author tron
Thu, 27 Jan 2005 12:52:20 +0000
changeset 1192 2649bd4e556a
parent 1174 6a5e747f3ba6
child 1202 4d2a20c50760
permissions -rw-r--r--
(svn r1696) Use GetTileSlope() instead of FindLandscapeHeightByTile() where it is sufficient. FindLandscapeHeightByTile() uses GetTileSlope() internally and adds some more info, which is discarded in these cases.
While touching the code make a bit more clear how GetBridgeHeight() works.
#ifndef MACROS_H
#define MACROS_H

#include "map.h"

#define MAX_INT 0x7FFFFFFF

#ifdef min
#undef min

#ifdef max
#undef max

static inline int min(int a, int b) { if (a <= b) return a; return b; }
static inline int max(int a, int b) { if (a >= b) return a; return b; }
static inline int64 max64(int64 a, int64 b) { if (a >= b) return a; return b; }

static inline uint minu(uint a, uint b) { if (a <= b) return a; return b; }
static inline uint maxu(uint a, uint b) { if (a >= b) return a; return b; }

static inline int clamp(int a, int min, int max) { if (a <= min) return min; if (a >= max) return max; return a; }
static inline int clamp2(int a, int min, int max) { if (a <= min) a=min; if (a >= max) a=max; return a; }
static inline bool int32_add_overflow(int32 a, int32 b) { return (int32)(a^b)>=0 && (int32)(a^(a+b))<0; }
static inline bool int32_sub_overflow(int32 a, int32 b) { return (int32)(a^b)<0 && (int32)(a^(a-b))<0; }

static inline bool str_eq(const byte *a, const byte *b)
	int i=0;
	while (a[i] == b[i]) {
		if (a[i] == 0)
			return true;
	return false;

// Will crash if strings are equal
static inline bool str_is_below(byte *a, byte *b) {
	while (*a <= *b) {
		if (*a < *b) return true;
	return false;

static inline int32 BIGMULSS(int32 a, int32 b, int shift) {
	return (int32)(((int64)(a) * (int64)(b)) >> (shift));

static inline int64 BIGMULSS64(int64 a, int64 b, int shift) {
	return ((a) * (b)) >> (shift);

static inline uint32 BIGMULUS(uint32 a, uint32 b, int shift) {
	return (uint32)(((uint64)(a) * (uint64)(b)) >> (shift));

static inline int64 BIGMULS(int32 a, int32 b) {
	return (int32)(((int64)(a) * (int64)(b)));

/* OPT: optimized into an unsigned comparison */
//#define IS_INSIDE_1D(x, base, size) ((x) >= (base) && (x) < (base) + (size))
#define IS_INSIDE_1D(x, base, size) ( (uint)((x) - (base)) < ((uint)(size)) )


enum {
	CORRECT_Z_BITS = 1 << 1 | 1 << 2 | 1 << 3 | 1 << 4 | 1 << 5 | 1 << 6 | 1 << 7
#define CORRECT_Z(tileh) (CORRECT_Z_BITS & (1 << tileh))

#define TILE_ASSERT(x) assert( TILE_MASK(x) == (x) );

//#define REMADP_COORDS(x,y,z) { int t = x; x = (y-t)*2; y+=t-z; }

#define PACK_POINT(x,y) ((x) | ((y) << 16))
#define UNPACK_POINT_X(p) ((uint16)(p))
#define UNPACK_POINT_Y(p) ((uint16)(p>>16))

#define PACK_PPOINT(p) PACK_POINT((p).x, (p).y)

#define HASBIT(x,y)    ((x) &   (1 << (y)))
#define SETBIT(x,y)    ((x) |=  (1 << (y)))
#define CLRBIT(x,y)    ((x) &= ~(1 << (y)))
#define TOGGLEBIT(x,y) ((x) ^=  (1 << (y)))

// checking more bits. Maybe unneccessary, but easy to use
#define HASBITS(x,y) ((x) & (y))
#define SETBITS(x,y) ((x) |= (y))
#define CLRBITS(x,y) ((x) &= ~(y))

#define PLAYER_SPRITE_COLOR(owner) ((_player_colors[owner] << 16) + 0x3070000)
#define SPRITE_PALETTE(x) ((x) + 0x8000)

extern const byte _ffb_64[128];
/* Returns the position of the first bit that is not zero, counted from the
 * left. Ie, 10110100 returns 2, 00000001 returns 0, etc. When x == 0 returns
 * 0.
#define FIND_FIRST_BIT(x) _ffb_64[(x)]
/* Returns x with the first bit that is not zero, counted from the left, set
 * to zero. So, 10110100 returns 10110000, 00000001 returns 00000000, etc.
#define KILL_FIRST_BIT(x) _ffb_64[(x)+64]

static inline int FindFirstBit2x64(int value)
	int i = 0;
	if ( (byte) value == 0) {
		i += 8;
		value >>= 8;
	return i + FIND_FIRST_BIT(value & 0x3F);

/* [min,max), strictly less than */
#define IS_BYTE_INSIDE(a,min,max) ((byte)((a)-(min)) < (byte)((max)-(min)))
#define IS_INT_INSIDE(a,min,max) ((uint)((a)-(min)) < (uint)((max)-(min)))

#define CHANCE16(a,b) ((uint16)Random() <= (uint16)((65536 * a) / b))
#define CHANCE16R(a,b,r) ((uint16)(r=Random()) <= (uint16)((65536 * a) / b))
#define CHANCE16I(a,b,v) ((uint16)(v) <= (uint16)((65536 * a) / b))

#define BEGIN_TILE_LOOP(var,w,h,tile)		\
		{int h_cur = h;									\
		uint var = tile;									\
		do {														\
			int w_cur = w;								\
			do {

#define END_TILE_LOOP(var,w,h,tile)			\
			} while (++var, --w_cur != 0);						\
		} while (var += TILE_XY(0,1) - (w), --h_cur != 0);}

#define for_each_bit(_i,_b)										\
	for(_i=0; _b!=0; _i++,_b>>=1)								\
		if (_b&1)

#define assert_array(i,j) assert(i < lengthof(j))

#define abs myabs

static inline int intxchg_(int *a, int b) { int t = *a; *a = b; return t; }
#define intxchg(a,b) intxchg_(&(a), (b))
#define intswap(a,b) ((b) = intxchg_(&(a), (b)))

static inline int myabs(int a) { if (a<0) a = -a; return a; }
static inline int64 myabs64(int64 a) { if (a<0) a = -a; return a; }

static inline void swap_byte(byte *a, byte *b) { byte t = *a; *a = *b; *b = t; }
static inline void swap_uint16(uint16 *a, uint16 *b) { uint16 t = *a; *a = *b; *b = t; }
static inline void swap_int16(int16 *a, int16 *b) { int16 t = *a; *a = *b; *b = t; }
static inline void swap_int32(int32 *a, int32 *b) { int32 t = *a; *a = *b; *b = t; }
static inline void swap_tile(TileIndex *a, TileIndex *b) { TileIndex t = *a; *a = *b; *b = t; }

#if defined(TTD_LITTLE_ENDIAN)
#	define READ_LE_UINT16(b) (*(const uint16*)(b))
#	define ADD_WORD(x) (x)&0xFF, ((x) >> 8)&0xFF
#	define ADD_DWORD(x) (x)&0xFF, ((x) >> 8)&0xFF, ((x) >> 16)&0xFF, ((x) >> 24)&0xFF
#elif defined(TTD_BIG_ENDIAN)
	static inline uint16 READ_LE_UINT16(const void *b) {
		return ((const byte*)b)[0] + (((const byte*)b)[1] << 8);
#	define ADD_WORD(x) ((x) >> 8)&0xFF, (x)&0xFF
#	define ADD_DWORD(x) ((x) >> 24)&0xFF, ((x) >> 16)&0xFF, ((x) >> 8)&0xFF,  (x)&0xFF

static inline void WRITE_LE_UINT16(void *b, uint16 x) {
	((byte*)b)[0] = (byte)x;
	((byte*)b)[1] = (byte)(x >> 8);

#define MAX_DETOUR 6

#endif /* MACROS_H */