changeset 8205 2bde724f1b5d
parent 8204 b017e732f925
child 8210 cc873256f63a
--- a/src/terraform_gui.cpp	Sun Jan 06 11:39:40 2008 +0000
+++ b/src/terraform_gui.cpp	Sun Jan 06 18:56:43 2008 +0000
@@ -17,6 +17,9 @@
 #include "variables.h"
 #include "functions.h"
 #include "sound_func.h"
+#include "station.h"
+#include "unmovable_map.h"
+#include "textbuf_gui.h"
 void CcTerraform(bool success, TileIndex tile, uint32 p1, uint32 p2)
@@ -298,3 +301,353 @@
+static byte _terraform_size = 1;
+ * Raise/Lower a bigger chunk of land at the same time in the editor. When
+ * raising get the lowest point, when lowering the highest point, and set all
+ * tiles in the selection to that height.
+ * @todo : Incorporate into game itself to allow for ingame raising/lowering of
+ *         larger chunks at the same time OR remove altogether, as we have 'level land' ?
+ * @param tile The top-left tile where the terraforming will start
+ * @param mode 1 for raising, 0 for lowering land
+ */
+static void CommonRaiseLowerBigLand(TileIndex tile, int mode)
+	int sizex, sizey;
+	uint h;
+	_generating_world = true; // used to create green terraformed land
+	if (_terraform_size == 1) {
+		StringID msg =
+		DoCommandP(tile, SLOPE_N, (uint32)mode, CcTerraform, CMD_TERRAFORM_LAND | CMD_MSG(msg));
+	} else {
+		SndPlayTileFx(SND_1F_SPLAT, tile);
+		assert(_terraform_size != 0);
+		/* check out for map overflows */
+		sizex = min(MapSizeX() - TileX(tile) - 1, _terraform_size);
+		sizey = min(MapSizeY() - TileY(tile) - 1, _terraform_size);
+		if (sizex == 0 || sizey == 0) return;
+		if (mode != 0) {
+			/* Raise land */
+			h = 15; // XXX - max height
+			BEGIN_TILE_LOOP(tile2, sizex, sizey, tile) {
+				h = min(h, TileHeight(tile2));
+			} END_TILE_LOOP(tile2, sizex, sizey, tile)
+		} else {
+			/* Lower land */
+			h = 0;
+			BEGIN_TILE_LOOP(tile2, sizex, sizey, tile) {
+				h = max(h, TileHeight(tile2));
+			} END_TILE_LOOP(tile2, sizex, sizey, tile)
+		}
+		BEGIN_TILE_LOOP(tile2, sizex, sizey, tile) {
+			if (TileHeight(tile2) == h) {
+				DoCommandP(tile2, SLOPE_N, (uint32)mode, NULL, CMD_TERRAFORM_LAND);
+			}
+		} END_TILE_LOOP(tile2, sizex, sizey, tile)
+	}
+	_generating_world = false;
+static void PlaceProc_RaiseBigLand(TileIndex tile)
+	CommonRaiseLowerBigLand(tile, 1);
+static void PlaceProc_LowerBigLand(TileIndex tile)
+	CommonRaiseLowerBigLand(tile, 0);
+static void PlaceProc_RockyArea(TileIndex tile)
+	VpStartPlaceSizing(tile, VPM_X_AND_Y, DDSP_CREATE_ROCKS);
+static void PlaceProc_LightHouse(TileIndex tile)
+	if (!IsTileType(tile, MP_CLEAR) || IsSteepSlope(GetTileSlope(tile, NULL)) || IsBridgeAbove(tile)) {
+		return;
+	}
+	MakeLighthouse(tile);
+	MarkTileDirtyByTile(tile);
+	SndPlayTileFx(SND_1F_SPLAT, tile);
+static void PlaceProc_Transmitter(TileIndex tile)
+	if (!IsTileType(tile, MP_CLEAR) || IsSteepSlope(GetTileSlope(tile, NULL)) || IsBridgeAbove(tile)) {
+		return;
+	}
+	MakeTransmitter(tile);
+	MarkTileDirtyByTile(tile);
+	SndPlayTileFx(SND_1F_SPLAT, tile);
+static void PlaceProc_DesertArea(TileIndex tile)
+	VpStartPlaceSizing(tile, VPM_X_AND_Y, DDSP_CREATE_DESERT);
+static void PlaceProc_WaterArea(TileIndex tile)
+	VpStartPlaceSizing(tile, VPM_X_AND_Y, DDSP_CREATE_WATER);
+static const Widget _scen_edit_land_gen_widgets[] = {
+{  WWT_CLOSEBOX,   RESIZE_NONE,     7,     0,    10,     0,    13, STR_00C5,                  STR_018B_CLOSE_WINDOW},
+{   WWT_CAPTION,   RESIZE_NONE,     7,    11,   169,     0,    13, STR_0223_LAND_GENERATION,  STR_018C_WINDOW_TITLE_DRAG_THIS},
+{ WWT_STICKYBOX,   RESIZE_NONE,     7,   170,   181,     0,    13, STR_NULL,                  STR_STICKY_BUTTON},
+{     WWT_PANEL,   RESIZE_NONE,     7,     0,   181,    14,   102, 0x0,                       STR_NULL},
+{    WWT_IMGBTN,   RESIZE_NONE,    14,     2,    23,    16,    37, SPR_IMG_DYNAMITE,          STR_018D_DEMOLISH_BUILDINGS_ETC},
+{    WWT_IMGBTN,   RESIZE_NONE,    14,    24,    45,    16,    37, SPR_IMG_TERRAFORM_DOWN,    STR_018E_LOWER_A_CORNER_OF_LAND},
+{    WWT_IMGBTN,   RESIZE_NONE,    14,    46,    67,    16,    37, SPR_IMG_TERRAFORM_UP,      STR_018F_RAISE_A_CORNER_OF_LAND},
+{    WWT_IMGBTN,   RESIZE_NONE,    14,    68,    89,    16,    37, SPR_IMG_LEVEL_LAND,        STR_LEVEL_LAND_TOOLTIP},
+{    WWT_IMGBTN,   RESIZE_NONE,    14,    90,   111,    16,    37, SPR_IMG_BUILD_CANAL,       STR_CREATE_LAKE},
+{    WWT_IMGBTN,   RESIZE_NONE,    14,   112,   134,    16,    37, SPR_IMG_ROCKS,             STR_028C_PLACE_ROCKY_AREAS_ON_LANDSCAPE},
+{    WWT_IMGBTN,   RESIZE_NONE,    14,   135,   157,    16,    37, SPR_IMG_LIGHTHOUSE_DESERT, STR_NULL}, // XXX - dynamic
+{    WWT_IMGBTN,   RESIZE_NONE,    14,   158,   179,    16,    37, SPR_IMG_TRANSMITTER,       STR_028E_PLACE_TRANSMITTER},
+{    WWT_IMGBTN,   RESIZE_NONE,    14,   139,   150,    45,    56, SPR_ARROW_UP,              STR_0228_INCREASE_SIZE_OF_LAND_AREA},
+{    WWT_IMGBTN,   RESIZE_NONE,    14,   139,   150,    58,    69, SPR_ARROW_DOWN,            STR_0229_DECREASE_SIZE_OF_LAND_AREA},
+{   WWT_TEXTBTN,   RESIZE_NONE,    14,    24,   157,    76,    87, STR_SE_NEW_WORLD,          STR_022A_GENERATE_RANDOM_LAND},
+{   WWT_TEXTBTN,   RESIZE_NONE,    14,    24,   157,    89,   100, STR_022B_RESET_LANDSCAPE,  STR_RESET_LANDSCAPE_TOOLTIP},
+static const int8 _multi_terraform_coords[][2] = {
+	{  0, -2},
+	{  4,  0}, { -4,  0}, {  0,  2},
+	{ -8,  2}, { -4,  4}, {  0,  6}, {  4,  4}, {  8,  2},
+	{-12,  0}, { -8, -2}, { -4, -4}, {  0, -6}, {  4, -4}, {  8, -2}, { 12,  0},
+	{-16,  2}, {-12,  4}, { -8,  6}, { -4,  8}, {  0, 10}, {  4,  8}, {  8,  6}, { 12,  4}, { 16,  2},
+	{-20,  0}, {-16, -2}, {-12, -4}, { -8, -6}, { -4, -8}, {  0,-10}, {  4, -8}, {  8, -6}, { 12, -4}, { 16, -2}, { 20,  0},
+	{-24,  2}, {-20,  4}, {-16,  6}, {-12,  8}, { -8, 10}, { -4, 12}, {  0, 14}, {  4, 12}, {  8, 10}, { 12,  8}, { 16,  6}, { 20,  4}, { 24,  2},
+	{-28,  0}, {-24, -2}, {-20, -4}, {-16, -6}, {-12, -8}, { -8,-10}, { -4,-12}, {  0,-14}, {  4,-12}, {  8,-10}, { 12, -8}, { 16, -6}, { 20, -4}, { 24, -2}, { 28,  0},
+ * @todo Merge with terraform_gui.cpp (move there) after I have cooled down at its braindeadness
+ * and changed OnButtonClick to include the widget as well in the function declaration. Post 0.4.0 - Darkvater
+ */
+static void EditorTerraformClick_Dynamite(Window *w)
+	HandlePlacePushButton(w, 4, ANIMCURSOR_DEMOLISH, VHM_RECT, PlaceProc_DemolishArea);
+static void EditorTerraformClick_LowerBigLand(Window *w)
+	HandlePlacePushButton(w, 5, ANIMCURSOR_LOWERLAND, VHM_POINT, PlaceProc_LowerBigLand);
+static void EditorTerraformClick_RaiseBigLand(Window *w)
+	HandlePlacePushButton(w, 6, ANIMCURSOR_RAISELAND, VHM_POINT, PlaceProc_RaiseBigLand);
+static void EditorTerraformClick_LevelLand(Window *w)
+	HandlePlacePushButton(w, 7, SPR_CURSOR_LEVEL_LAND, VHM_POINT, PlaceProc_LevelLand);
+static void EditorTerraformClick_WaterArea(Window *w)
+	HandlePlacePushButton(w, 8, SPR_CURSOR_CANAL, VHM_RECT, PlaceProc_WaterArea);
+static void EditorTerraformClick_RockyArea(Window *w)
+	HandlePlacePushButton(w, 9, SPR_CURSOR_ROCKY_AREA, VHM_RECT, PlaceProc_RockyArea);
+static void EditorTerraformClick_DesertLightHouse(Window *w)
+	HandlePlacePushButton(w, 10, SPR_CURSOR_LIGHTHOUSE, VHM_RECT, (_opt.landscape == LT_TROPIC) ? PlaceProc_DesertArea : PlaceProc_LightHouse);
+static void EditorTerraformClick_Transmitter(Window *w)
+	HandlePlacePushButton(w, 11, SPR_CURSOR_TRANSMITTER, VHM_RECT, PlaceProc_Transmitter);
+static const uint16 _editor_terraform_keycodes[] = {
+	'D',
+	'Q',
+	'W',
+	'E',
+	'R',
+	'T',
+	'Y',
+	'U'
+typedef void OnButtonClick(Window *w);
+static OnButtonClick * const _editor_terraform_button_proc[] = {
+	EditorTerraformClick_Dynamite,
+	EditorTerraformClick_LowerBigLand,
+	EditorTerraformClick_RaiseBigLand,
+	EditorTerraformClick_LevelLand,
+	EditorTerraformClick_WaterArea,
+	EditorTerraformClick_RockyArea,
+	EditorTerraformClick_DesertLightHouse,
+	EditorTerraformClick_Transmitter
+/** Callback function for the scenario editor 'reset landscape' confirmation window
+ * @param w Window unused
+ * @param confirmed boolean value, true when yes was clicked, false otherwise */
+static void ResetLandscapeConfirmationCallback(Window *w, bool confirmed)
+	if (confirmed) {
+		Player *p;
+		/* Set generating_world to true to get instant-green grass after removing
+		 * player property. */
+		_generating_world = true;
+		/* Delete all players */
+			if (p->is_active) {
+				ChangeOwnershipOfPlayerItems(p->index, PLAYER_SPECTATOR);
+				p->is_active = false;
+			}
+		}
+		_generating_world = false;
+		/* Delete all stations owned by a player */
+		Station *st;
+			if (IsValidPlayer(st->owner)) delete st;
+		}
+	}
+static void ScenEditLandGenWndProc(Window *w, WindowEvent *e)
+	switch (e->event) {
+		case WE_CREATE:
+			/* XXX - lighthouse button is widget 10!! Don't forget when changing */
+			w->widget[10].tooltips = (_opt.landscape == LT_TROPIC) ? STR_028F_DEFINE_DESERT_AREA : STR_028D_PLACE_LIGHTHOUSE;
+			break;
+		case WE_PAINT: {
+			DrawWindowWidgets(w);
+			int n = _terraform_size * _terraform_size;
+			const int8 *coords = &_multi_terraform_coords[0][0];
+			assert(n != 0);
+			do {
+				DrawSprite(SPR_WHITE_POINT, PAL_NONE, 77 + coords[0], 55 + coords[1]);
+				coords += 2;
+			} while (--n);
+			if (w->IsWidgetLowered(5) || w->IsWidgetLowered(6)) // change area-size if raise/lower corner is selected
+				SetTileSelectSize(_terraform_size, _terraform_size);
+		} break;
+		case WE_KEYPRESS:
+			for (uint i = 0; i != lengthof(_editor_terraform_keycodes); i++) {
+				if (e->we.keypress.keycode == _editor_terraform_keycodes[i]) {
+					e->we.keypress.cont = false;
+					_editor_terraform_button_proc[i](w);
+					break;
+				}
+			}
+			break;
+		case WE_CLICK:
+			switch (e-> {
+				case 4: case 5: case 6: case 7: case 8: case 9: case 10: case 11:
+					_editor_terraform_button_proc[e-> - 4](w);
+					break;
+				case 12: case 13: { // Increase/Decrease terraform size
+					int size = (e-> == 12) ? 1 : -1;
+					w->HandleButtonClick(e->;
+					size += _terraform_size;
+					if (!IsInsideMM(size, 1, 8 + 1)) return;
+					_terraform_size = size;
+					SndPlayFx(SND_15_BEEP);
+					SetWindowDirty(w);
+				} break;
+				case 14: // gen random land
+					w->HandleButtonClick(14);
+					ShowCreateScenario();
+					break;
+				case 15: // Reset landscape
+					ShowQuery(
+						NULL,
+						ResetLandscapeConfirmationCallback);
+					break;
+			}
+			break;
+		case WE_TIMEOUT:
+			for (uint i = 0; i < w->widget_count; i++) {
+				if (w->IsWidgetLowered(i)) {
+					w->RaiseWidget(i);
+					w->InvalidateWidget(i);
+				}
+				if (i == 3) i = 11;
+			}
+			break;
+		case WE_PLACE_OBJ:
+			_place_proc(e->;
+			break;
+		case WE_PLACE_DRAG:
+			VpSelectTilesWithMethod(e->, e->, e->;
+			break;
+			if (e-> != -1) {
+				switch (e-> {
+					case DDSP_LEVEL_AREA:
+						GUIPlaceProcDragXY(e);
+						break;
+				}
+			}
+			break;
+			w->RaiseButtons();
+			SetWindowDirty(w);
+			break;
+	}
+static const WindowDesc _scen_edit_land_gen_desc = {
+	WDP_AUTO, WDP_AUTO, 182, 103, 182, 103,
+	_scen_edit_land_gen_widgets,
+	ScenEditLandGenWndProc,
+void ShowEditorTerraformToolbar()
+	AllocateWindowDescFront(&_scen_edit_land_gen_desc, 0);