changeset 5584 1111b4d36e35
parent 5576 b19c640dfc37
child 5587 167d9a91ef02
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/src/music_gui.cpp	Wed Jan 10 18:12:09 2007 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,506 @@
+/* $Id$ */
+#include "stdafx.h"
+#include "openttd.h"
+#include "table/strings.h"
+#include "table/sprites.h"
+#include "functions.h"
+#include "window.h"
+#include "gfx.h"
+#include "sound.h"
+#include "hal.h"
+#include "macros.h"
+#include "variables.h"
+#include "music.h"
+static byte _music_wnd_cursong;
+static bool _song_is_active;
+static byte _cur_playlist[NUM_SONGS_PLAYLIST];
+static byte _playlist_all[] = {
+	1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 0
+static byte _playlist_old_style[] = {
+	1, 8, 2, 9, 14, 15, 19, 13, 0
+static byte _playlist_new_style[] = {
+	6, 11, 10, 17, 21, 18, 5, 0
+static byte _playlist_ezy_street[] = {
+	12, 7, 16, 3, 20, 4, 0
+static byte * const _playlists[] = {
+	_playlist_all,
+	_playlist_old_style,
+	_playlist_new_style,
+	_playlist_ezy_street,
+	msf.custom_1,
+	msf.custom_2,
+static void SkipToPrevSong(void)
+	byte *b = _cur_playlist;
+	byte *p = b;
+	byte t;
+	if (b[0] == 0) return; // empty playlist
+	do p++; while (p[0] != 0); // find the end
+	t = *--p; // and copy the bytes
+	while (p != b) {
+		p--;
+		p[1] = p[0];
+	}
+	*b = t;
+	_song_is_active = false;
+static void SkipToNextSong(void)
+	byte* b = _cur_playlist;
+	byte t;
+	t = b[0];
+	if (t != 0) {
+		while (b[1] != 0) {
+			b[0] = b[1];
+			b++;
+		}
+		b[0] = t;
+	}
+	_song_is_active = false;
+static void MusicVolumeChanged(byte new_vol)
+	_music_driver->set_volume(new_vol);
+static void DoPlaySong(void)
+	char filename[256];
+	snprintf(filename, sizeof(filename), "%s%s",
+		_paths.gm_dir, origin_songs_specs[_music_wnd_cursong - 1].filename);
+	_music_driver->play_song(filename);
+static void DoStopMusic(void)
+	_music_driver->stop_song();
+static void SelectSongToPlay(void)
+	uint i = 0;
+	uint j = 0;
+	char filename[256];
+	memset(_cur_playlist, 0, sizeof(_cur_playlist));
+	do {
+		if (_playlists[msf.playlist][i] != 0) {  // Don't evaluate playlist terminator
+			snprintf(filename, sizeof(filename),  "%s%s",
+				_paths.gm_dir, origin_songs_specs[(_playlists[msf.playlist][i]) - 1].filename);
+			/* we are now checking for the existence of that file prior
+			 * to add it to the list of available songs */
+			if (FileExists(filename)) {
+				_cur_playlist[j] = _playlists[msf.playlist][i];
+				j++;
+			}
+		}
+	} while (_playlists[msf.playlist][i++] != 0 && i < lengthof(_cur_playlist) - 1);
+	if (msf.shuffle) {
+		i = 500;
+		do {
+			uint32 r = InteractiveRandom();
+			byte *a = &_cur_playlist[GB(r, 0, 5)];
+			byte *b = &_cur_playlist[GB(r, 8, 5)];
+			if (*a != 0 && *b != 0) {
+				byte t = *a;
+				*a = *b;
+				*b = t;
+			}
+		} while (--i);
+	}
+static void StopMusic(void)
+	_music_wnd_cursong = 0;
+	DoStopMusic();
+	_song_is_active = false;
+	InvalidateWindowWidget(WC_MUSIC_WINDOW, 0, 9);
+static void PlayPlaylistSong(void)
+	if (_cur_playlist[0] == 0) {
+		SelectSongToPlay();
+		/* if there is not songs in the playlist, it may indicate
+		 * no file on the gm folder, or even no gm folder.
+		 * Stop the playback, then */
+		if (_cur_playlist[0] == 0) {
+			_song_is_active = false;
+			_music_wnd_cursong = 0;
+			msf.playing = false;
+			return;
+		}
+	}
+	_music_wnd_cursong = _cur_playlist[0];
+	DoPlaySong();
+	_song_is_active = true;
+	InvalidateWindowWidget(WC_MUSIC_WINDOW, 0, 9);
+void ResetMusic(void)
+	_music_wnd_cursong = 1;
+	DoPlaySong();
+void MusicLoop(void)
+	if (!msf.playing && _song_is_active) {
+		StopMusic();
+	} else if (msf.playing && !_song_is_active) {
+		PlayPlaylistSong();
+	}
+	if (!_song_is_active) return;
+	if (!_music_driver->is_song_playing()) {
+		if (_game_mode != GM_MENU) {
+			StopMusic();
+			SkipToNextSong();
+			PlayPlaylistSong();
+		} else {
+			ResetMusic();
+		}
+	}
+static void MusicTrackSelectionWndProc(Window *w, WindowEvent *e)
+	switch (e->event) {
+	case WE_PAINT: {
+		const byte* p;
+		uint i;
+		int y;
+		SetWindowWidgetDisabledState(w, 11, msf.playlist <= 3);
+		LowerWindowWidget(w, 3);
+		LowerWindowWidget(w, 4);
+		DrawWindowWidgets(w);
+		GfxFillRect(3, 23, 3+177,23+191,0);
+		GfxFillRect(251, 23, 251+177,23+191,0);
+		DrawStringCentered(92, 15, STR_01EE_TRACK_INDEX, 0);
+		SetDParam(0, STR_01D5_ALL + msf.playlist);
+		DrawStringCentered(340, 15, STR_01EF_PROGRAM, 0);
+		for (i = 1; i <= NUM_SONGS_AVAILABLE; i++) {
+			SetDParam(0, i);
+			SetDParam(2, i);
+			DrawString(4, 23+(i-1)*6, (i < 10) ? STR_01EC_0 : STR_01ED, 0);
+		}
+		for (i = 0; i != 6; i++) {
+			DrawStringCentered(216, 45 + i * 8, STR_01D5_ALL + i, (i == msf.playlist) ? 0xC : 0x10);
+		}
+		DrawStringCentered(216, 45+8*6+16, STR_01F0_CLEAR, 0);
+#if 0
+		DrawStringCentered(216, 45 + 8 * 6 + 16 * 2, STR_01F1_SAVE, 0);
+		y = 23;
+		for (p = _playlists[msf.playlist], i = 0; (i = *p) != 0; p++) {
+			SetDParam(0, i);
+			SetDParam(2, i);
+			DrawString(252, y, (i < 10) ? STR_01EC_0 : STR_01ED, 0);
+			y += 6;
+		}
+		break;
+	}
+	case WE_CLICK:
+		switch (e-> {
+		case 3: { // add to playlist
+			int y = (e-> - 23) / 6;
+			uint i;
+			byte *p;
+			if (msf.playlist < 4) return;
+			if (!IS_INT_INSIDE(y, 0, NUM_SONGS_AVAILABLE)) return;
+			p = _playlists[msf.playlist];
+			for (i = 0; i != NUM_SONGS_PLAYLIST - 1; i++) {
+				if (p[i] == 0) {
+					p[i] = y + 1;
+					p[i + 1] = 0;
+					SetWindowDirty(w);
+					SelectSongToPlay();
+					break;
+				}
+			}
+		} break;
+		case 4: { // remove from playlist
+			int y = (e-> - 23) / 6;
+			uint i;
+			byte *p;
+			if (msf.playlist < 4) return;
+			if (!IS_INT_INSIDE(y, 0, NUM_SONGS_AVAILABLE)) return;
+			p = _playlists[msf.playlist];
+			for (i = y; i != NUM_SONGS_PLAYLIST - 1; i++) {
+				p[i] = p[i + 1];
+				}
+			SetWindowDirty(w);
+			SelectSongToPlay();
+		} break;
+		case 11: // clear
+			_playlists[msf.playlist][0] = 0;
+			SetWindowDirty(w);
+			StopMusic();
+			SelectSongToPlay();
+			break;
+#if 0
+		case 12: // save
+			ShowInfo("MusicTrackSelectionWndProc:save not implemented");
+			break;
+		case 5: case 6: case 7: case 8: case 9: case 10: /* set playlist */
+			msf.playlist = e-> - 5;
+			SetWindowDirty(w);
+			InvalidateWindow(WC_MUSIC_WINDOW, 0);
+			StopMusic();
+			SelectSongToPlay();
+			break;
+		}
+		break;
+	}
+static const Widget _music_track_selection_widgets[] = {
+{   WWT_CLOSEBOX,   RESIZE_NONE,    14,     0,    10,     0,    13, STR_00C5,                         STR_018B_CLOSE_WINDOW},
+{      WWT_PANEL,   RESIZE_NONE,    14,     0,   431,    14,   217, 0x0,                              STR_NULL},
+{      WWT_PANEL,   RESIZE_NONE,    14,     2,   181,    22,   215, 0x0,                              STR_01FA_CLICK_ON_MUSIC_TRACK_TO},
+{      WWT_PANEL,   RESIZE_NONE,    14,   250,   429,    22,   215, 0x0,                              STR_CLICK_ON_TRACK_TO_REMOVE},
+{    WWT_PUSHBTN,   RESIZE_NONE,    14,   186,   245,    44,    51, 0x0,                              STR_01F3_SELECT_ALL_TRACKS_PROGRAM},
+{    WWT_PUSHBTN,   RESIZE_NONE,    14,   186,   245,    52,    59, 0x0,                              STR_01F4_SELECT_OLD_STYLE_MUSIC},
+{    WWT_PUSHBTN,   RESIZE_NONE,    14,   186,   245,    60,    67, 0x0,                              STR_01F5_SELECT_NEW_STYLE_MUSIC},
+{    WWT_PUSHBTN,   RESIZE_NONE,    14,   186,   245,    68,    75, 0x0,                              STR_0330_SELECT_EZY_STREET_STYLE},
+{    WWT_PUSHBTN,   RESIZE_NONE,    14,   186,   245,    76,    83, 0x0,                              STR_01F6_SELECT_CUSTOM_1_USER_DEFINED},
+{    WWT_PUSHBTN,   RESIZE_NONE,    14,   186,   245,    84,    91, 0x0,                              STR_01F7_SELECT_CUSTOM_2_USER_DEFINED},
+{    WWT_PUSHBTN,   RESIZE_NONE,    14,   186,   245,   108,   115, 0x0,                              STR_01F8_CLEAR_CURRENT_PROGRAM_CUSTOM1},
+#if 0
+{    WWT_PUSHBTN,   RESIZE_NONE,    14,   186,   245,   124,   131, 0x0,                              STR_01F9_SAVE_MUSIC_SETTINGS},
+static const WindowDesc _music_track_selection_desc = {
+	104, 131, 432, 218,
+	_music_track_selection_widgets,
+	MusicTrackSelectionWndProc
+static void ShowMusicTrackSelection(void)
+	AllocateWindowDescFront(&_music_track_selection_desc, 0);
+static void MusicWindowWndProc(Window *w, WindowEvent *e)
+	switch (e->event) {
+	case WE_PAINT: {
+		uint i;
+		StringID str;
+		RaiseWindowWidget(w, 7);
+		RaiseWindowWidget(w, 9);
+		DrawWindowWidgets(w);
+		GfxFillRect(187, 16, 200, 33, 0);
+		for (i = 0; i != 8; i++) {
+			int color = 0xD0;
+			if (i > 4) {
+				color = 0xBF;
+				if (i > 6) {
+					color = 0xB8;
+				}
+			}
+			GfxFillRect(187, NUM_SONGS_PLAYLIST - i * 2, 200, NUM_SONGS_PLAYLIST - i * 2, color);
+		}
+		GfxFillRect(60, 46, 239, 52, 0);
+		if (_song_is_active == 0 || _music_wnd_cursong == 0) {
+			str = STR_01E3;
+		} else {
+			SetDParam(0, _music_wnd_cursong);
+			str = (_music_wnd_cursong < 10) ? STR_01E4_0 : STR_01E5;
+		}
+		DrawString(62, 46, str, 0);
+		str = STR_01E6;
+		if (_song_is_active != 0 && _music_wnd_cursong != 0) {
+			str = STR_01E7;
+			SetDParam(1, _music_wnd_cursong);
+		}
+		DrawStringCentered(155, 46, str, 0);
+		DrawString(60, 38, STR_01E8_TRACK_XTITLE, 0);
+		for (i = 0; i != 6; i++) {
+			DrawStringCentered(25 + i * 50, 59, STR_01D5_ALL + i, msf.playlist == i ? 0xC : 0x10);
+		}
+		DrawStringCentered(31, 43, STR_01E9_SHUFFLE, (msf.shuffle ? 0xC : 0x10));
+		DrawStringCentered(269, 43, STR_01EA_PROGRAM, 0);
+		DrawStringCentered(141, 15, STR_01DB_MUSIC_VOLUME, 0);
+		DrawStringCentered(141, 29, STR_01DD_MIN_MAX, 0);
+		DrawStringCentered(247, 15, STR_01DC_EFFECTS_VOLUME, 0);
+		DrawStringCentered(247, 29, STR_01DD_MIN_MAX, 0);
+		DrawFrameRect(108, 23, 174, 26, 14, FR_LOWERED);
+		DrawFrameRect(214, 23, 280, 26, 14, FR_LOWERED);
+		DrawFrameRect(
+			108 + msf.music_vol / 2, 22, 111 + msf.music_vol / 2, 28, 14, 0
+		);
+		DrawFrameRect(
+			214 + msf.effect_vol / 2, 22, 217 + msf.effect_vol / 2, 28, 14, 0
+		);
+	} break;
+	case WE_CLICK:
+		switch (e-> {
+		case 2: // skip to prev
+			if (!_song_is_active)
+				return;
+			SkipToPrevSong();
+			break;
+		case 3: // skip to next
+			if (!_song_is_active)
+				return;
+			SkipToNextSong();
+			break;
+		case 4: // stop playing
+			msf.playing = false;
+			break;
+		case 5: // start playing
+			msf.playing = true;
+			break;
+		case 6:{ // volume sliders
+			byte *vol,new_vol;
+			int x = e-> - 88;
+			if (x < 0)
+				return;
+			vol = &msf.music_vol;
+			if (x >= 106) {
+				vol = &msf.effect_vol;
+				x -= 106;
+			}
+			new_vol = min(max(x-21,0)*2,127);
+			if (new_vol != *vol) {
+				*vol = new_vol;
+				if (vol == &msf.music_vol)
+					MusicVolumeChanged(new_vol);
+				SetWindowDirty(w);
+			}
+			_left_button_clicked = false;
+		} break;
+		case 10: //toggle shuffle
+			msf.shuffle ^= 1;
+			StopMusic();
+			SelectSongToPlay();
+			break;
+		case 11: //show track selection
+			ShowMusicTrackSelection();
+			break;
+		case 12: case 13: case 14: case 15: case 16: case 17: // playlist
+			msf.playlist = e-> - 12;
+			SetWindowDirty(w);
+			InvalidateWindow(WC_MUSIC_TRACK_SELECTION, 0);
+			StopMusic();
+			SelectSongToPlay();
+			break;
+		}
+		break;
+		InvalidateWindowWidget(WC_MUSIC_WINDOW, 0, 7);
+		break;
+	}
+static const Widget _music_window_widgets[] = {
+{   WWT_CLOSEBOX,   RESIZE_NONE,    14,     0,    10,     0,    13, STR_00C5,              STR_018B_CLOSE_WINDOW},
+{    WWT_CAPTION,   RESIZE_NONE,    14,    11,   299,     0,    13, STR_01D2_JAZZ_JUKEBOX, STR_018C_WINDOW_TITLE_DRAG_THIS},
+{ WWT_PUSHIMGBTN,   RESIZE_NONE,    14,    44,    65,    14,    35, SPR_IMG_STOP_MUSIC,    STR_01E0_STOP_PLAYING_MUSIC},
+{ WWT_PUSHIMGBTN,   RESIZE_NONE,    14,    66,    87,    14,    35, SPR_IMG_PLAY_MUSIC,    STR_01E1_START_PLAYING_MUSIC},
+{      WWT_PANEL,   RESIZE_NONE,    14,    88,   299,    14,    35, 0x0,                   STR_01E2_DRAG_SLIDERS_TO_SET_MUSIC},
+{      WWT_PANEL,   RESIZE_NONE,    14,   186,   201,    15,    34, 0x0,                   STR_NULL},
+{      WWT_PANEL,   RESIZE_NONE,    14,     0,   299,    36,    57, 0x0,                   STR_NULL},
+{      WWT_PANEL,   RESIZE_NONE,    14,    59,   240,    45,    53, 0x0,                   STR_NULL},
+{    WWT_PUSHBTN,   RESIZE_NONE,    14,     6,    55,    42,    49, 0x0,                   STR_01FB_TOGGLE_PROGRAM_SHUFFLE},
+{    WWT_PUSHBTN,   RESIZE_NONE,    14,   244,   293,    42,    49, 0x0,                   STR_01FC_SHOW_MUSIC_TRACK_SELECTION},
+{    WWT_PUSHBTN,   RESIZE_NONE,    14,     0,    49,    58,    65, 0x0,                   STR_01F3_SELECT_ALL_TRACKS_PROGRAM},
+{    WWT_PUSHBTN,   RESIZE_NONE,    14,    50,    99,    58,    65, 0x0,                   STR_01F4_SELECT_OLD_STYLE_MUSIC},
+{    WWT_PUSHBTN,   RESIZE_NONE,    14,   100,   149,    58,    65, 0x0,                   STR_01F5_SELECT_NEW_STYLE_MUSIC},
+{    WWT_PUSHBTN,   RESIZE_NONE,    14,   150,   199,    58,    65, 0x0,                   STR_0330_SELECT_EZY_STREET_STYLE},
+{    WWT_PUSHBTN,   RESIZE_NONE,    14,   200,   249,    58,    65, 0x0,                   STR_01F6_SELECT_CUSTOM_1_USER_DEFINED},
+{    WWT_PUSHBTN,   RESIZE_NONE,    14,   250,   299,    58,    65, 0x0,                   STR_01F7_SELECT_CUSTOM_2_USER_DEFINED},
+static const WindowDesc _music_window_desc = {
+	0, 22, 300, 66,
+	_music_window_widgets,
+	MusicWindowWndProc
+void ShowMusicWindow(void)
+	AllocateWindowDescFront(&_music_window_desc, 0);