Thu, 26 Jun 2008 01:32:56 +0300 Tero Marttila new render_threads module, make node_main use it, compiles, not yet tested
Tue, 17 Jun 2008 18:15:43 +0300 Tero Marttila fix memory alloc/free bugs, and one in render_threads where the last row was left out
Tue, 17 Jun 2008 18:05:08 +0300 Tero Marttila write a DEBUG macro and change the render_threads stuff to use it. Shuffle the mutexes in render_threads around again to fix yet another bug... seems to work, but meh
Tue, 17 Jun 2008 16:39:55 +0300 Tero Marttila a working threaded sliced render, plus modifications to other modules to use this in web_main