velocity),
    10       mass(mass), inAir(true), aim(0), facingRight(true), reloadTimer(0) {
    11     // TODO: Is thir the right way to do this?
    12     //world.addPlayerObject(this);
    13 }
    15 /**
    16  * Player walks on floor.
    17  */
    18 Vector PhysicsObject::walk_one_step (float partial, bool right) {
    19     // which way we are walking
    20     float deltaX = right ? partial : -partial;
    21     Vector reached = this->position;
    22     if(reached.roundToInt() == (reached+Vector(deltaX, 0)).roundToInt()) {
    23         return reached+Vector(deltaX, 0);
    24     }
    25     // Is there upward ramp
    26     if(!possibleLocation(position+Vector(deltaX, 0))) {
    27         // Yes. Then we check n pixels up
    28         for(int i = 1; i < 3; i++) {
    29             if(possibleLocation(position+Vector(deltaX, -i))) {
    30                 // and when there is finally EMPTY, we can walk
    31                 reached = position+Vector(deltaX, -i);
    32                 break;
    33             }
    34         }
    35     } else {
    36         // Or downward ramp or flat
    37         for(int i = 0; 1; i++) {
    39             // And when there is finally ground we can step on
    40             // it. If there is no gound we still step there,
    41             // but will fall one pixel down
    42             if(possibleLocation(position+Vector(deltaX, i))) {
    43                 reached = position+Vector(deltaX, i);
    44             } else {
    45                 break;
    46             }
    48             // If the fall is big enough, set the worm in the air
    49             if (i >= 2) {
    50 //                Vector back = walk(dt, !right);
    51                 this->inAir = true;
    52 //                this->velocity.x = right ? velocity : -velocity;
    53                 // Avoid stepping two pixels down when it starts to free fall
    54                 reached.y -= 2;
    55 //                this->velocity = (reached-back)*1000/dt;
    56                 break;
    57             }
    58         }
    59     }
    60     // And we return where we got
    61     return reached;
    62 }
    63 void PhysicsObject::walk (TimeMS dt, bool right) {
    64     float velocity = PLAYER_WALK_SPEED;
    65     float walkAmount = (velocity*dt)/1000;
    66     Vector reached = this->position;
    67     while(walkAmount > 0 && !this->inAir) {
    68         this->position = walk_one_step((1 < walkAmount ? 1 : walkAmount), right);
    69         walkAmount--;
    70     }
    71     // TODO: Should the remaining walkAmount be handled somehow?
    72 }
    74 /**
    75  * Makes the player jump in the air.
    76  * @param direction -1: jump left, 0: jump up, 1: jump right
    77  */
    78 void PhysicsObject::jump (int direction) {
    79     // Jump only if player is "on the ground"
    80     if (!this->inAir) {
    81  	    velocity.y = -100;
    82         switch (direction) {
    83             case 1:
    84                 velocity.x += 20;
    85                 break;
    86             case -1:
    87                 velocity.x -= 20;
    88                 break;
    89             case 0:
    90                 break;
    91             default:
    92                 throw std::logic_error("Invalid jump direction");
    93         }
    94 	    inAir = true;
    95     }
    96 }
    98 bool PhysicsObject::possibleLocation (Vector loc) {
    99     for(unsigned int i = 0; i < this->shape.size(); i++) {
   100         if(world.collides(loc+shape[i]))
   101             return false;
   102     }
   103     return true;
   104 }
   106 void func1() {
   108 }
   110 /**
   111  * Updates object speed and position. This function organises force
   112  * integration and collision detection.
   113  */   
   114 void PhysicsObject::updatePosition () {
   116     // Reloads weapon if not reloaded
   117     reloadTimer -= PHYSICS_TICK_MS;
   118     if(reloadTimer < 0)
   119         reloadTimer = 0;
   121     // Add gravity to the force queue
   122     forceq.push(world.gravity);
   124     // Go trough every force in the queue
   125     Force total;
   126     while (!forceq.empty()) {
   127         total += forceq.front();
   128         forceq.pop();
   129     }
   131     // If the player has stopped and there's some ground under some of the 3 some of the 3t
   132     // set inAir false
   133     if (this->velocity == Vector(0,0)) {
   134         this->inAir = !world.collides(this->position+shape[1]+Vector(0, 1))
   135                       && !world.collides(this->position+shape[2]+Vector(0, 1))
   136                       && !world.collides(this->position+shape[3]+Vector(0, 1));
   137         // If, however, there's a force caused by a bomb, e.g., set it in air.
   138         // Still, we have to be able to separate forces caused by walking attempts
   139         // and bombs etc (+0.1 because float comparison can be dangerous)
   140         if (total.y < 0 || abs(total.x) > PLAYER_MOVE_FORCE + 0.1)
   141             this->inAir = true;
   142     }
   144     if(!possibleLocation(position)) {
   145         //if we are trapped in ground form dirtball or something
   146         //we might want to just return and set velocity to some value
   147         //return;
   148     }
   150     // If the worm is not in the air make it walk,
   151     // otherwise integrate the new position and velocity
   152     if (!this->inAir) {
   153         //std::cout << "Tryin to walk" << std::endl;
   154         // It walks only if there's some vertical force
   155         if (total.x != 0) {
   156             std::cout << "Succeeding to walk" << std::endl;
   157             walk(PHYSICS_TICK_MS, total.x > 0);
   158             this->velocity = Vector(0,0);
   159         }
   160     }
   162     if(!possibleLocation(position)) {
   163         Engine::log(DEBUG, "great failure") << "great failure";
   164         func1();
   165     }
   166     Vector newPosition;
   167     Vector velAfterTick;
   168     // Calculate new position and velocity to the given references
   169     integrate(total, PHYSICS_TICK_MS, newPosition, velAfterTick);
   170     this->velocity = velAfterTick;
   173     // Collision detection
   174     bool collided = false;
   176     const Vector diffVec = newPosition-position;
   177     const Vector unitVector = diffVec / diffVec.length();
   178     Vector reached = position;
   180     while ((position-reached).sqrLength() < diffVec.sqrLength()) {
   181         reached += unitVector;
   182         // Check if any of the shapes points collide
   183         for (uint64_t i = 0; i < shape.size(); i++) {
   184             if (world.collides(reached+shape[i])) {  // Collision
   185                 if (inAir) {
   186                     //                    Engine::log(DEBUG, "Here");
   187                     this->bounce(world.getNormal(reached+shape[i], 
   188                                                  reached-unitVector+shape[i]));
   189                     //this->velocity *= COLLISION_ELASTICITY;
   190                 }
   191                 reached = reached - unitVector; // Return to last point
   192                 collided = true;
   193                 if (this->velocity.sqrLength() < PLAYER_MIN_SPEED * PLAYER_MIN_SPEED) {
   194                     this->velocity = Vector(0,0);
   195                 }
   196                 break;
   197             }
   198         }
   199         if (collided)
   200             break;
   201 //        reached += unitVector;
   202     }
   205     if(!possibleLocation(reached)) {
   206         Engine::log(DEBUG, "PhysicsObject.updatePosition") << "logic error reached should not be possible to be impossible.. diffVec: " << diffVec;
   207         func1();
   208     }
   210     // In case of some float error check the final coordinate
   211     if(!collided) {
   212         if(!possibleLocation(newPosition)) {
   213             newPosition = reached;
   214         } else {
   215             // This means everything was ok, so no need to do anything
   216         }
   217     } else {
   218         newPosition = reached;
   219         onCollision();
   220         //this->velocity = Vector(0, 0);
   221         //TODO: it shouldn't just stop on collision
   222     }
   223     if(!possibleLocation(newPosition)) {
   224         Engine::log(DEBUG, "great failure") << "great failure";
   225         func1();
   226     }
   227     this->position = newPosition;
   228     if(!possibleLocation(position)) {
   229         Engine::log(DEBUG, "great failure") << "great failure";
   230         func1();
   231     }
   232 //    Engine::log(DEBUG, "PhysicsObject.updatePosition") << "Pos: " << this->position;
   233 }
   235 /**
   236  * Bounces from straight wall in any direction.
   237  * Direction given as normal of that wall
   238  */
   239 void PhysicsObject::bounce (Vector normal) {
   240     // normal.sqrLength can't be 0 when got from getNormal()
   241     if (normal.sqrLength() != 0) {
   242         Vector nvel = velocity;
   243         // We project the velocity on normal and remove twice that much from velocity
   244         nvel = nvel - ((2)*((nvel*normal)/(normal*normal))*normal);
   245         velocity = nvel;
   246         // We lose some of our speed on collision
   247         this->velocity *= this->collision_elasticity;
   248     }
   249 }
   251 /**
   252  * Integrates given force over time and stores new position to
   253  * posAfterTick and new velocity to velAfterTick.
   254  * @param force Force vector.
   255  * @param dt The time the force is applied (<=PHYSICS_TICK_MS)
   256  */
   257 void PhysicsObject::integrate(Force force, TimeMS dt, Vector &posAfterTick, Vector &velAfterTick) {
   258     posAfterTick = position;
   259     velAfterTick = velocity;
   260     Derivative tmpd;
   261     Derivative k1 = evaluate(force, 0, tmpd, posAfterTick, velAfterTick);
   262     Derivative k2 = evaluate(force, 0.5f*dt, k1, posAfterTick, velAfterTick);
   263     Derivative k3 = evaluate(force, 0.5f*dt, k2, posAfterTick, velAfterTick);
   264     Derivative k4 = evaluate(force, dt, k3, posAfterTick, velAfterTick);
   267     const Vector dxdt = (k1.dx + (k2.dx + k3.dx) * 2.0f + k4.dx) * 1.0f/6.0f;
   268     const Vector dvdt = (k1.dv + (k2.dv + k3.dv) * 2.0f + k4.dv) * 1.0f/6.0f;
   270     //    Engine::log(DEBUG, "PhysicsObject.integrate") << "Changes: "<< dxdt << " " << dvdt << " Time: " <<dt;
   271     posAfterTick = posAfterTick + (dxdt * dt)/1000;
   272     velAfterTick = velAfterTick + (dvdt * dt)/1000;
   273     //Engine::log(DEBUG, "PhysicsObject.integrate") << "velAfterTick: " << velAfterTick;
   274 }
   276 Derivative PhysicsObject::evaluate(Force force, TimeMS dt, Derivative &d, const Vector &posAfterTick, const Vector &velAfterTick) {
   277     Vector curPos = posAfterTick + (d.dx*dt)/1000;
   278     Vector curVel = velAfterTick + (d.dv*dt)/1000;
   280     Derivative out;
   281     out.dx = curVel;
   282     out.dv = acceleration(force);
   283     //Engine::log(DEBUG, "PhysicsObject.evaluate") << "Out.dx: " << out.dx;
   284     return out;
   285 }
   287 Vector PhysicsObject::acceleration(const Force &force) {
   288     return (force/mass);
   289 }
   291 void PhysicsObject::applyForce (Force force) {
   292     // Add applied force to the queue
   293     forceq.push(force);
   294 }
   296 void PhysicsObject::changeAim(float da) {
   297     this->aim += da;
   299     if (this->aim > PLAYER_AIM_MAX) this->aim = PLAYER_AIM_MAX;
   300     if (this->aim < PLAYER_AIM_MIN) this->aim = PLAYER_AIM_MIN;
   301     //Engine::log(DEBUG, "PhysicsObject.changeAim") << "Player aim: " << this->aim;
   302 }
   304 void PhysicsObject::setFacing(bool facingRight) {
   305     //Engine::log(DEBUG, "PhysicsObject.setFacing") << "Facing: " << right;
   306     this->facingRight = facingRight;
   307 }
   309 void PhysicsObject::updatePhysics (Vector position, Vector velocity, bool inAir) {
   310     this->position = position;
   311     this->velocity = velocity;
   312     this->inAir = inAir;
   313 }
   315 Vector PhysicsObject::getPosition () {
   316     return this->position;
   317 }
   319 bool PhysicsObject::getFacing() {
   320     return this->facingRight;
   321 }
   323 float PhysicsObject::getAim() {
   324     return this->aim;
   325 }
   327 std::vector<Vector>& PhysicsObject::getShape () {
   328     return this->shape;
   329 }
   331 void PhysicsObject::setShape (std::vector<Vector> shape) {
   332     this->shape = shape;
   333 }
   335 void PhysicsObject::tick () {
   336     this->updatePosition();
   337 }
   339 bool PhysicsObject::canShoot() {
   340     return this->reloadTimer <= 0;
   341 }
   343 void PhysicsObject::draw(CL_GraphicContext *gc) {
   344     CL_Quad player(
   345                    (position+shape[0]).x, (position+shape[0]).y,
   346                    (position+shape[1]).x, (position+shape[1]).y,
   347                    (position+shape[2]).x, (position+shape[2]).y,
   348                    (position+shape[3]).x, (position+shape[3]).y
   349                    );
   351     gc->fill_quad(player, CL_Color::green);
   353     const uint16_t chlen = 10;
   354     uint16_t x =;
   355     uint16_t y =;
   356     if (facingRight) {
   357         gc->draw_line(x, y,
   358                       x + std::cos(aim)*chlen,
   359                       y - std::sin(aim)*chlen,
   360                       CL_Color::black);
   361     } else {
   362         gc->draw_line(x, y,
   363                       x - std::cos(aim)*chlen,
   364                       y - std::sin(aim)*chlen,
   365                       CL_Color::black);
   366     }
   367 }