changeset 414 cede5463b845
parent 413 7dddc163489a
child 415 c1069d23890b
--- a/src/Input.hh	Wed Jan 21 23:25:29 2009 +0200
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,301 +0,0 @@
-#ifndef INPUT_HH
-#define INPUT_HH
-#include "Timer.hh"
-#include "Types.hh"
-#include <ClanLib/Display/input_device.h>
-#include <ClanLib/Display/keys.h>
-#include <queue>
-// const TimeMS INPUT_INTERVAL_MS = 20;
- * Flags to control input behaviour
- */
-enum InputFlagBits {
-    /** Default */
-    /**
-     * The bit is not limited, i.e. it is set every time if it's present
-     */
-    INPUT_FLAG_UNLIMITED    = 0x0000,
-    /**
-     * The bit is repeat-limited using INPUT_REPEAT_DELAY
-     */
-    INPUT_FLAG_SLOWREPEAT   = 0x0001,
-    /**
-     * The bit is repeat-limited using an infinite delay, i.e. you must release the key to trigger it again
-     */
-    INPUT_FLAG_NOREPEAT     = 0x0002,
- * The bits used in the PlayerInput bitmask, each represents a separate action handled by LocalPlayer::handleInput.
- *
- * @see LocalPlayer::handleInput
- */
-enum PlayerInputBit {
-    INPUT_NONE          = 0x0000,
-    INPUT_AIM_UP        = 0x0001,
-    INPUT_AIM_DOWN      = 0x0002,
-    INPUT_MOVE_LEFT     = 0x0004,
-    INPUT_MOVE_RIGHT    = 0x0008,
-    INPUT_JUMP          = 0x0010,
-    INPUT_DIG           = 0x0020,
-    INPUT_SHOOT         = 0x0040,
-    INPUT_CHANGE_NEXT   = 0x0080,
-    INPUT_CHANGE_PREV   = 0x0100,
-    INPUT_ROPE          = 0x0200,
-    INPUT_UNROPE        = 0x0400,
-    INPUT_ROPE_UP       = 0x0800,
-    INPUT_ROPE_DOWN     = 0x1000,
-    INPUT_SUICIDE       = 0x2000,
- * The bits used in the GuiInput bitmask, each represents something handled locally by Graphics.
- */
-enum GuiInputBit {
-    GUI_INPUT_NONE              = 0x0000,
-    GUI_INPUT_QUIT              = 0x0001,
-    GUI_INPUT_DISPLAY_WEAPON    = 0x0002,
-    GUI_INPUT_DEBUG_PLAYER      = 0x0004,
- * Bitmask of InputFlagBits
- */
-typedef uint8_t InputFlags;
- * Bitmask of PlayerInputBits
- *
- * @see PlayerInputBit
- */
-typedef uint16_t PlayerInput;
- * Bitmask for GuiInputBits
- *
- * @see GuiInputBit
- */
-typedef uint16_t GuiInput;
- * Keymap definition struct
- */
-template <typename BitEnumType> struct InputKeymapEntry {
-    /**
-     * The input bit to set if present
-     */
-    BitEnumType input;
-    /**
-     * Flags to use
-     *
-     * @see InputFlagBits
-     */
-    InputFlags flags;
-    /**
-     * Up to two keycodes to check
-     */
-    int keycodes[2];
- * A InputKeyRepeatQueue entry, this contains the input bit value itself, and then the remaining expire time
- */
-template <typename BitEnumType> struct InputKeyRepeatEntry {
-        BitEnumType value;
-        /**
-         * The remaining expire time. If this is zero, it never expires
-         */
-        TimeMS expire;
-    public:
-        InputKeyRepeatEntry (BitEnumType value, TimeMS expire);
-        /**
-         * Since priority_queue always gives the greatest item, the one with the longest expire is the least item
-         */
-        bool operator< (const struct InputKeyRepeatEntry &other);
-        /**
-         * Decrements expire, returning true if it has now expired, false otherwise. Always returns false if expire is
-         * zero.
-         */
-        bool updateExpired (TimeMS dt);
- * A InputKeyRepeatQueue maintains a list of InputKeyRepeatEntry's, lets you add new input values, find old ones,
- * and update the list
- */
-template <typename BitEnumType> class InputKeyRepeatQueue {
-    private:
-        TimeMS expire;
-        typedef InputKeyRepeatEntry<BitEnumType> entry_type;
-        std::list<entry_type> list;
-        typedef typename std::list<entry_type>::iterator list_iterator;
-    public:
-        /**
-         * Constructs this queue to contain entries with the given expiry time
-         */
-        InputKeyRepeatQueue (TimeMS expire);
-        /**
-         * Push a new input bit onto the queue.
-         *
-         * If expire is true, the bit will automatically expire after our expire time, otherwise, it iwll never expire
-         * until forget()'d
-         */
-        void push (BitEnumType bit, bool expire = true);
-        /**
-         * Remove any entry for the given bit
-         */
-        void forget (BitEnumType bit);
-        /**
-         * Checks if the given input is in the queue
-         */
-        bool find (BitEnumType bit);
-        /**
-         * Updates the list, removing expired items
-         */
-        void update (TimeMS dt);
- * An InputHandler uses an InputKeymapEntry to maintain a BitMaskType of current inputs
- */
-template <typename BitEnumType, typename BitMaskType> class InputHandler {
-    private:
-        /**
-         * The keyboard that we read input from
-         */
-        CL_InputDevice &keyboard;
-        /**
-         * The keymap that we use
-         */
-        InputKeymapEntry<BitEnumType> *keymap;
-        /**
-         * The current bitmask value
-         */
-        BitMaskType value;
-        /**
-         * The previous value, used to detect key-up. This also includes keys that were filtered out
-         */
-        BitMaskType prev_value;
-        /**
-         * How long the bitmask was held...
-         */
-        TimeMS dt;
-        /**
-         * The KeyRepeatQueue
-         */
-        InputKeyRepeatQueue<BitEnumType> queue;
-    public:
-        /**
-         * Constructs the InputHandler using the given keyboard, keymap and key-repeat expire time
-         */
-        InputHandler (CL_InputDevice &keyboard, InputKeymapEntry<BitEnumType> *keymap, TimeMS keyrepeat_expire);
-    private: 
-        /**
-         * Returns true if the keycode is valid, false if not.
-         *
-         * A positive keycode requires that the keycode be active, a negative keycode that the keycode be inactive,
-         * and a zero keycode always returns true.
-         *
-         * @param keycode A positive keycode to check that it's set, negative keycode to check that it's not set, or zero
-         * @returns bool true if positive+set/negavtive+notset/zero, false otherwise
-         */
-        bool checkKeycode (int keycode);
-    public:
-        /**
-         * Updates the keyrepeat queue
-         */
-        void update (TimeMS dt);
-        /**
-         * Reads the current input mask value and length into mask and dt, and reset ours to zero
-         *
-         * @param mask our BitMaskType value is returned using this
-         * @param dt how long the input was held for
-         */
-        void readValue (BitMaskType &mask, TimeMS &dt);
- * Handles reading input from a keyboard and mapping it to PlayerInput/GuiInput bitmasks
- */
-class Input {
-    protected:
-        /**
-         * The keyboard device that we use
-         */
-        CL_InputDevice &keyboard;
-        /**
-         * Our update timer
-         */
-        Timer update_timer;
-        CL_SlotContainer slots;
-        /**
-         * Our PlayerInput
-         */
-        InputHandler<PlayerInputBit, PlayerInput> player;
-        /**
-         * Our GuiInput
-         */
-        InputHandler<GuiInputBit, GuiInput> gui;
-    public:
-        /**
-         * Build the input handler using the given keyboard and the default keymaps
-         */
-        Input (CL_InputDevice &keyboard);
-    public:
-        /**
-         * Reads the current PlayerInput value via mask, and the length of the input via dt
-         */
-        void readPlayerInput (PlayerInput &mask, TimeMS &dt);
-        /**
-         * Reads the current GuiInput mask and returns it
-         */
-        GuiInput readGuiInput (void);