changeset 9692 600906bc4820
parent 9658 f5c4d3c04b5d
child 9740 12948a9e22fb
--- a/src/lang/english_US.txt	Wed Jul 23 13:15:54 2008 +0000
+++ b/src/lang/english_US.txt	Wed Jul 23 14:58:43 2008 +0000
@@ -1773,7 +1773,7 @@
 STR_2052_FUND_THE_CONSTRUCTION_OF                               :{WHITE}{STRING}{}{YELLOW} Fund the construction of new commercial buildings in the town.{}  Cost: {CURRENCY}
 STR_2053_BUY_1_YEAR_S_EXCLUSIVE                                 :{WHITE}{STRING}{}{YELLOW} Buy 1 year's exclusive transport rights in town. Town authority will only allow passengers and cargo to use your company's stations.{} Cost: {CURRENCY}
 STR_TOWN_BRIBE_THE_LOCAL_AUTHORITY_DESC                         :{WHITE}{STRING}{}{YELLOW} Bribe the local authority to increase your rating, at the risk of a severe penalty if caught.{}  Cost: {CURRENCY}
-STR_2055_TRAFFIC_CHAOS_IN_ROAD_REBUILDING                       :{BIGFONT}{BLACK}Traffic chaos in {TOWN}!{}{}Road rebuilding program funded by {RAW_STRING} brings 6 months of misery to motorists!
+STR_2055_TRAFFIC_CHAOS_IN_ROAD_REBUILDING                       :{BIGFONT}{BLACK}Traffic chaos in {TOWN}!{}{}Road rebuilding program funded by {STRING} brings 6 months of misery to motorists!
 STR_2056                                                        :{TINYFONT}{WHITE}{TOWN}
 STR_2057                                                        :{ORANGE}{TOWN}{BLACK} ({COMMA})
 STR_2058_UNDER_CONSTRUCTION                                     :{STRING} (under construction)
@@ -2263,15 +2263,15 @@
 STR_7054                                                        :{WHITE}{STRING}{SETX 45}{ORANGE}{COMPANY} {BLACK}{COMPANYNUM} '{STRING}'
 STR_7055                                                        :{YELLOW}{STRING}{SETX 45}{ORANGE}{COMPANY} {BLACK}{COMPANYNUM}  '{STRING}'
 STR_7056_TRANSPORT_COMPANY_IN_TROUBLE                           :{BLACK}{BIGFONT}Transport company in trouble!
-STR_7057_WILL_BE_SOLD_OFF_OR_DECLARED                           :{BLACK}{BIGFONT}{RAW_STRING} will be sold off or declared bankrupt unless performance increases soon!
+STR_7057_WILL_BE_SOLD_OFF_OR_DECLARED                           :{BLACK}{BIGFONT}{STRING} will be sold off or declared bankrupt unless performance increases soon!
 STR_7058_PRESIDENT                                              :{BLACK}{PLAYERNAME}{}(President)
 STR_7059_TRANSPORT_COMPANY_MERGER                               :{BLACK}{BIGFONT}Transport company merger!
-STR_705A_HAS_BEEN_SOLD_TO_FOR                                   :{BLACK}{BIGFONT}{RAW_STRING} has been sold to {RAW_STRING} for {CURRENCY}!
+STR_705A_HAS_BEEN_SOLD_TO_FOR                                   :{BLACK}{BIGFONT}{STRING} has been sold to {STRING} for {CURRENCY}!
 STR_705B_WE_ARE_LOOKING_FOR_A_TRANSPORT                         :{WHITE}We are looking for a transport company to take-over our company{}{}Do you want to purchase {COMPANY} for {CURRENCY}?
 STR_705C_BANKRUPT                                               :{BLACK}{BIGFONT}Bankrupt!
-STR_705D_HAS_BEEN_CLOSED_DOWN_BY                                :{BLACK}{BIGFONT}{RAW_STRING} has been closed down by creditors and all assets sold off!
+STR_705D_HAS_BEEN_CLOSED_DOWN_BY                                :{BLACK}{BIGFONT}{STRING} has been closed down by creditors and all assets sold off!
 STR_705E_NEW_TRANSPORT_COMPANY_LAUNCHED                         :{BLACK}{BIGFONT}New transport company launched!
-STR_705F_STARTS_CONSTRUCTION_NEAR                               :{BLACK}{BIGFONT}{RAW_STRING} starts construction near {TOWN}!
+STR_705F_STARTS_CONSTRUCTION_NEAR                               :{BLACK}{BIGFONT}{STRING} starts construction near {TOWN}!
 STR_7060_CAN_T_BUY_COMPANY                                      :{WHITE}Can't buy company...
 STR_7061_CARGO_PAYMENT_RATES                                    :{WHITE}Cargo Payment Rates
 STR_7062_DAYS_IN_TRANSIT                                        :{BLACK}{TINYFONT}Days in transit
@@ -2312,7 +2312,7 @@
 STR_707B_CAN_T_BUY_25_SHARE_IN_THIS                             :{WHITE}Can't buy 25% share in this company...
 STR_707C_CAN_T_SELL_25_SHARE_IN                                 :{WHITE}Can't sell 25% share in this company...
 STR_707D_OWNED_BY                                               :{WHITE}({COMMA}% owned by {COMPANY})
-STR_707F_HAS_BEEN_TAKEN_OVER_BY                                 :{BLACK}{BIGFONT}{RAW_STRING} has been taken over by {RAW_STRING}!
+STR_707F_HAS_BEEN_TAKEN_OVER_BY                                 :{BLACK}{BIGFONT}{STRING} has been taken over by {STRING}!
 STR_PROTECTED                                                   :{WHITE}This company is not old enough to trade shares yet...
 STR_LIVERY_DEFAULT                                              :Standard Livery