author Tero Marttila <>
Thu, 15 Jan 2009 20:38:23 +0200
changeset 395 91d96387b359
parent 377 01d3c340b372
child 423 947ab54de4b7
permissions -rw-r--r--
add KG_DOC_ONLY build option to not compile code or find library dependancies
#ifndef VECTOR_HH
#define VECTOR_HH

#include <iostream>
#include <cmath>

 * A 2D Vector class. Implements standard vector operations.
template <typename T> class VectorType {
    /** Horizontal component */
    T x;
    /** Vertical component */
    T y;

     * Default constructor. Values are zero
    VectorType() : 
        x(0), y(0) 

     * Scalar constuctor.
     * @param x Initial x-coordinate
     * @param y Initial y-coordinate
    VectorType (const T &x, const T &y) : 
        x(x), y(y) 

     * Copy constructor.
     * @param v Vector to be copied.
    VectorType (const VectorType &v) : 

     * @name Standard operators
     * @{
    VectorType& operator= (const VectorType &v) {
        x = v.x;
        y = v.y;

        return *this;

    VectorType operator+ (const VectorType &v) const {
        return VectorType(x + v.x, y + v.y);

    VectorType operator- (const VectorType &v) const {
        return VectorType(x - v.x, y - v.y);
    /** Unary minus (v + -v = 0) */
    VectorType operator- (void) const {
        return VectorType(-x, -y);
    /** Scalar multiplication */
    VectorType operator* (const T &scalar) const {
        return VectorType(x * scalar, y * scalar);
    /** Scalar division */
    VectorType operator/ (const T &scalar) const {
        return VectorType(x / scalar, y / scalar);

    /** Dot product */
    T operator* (const VectorType &v) const {
        return (x * v.x + y * v.y);

    void operator+= (const VectorType &v) {
        x += v.x;
        y += v.y;

    void operator-= (const VectorType &v) {
        x -= v.x;
        y -= v.y;

    void operator*= (const T &scalar) {
        x *= scalar;
        y *= scalar;

    void operator/= (const T &scalar) {
        x /= scalar;
        y /= scalar;
     * XXX: This needs to do some rounding for float-vectors
    bool operator== (const VectorType &other) const {
        return (x == other.x) && (y ==  other.y);

     * XXX: This needs to do some rounding for float-vectors
    bool operator!= (const VectorType &other) const {
        return (x != other.x) || (y !=  other.y);

    // @}
     * Vector scalar length
    T length (void) const {
        return sqrt(sqrLength());

     * Vector scalar length, squared
    T sqrLength (void) const {
        return (x * x) + (y * y);
     * XXX: should be replaced with a working operator== implementation
     * This doesn't actually *round*, it *truncates*
    VectorType roundToInt (void) const {
        return VectorType((int)(x), (int)(y));
     * Test for a zero-length vector.
     * XXX: this is currently only used when testing for Vector(0, 0), probably breaks otherwise
    bool zero (void) const {
        return x == 0 && y == 0;

     * Returns the corresponding unit vector, i.e. the vector divided by its own length
     * @return Vector with length() == 1
    VectorType unitVector (void) const {
        T len = length();

        return VectorType(x / len, y / len);

     * Returns a normalized vector such that the x/y coordinates are both either -1, 0 or 1, to indicate which
     * direction this vector points in.
     * @return normalized Vector
    VectorType normalizeDirection (void) const;

     * Returns a vector's normal (one of the two)
    VectorType normal (void) const {
        return VectorType(y, -x);


 * @name Postfix operators
 * Operators with the vector as the second argument :)
 * @{
template<typename T> VectorType<T> operator* (const T &scalar, const VectorType<T> &v) {
    return (v * scalar);

 * Make vectors printable
template<typename T> std::ostream& operator<< (std::ostream &s, const VectorType<T> &v) {
    return s << "(" << v.x << ", " << v.y << ")";

// Templates function implementations
#include <cmath>
#include <cstdlib>

 * Float/int absolute value
template<typename T> static T absType (T value);
template<> static float absType<float> (float value) { return fabs(value); }
template<> static long absType<long> (long value) { return labs(value); }

 * Direction-normalize the given coordinate against the tangent coordinate.
 * Returns 1 if the coordinate is positive and greater than the tangent, -1 if the coordinate is less than and
 * negative, else zero.
template<typename T> static T normalizeCoordinate (T coord, T tangent) {
    if (coord > absType(tangent))
        return 1;

    else if (coord < -absType(tangent))
        return -1;

        return 0;

template<typename T> VectorType<T> VectorType<T>::normalizeDirection (void) const {
    return VectorType<T>(
        normalizeCoordinate(x, y),
        normalizeCoordinate(y, x)
