author Tero Marttila <>
Tue, 27 Jan 2009 03:02:02 +0200
changeset 441 f769fab21a6c
parent 400 d64bf28c4340
permissions -rw-r--r--
fix bug with NetworkBufferOutput where push_write doesn't update offset

 * @file
 * Simple message-based TCP implementation

#include <ClanLib/core.h>

#include "Socket.hh"
#include "Address.hh"
#include "Packet.hh"
#include "Buffer.hh"

// @{
 * Initial input/output buffer size given to NetworkTCPTransport::in/out constructor
 * @see NetworkBufferBase
const size_t NETWORK_TCP_INITIAL_IN_BUF = 4096;
// @}

 * A connected TCP socket, so either a client or a server's accept'd socket. Can be used to send/receive messages.
 * Not instanted directly, use NetworkTCPServer/NetworkTCPClient.
 * Most of the functionality is present in NetworkSocket/NetworkBuffer*, so mostly this just implements the
 * higher-level logic for reading messages, triggering signals, driving connect/listen and maintaing the poll flags.
class NetworkTCPTransport {
         * The SOCK_STREAM socket
        NetworkSocket *socket;
         * Our input buffer associated with socket
        NetworkBufferInput in;

         * Our output buffer associated with socket
        NetworkBufferOutput out;
        CL_SlotContainer slots; 
         * Construct this using the given socket
        NetworkTCPTransport (NetworkSocket *socket);
         * Deletes the socket
        ~NetworkTCPTransport (void);

         * Triggered when the socket is read for recv
        void on_read (void);

         * Triggered when the socket is read for send
        void on_write (void);
         * The packet-read signal
        CL_Signal_v1<NetworkPacketInput&> _sig_packet;

         * The disconnected-signal
        CL_Signal_v0 _sig_disconnect;

         * Get this TCP socket's local address
        NetworkAddress get_local_address (void) { return socket->get_local_address(); }

         * Get this TCP socket's remote address
        NetworkAddress get_remote_address (void) { return socket->get_remote_address(); }
         * Write the given packet to this socket output, buffering the data if need be
         * @param packet the packet to send
        void write_packet (const NetworkPacketBuffer &packet);

         * Handle disconnect, disable socket
        void handle_disconnect (void);
         * A full packet has been received from the remote end
        CL_Signal_v1<NetworkPacketInput&>& sig_packet (void) { return _sig_packet; }

         * The connection has been lost (no specific error code given)
        CL_Signal_v0& sig_disconnect (void) { return _sig_disconnect; }

 * A TCP server, listening on the given address, creating NetworkTCPTransports for clients that connect
class NetworkTCPServer {
         * The listen() socket
        NetworkSocket socket;

        CL_SlotContainer slots; 

         * Listen on the specific endpoint for incoming client connections. \a listen_addr may be a hostname, a
         * suitable address will be chosen.
        NetworkTCPServer (const NetworkEndpoint &listen_addr);

         * The socket is read for read()
        void on_accept (void);
         * The on_accept signal
        CL_Signal_v1<NetworkTCPTransport *> _sig_client;

         * Called by on_accept to build the NetworkTCPTransport, can be used to override what class gets used.
         * By default, this just constructs a new NetworkTCPTransport and returns it
         * @param socket the socket returned by accept()
        virtual NetworkTCPTransport* buildTransport (NetworkSocket *socket);

         * A new client has connected, and a NetworkTCPTransport has been connected for it
        CL_Signal_v1<NetworkTCPTransport *>& sig_client (void) { return _sig_client; }

 * A TCP Client that connects to the given address
class NetworkTCPClient : public NetworkTCPTransport {
         * Create a NetworkTCPTransport, and then connect our socket to the given remote endpoint
         * This is address-family-agnostic, and fully supports endpoints with multiple addresses. They will be tried in
         * turn until one works.
         * @param connect_addr the address to connect to
        NetworkTCPClient (const NetworkEndpoint &connect_addr);

#endif /* NETWORK_TCP_HH */