changeset 3900 2c84ed52709d
child 3914 6bdd22b93698
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/yapf/yapf_destrail.hpp	Sat May 27 16:12:16 2006 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,129 @@
+/* $Id$ */
+class CYapfDestinationRailBase
+	RailTypeMask m_compatible_railtypes;
+	void SetDestination(Vehicle* v)
+	{
+		m_compatible_railtypes = v->u.rail.compatible_railtypes;
+	}
+	bool IsCompatibleRailType(RailType rt)
+	{
+		return HASBIT(m_compatible_railtypes, rt);
+	}
+template <class Types>
+class CYapfDestinationAnyDepotRailT
+	: public CYapfDestinationRailBase
+	typedef typename Types::Tpf Tpf;
+	typedef typename Types::NodeList::Titem Node; ///< this will be our node type
+	typedef typename Node::Key Key;    ///< key to hash tables
+	Tpf& Yapf() {return *static_cast<Tpf*>(this);}
+	FORCEINLINE bool PfDetectDestination(Node& n)
+	{
+		bool bDest = IsTileDepotType(n.GetLastTile(), TRANSPORT_RAIL);
+		return bDest;
+	}
+	FORCEINLINE bool PfCalcEstimate(Node& n)
+	{
+		n.m_estimate = n.m_cost;
+		return true;
+	}
+template <class Types>
+class CYapfDestinationTileOrStationRailT
+	: public CYapfDestinationRailBase
+	typedef typename Types::Tpf Tpf;
+	typedef typename Types::NodeList::Titem Node; ///< this will be our node type
+	typedef typename Node::Key Key;    ///< key to hash tables
+	TileIndex    m_destTile;
+	TrackdirBits m_destTrackdirs;
+	StationID    m_dest_station_id;
+	Tpf& Yapf() {return *static_cast<Tpf*>(this);}
+	static TileIndex CalcStationCenterTile(StationID station)
+	{
+		const Station* st = GetStation(station);
+		uint x = TileX(st->train_tile) + st->trainst_w / 2;
+		uint y = TileY(st->train_tile) + st->trainst_h / 2;
+		// return the tile of our target coordinates
+		return TileXY(x, y);
+	}
+	void SetDestination(Vehicle* v)
+	{
+		if (v->current_order.type == OT_GOTO_STATION) {
+			m_destTile = CalcStationCenterTile(v->current_order.station);
+			m_dest_station_id = v->current_order.station;
+			m_destTrackdirs = INVALID_TRACKDIR_BIT;
+		} else {
+			m_destTile = v->dest_tile;
+			m_dest_station_id = INVALID_STATION;
+			m_destTrackdirs = (TrackdirBits)(GetTileTrackStatus(v->dest_tile, TRANSPORT_RAIL) & TRACKDIR_BIT_MASK);
+		}
+		CYapfDestinationRailBase::SetDestination(v);
+	}
+	FORCEINLINE bool PfDetectDestination(Node& n)
+	{
+		bool bDest;
+		if (m_dest_station_id != INVALID_STATION) {
+			bDest = IsRailwayStationTile(n.GetLastTile())
+				&& (GetStationIndex(n.GetLastTile()) == m_dest_station_id)
+				&& (GetRailStationTrack(n.GetLastTile()) == TrackdirToTrack(n.GetLastTrackdir()));
+		} else {
+			bDest = (n.GetLastTile() == m_destTile)
+				&& ((m_destTrackdirs & TrackdirToTrackdirBits(n.GetLastTrackdir())) != TRACKDIR_BIT_NONE);
+		}
+		return bDest;
+	}
+	FORCEINLINE bool PfCalcEstimate(Node& n)
+	{
+		static int dg_dir_to_x_offs[] = {-1, 0, 1, 0};
+		static int dg_dir_to_y_offs[] = {0, 1, 0, -1};
+		if (PfDetectDestination(n)) {
+			n.m_estimate = n.m_cost;
+			return true;
+		}
+		TileIndex tile = n.GetLastTile();
+		DiagDirection exitdir = TrackdirToExitdir(n.GetLastTrackdir());
+		int x1 = 2 * TileX(tile) + dg_dir_to_x_offs[(int)exitdir];
+		int y1 = 2 * TileY(tile) + dg_dir_to_y_offs[(int)exitdir];
+		int x2 = 2 * TileX(m_destTile);
+		int y2 = 2 * TileY(m_destTile);
+		int dx = abs(x1 - x2);
+		int dy = abs(y1 - y2);
+		int dmin = min(dx, dy);
+		int dxy = abs(dx - dy);
+		int d = dmin * YAPF_TILE_CORNER_LENGTH + (dxy - 1) * (YAPF_TILE_LENGTH / 2);
+		n.m_estimate = n.m_cost + d;
+		assert(n.m_estimate >= n.m_parent->m_estimate);
+		return true;
+	}
+#endif /* YAPF_DESTRAIL_HPP */