author Tero Marttila <>
Mon, 26 Jan 2009 23:03:47 +0200
changeset 431 c6d7272a164b
parent 417 c503e0c6a740
permissions -rw-r--r--
rework Network send() code to use NetworkTarget/Node/Group::send classes, add a NetworkMessage class for sending NetworkObject messages, and fix a bug whereby the server's client TCP sockets weren't nonblocking.... I wonder how this has worked before?\!
#ifndef PLAYER_HH
#define PLAYER_HH

class Player;
class LocalPlayer;
class RemotePlayer;

#include "Weapon.hh"
#include "Projectile.hh"
#include "GameState.hh"
#include "PhysicsObject.hh"
#include "Rope.hh"
#include "Types.hh"
#include "Input.hh"

#include "Graphics/Drawable.hh"

#include <vector>

 * A Player is a PhysicsObject that represents a player - a remote client on the server, a local singleplayer player, a
 * local network-client player, a remote network-client player, etc.
class Player : public PhysicsObject {
    friend class Rope;

    GameState &state;

    // XXX: not used
    bool visible;

    // our weapons
    std::vector<Weapon*> weapons;

    // the index of the currently selected weapon
    unsigned int selectedWeapon;
    // we have a rope
    Rope rope;
    /** Our current health */
    Health health;

    /** Our respawn-timer */
    Timer respawn_timer;
    CL_Slot respawn_slot;

    // XXX: updated where?
    int animation_step;

    //Player stats
    uint16_t kills;
    uint16_t deaths;

     * Default constructor for use with virtual inheritance... it's not defined, and must not be called
    Player (void);

     * Initialize params, and add ourselves to GameState
    Player (GameState &state, Vector position, bool visible); 

     * Remove player from state players list
    ~Player (void);
     * Move the worm to the given position, removeGround to dig a hole there, and enable ourselves
    virtual void spawn (Vector position);

     * We die. Disable and prepare respawn_timer
    virtual void die (bool start_timer = true);

     * Calculate a new position for the worm, and respawn there. Also set health back to 100%
    virtual void respawn (TimeMS dt);

     *  Used by the network code to execute various actions
    virtual void handleDig (Vector position, float radius);
    virtual void handleFireWeapon (Weapon *weapon, Vector position, Vector velocity);
    virtual void handleChangeWeapon (unsigned int weaponIndex);

    // Called by rope to handle state changes, these don't do anything by default
    virtual void handleRopeState (RopeState state);
    virtual void handleRopeLength (float length);

     * Called when a weapon is fired, this should apply recoil and reload the weapon
    void weaponFired (Weapon *weapon);
     * Get the currently selected weapon
     * @return A pointer to the Weapon object
    Weapon* getCurrentWeapon();

     * Get the weapon with the given index
     * @return A pointer to a Weapon object if found, NULL otherwise
    Weapon* getWeapon (WeaponID id);

     * Prints random things via Engine::log
    void printDebugInfo ();

     * Overrides PhysicsObject::tick to also advance game state
    virtual void tick (TimeMS dt);

     * This is called when the player collides with the terrain or with some other object.
    void onCollision (Vector collisionPoint, PhysicsObject *other);

     * We have been hit by something, and therefore take some damage.
     * XXX: should this take the Projectile instead or somesuch?
    void takeDamage (Projectile *source);

     * If the player has a pivot calculate the force it causes.
    Vector getPivotForce (void);

     * Gives player's health in percents from maximum
    float getHealthPercent() const;

     * Increment player killcounter by one.
    void addKill ();

     * Drawing requires the skin texture, which is loaded on-demand when draw is called
    static bool skin_loaded;
    static CL_Surface skin_surface;

     * Draw this player
    virtual void draw (graphics::Display &display, PixelCoordinate camera);

     * Returns statistics on the number of kills for this player
    uint16_t getKills() { return kills; }

     * Returns statistics on the number of deaths for this player
    uint16_t getDeaths() { return deaths; }

 * A LocalPlayer is a Player that we handle input for - so this is our own player on the client/singleplayer, or all
 * the remote clients on a server - the name is a bit misleading.
 * This inherits virtually from Player so that subclasses can also define custom behaviour for the base Player class.
class LocalPlayer : public virtual Player {
     * Calculates projectil position/velocity and calls handleCreateProjectile
    void fireWeapon (Weapon *weapon);
     * Change weapon index, should be negative or positive 1
    void changeWeapon (int delta);

     * Called to invoke some action on this player that we control, either by Graphics or NetworkServer.
     * NetworkClientLocalPlayer overrides this to send the input to the server, which then handles it
    virtual void handleInput (PlayerInput input, TimeMS dt);
     * As Player, but also draws the current weapon name if displayWeapon
    virtual void draw (graphics::Display &display, bool displayWeapon, PixelCoordinate camera);

 * A RemotePlayer is a Player that we don't handle input for - they are a remote client connected to a remote server.
 * This inherits virtually from Player so that subclasses can also define custom behaviour for the base Player class.

class RemotePlayer : public virtual Player {
