changeset 9767 4e39ce6162fd
parent 5475 2e6990a8c7c4
--- a/src/masm64.rules	Thu Jul 31 20:09:54 2008 +0000
+++ b/src/masm64.rules	Thu Jul 31 21:06:19 2008 +0000
@@ -1,266 +1,266 @@
-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
-	Name="Microsoft Macro Assembler 64"
-	Version="8.00"
-	>
-	<Rules>
-		<CustomBuildRule
-			Name="MASM AMD64"
-			DisplayName="Microsoft Macro Assembler for AMD64"
-			CommandLine="ml64.exe /c [AllOptions] [AdditionalOptions] /Ta[inputs]"
-			Outputs="[$ObjectFileName]"
-			FileExtensions="*.asm"
-			ExecutionDescription="Assembling..."
-			>
-			<Properties>
-				<BooleanProperty
-					Name="NoLogo"
-					DisplayName="Suppress Startup Banner"
-					Description="Suppress the display of the startup banner and information messages.     (/nologo)"
-					HelpURL=""
-					Switch="/nologo"
-					DefaultValue="true"
-				/>
-				<StringProperty
-					Name="ObjectFileName"
-					DisplayName="Object File Name"
-					PropertyPageName="Object File"
-					Description="Specifies the name of the output object file.     (/Fo:[file])"
-					HelpURL=""
-					Switch="/Fo&quot;[value]&quot;"
-					DefaultValue="$(IntDir)\$(InputName).obj"
-				/>
-				<BooleanProperty
-					Name="PreserveIdentifierCase"
-					DisplayName="Preserve Identifier Case"
-					PropertyPageName="Identifiers"
-					Description="Preserves case of all user identifiers.     (/Cp)"
-					HelpURL=""
-					Switch="/Cp"
-				/>
-				<BooleanProperty
-					Name="PreservePublicAndExternSymbolCase"
-					DisplayName="Preserve Public and Extern Symbol Case"
-					PropertyPageName="Identifiers"
-					Description="Preserves case in public and extern symbols.     (/Cx)"
-					HelpURL=""
-					Switch="/Cx"
-				/>
-				<StringProperty
-					Name="PreprocessorDefinitions"
-					DisplayName="Preprocessor Definitions"
-					Description="Defines a text macro with the given name.     (/D[symbol])"
-					HelpURL=""
-					Switch="/D&quot;[value]&quot;"
-					Delimited="true"
-					Inheritable="true"
-				/>
-				<BooleanProperty
-					Name="GeneratePreprocessedSourceListing"
-					DisplayName="Generate Preprocessed Source Listing"
-					PropertyPageName="Listing File"
-					Description="Generates a preprocessed source listing to the Output Window.     (/EP)"
-					HelpURL=""
-					Switch="/EP"
-				/>
-				<StringProperty
-					Name="AssembledCodeListingFile"
-					DisplayName="Assembled Code Listing File"
-					PropertyPageName="Listing File"
-					Description="Generates an assembled code listing file.     (/Fl[file])"
-					HelpURL=""
-					Switch="/Fl&quot;[value]&quot;"
-				/>
-				<StringProperty
-					Name="SourceBrowserFile"
-					DisplayName="Source Browser File"
-					PropertyPageName="Source Browser File"
-					Description="Generates a source browser .sbr file.     (/Fr[file])"
-					HelpURL=""
-					Switch="/Fr&quot;[value]&quot;"
-				/>
-				<StringProperty
-					Name="ExtendedSourceBrowserFile"
-					DisplayName="Extended Source Browser File"
-					PropertyPageName="Source Browser File"
-					Description="Generates an extended form of a source browser .sbr file.     (/FR[file])"
-					HelpURL=""
-					Switch="/FR&quot;[value]&quot;"
-				/>
-				<StringProperty
-					Name="IncludePaths"
-					DisplayName="Include Paths"
-					Description="Sets path for include file. A maximum of 10 /I options is allowed.     (/I [path])"
-					HelpURL=""
-					Switch="/I &quot;[value]&quot;"
-					Delimited="true"
-					Inheritable="true"
-				/>
-				<BooleanProperty
-					Name="ListAllAvailableInformation"
-					DisplayName="List All Available Information"
-					PropertyPageName="Listing File"
-					Description="Turns on listing of all available information.     (/Sa)"
-					HelpURL=""
-					Switch="/Sa"
-				/>
-				<BooleanProperty
-					Name="AddInstructionTimings"
-					DisplayName="Add Instruction Timings"
-					PropertyPageName="Listing File"
-					Description="Adds instruction timings to listing file.     (/Sc)"
-					HelpURL=""
-					Switch="/Sc"
-				/>
-				<BooleanProperty
-					Name="AddFirstPassListing"
-					DisplayName="Add First Pass Listing"
-					PropertyPageName="Listing File"
-					Description="Adds first-pass listing to listing file.     (/Sf)"
-					HelpURL=""
-					Switch="/Sf"
-				/>
-				<IntegerProperty
-					Name="SourceListingLineWidth"
-					DisplayName="Source Listing Line Width"
-					PropertyPageName="Listing File"
-					Description="Sets the line width of source listing in characters per line. Range is 60 to 255 or 0. Default is 0. Same as PAGE width.     (/Sl [width])"
-					HelpURL=""
-					Switch="/Sl [value]"
-				/>
-				<BooleanProperty
-					Name="DisableSymbolTable"
-					DisplayName="Disable Symbol Table"
-					PropertyPageName="Listing File"
-					Description="Turns off symbol table when producing a listing.     (/Sn)"
-					HelpURL=""
-					Switch="/Sn"
-				/>
-				<IntegerProperty
-					Name="SourceListingPageLength"
-					DisplayName="Source Listing Page Length"
-					PropertyPageName="Listing File"
-					Description="Sets the page length of source listing in lines per page. Range is 10 to 255 or 0. Default is 0. Same as PAGE length.     (/Sp [length])"
-					HelpURL=""
-					Switch="/Sp [value]"
-				/>
-				<StringProperty
-					Name="SourceListingSubTitle"
-					DisplayName="Source Listing Subtitle"
-					PropertyPageName="Listing File"
-					Description="Specifies subtitle text for source listing. Same as SUBTITLE text.     (/Ss [subtitle])"
-					HelpURL=""
-					Switch="/Ss [value]"
-				/>
-				<StringProperty
-					Name="SourceListingTitle"
-					DisplayName="Source Listing Title"
-					PropertyPageName="Listing File"
-					Description="Specifies title for source listing. Same as TITLE text.     (/St [title])"
-					HelpURL=""
-					Switch="/St [value]"
-				/>
-				<BooleanProperty
-					Name="EnableFalseConditionalsInListing"
-					DisplayName="Enable False Conditionals In Listing"
-					PropertyPageName="Listing File"
-					Description="Turns on false conditionals in listing.     (/Sx)"
-					HelpURL=""
-					Switch="/Sx"
-				/>
-				<EnumProperty
-					Name="WarningLevel"
-					DisplayName="Warning Level"
-					Description="Sets the warning level, where level = 0, 1, 2, or 3.    (/W0, /W1, /W2, /W3)"
-					HelpURL=""
-					>
-					<Values>
-						<EnumValue
-							Value="0"
-							Switch="/W0"
-							DisplayName="Warning Level 0 (/W0)"
-						/>
-						<EnumValue
-							Value="1"
-							Switch="/W1"
-							DisplayName="Warning Level 1 (/W1)"
-						/>
-						<EnumValue
-							Value="2"
-							Switch="/W2"
-							DisplayName="Warning Level 2 (/W2)"
-						/>
-						<EnumValue
-							Value="3"
-							Switch="/W3"
-							DisplayName="Warning Level 3 (/W3)"
-						/>
-					</Values>
-				</EnumProperty>
-				<BooleanProperty
-					Name="TreatWarningsAsErrors"
-					DisplayName="Treat Warnings As Errors"
-					Description="Returns an error code if warnings are generated.     (/WX)"
-					HelpURL=""
-					Switch="/WX"
-				/>
-				<BooleanProperty
-					Name="GenerateLineInformation"
-					DisplayName="Generate Line Information"
-					PropertyPageName="Object File"
-					Description="Generates line-number information in object file.     (/Zd)"
-					HelpURL=""
-					Switch="/Zd"
-				/>
-				<BooleanProperty
-					Name="MakeAllSymbolsPublic"
-					DisplayName="Make All Symbols Public"
-					PropertyPageName="Object File"
-					Description="Makes all symbols public.     (/Zf)"
-					HelpURL=""
-					Switch="/Zf"
-				/>
-				<BooleanProperty
-					Name="GenerateCodeViewInformation"
-					DisplayName="Generate CodeView Information"
-					PropertyPageName="Object File"
-					Description="Generates CodeView information in object file.     (/Zi)"
-					HelpURL=""
-					Switch="/Zi"
-				/>
-				<EnumProperty
-					Name="PackAlignmentBoundary"
-					DisplayName="Pack Alignment Boundary"
-					PropertyPageName="Advanced"
-					Description="Packs structures on the specified byte boundary. The alignment can be 1, 2, or 4.     (/Zp1, /Zp2, /Zp4)"
-					HelpURL=""
-					>
-					<Values>
-						<EnumValue
-							Value="0"
-							Switch="/Zp1"
-							DisplayName="One Byte Boundary (/Zp1)"
-						/>
-						<EnumValue
-							Value="1"
-							Switch="/Zp2"
-							DisplayName="Two Byte Boundary (/Zp2)"
-						/>
-						<EnumValue
-							Value="2"
-							Switch="/Zp4"
-							DisplayName="Four Byte Boundary (/Zp4)"
-						/>
-					</Values>
-				</EnumProperty>
-				<BooleanProperty
-					Name="PerformSyntaxCheckOnly"
-					DisplayName="Perform Syntax Check Only"
-					Description="Performs a syntax check only.     (/Zs)"
-					HelpURL=""
-					Switch="/Zs"
-				/>
-			</Properties>
-		</CustomBuildRule>
-	</Rules>
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
+	Name="Microsoft Macro Assembler 64"
+	Version="8.00"
+	>
+	<Rules>
+		<CustomBuildRule
+			Name="MASM AMD64"
+			DisplayName="Microsoft Macro Assembler for AMD64"
+			CommandLine="ml64.exe /c [AllOptions] [AdditionalOptions] /Ta[inputs]"
+			Outputs="[$ObjectFileName]"
+			FileExtensions="*.asm"
+			ExecutionDescription="Assembling..."
+			>
+			<Properties>
+				<BooleanProperty
+					Name="NoLogo"
+					DisplayName="Suppress Startup Banner"
+					Description="Suppress the display of the startup banner and information messages.     (/nologo)"
+					HelpURL=""
+					Switch="/nologo"
+					DefaultValue="true"
+				/>
+				<StringProperty
+					Name="ObjectFileName"
+					DisplayName="Object File Name"
+					PropertyPageName="Object File"
+					Description="Specifies the name of the output object file.     (/Fo:[file])"
+					HelpURL=""
+					Switch="/Fo&quot;[value]&quot;"
+					DefaultValue="$(IntDir)\$(InputName).obj"
+				/>
+				<BooleanProperty
+					Name="PreserveIdentifierCase"
+					DisplayName="Preserve Identifier Case"
+					PropertyPageName="Identifiers"
+					Description="Preserves case of all user identifiers.     (/Cp)"
+					HelpURL=""
+					Switch="/Cp"
+				/>
+				<BooleanProperty
+					Name="PreservePublicAndExternSymbolCase"
+					DisplayName="Preserve Public and Extern Symbol Case"
+					PropertyPageName="Identifiers"
+					Description="Preserves case in public and extern symbols.     (/Cx)"
+					HelpURL=""
+					Switch="/Cx"
+				/>
+				<StringProperty
+					Name="PreprocessorDefinitions"
+					DisplayName="Preprocessor Definitions"
+					Description="Defines a text macro with the given name.     (/D[symbol])"
+					HelpURL=""
+					Switch="/D&quot;[value]&quot;"
+					Delimited="true"
+					Inheritable="true"
+				/>
+				<BooleanProperty
+					Name="GeneratePreprocessedSourceListing"
+					DisplayName="Generate Preprocessed Source Listing"
+					PropertyPageName="Listing File"
+					Description="Generates a preprocessed source listing to the Output Window.     (/EP)"
+					HelpURL=""
+					Switch="/EP"
+				/>
+				<StringProperty
+					Name="AssembledCodeListingFile"
+					DisplayName="Assembled Code Listing File"
+					PropertyPageName="Listing File"
+					Description="Generates an assembled code listing file.     (/Fl[file])"
+					HelpURL=""
+					Switch="/Fl&quot;[value]&quot;"
+				/>
+				<StringProperty
+					Name="SourceBrowserFile"
+					DisplayName="Source Browser File"
+					PropertyPageName="Source Browser File"
+					Description="Generates a source browser .sbr file.     (/Fr[file])"
+					HelpURL=""
+					Switch="/Fr&quot;[value]&quot;"
+				/>
+				<StringProperty
+					Name="ExtendedSourceBrowserFile"
+					DisplayName="Extended Source Browser File"
+					PropertyPageName="Source Browser File"
+					Description="Generates an extended form of a source browser .sbr file.     (/FR[file])"
+					HelpURL=""
+					Switch="/FR&quot;[value]&quot;"
+				/>
+				<StringProperty
+					Name="IncludePaths"
+					DisplayName="Include Paths"
+					Description="Sets path for include file. A maximum of 10 /I options is allowed.     (/I [path])"
+					HelpURL=""
+					Switch="/I &quot;[value]&quot;"
+					Delimited="true"
+					Inheritable="true"
+				/>
+				<BooleanProperty
+					Name="ListAllAvailableInformation"
+					DisplayName="List All Available Information"
+					PropertyPageName="Listing File"
+					Description="Turns on listing of all available information.     (/Sa)"
+					HelpURL=""
+					Switch="/Sa"
+				/>
+				<BooleanProperty
+					Name="AddInstructionTimings"
+					DisplayName="Add Instruction Timings"
+					PropertyPageName="Listing File"
+					Description="Adds instruction timings to listing file.     (/Sc)"
+					HelpURL=""
+					Switch="/Sc"
+				/>
+				<BooleanProperty
+					Name="AddFirstPassListing"
+					DisplayName="Add First Pass Listing"
+					PropertyPageName="Listing File"
+					Description="Adds first-pass listing to listing file.     (/Sf)"
+					HelpURL=""
+					Switch="/Sf"
+				/>
+				<IntegerProperty
+					Name="SourceListingLineWidth"
+					DisplayName="Source Listing Line Width"
+					PropertyPageName="Listing File"
+					Description="Sets the line width of source listing in characters per line. Range is 60 to 255 or 0. Default is 0. Same as PAGE width.     (/Sl [width])"
+					HelpURL=""
+					Switch="/Sl [value]"
+				/>
+				<BooleanProperty
+					Name="DisableSymbolTable"
+					DisplayName="Disable Symbol Table"
+					PropertyPageName="Listing File"
+					Description="Turns off symbol table when producing a listing.     (/Sn)"
+					HelpURL=""
+					Switch="/Sn"
+				/>
+				<IntegerProperty
+					Name="SourceListingPageLength"
+					DisplayName="Source Listing Page Length"
+					PropertyPageName="Listing File"
+					Description="Sets the page length of source listing in lines per page. Range is 10 to 255 or 0. Default is 0. Same as PAGE length.     (/Sp [length])"
+					HelpURL=""
+					Switch="/Sp [value]"
+				/>
+				<StringProperty
+					Name="SourceListingSubTitle"
+					DisplayName="Source Listing Subtitle"
+					PropertyPageName="Listing File"
+					Description="Specifies subtitle text for source listing. Same as SUBTITLE text.     (/Ss [subtitle])"
+					HelpURL=""
+					Switch="/Ss [value]"
+				/>
+				<StringProperty
+					Name="SourceListingTitle"
+					DisplayName="Source Listing Title"
+					PropertyPageName="Listing File"
+					Description="Specifies title for source listing. Same as TITLE text.     (/St [title])"
+					HelpURL=""
+					Switch="/St [value]"
+				/>
+				<BooleanProperty
+					Name="EnableFalseConditionalsInListing"
+					DisplayName="Enable False Conditionals In Listing"
+					PropertyPageName="Listing File"
+					Description="Turns on false conditionals in listing.     (/Sx)"
+					HelpURL=""
+					Switch="/Sx"
+				/>
+				<EnumProperty
+					Name="WarningLevel"
+					DisplayName="Warning Level"
+					Description="Sets the warning level, where level = 0, 1, 2, or 3.    (/W0, /W1, /W2, /W3)"
+					HelpURL=""
+					>
+					<Values>
+						<EnumValue
+							Value="0"
+							Switch="/W0"
+							DisplayName="Warning Level 0 (/W0)"
+						/>
+						<EnumValue
+							Value="1"
+							Switch="/W1"
+							DisplayName="Warning Level 1 (/W1)"
+						/>
+						<EnumValue
+							Value="2"
+							Switch="/W2"
+							DisplayName="Warning Level 2 (/W2)"
+						/>
+						<EnumValue
+							Value="3"
+							Switch="/W3"
+							DisplayName="Warning Level 3 (/W3)"
+						/>
+					</Values>
+				</EnumProperty>
+				<BooleanProperty
+					Name="TreatWarningsAsErrors"
+					DisplayName="Treat Warnings As Errors"
+					Description="Returns an error code if warnings are generated.     (/WX)"
+					HelpURL=""
+					Switch="/WX"
+				/>
+				<BooleanProperty
+					Name="GenerateLineInformation"
+					DisplayName="Generate Line Information"
+					PropertyPageName="Object File"
+					Description="Generates line-number information in object file.     (/Zd)"
+					HelpURL=""
+					Switch="/Zd"
+				/>
+				<BooleanProperty
+					Name="MakeAllSymbolsPublic"
+					DisplayName="Make All Symbols Public"
+					PropertyPageName="Object File"
+					Description="Makes all symbols public.     (/Zf)"
+					HelpURL=""
+					Switch="/Zf"
+				/>
+				<BooleanProperty
+					Name="GenerateCodeViewInformation"
+					DisplayName="Generate CodeView Information"
+					PropertyPageName="Object File"
+					Description="Generates CodeView information in object file.     (/Zi)"
+					HelpURL=""
+					Switch="/Zi"
+				/>
+				<EnumProperty
+					Name="PackAlignmentBoundary"
+					DisplayName="Pack Alignment Boundary"
+					PropertyPageName="Advanced"
+					Description="Packs structures on the specified byte boundary. The alignment can be 1, 2, or 4.     (/Zp1, /Zp2, /Zp4)"
+					HelpURL=""
+					>
+					<Values>
+						<EnumValue
+							Value="0"
+							Switch="/Zp1"
+							DisplayName="One Byte Boundary (/Zp1)"
+						/>
+						<EnumValue
+							Value="1"
+							Switch="/Zp2"
+							DisplayName="Two Byte Boundary (/Zp2)"
+						/>
+						<EnumValue
+							Value="2"
+							Switch="/Zp4"
+							DisplayName="Four Byte Boundary (/Zp4)"
+						/>
+					</Values>
+				</EnumProperty>
+				<BooleanProperty
+					Name="PerformSyntaxCheckOnly"
+					DisplayName="Perform Syntax Check Only"
+					Description="Performs a syntax check only.     (/Zs)"
+					HelpURL=""
+					Switch="/Zs"
+				/>
+			</Properties>
+		</CustomBuildRule>
+	</Rules>