author Tero Marttila <>
Tue, 27 Jan 2009 00:12:07 +0200
changeset 435 7bad24ab668e
parent 369 9b682981e060
permissions -rw-r--r--
send initial rope state on join, fixing #5 for now

\usepackage{listings} % For listing code

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    \lhead{\textbf{Group 66}}
    \chead{\textbf{Kishna Glista - Liero clone}}

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% Title information
\title{Kishna Glista - Liero Clone\\Project Documentation}
Atle Kivelä & 79171V & \\
Eric Malmi & 80351A & \\
Tero Marttila & 79849E & \\
Marko Rasa & 78726L & \\

% The document begins


\section{Instructions for compiling and use}

\subsection{Configuring CMake}
You must first generate the project's CMake configuration inside of \textsl{build}. A simple script is provided to do
so with some default settings. It will configure the install path as \textsl{/tmp} by default.

\item \textsl{cd build}
\item \textsl{./ Release}

\subsection{Compiling and Installing}
Once you have the CMake scripts in place, compiling should be as simple as running make:
\item \textsl{make}
\item \textsl{make install}

This will build the binary, and then copy the binary and data files to the install path configured above.

\subsection{Command-line Arguments}
Running the game is done using command-line arguments to the executable
\textbf{Short} & \textbf{Long} & \textbf{Value} & \textbf{Description} & \textbf{Default} \\
-p & \verb|--port| & PORT & Set server TCP/UDP port & 9338 \\
-s & \verb|--server| &  & Run as a network server & false \\
-c & \verb|--client| & SERVERHOST & Run as a network client on given server & false \\
-g & \verb|--graphics| & & Enable graphics rendering & * \\

* = true, except false when --server is given

The options \verb|--server| and \verb|--client| are mutually exclusive, and both cannot be selected at the same time.

\subsection{Keyboard Controls}
The default controls are identical to the origional Liero default controls, with some additions.

\textbf{Action} & \textbf{Default key(s)} \\
Move Left & Arrow Left \\
Move Right & Arrow Right \\
Aim Up & Arrow Up \\
Aim Down & Arror Down \\
Dig & Move Left + Move Right \\
Shoot & Right Control \\
Jump & Right Shift \\
Change Weapon & Enter + Arrow Left / Arrow Right \\
Throw Rope & Change Weapon + Jump \\
Release Rope & Jump \\
Change Rope Length & Change Weapon + Aim Up / Aim Down \\
Suicide & Left Control + K \\
Exit Game & Esc \\

\subsection{Running the game}
To simple start a local singleplayer game, just run \verb|kg| without any arguments.

To start a network server on the default port, run \verb|kg --server|
(\verb|kg -s|). You may optionally also specify the \verb|--graphics|
argument to have the server passively draw the graphics.

To start a network client, connecting to a server running on the
default port, run \verb|kg --client=ADDRESS| (\verb|kg -c <address>|).

To use a non-default port, simply specify \verb|--port=PORT|
(\verb|-p <port>|) on both client and server.

All global game constants are defined in \textit{src/Config.hh}, and may be
experimented with. Weapon parameters are defined in \textit{src/}.

\section{Program architecture}
The program consists of four main parts: Graphics\&Input, GameState,
Network and Physics. Each part contains various classes; the relations
show up in the doxygen generated documentation of the program.

The program starts from the Application class, which then starts the Engine,
which creates GameState, Graphics and the Network Client/Server. Physics
simulation is started when GameState is created.

GameState contains PhysicsWorld which inherits from Terrain and
contains a list of PhysicsObjects. GameState also contains Player and
Projectile objects which inherit from PhysicsObject (and are contained
in PhysicsWorld).

Player objects have a list of Weapon objects which they can use to
create Projectiles. Every Player also has a Rope object, which is a
separate PhysicsObject, and is either folded away, being thrown or
attached to the terrain.

Graphics and Input are handled in their own classes. Graphics has an
Input object which contains InputHandler objects for various classes
of input. One such object is PlayerInput which affects the GameState's
LocalPlayer. Other object is GuiInput which just modifies what the GUI
look like on the client side.

The network code is a bit complicated and has several layers. There
are some nice diagrams about the program structure in the doxygen

 \centering \includegraphics[width=\textwidth]{images/class_Player_inherit_graph.png}
 \caption{Player class inheritance graph. \label{class_Player_inheritance}}

 \centering \includegraphics[width=0.6\textwidth]{images/class_GameState_collaboration_graph.png}
 \caption{Relationships of core GameState class. \label{class_GameState_collaboration}}


The network code is implemented as separate NetworkServer and NetworkClient modules, which use a common high-level
network interface, NetworkSession and NetworkObject.

The low-level details are implemented using ClanLib's CL\_IPAddress (referred to as NetworkAddress) and CL\_Socket.
NetworkUDP provides an interface to send and receive NetworkPackets to/from specific NetworkAddress's across a 
NetworkSocket. NetworkTCP provides a NetworkTCPTransport interface, which can send/receive NetworkPackets on a
NetworkSocket (using NetworkBuffer to buffer socket I/O). NetworkTCPServer is a listen() socket which accepts client
connections as NetworkTCPTransports, and NetworkTCPClient is a NetworkTCPTransport that's connect()'d to some address.

NetworkSession encapsulates some simple application server/client behaviour, it can function as both a server, and
represents remote NetworkSessions (either clients or servers) as NetworkNode objects. These then provide an interface
to send and receive NetworkPackets on specific NetworkChannelDs, using either TCP or UDP as a reliable/unreliable

NetworkObject then implements a kind of object-oriented network protocol. A NetworkObjectController (with specific
subclasses for server/client behaviour) uses a NetworkSession to send messages on a specific NetworkChannelID. This
controller then creates and looks up NetworkObjects (again, with specific subclasses for server/client behaviour).
Clients and servers can then communicate by having the server construct new NetworkObjects (which are allocated an
unique id), and then sending NetworkPackets with a specific NetworkMessageID type on a specific object. The message is
then delivered directly to the NetworkObject instance on the remote end of the connection, or a new NetworkObject is
constructed using the data in the NetworkPacket. This enables an easy way to send events for specific objects, and
referr to other objects in these messages.

NetworkServer then implements a core NetworkServer class which has a NetworkSession and a
NetworkObject\_ServerController. Players that connect are represented as NetworkServerPlayers, which inherit from
LocalPlayer and NetworkObject\_Server. This class then overrides methods in Player to deliver messages on the Player
object to the clients, or to create new NetworkServerProjectiles. NetworkServerProjectile inherits from Projectile and
NetworkObject\_Server, and sends messages when constructed, upon hitting a player, and upon being destroyed.

NetworkClient is a bit more complicated as it must handle both the LocalPlayer, and a number of RemotePlayers. Again,
NetworkClient has a NetworkSession and a specialized NetworkClientController, which then creates objects of various
other NetworkClientClasses upon receiving messages from the server.

Two of these classes are NetworkClientLocalPlayer and NetworkClientRemotePlayer. Both inherit from
NetworkClientPlayerBase, which inherits Player (virtually) and NetworkObject\_Client. NetworkClientLocalPlayer and
NetworkClientRemotePlayer then also inherit LocalPlayer and Remote player virtually, respectively.
NetworkClientPlayerBase contains the common methods that update the Player's state in response to messages received
from the server. NetworkClientLocalPlayer overrides handleInput to send the input mask to the server, and
NetworkClientRemotePlayer can handle remote clients disconnecting from the server.

In addition, there is a NetworkClientProjectile class, which inherits from Projectile and NetworkObject\_Client.
this is created when a Player fires a Weapon on the server, and handles events received from the server like the
projectile hitting a player (inflicting damage), or being destroyed (by hitting the terrain or something similar).

When the player first connects to the server, the server sends a large packet containing the terrain array to the
client, which updates its own GameState world's terrain array with the received data.

Currently, the client only sends handleInput using unreliable UDP messages, and the server only sends position updates
(as sent in response to handleInput events) unreliably. All other events are sent using reliable TCP.

 \centering \includegraphics[width=\textwidth]{images/class_NetworkObject_inherit_graph.png}
 \caption{Use of NetworkObject in network code. \label{class_NetworkObject_inherit}}


\section{Data structures and algorithms}

\subsection{Basic data structures}

\item Vector
\item List

\subsection{World and Objects}

% COMMENT: I think these should be in a very basic level and they
% shouldn't discuss too much about the game itself. The idea is just
% to explain different kinds of structures and algorithms.

% Terrain
The terrain is an important part of our game. We represent our terrain
as a large array. Each shell of the array has a type that tells what
is in that position. Currently, possible terrain types are EMPTY, DIRT
and ROCK. 

% Usually, in side view 2D-games, the terrain is representated as a
% polygon. This allows us to implement collision detection and
% bouncing rather easily, and it is also a very compact way of storing
% the map. In our opinion Liero, however, is fundamentally a pixel
% based game and therefore we represent the terrain as a large array
% of pixels. These pixels are, however, abstract pixels, i.e. they are
% not necessarily in the same scale than the physical resolution. In
% other words, the server has an abstract resolution, which is the
% same for all clients, and the clients can visualize this abstract
% array of pixels in any resolution they wish.

% Objects
In our physics simulation the shapes of the different elements in the
game are represented as polygons. A polygon is a vector of points that
define the edges of the shape.

% On top of the terrain, the world also includes a list of all objects
% in it (players, projectiles and ropes). The objects have a polygon
% shape which is used in the collision detection between the objects
% and the terrain and the objects with each other.

\subsection{Collision Detection}

\item Polygon collision detection
\item Pixel collision detection

Collision detection algorithms check if objects in the physics
simulation are colliding with eachother. Because our terrain is
represented as an array and objects are represented as polygons we
have two different kinds collision detection algorithms.

The pixel based collision detection used to check collisions with the
terrain is quite simple. It ``draws'' a line between two points A and
B. The algorithm iterates over the line from point A to B and on each
iteration it checks if theres a collision (i.e. the type of the
current point is ROCK or DIRT).

In order to implement the bouncing from the terrain we have to be able
to calculate a normal for the slope of the terrain in the collision
point. We came up with the following algorithm which gives us an
approximation of the normal

 \item Take the collision point ($p_1$) and the point
before the collision ($p_2$) and consider a 3x3 array of pixels which has the
collision point in the middle of it.
 \item Find the empty points that are connected to $p_2$ with bredth-first search algorithm
or something similar.
 \item Calculate the vectors pointing from the collision point to the empty points. Sum of these vectors gives us the approximation of the normal.

Picture \ref{algo} explains the algorithm a lot. In the middle of the pictured we have zoomed to the collision point. The red arrow is the sum of the black arrows and thus it is our approximation for the normal.

 \centering \includegraphics[width=0.7\textwidth]{images/normaali_algo.png}
 \caption{Visualizing the algorithm for approximating the normal. \label{algo}}


The fourth-order Runge-Kutta method is a numerical method for
approximating the solution of an ordinary differential equation. In
our game the Runge-Kutta method is used to calculate positions and
velocities of physics objects when we apply forces to them.

The mathematical formulation of the Runge-Kutta method:
If we have an initial value problem of the form
y' = f(t, y), \quad y(t_0) = y_0.
The we can describe the RK4 method for this problem by equations
y_{n+1} &= y_n + \tfrac{1}{6}h\left(k_1 + 2k_2 + 2k_3 + k_4 \right) \\
t_{n+1} &= t_n + h \\
where $y_{n+1}$ is the RK4 approximation of $y(t_{n+1})$, and
k_1 &= f(t_n, y_n) \\
k_2 &= f(t_n + \tfrac{1}{2}h, y_n + \tfrac{1}{2}h k_1) \\
k_3 &= f(t_n + \tfrac{1}{2}h, y_n + \tfrac{1}{2}h k_2) \\
k_4 &= f(t_n + h, y_n + h k_3) \\
The next value $(y_n+1)$ is determined by the present value $(y_n)$,
the product of the interval $(h)$ and an estimated slope that is
defined as $\frac{1}{6}h\left(k_1+2k_2+2k_3+k_4\right)$.

\subsection{Texture generation}

In texture generation we use random fractal terrain generation algorithm \cite{fractal}.
In one dimension algorithm starts with one straight line. Then it affects to that
line's midpoint with some random multiplied with H-value. After those first steps
it simply calls itself to both parts of line changing H-value smaller.

We use the two dimensional version of the algorithm. It needs step for point's between
last density and step diagonal to last density's points -- otherwise it is quite similar
to the one dimensional version. We decide to implement the algorithm as iterative instead of recursion.


All input is represented as a bitmask, composed of bits from \textsl{enum PlayerInputBits}. Additionally, the Graphics
code uses some local-only flags defined in \textsl{enum GuiInputBits}. These bitmasks are built using the
\textsl{InputHandler} class, which is defined as a generic template. On every update, it goes through its keymap,
which is defined as an array of InputKeymapEntry structs. These contain the input bit, flags, and up to two keycodes.
The InputHandler then reads keycodes from the keyboard and sets bits in the current input mask based on the entry
keycodes (which may be negative to indicate the the specified key must NOT be pressed down) and any key-repetition
rules defined by flags.

Key repetition is implemented using InputKeyRepeatQueue, which contains a list of InputKeyRepeatEntry's. To rate-limit
keypresses, the input code is push()'d to the queue, and it eventually removed from the queue once it expires, or
the key is released.

The Graphics code then reads the input mask from time to time, resetting the InputHandler's mask to zero, and passes 
it on to LocalPlayer, which then either handles it locally, or sends it to the remote server.

Since some inputs like walking, aiming and moving up and down the rope are time-dependant, the InputHandler also tracks
how many milliseconds the input mask has been held, and this time delta is applied by LocalPlayer.

\section{Known bugs}
\item If player dies while rope is attached the rope will still be
    attached when the player spawns.
\item If rope is thrown without releasing it first, rope will pull worm
    while in mid-air
\item Collisions with the terrain are only tested for the vertices
    of the polygon. It is thus possible for the player to move through some pixels.
\item Existing Player ropes and Projectiles are not sent to the client when it connects, which can cause apparent
    glitches in what the terrain looks like and how players move.

\section{Tasks sharing and schedule}
We could have followed the schedule a lot better. We basically forgot the whole
schedule and had a lapse in activity during the middle weeks, which caused us
to be delayed in terms of the schedule. The positive side was that we almost
always had all the team members working on their own things in parralel and
communicating together; either at Maari or using our IRC channel.

Tasks sharing worked pretty much as planned. Tero did all the network
code and worked on keeping the rest of the code network-safe. Most of our
eye-candy (like terrain textures) was done by Marko, who was responsible for
the graphics. Marko, Eric and Atle worked on everything Physics related plus
the GameState/Player/Rope/etc code. Most of the time all team members were
working together, so the code was written using common agreement.

We feel that the workload was shared reasonably evenly. % Or does someone disagree with this?

\section{Differences to the original plan}
The original plan was quite loose and it let us make decisions during
development, which was a good thing. The basic structure of the program is
pretty much as the one we thought about while planning, although the Network
code ended up being a fair bit more simple-minded due to lack of time to
implement more UDP-based behaviour.

Currently, the program lacks an AI which was in the original plan and most of the optional features were also omitted. Liero clone proved to be, however, a very interesting software project and we are hoping to release Kishna Glista 2.0 one day.

% References
\bibitem{gaffer} Gaffer on games. Game Physics. 2006. \\ (read: 2008-12-08)
\bibitem{fractal} Terrain texture generation \\
