author Tero Marttila <>
Tue, 20 Jan 2009 22:00:24 +0200
changeset 406 a2e35ca66c74
parent 400 d64bf28c4340
child 408 e6cfc44266af
permissions -rw-r--r--
cleanup Terrain, use a single linear array instead of nested vectors

 * @file
 * Game server implementation

#include "../GameState.hh"
#include "Session.hh"
#include "Object.hh"

#include <list>
#include <map>
#include <ClanLib/core.h>

// forward-declare
class NetworkServerPlayer;

 * Our game's NetworkServer... this has the GameState, NetworkSession, etc
class NetworkServer {
    friend class NetworkServerObject;
    friend class NetworkServerPlayer;
    friend class NetworkServerProjectile;

         * The GameState
        GameState &state;
        CL_SlotContainer slots;
         * The server-mode NetworkSession
        NetworkSession netsession;

         * The NetworkObject_ServerController that we use
        NetworkObject_ServerController controller;

         * A list of NetworkServerPlayer's, used when a new player connects to send it information about existing
         * NetworkServerPlayer objects
        std::list<NetworkServerPlayer *> players;

         * Construct a NetworkServer, using the given GameState and listening on the given address
        NetworkServer (GameState &state, const NetworkEndpoint &listen_addr);
         * Called by NetworkServerPlayer when it disconnects, this removes it from our list
        void handle_disconnect (NetworkServerPlayer *player);

         * Our NetworkSession::sig_node_connected handler, this creates a new NetworkServerPlayer and adds it to
         * our list of players
        void on_node_connected (NetworkNode *node);

 * Our base NetworkObject_Server class, that also holds the NetworkServer reference and a CL_SlotContainer for
 * conveniance.
class NetworkServerObject : public NetworkObject_Server {
         * Our NetworkServer
        NetworkServer &server;
        CL_SlotContainer slots;
         * Constructs this NetworkServerObject, passing the server's controller to the NetworkObject_Server constructor
        NetworkServerObject (NetworkServer &server);

 * A remote player on this server, this is both a LocalPlayer and a NetworkServerObject
class NetworkServerPlayer : public LocalPlayer, public NetworkServerObject {
         * The remote node that represents this actual player
        NetworkNode *node;

         * Construct this using the given server (for NetworkServerObject) and node (for node).
         * We send the initial NETMSG_SERVER_HELLO to the client, then a set of NETMSG_PLAYER_INFOs
         * for all the other players, a NETMSG_PLAYER_JOIN to all the other clients, and then calls
         * send_terrain_data to sync the initial terrain.
         * @see NetworkServerObject
        NetworkServerPlayer (NetworkServer &server, NetworkNode *node);
        // @{
         * These methods are overriden from Player to replicate events to our clients
        virtual void handleDig (Vector position, float radius);
        virtual void handleFireWeapon (Weapon *weapon, Vector position, Vector velocity);
        virtual void handleChangeWeapon (unsigned int weaponIndex);
        virtual void handleRopeState (RopeState state);
        virtual void handleRopeLength (float length);
        virtual void spawn (Vector position);
        virtual void die (bool start_timer = true);
        // @}
         * Our NetworkNode::sig_disconnected handler. This calls NetworkServer::handle_disconnect, sends a 
         * NETMSG_PLAYER_QUIT message to all remaining clients, and destroys this player.
        void on_disconnected (void);

         * Our NETMSG_PLAYER_INPUT handler. This calls our superclass LocalPlayer::handleInput, which may then call
         * the various handle* methods. After this, we call send_position_update
        void on_input (NetworkNode *node, NetworkPacketInput &pkt);
         * Called from the constructor to send the initial Terrain data using the NETCHAN_TERRAIN_ARRAY channel.
        void send_terrain_data (void);

         * Called from on_input to broadcast an unreliable position update with this player's physics state
        void send_position_update (void);

 * A Projectile, replicated across the network.
 * These are created by NetworkServerPlayer::handleFireWeapon
class NetworkServerProjectile : public Projectile, public NetworkServerObject {
         * Call the Projectile construtor, and then send NETMSG_PROJECTILE_PLAYER_FIRED
         * @param server the NetworkServer
         * @param player the NetworkServerPlayer that fired the weapon
         * @param position the Projectile's initial position
         * @param velocity the Projectile's initial velocity
         * @param weapon the Player's Weapon that was fired
        NetworkServerProjectile (NetworkServer &server, NetworkServerPlayer *player, Vector position, Vector velocity, Weapon *weapon);
         * Overriden from Projectile to send a NETMSG_PROJECTILE_DESTROY with the given position and flags
         * @param position the Projectile's final position, where the ground gets removed
         * @param removeGround controls the NETWORK_PROJECTILE_REMOVE_GROUND flag
        virtual void onDestroy (Vector position, bool removeGround);
         * Overriden from Projectile to send a NETMSG_PROJECTILE_HIT_PLAYER with the given player
         * @param player the NetworkServerPlayer that got hit
        virtual void onHitPlayer (Player *player_ptr);
