author belugas
Sat, 24 May 2008 02:54:47 +0000
changeset 9334 28ac6c8e0795
parent 9299 258be16ef2bd
child 9354 845e07db4549
permissions -rw-r--r--
(svn r13226) -Feature: Allow to have more than only two airports per town. The number of airports is now controlled by the noise each of them generates, the distance from town's center and how tolerant the town is.
Initial concept : TTDPatch (moreairpots), Initial code : Pasky
Thanks to BigBB (help coding), Smatz Skidd13 and frosch for bugcatches and advices
/* $Id$ */

/** @file saveload.cpp
 * All actions handling saving and loading goes on in this file. The general actions
 * are as follows for saving a game (loading is analogous):
 * <ol>
 * <li>initialize the writer by creating a temporary memory-buffer for it
 * <li>go through all to-be saved elements, each 'chunk' (ChunkHandler) prefixed by a label
 * <li>use their description array (SaveLoad) to know what elements to save and in what version
 *    of the game it was active (used when loading)
 * <li>write all data byte-by-byte to the temporary buffer so it is endian-safe
 * <li>when the buffer is full; flush it to the output (eg save to file) (_sl.buf, _sl.bufp, _sl.bufe)
 * <li>repeat this until everything is done, and flush any remaining output to file
 * </ol>
#include "stdafx.h"
#include "openttd.h"
#include "debug.h"
#include "station_base.h"
#include "thread.h"
#include "town.h"
#include "saveload.h"
#include "network/network.h"
#include "variables.h"
#include "window_func.h"
#include "strings_func.h"
#include "gfx_func.h"
#include "core/alloc_func.hpp"
#include "functions.h"
#include "core/endian_func.hpp"
#include "vehicle_base.h"
#include "autoreplace_base.h"
#include "statusbar_gui.h"
#include <list>

#include "table/strings.h"

extern const uint16 SAVEGAME_VERSION = 96;

SavegameType _savegame_type; ///< type of savegame we are loading

uint32 _ttdp_version;     ///< version of TTDP savegame (if applicable)
uint16 _sl_version;       ///< the major savegame version identifier
byte   _sl_minor_version; ///< the minor savegame version, DO NOT USE!

typedef void WriterProc(uint len);
typedef uint ReaderProc();

/** The saveload struct, containing reader-writer functions, bufffer, version, etc. */
static struct {
	bool save;                           ///< are we doing a save or a load atm. True when saving
	byte need_length;                    ///< ???
	byte block_mode;                     ///< ???
	bool error;                          ///< did an error occur or not

	int obj_len;                         ///< the length of the current object we are busy with
	int array_index, last_array_index;   ///< in the case of an array, the current and last positions

	uint32 offs_base;                    ///< the offset in number of bytes since we started writing data (eg uncompressed savegame size)

	WriterProc *write_bytes;             ///< savegame writer function
	ReaderProc *read_bytes;              ///< savegame loader function

	const ChunkHandler* const *chs;      ///< the chunk of data that is being processed atm (vehicles, signs, etc.)

	/* When saving/loading savegames, they are always saved to a temporary memory-place
	 * to be flushed to file (save) or to final place (load) when full. */
	byte *bufp, *bufe;                   ///< bufp(ointer) gives the current position in the buffer bufe(nd) gives the end of the buffer

	/* these 3 may be used by compressor/decompressors. */
	byte *buf;                           ///< pointer to temporary memory to read/write, initialized by SaveLoadFormat->initread/write
	byte *buf_ori;                       ///< pointer to the original memory location of buf, used to free it afterwards
	uint bufsize;                        ///< the size of the temporary memory *buf
	FILE *fh;                            ///< the file from which is read or written to

	void (*excpt_uninit)();              ///< the function to execute on any encountered error
	StringID error_str;                  ///< the translateable error message to show
	char *extra_msg;                     ///< the error message
} _sl;

enum NeedLengthValues {NL_NONE = 0, NL_WANTLENGTH = 1, NL_CALCLENGTH = 2};

/** Error handler, calls longjmp to simulate an exception.
 * @todo this was used to have a central place to handle errors, but it is
 * pretty ugly, and seriously interferes with any multithreaded approaches */
static void NORETURN SlError(StringID string, const char *extra_msg = NULL)
	_sl.error_str = string;
	_sl.extra_msg = (extra_msg == NULL) ? NULL : strdup(extra_msg);
	throw std::exception();

typedef void (*AsyncSaveFinishProc)();
static AsyncSaveFinishProc _async_save_finish = NULL;

 * Called by save thread to tell we finished saving.
static void SetAsyncSaveFinish(AsyncSaveFinishProc proc)
	if (_exit_game) return;
	while (_async_save_finish != NULL) CSleep(10);

	_async_save_finish = proc;

 * Handle async save finishes.
void ProcessAsyncSaveFinish()
	if (_async_save_finish == NULL) return;


	_async_save_finish = NULL;

 * Fill the input buffer by reading from the file with the given reader
static void SlReadFill()
	uint len = _sl.read_bytes();
	if (len == 0) SlError(STR_GAME_SAVELOAD_ERROR_BROKEN_SAVEGAME, "Unexpected end of chunk");

	_sl.bufp = _sl.buf;
	_sl.bufe = _sl.buf + len;
	_sl.offs_base += len;

static inline uint32 SlGetOffs() {return _sl.offs_base - (_sl.bufe - _sl.bufp);}

/** Return the size in bytes of a certain type of normal/atomic variable
 * as it appears in memory. See VarTypes
 * @param conv VarType type of variable that is used for calculating the size
 * @return Return the size of this type in bytes */
static inline byte SlCalcConvMemLen(VarType conv)
	static const byte conv_mem_size[] = {1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 4, 4, 8, 8, 0};
	byte length = GB(conv, 4, 4);
	assert(length < lengthof(conv_mem_size));
	return conv_mem_size[length];

/** Return the size in bytes of a certain type of normal/atomic variable
 * as it appears in a saved game. See VarTypes
 * @param conv VarType type of variable that is used for calculating the size
 * @return Return the size of this type in bytes */
static inline byte SlCalcConvFileLen(VarType conv)
	static const byte conv_file_size[] = {1, 1, 2, 2, 4, 4, 8, 8, 2};
	byte length = GB(conv, 0, 4);
	assert(length < lengthof(conv_file_size));
	return conv_file_size[length];

/** Return the size in bytes of a reference (pointer) */
static inline size_t SlCalcRefLen() {return CheckSavegameVersion(69) ? 2 : 4;}

/** Flush the output buffer by writing to disk with the given reader.
 * If the buffer pointer has not yet been set up, set it up now. Usually
 * only called when the buffer is full, or there is no more data to be processed
static void SlWriteFill()
	/* flush the buffer to disk (the writer) */
	if (_sl.bufp != NULL) {
		uint len = _sl.bufp - _sl.buf;
		_sl.offs_base += len;
		if (len) _sl.write_bytes(len);

	/* All the data from the buffer has been written away, rewind to the beginning
	 * to start reading in more data */
	_sl.bufp = _sl.buf;
	_sl.bufe = _sl.buf + _sl.bufsize;

/** Read in a single byte from file. If the temporary buffer is full,
 * flush it to its final destination
 * @return return the read byte from file
static inline byte SlReadByteInternal()
	if (_sl.bufp == _sl.bufe) SlReadFill();
	return *_sl.bufp++;

/** Wrapper for SlReadByteInternal */
byte SlReadByte() {return SlReadByteInternal();}

/** Write away a single byte from memory. If the temporary buffer is full,
 * flush it to its destination (file)
 * @param b the byte that is currently written
static inline void SlWriteByteInternal(byte b)
	if (_sl.bufp == _sl.bufe) SlWriteFill();
	*_sl.bufp++ = b;

/** Wrapper for SlWriteByteInternal */
void SlWriteByte(byte b) {SlWriteByteInternal(b);}

static inline int SlReadUint16()
	int x = SlReadByte() << 8;
	return x | SlReadByte();

static inline uint32 SlReadUint32()
	uint32 x = SlReadUint16() << 16;
	return x | SlReadUint16();

static inline uint64 SlReadUint64()
	uint32 x = SlReadUint32();
	uint32 y = SlReadUint32();
	return (uint64)x << 32 | y;

static inline void SlWriteUint16(uint16 v)
	SlWriteByte(GB(v, 8, 8));
	SlWriteByte(GB(v, 0, 8));

static inline void SlWriteUint32(uint32 v)
	SlWriteUint16(GB(v, 16, 16));
	SlWriteUint16(GB(v,  0, 16));

static inline void SlWriteUint64(uint64 x)
	SlWriteUint32((uint32)(x >> 32));

 * Read in the header descriptor of an object or an array.
 * If the highest bit is set (7), then the index is bigger than 127
 * elements, so use the next byte to read in the real value.
 * The actual value is then both bytes added with the first shifted
 * 8 bits to the left, and dropping the highest bit (which only indicated a big index).
 * x = ((x & 0x7F) << 8) + SlReadByte();
 * @return Return the value of the index
static uint SlReadSimpleGamma()
	uint i = SlReadByte();
	if (HasBit(i, 7)) {
		i &= ~0x80;
		if (HasBit(i, 6)) {
			i &= ~0x40;
			if (HasBit(i, 5)) {
				i &= ~0x20;
				if (HasBit(i, 4))
					SlError(STR_GAME_SAVELOAD_ERROR_BROKEN_SAVEGAME, "Unsupported gamma");
				i = (i << 8) | SlReadByte();
			i = (i << 8) | SlReadByte();
		i = (i << 8) | SlReadByte();
	return i;

 * Write the header descriptor of an object or an array.
 * If the element is bigger than 127, use 2 bytes for saving
 * and use the highest byte of the first written one as a notice
 * that the length consists of 2 bytes, etc.. like this:
 * 0xxxxxxx
 * 10xxxxxx xxxxxxxx
 * 110xxxxx xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx
 * 1110xxxx xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx
 * @param i Index being written

static void SlWriteSimpleGamma(uint i)
	if (i >= (1 << 7)) {
		if (i >= (1 << 14)) {
			if (i >= (1 << 21)) {
				assert(i < (1 << 28));
				SlWriteByte((byte)0xE0 | (i >> 24));
				SlWriteByte((byte)(i >> 16));
			} else {
				SlWriteByte((byte)0xC0 | (i >> 16));
			SlWriteByte((byte)(i >> 8));
		} else {
			SlWriteByte((byte)(0x80 | (i >> 8)));

/** Return how many bytes used to encode a gamma value */
static inline uint SlGetGammaLength(uint i)
	return 1 + (i >= (1 << 7)) + (i >= (1 << 14)) + (i >= (1 << 21));

static inline uint SlReadSparseIndex() {return SlReadSimpleGamma();}
static inline void SlWriteSparseIndex(uint index) {SlWriteSimpleGamma(index);}

static inline uint SlReadArrayLength() {return SlReadSimpleGamma();}
static inline void SlWriteArrayLength(uint length) {SlWriteSimpleGamma(length);}
static inline uint SlGetArrayLength(uint length) {return SlGetGammaLength(length);}

void SlSetArrayIndex(uint index)
	_sl.need_length = NL_WANTLENGTH;
	_sl.array_index = index;

static uint32 _next_offs;

 * Iterate through the elements of an array and read the whole thing
 * @return The index of the object, or -1 if we have reached the end of current block
int SlIterateArray()
	int index;

	/* After reading in the whole array inside the loop
	 * we must have read in all the data, so we must be at end of current block. */
	if (_next_offs != 0 && SlGetOffs() != _next_offs) SlError(STR_GAME_SAVELOAD_ERROR_BROKEN_SAVEGAME, "Invalid chunk size");

	while (true) {
		uint length = SlReadArrayLength();
		if (length == 0) {
			_next_offs = 0;
			return -1;

		_sl.obj_len = --length;
		_next_offs = SlGetOffs() + length;

		switch (_sl.block_mode) {
		case CH_SPARSE_ARRAY: index = (int)SlReadSparseIndex(); break;
		case CH_ARRAY:        index = _sl.array_index++; break;
			DEBUG(sl, 0, "SlIterateArray error");
			return -1; // error

		if (length != 0) return index;

 * Sets the length of either a RIFF object or the number of items in an array.
 * This lets us load an object or an array of arbitrary size
 * @param length The length of the sought object/array
void SlSetLength(size_t length)

	switch (_sl.need_length) {
		_sl.need_length = NL_NONE;
		switch (_sl.block_mode) {
		case CH_RIFF:
			/* Ugly encoding of >16M RIFF chunks
			 * The lower 24 bits are normal
			 * The uppermost 4 bits are bits 24:27 */
			assert(length < (1 << 28));
			SlWriteUint32((length & 0xFFFFFF) | ((length >> 24) << 28));
		case CH_ARRAY:
			assert(_sl.last_array_index <= _sl.array_index);
			while (++_sl.last_array_index <= _sl.array_index)
			SlWriteArrayLength(length + 1);
			SlWriteArrayLength(length + 1 + SlGetArrayLength(_sl.array_index)); // Also include length of sparse index.
		default: NOT_REACHED();
		} break;
		_sl.obj_len += length;

 * Save/Load bytes. These do not need to be converted to Little/Big Endian
 * so directly write them or read them to/from file
 * @param ptr The source or destination of the object being manipulated
 * @param length number of bytes this fast CopyBytes lasts
static void SlCopyBytes(void *ptr, size_t length)
	byte *p = (byte*)ptr;

	if ( {
		for (; length != 0; length--) {SlWriteByteInternal(*p++);}
	} else {
		for (; length != 0; length--) {*p++ = SlReadByteInternal();}

/** Read in bytes from the file/data structure but don't do
 * anything with them, discarding them in effect
 * @param length The amount of bytes that is being treated this way
static inline void SlSkipBytes(size_t length)
	for (; length != 0; length--) SlReadByte();

/* Get the length of the current object */
uint SlGetFieldLength() {return _sl.obj_len;}

/** Return a signed-long version of the value of a setting
 * @param ptr pointer to the variable
 * @param conv type of variable, can be a non-clean
 * type, eg one with other flags because it is parsed
 * @return returns the value of the pointer-setting */
int64 ReadValue(const void *ptr, VarType conv)
	switch (GetVarMemType(conv)) {
	case SLE_VAR_BL:  return (*(bool*)ptr != 0);
	case SLE_VAR_I8:  return *(int8*  )ptr;
	case SLE_VAR_U8:  return *(byte*  )ptr;
	case SLE_VAR_I16: return *(int16* )ptr;
	case SLE_VAR_U16: return *(uint16*)ptr;
	case SLE_VAR_I32: return *(int32* )ptr;
	case SLE_VAR_U32: return *(uint32*)ptr;
	case SLE_VAR_I64: return *(int64* )ptr;
	case SLE_VAR_U64: return *(uint64*)ptr;
	case SLE_VAR_NULL:return 0;
	default: NOT_REACHED();

	/* useless, but avoids compiler warning this way */
	return 0;

/** Write the value of a setting
 * @param ptr pointer to the variable
 * @param conv type of variable, can be a non-clean type, eg
 *             with other flags. It is parsed upon read
 * @param val the new value being given to the variable */
void WriteValue(void *ptr, VarType conv, int64 val)
	switch (GetVarMemType(conv)) {
	case SLE_VAR_BL:  *(bool  *)ptr = (val != 0);  break;
	case SLE_VAR_I8:  *(int8  *)ptr = val; break;
	case SLE_VAR_U8:  *(byte  *)ptr = val; break;
	case SLE_VAR_I16: *(int16 *)ptr = val; break;
	case SLE_VAR_U16: *(uint16*)ptr = val; break;
	case SLE_VAR_I32: *(int32 *)ptr = val; break;
	case SLE_VAR_U32: *(uint32*)ptr = val; break;
	case SLE_VAR_I64: *(int64 *)ptr = val; break;
	case SLE_VAR_U64: *(uint64*)ptr = val; break;
	case SLE_VAR_NAME: *(char**)ptr = CopyFromOldName(val); break;
	case SLE_VAR_NULL: break;
	default: NOT_REACHED();

 * Handle all conversion and typechecking of variables here.
 * In the case of saving, read in the actual value from the struct
 * and then write them to file, endian safely. Loading a value
 * goes exactly the opposite way
 * @param ptr The object being filled/read
 * @param conv VarType type of the current element of the struct
static void SlSaveLoadConv(void *ptr, VarType conv)
	int64 x = 0;

	if ( { // SAVE values
		/* Read a value from the struct. These ARE endian safe. */
		x = ReadValue(ptr, conv);

		/* Write the value to the file and check if its value is in the desired range */
		switch (GetVarFileType(conv)) {
		case SLE_FILE_I8: assert(x >= -128 && x <= 127);     SlWriteByte(x);break;
		case SLE_FILE_U8: assert(x >= 0 && x <= 255);        SlWriteByte(x);break;
		case SLE_FILE_I16:assert(x >= -32768 && x <= 32767); SlWriteUint16(x);break;
		case SLE_FILE_U16:assert(x >= 0 && x <= 65535);      SlWriteUint16(x);break;
		case SLE_FILE_I32:
		case SLE_FILE_U32:                                   SlWriteUint32((uint32)x);break;
		case SLE_FILE_I64:
		case SLE_FILE_U64:                                   SlWriteUint64(x);break;
		default: NOT_REACHED();
	} else { // LOAD values

		/* Read a value from the file */
		switch (GetVarFileType(conv)) {
		case SLE_FILE_I8:  x = (int8  )SlReadByte();   break;
		case SLE_FILE_U8:  x = (byte  )SlReadByte();   break;
		case SLE_FILE_I16: x = (int16 )SlReadUint16(); break;
		case SLE_FILE_U16: x = (uint16)SlReadUint16(); break;
		case SLE_FILE_I32: x = (int32 )SlReadUint32(); break;
		case SLE_FILE_U32: x = (uint32)SlReadUint32(); break;
		case SLE_FILE_I64: x = (int64 )SlReadUint64(); break;
		case SLE_FILE_U64: x = (uint64)SlReadUint64(); break;
		case SLE_FILE_STRINGID: x = RemapOldStringID((uint16)SlReadUint16()); break;
		default: NOT_REACHED();

		/* Write The value to the struct. These ARE endian safe. */
		WriteValue(ptr, conv, x);

/** Calculate the net length of a string. This is in almost all cases
 * just strlen(), but if the string is not properly terminated, we'll
 * resort to the maximum length of the buffer.
 * @param ptr pointer to the stringbuffer
 * @param length maximum length of the string (buffer). If -1 we don't care
 * about a maximum length, but take string length as it is.
 * @return return the net length of the string */
static inline size_t SlCalcNetStringLen(const char *ptr, size_t length)
	if (ptr == NULL) return 0;
	return min(strlen(ptr), length - 1);

/** Calculate the gross length of the string that it
 * will occupy in the savegame. This includes the real length, returned
 * by SlCalcNetStringLen and the length that the index will occupy.
 * @param ptr pointer to the stringbuffer
 * @param length maximum length of the string (buffer size, etc.)
 * @param conv type of data been used
 * @return return the gross length of the string */
static inline size_t SlCalcStringLen(const void *ptr, size_t length, VarType conv)
	size_t len;
	const char *str;

	switch (GetVarMemType(conv)) {
		default: NOT_REACHED();
		case SLE_VAR_STR:
		case SLE_VAR_STRQ:
			str = *(const char**)ptr;
			len = SIZE_MAX;
		case SLE_VAR_STRB:
			str = (const char*)ptr;
			len = length;

	len = SlCalcNetStringLen(str, len);
	return len + SlGetArrayLength(len); // also include the length of the index

 * Save/Load a string.
 * @param ptr the string being manipulated
 * @param length of the string (full length)
 * @param conv must be SLE_FILE_STRING */
static void SlString(void *ptr, size_t length, VarType conv)
	size_t len;

	if ( { // SAVE string
		switch (GetVarMemType(conv)) {
			default: NOT_REACHED();
			case SLE_VAR_STRB:
			case SLE_VAR_STRBQ:
				len = SlCalcNetStringLen((char*)ptr, length);
			case SLE_VAR_STR:
			case SLE_VAR_STRQ:
				ptr = *(char**)ptr;
				len = SlCalcNetStringLen((char*)ptr, SIZE_MAX);

		SlCopyBytes(ptr, len);
	} else { // LOAD string
		len = SlReadArrayLength();

		switch (GetVarMemType(conv)) {
			default: NOT_REACHED();
			case SLE_VAR_STRB:
			case SLE_VAR_STRBQ:
				if (len >= length) {
					DEBUG(sl, 1, "String length in savegame is bigger than buffer, truncating");
					SlCopyBytes(ptr, length);
					SlSkipBytes(len - length);
					len = length - 1;
				} else {
					SlCopyBytes(ptr, len);
			case SLE_VAR_STR:
			case SLE_VAR_STRQ: // Malloc'd string, free previous incarnation, and allocate
				if (len == 0) {
					*(char**)ptr = NULL;
				} else {
					*(char**)ptr = MallocT<char>(len + 1); // terminating '\0'
					ptr = *(char**)ptr;
					SlCopyBytes(ptr, len);

		((char*)ptr)[len] = '\0'; // properly terminate the string

 * Return the size in bytes of a certain type of atomic array
 * @param length The length of the array counted in elements
 * @param conv VarType type of the variable that is used in calculating the size
static inline size_t SlCalcArrayLen(uint length, VarType conv)
	return SlCalcConvFileLen(conv) * length;

 * Save/Load an array.
 * @param array The array being manipulated
 * @param length The length of the array in elements
 * @param conv VarType type of the atomic array (int, byte, uint64, etc.)
void SlArray(void *array, uint length, VarType conv)
	/* Automatically calculate the length? */
	if (_sl.need_length != NL_NONE) {
		SlSetLength(SlCalcArrayLen(length, conv));
		/* Determine length only? */
		if (_sl.need_length == NL_CALCLENGTH) return;

	/* NOTICE - handle some buggy stuff, in really old versions everything was saved
	 * as a byte-type. So detect this, and adjust array size accordingly */
	if (! && _sl_version == 0) {
		if (conv == SLE_INT16 || conv == SLE_UINT16 || conv == SLE_STRINGID ||
				conv == SLE_INT32 || conv == SLE_UINT32) {
			length *= SlCalcConvFileLen(conv);
			conv = SLE_INT8;

	/* If the size of elements is 1 byte both in file and memory, no special
	 * conversion is needed, use specialized copy-copy function to speed up things */
	if (conv == SLE_INT8 || conv == SLE_UINT8) {
		SlCopyBytes(array, length);
	} else {
		byte *a = (byte*)array;
		byte mem_size = SlCalcConvMemLen(conv);

		for (; length != 0; length --) {
			SlSaveLoadConv(a, conv);
			a += mem_size; // get size

static uint ReferenceToInt(const void* obj, SLRefType rt);
static void* IntToReference(uint index, SLRefType rt);

 * Return the size in bytes of a list
 * @param list The std::list to find the size of
static inline size_t SlCalcListLen(const void *list)
	std::list<void *> *l = (std::list<void *> *) list;

	int type_size = CheckSavegameVersion(69) ? 2 : 4;
	/* Each entry is saved as type_size bytes, plus type_size bytes are used for the length
	 * of the list */
	return l->size() * type_size + type_size;

 * Save/Load a list.
 * @param list The list being manipulated
 * @param conv SLRefType type of the list (Vehicle *, Station *, etc)
void SlList(void *list, SLRefType conv)
	/* Automatically calculate the length? */
	if (_sl.need_length != NL_NONE) {
		/* Determine length only? */
		if (_sl.need_length == NL_CALCLENGTH) return;

	std::list<void *> *l = (std::list<void *> *) list;

	if ( {

		std::list<void *>::iterator iter;
		for (iter = l->begin(); iter != l->end(); ++iter) {
			void *ptr = *iter;
			SlWriteUint32(ReferenceToInt(ptr, conv));
	} else {
		uint length = CheckSavegameVersion(69) ? SlReadUint16() : SlReadUint32();

		/* Load each reference and push to the end of the list */
		for (uint i = 0; i < length; i++) {
			void *ptr = IntToReference(CheckSavegameVersion(69) ? SlReadUint16() : SlReadUint32(), conv);

/** Are we going to save this object or not? */
static inline bool SlIsObjectValidInSavegame(const SaveLoad *sld)
	if (_sl_version < sld->version_from || _sl_version > sld->version_to) return false;
	if (sld->conv & SLF_SAVE_NO) return false;

	return true;

/** Are we going to load this variable when loading a savegame or not?
 * @note If the variable is skipped it is skipped in the savegame
 * bytestream itself as well, so there is no need to skip it somewhere else */
static inline bool SlSkipVariableOnLoad(const SaveLoad *sld)
	if ((sld->conv & SLF_NETWORK_NO) && ! && _networking && !_network_server) {
		SlSkipBytes(SlCalcConvMemLen(sld->conv) * sld->length);
		return true;

	return false;

 * Calculate the size of an object.
 * @param object to be measured
 * @param sld The SaveLoad description of the object so we know how to manipulate it
 * @return size of given objetc
static size_t SlCalcObjLength(const void *object, const SaveLoad *sld)
	size_t length = 0;

	/* Need to determine the length and write a length tag. */
	for (; sld->cmd != SL_END; sld++) {
		length += SlCalcObjMemberLength(object, sld);
	return length;

size_t SlCalcObjMemberLength(const void *object, const SaveLoad *sld)

	switch (sld->cmd) {
		case SL_VAR:
		case SL_REF:
		case SL_ARR:
		case SL_STR:
		case SL_LST:
			/* CONDITIONAL saveload types depend on the savegame version */
			if (!SlIsObjectValidInSavegame(sld)) break;

			switch (sld->cmd) {
			case SL_VAR: return SlCalcConvFileLen(sld->conv);
			case SL_REF: return SlCalcRefLen();
			case SL_ARR: return SlCalcArrayLen(sld->length, sld->conv);
			case SL_STR: return SlCalcStringLen(GetVariableAddress(object, sld), sld->length, sld->conv);
			case SL_LST: return SlCalcListLen(GetVariableAddress(object, sld));
			default: NOT_REACHED();
		case SL_WRITEBYTE: return 1; // a byte is logically of size 1
		case SL_VEH_INCLUDE: return SlCalcObjLength(object, GetVehicleDescription(VEH_END));
		default: NOT_REACHED();
	return 0;

bool SlObjectMember(void *ptr, const SaveLoad *sld)
	VarType conv = GB(sld->conv, 0, 8);
	switch (sld->cmd) {
	case SL_VAR:
	case SL_REF:
	case SL_ARR:
	case SL_STR:
	case SL_LST:
		/* CONDITIONAL saveload types depend on the savegame version */
		if (!SlIsObjectValidInSavegame(sld)) return false;
		if (SlSkipVariableOnLoad(sld)) return false;

		switch (sld->cmd) {
		case SL_VAR: SlSaveLoadConv(ptr, conv); break;
		case SL_REF: // Reference variable, translate
			if ( {
				SlWriteUint32(ReferenceToInt(*(void**)ptr, (SLRefType)conv));
			} else {
				*(void**)ptr = IntToReference(CheckSavegameVersion(69) ? SlReadUint16() : SlReadUint32(), (SLRefType)conv);
		case SL_ARR: SlArray(ptr, sld->length, conv); break;
		case SL_STR: SlString(ptr, sld->length, conv); break;
		case SL_LST: SlList(ptr, (SLRefType)conv); break;
		default: NOT_REACHED();

	/* SL_WRITEBYTE translates a value of a variable to another one upon
	 * saving or loading.
	 * XXX - variable renaming abuse
	 * game_value: the value of the variable ingame is abused by sld->version_from
	 * file_value: the value of the variable in the savegame is abused by sld->version_to */
		if ( {
		} else {
			*(byte*)ptr = sld->version_from;

	/* SL_VEH_INCLUDE loads common code for vehicles */
		SlObject(ptr, GetVehicleDescription(VEH_END));
	default: NOT_REACHED();
	return true;

 * Main SaveLoad function.
 * @param object The object that is being saved or loaded
 * @param sld The SaveLoad description of the object so we know how to manipulate it
void SlObject(void *object, const SaveLoad *sld)
	/* Automatically calculate the length? */
	if (_sl.need_length != NL_NONE) {
		SlSetLength(SlCalcObjLength(object, sld));
		if (_sl.need_length == NL_CALCLENGTH) return;

	for (; sld->cmd != SL_END; sld++) {
		void *ptr = sld->global ? sld->address : GetVariableAddress(object, sld);
		SlObjectMember(ptr, sld);

 * Save or Load (a list of) global variables
 * @param sldg The global variable that is being loaded or saved
void SlGlobList(const SaveLoadGlobVarList *sldg)
	SlObject(NULL, (const SaveLoad*)sldg);

 * Do something of which I have no idea what it is :P
 * @param proc The callback procedure that is called
 * @param arg The variable that will be used for the callback procedure
void SlAutolength(AutolengthProc *proc, void *arg)
	uint32 offs;


	/* Tell it to calculate the length */
	_sl.need_length = NL_CALCLENGTH;
	_sl.obj_len = 0;

	/* Setup length */
	_sl.need_length = NL_WANTLENGTH;

	offs = SlGetOffs() + _sl.obj_len;

	/* And write the stuff */

	if (offs != SlGetOffs()) SlError(STR_GAME_SAVELOAD_ERROR_BROKEN_SAVEGAME, "Invalid chunk size");

 * Load a chunk of data (eg vehicles, stations, etc.)
 * @param ch The chunkhandler that will be used for the operation
static void SlLoadChunk(const ChunkHandler *ch)
	byte m = SlReadByte();
	uint32 len;
	uint32 endoffs;

	_sl.block_mode = m;
	_sl.obj_len = 0;

	switch (m) {
	case CH_ARRAY:
		_sl.array_index = 0;
		if ((m & 0xF) == CH_RIFF) {
			/* Read length */
			len = (SlReadByte() << 16) | ((m >> 4) << 24);
			len += SlReadUint16();
			_sl.obj_len = len;
			endoffs = SlGetOffs() + len;
			if (SlGetOffs() != endoffs) SlError(STR_GAME_SAVELOAD_ERROR_BROKEN_SAVEGAME, "Invalid chunk size");
		} else {
			SlError(STR_GAME_SAVELOAD_ERROR_BROKEN_SAVEGAME, "Invalid chunk type");

/* Stub Chunk handlers to only calculate length and do nothing else */
static ChunkSaveLoadProc *_tmp_proc_1;
static inline void SlStubSaveProc2(void *arg) {_tmp_proc_1();}
static void SlStubSaveProc() {SlAutolength(SlStubSaveProc2, NULL);}

/** Save a chunk of data (eg. vehicles, stations, etc.). Each chunk is
 * prefixed by an ID identifying it, followed by data, and terminator where appropiate
 * @param ch The chunkhandler that will be used for the operation
static void SlSaveChunk(const ChunkHandler *ch)
	ChunkSaveLoadProc *proc = ch->save_proc;

	/* Don't save any chunk information if there is no save handler. */
	if (proc == NULL) return;

	DEBUG(sl, 2, "Saving chunk %c%c%c%c", ch->id >> 24, ch->id >> 16, ch->id >> 8, ch->id);

	if (ch->flags & CH_AUTO_LENGTH) {
		/* Need to calculate the length. Solve that by calling SlAutoLength in the save_proc. */
		_tmp_proc_1 = proc;
		proc = SlStubSaveProc;

	_sl.block_mode = ch->flags & CH_TYPE_MASK;
	switch (ch->flags & CH_TYPE_MASK) {
	case CH_RIFF:
		_sl.need_length = NL_WANTLENGTH;
	case CH_ARRAY:
		_sl.last_array_index = 0;
		SlWriteArrayLength(0); // Terminate arrays
		SlWriteArrayLength(0); // Terminate arrays
	default: NOT_REACHED();

/** Save all chunks */
static void SlSaveChunks()
	const ChunkHandler *ch;
	const ChunkHandler* const *chsc;
	uint p;

	for (p = 0; p != CH_NUM_PRI_LEVELS; p++) {
		for (chsc = _sl.chs; (ch = *chsc++) != NULL;) {
			while (true) {
				if (((ch->flags >> CH_PRI_SHL) & (CH_NUM_PRI_LEVELS - 1)) == p)
				if (ch->flags & CH_LAST)

	/* Terminator */

/** Find the ChunkHandler that will be used for processing the found
 * chunk in the savegame or in memory
 * @param id the chunk in question
 * @return returns the appropiate chunkhandler
static const ChunkHandler *SlFindChunkHandler(uint32 id)
	const ChunkHandler *ch;
	const ChunkHandler *const *chsc;
	for (chsc = _sl.chs; (ch = *chsc++) != NULL;) {
		for (;;) {
			if (ch->id == id) return ch;
			if (ch->flags & CH_LAST) break;
	return NULL;

/** Load all chunks */
static void SlLoadChunks()
	uint32 id;
	const ChunkHandler *ch;

	for (id = SlReadUint32(); id != 0; id = SlReadUint32()) {
		DEBUG(sl, 2, "Loading chunk %c%c%c%c", id >> 24, id >> 16, id >> 8, id);

		ch = SlFindChunkHandler(id);
		if (ch == NULL) SlError(STR_GAME_SAVELOAD_ERROR_BROKEN_SAVEGAME, "Unknown chunk type");

 ********** START OF LZO CODE **************
#define LZO_SIZE 8192

#include "minilzo.h"

static uint ReadLZO()
	byte out[LZO_SIZE + LZO_SIZE / 64 + 16 + 3 + 8];
	uint32 tmp[2];
	uint32 size;
	uint len;

	/* Read header*/
	if (fread(tmp, sizeof(tmp), 1, _sl.fh) != 1) SlError(STR_GAME_SAVELOAD_ERROR_FILE_NOT_READABLE, "File read failed");

	/* Check if size is bad */
	((uint32*)out)[0] = size = tmp[1];

	if (_sl_version != 0) {
		tmp[0] = TO_BE32(tmp[0]);
		size = TO_BE32(size);

	if (size >= sizeof(out)) SlError(STR_GAME_SAVELOAD_ERROR_BROKEN_SAVEGAME, "Inconsistent size");

	/* Read block */
	if (fread(out + sizeof(uint32), size, 1, _sl.fh) != 1) SlError(STR_GAME_SAVELOAD_ERROR_FILE_NOT_READABLE);

	/* Verify checksum */
	if (tmp[0] != lzo_adler32(0, out, size + sizeof(uint32))) SlError(STR_GAME_SAVELOAD_ERROR_BROKEN_SAVEGAME, "Bad checksum");

	/* Decompress */
	lzo1x_decompress(out + sizeof(uint32)*1, size, _sl.buf, &len, NULL);
	return len;

/* p contains the pointer to the buffer, len contains the pointer to the length.
 * len bytes will be written, p and l will be updated to reflect the next buffer. */
static void WriteLZO(uint size)
	byte out[LZO_SIZE + LZO_SIZE / 64 + 16 + 3 + 8];
	byte wrkmem[sizeof(byte*)*4096];
	uint outlen;

	lzo1x_1_compress(_sl.buf, size, out + sizeof(uint32)*2, &outlen, wrkmem);
	((uint32*)out)[1] = TO_BE32(outlen);
	((uint32*)out)[0] = TO_BE32(lzo_adler32(0, out + sizeof(uint32), outlen + sizeof(uint32)));
	if (fwrite(out, outlen + sizeof(uint32)*2, 1, _sl.fh) != 1) SlError(STR_GAME_SAVELOAD_ERROR_FILE_NOT_WRITEABLE);

static bool InitLZO()
	_sl.bufsize = LZO_SIZE;
	_sl.buf = _sl.buf_ori = MallocT<byte>(LZO_SIZE);
	return true;

static void UninitLZO()

 ******** START OF NOCOMP CODE (uncompressed)*
static uint ReadNoComp()
	return fread(_sl.buf, 1, LZO_SIZE, _sl.fh);

static void WriteNoComp(uint size)
	if (fwrite(_sl.buf, 1, size, _sl.fh) != size) SlError(STR_GAME_SAVELOAD_ERROR_FILE_NOT_WRITEABLE);

static bool InitNoComp()
	_sl.bufsize = LZO_SIZE;
	_sl.buf = _sl.buf_ori = MallocT<byte>(LZO_SIZE);
	return true;

static void UninitNoComp()

 ********** START OF MEMORY CODE (in ram)****

#include "table/sprites.h"
#include "gui.h"

struct ThreadedSave {
	uint count;
	byte ff_state;
	bool saveinprogress;
	CursorID cursor;

/* A maximum size of of 128K * 500 = 64.000KB savegames */
STATIC_OLD_POOL(Savegame, byte, 17, 500, NULL, NULL)
static ThreadedSave _ts;

static bool InitMem()
	_ts.count = 0;


	/* A block from the pool is a contigious area of memory, so it is safe to write to it sequentially */
	_sl.bufsize = GetSavegamePoolSize();
	_sl.buf = GetSavegame(_ts.count);
	return true;

static void UnInitMem()

static void WriteMem(uint size)
	_ts.count += size;
	/* Allocate new block and new buffer-pointer */
	_sl.buf = GetSavegame(_ts.count);

 ********** START OF ZLIB CODE **************

#if defined(WITH_ZLIB)
#include <zlib.h>

static z_stream _z;

static bool InitReadZlib()
	memset(&_z, 0, sizeof(_z));
	if (inflateInit(&_z) != Z_OK) return false;

	_sl.bufsize = 4096;
	_sl.buf = _sl.buf_ori = MallocT<byte>(4096 + 4096); // also contains fread buffer
	return true;

static uint ReadZlib()
	int r;

	_z.next_out = _sl.buf;
	_z.avail_out = 4096;

	do {
		/* read more bytes from the file? */
		if (_z.avail_in == 0) {
			_z.avail_in = (uint)fread(_z.next_in = _sl.buf + 4096, 1, 4096, _sl.fh);

		/* inflate the data */
		r = inflate(&_z, 0);
		if (r == Z_STREAM_END)

		if (r != Z_OK) SlError(STR_GAME_SAVELOAD_ERROR_BROKEN_INTERNAL_ERROR, "inflate() failed");
	} while (_z.avail_out);

	return 4096 - _z.avail_out;

static void UninitReadZlib()

static bool InitWriteZlib()
	memset(&_z, 0, sizeof(_z));
	if (deflateInit(&_z, 6) != Z_OK) return false;

	_sl.bufsize = 4096;
	_sl.buf = _sl.buf_ori = MallocT<byte>(4096); // also contains fread buffer
	return true;

static void WriteZlibLoop(z_streamp z, byte *p, uint len, int mode)
	byte buf[1024]; // output buffer
	int r;
	uint n;
	z->next_in = p;
	z->avail_in = len;
	do {
		z->next_out = buf;
		z->avail_out = sizeof(buf);
		r = deflate(z, mode);
			/* bytes were emitted? */
		if ((n = sizeof(buf) - z->avail_out) != 0) {
			if (fwrite(buf, n, 1, _sl.fh) != 1) SlError(STR_GAME_SAVELOAD_ERROR_FILE_NOT_WRITEABLE);
		if (r == Z_STREAM_END)
		if (r != Z_OK) SlError(STR_GAME_SAVELOAD_ERROR_BROKEN_INTERNAL_ERROR, "zlib returned error code");
	} while (z->avail_in || !z->avail_out);

static void WriteZlib(uint len)
	WriteZlibLoop(&_z, _sl.buf, len, 0);

static void UninitWriteZlib()
	/* flush any pending output. */
	if (_sl.fh) WriteZlibLoop(&_z, NULL, 0, Z_FINISH);

#endif /* WITH_ZLIB */

 ************* END OF CODE *****************

/* these define the chunks */
extern const ChunkHandler _misc_chunk_handlers[];
extern const ChunkHandler _name_chunk_handlers[];
extern const ChunkHandler _cheat_chunk_handlers[] ;
extern const ChunkHandler _setting_chunk_handlers[];
extern const ChunkHandler _player_chunk_handlers[];
extern const ChunkHandler _engine_chunk_handlers[];
extern const ChunkHandler _veh_chunk_handlers[];
extern const ChunkHandler _waypoint_chunk_handlers[];
extern const ChunkHandler _depot_chunk_handlers[];
extern const ChunkHandler _order_chunk_handlers[];
extern const ChunkHandler _town_chunk_handlers[];
extern const ChunkHandler _sign_chunk_handlers[];
extern const ChunkHandler _station_chunk_handlers[];
extern const ChunkHandler _industry_chunk_handlers[];
extern const ChunkHandler _economy_chunk_handlers[];
extern const ChunkHandler _animated_tile_chunk_handlers[];
extern const ChunkHandler _newgrf_chunk_handlers[];
extern const ChunkHandler _group_chunk_handlers[];
extern const ChunkHandler _cargopacket_chunk_handlers[];

static const ChunkHandler * const _chunk_handlers[] = {

 * Pointers cannot be saved to a savegame, so this functions gets
 * the index of the item, and if not available, it hussles with
 * pointers (looks really bad :()
 * Remember that a NULL item has value 0, and all
 * indeces have +1, so vehicle 0 is saved as index 1.
 * @param obj The object that we want to get the index of
 * @param rt SLRefType type of the object the index is being sought of
 * @return Return the pointer converted to an index of the type pointed to
static uint ReferenceToInt(const void *obj, SLRefType rt)
	if (obj == NULL) return 0;

	switch (rt) {
		case REF_VEHICLE_OLD: // Old vehicles we save as new onces
		case REF_VEHICLE:   return ((const  Vehicle*)obj)->index + 1;
		case REF_STATION:   return ((const  Station*)obj)->index + 1;
		case REF_TOWN:      return ((const     Town*)obj)->index + 1;
		case REF_ORDER:     return ((const    Order*)obj)->index + 1;
		case REF_ROADSTOPS: return ((const RoadStop*)obj)->index + 1;
		case REF_ENGINE_RENEWS: return ((const EngineRenew*)obj)->index + 1;
		case REF_CARGO_PACKET:  return ((const CargoPacket*)obj)->index + 1;
		default: NOT_REACHED();

	return 0; // avoid compiler warning

 * Pointers cannot be loaded from a savegame, so this function
 * gets the index from the savegame and returns the appropiate
 * pointer from the already loaded base.
 * Remember that an index of 0 is a NULL pointer so all indeces
 * are +1 so vehicle 0 is saved as 1.
 * @param index The index that is being converted to a pointer
 * @param rt SLRefType type of the object the pointer is sought of
 * @return Return the index converted to a pointer of any type
static void *IntToReference(uint index, SLRefType rt)
	/* After version 4.3 REF_VEHICLE_OLD is saved as REF_VEHICLE,
	 * and should be loaded like that */
	if (rt == REF_VEHICLE_OLD && !CheckSavegameVersionOldStyle(4, 4)) {

	/* No need to look up NULL pointers, just return immediately */
	if (rt != REF_VEHICLE_OLD && index == 0) {
		return NULL;

	index--; // correct for the NULL index

	switch (rt) {
		case REF_ORDER:
			if (_Order_pool.AddBlockIfNeeded(index)) return GetOrder(index);
			error("Orders: failed loading savegame: too many orders");

			if (_Vehicle_pool.AddBlockIfNeeded(index)) return GetVehicle(index);
			error("Vehicles: failed loading savegame: too many vehicles");

			if (_Station_pool.AddBlockIfNeeded(index)) return GetStation(index);
			error("Stations: failed loading savegame: too many stations");

		case REF_TOWN:
			if (_Town_pool.AddBlockIfNeeded(index)) return GetTown(index);
			error("Towns: failed loading savegame: too many towns");

			if (_RoadStop_pool.AddBlockIfNeeded(index)) return GetRoadStop(index);
			error("RoadStops: failed loading savegame: too many RoadStops");

			if (_EngineRenew_pool.AddBlockIfNeeded(index)) return GetEngineRenew(index);
			error("EngineRenews: failed loading savegame: too many EngineRenews");

			if (_CargoPacket_pool.AddBlockIfNeeded(index)) return GetCargoPacket(index);
			error("CargoPackets: failed loading savegame: too many Cargo packets");

			/* Old vehicles were saved differently:
			 * invalid vehicle was 0xFFFF,
			 * and the index was not - 1.. correct for this */
			if (index == INVALID_VEHICLE) return NULL;

			if (_Vehicle_pool.AddBlockIfNeeded(index)) return GetVehicle(index);
			error("Vehicles: failed loading savegame: too many vehicles");

		default: NOT_REACHED();

	return NULL;

/** The format for a reader/writer type of a savegame */
struct SaveLoadFormat {
	const char *name;           ///< name of the compressor/decompressor (debug-only)
	uint32 tag;                 ///< the 4-letter tag by which it is identified in the savegame

	bool (*init_read)();        ///< function executed upon initalization of the loader
	ReaderProc *reader;         ///< function that loads the data from the file
	void (*uninit_read)();      ///< function executed when reading is finished

	bool (*init_write)();       ///< function executed upon intialization of the saver
	WriterProc *writer;         ///< function that saves the data to the file
	void (*uninit_write)();     ///< function executed when writing is done

static const SaveLoadFormat _saveload_formats[] = {
	{"memory", 0,                NULL,         NULL,       NULL,           InitMem,       WriteMem,    UnInitMem},
	{"lzo",    TO_BE32X('OTTD'), InitLZO,      ReadLZO,    UninitLZO,      InitLZO,       WriteLZO,    UninitLZO},
	{"none",   TO_BE32X('OTTN'), InitNoComp,   ReadNoComp, UninitNoComp,   InitNoComp,    WriteNoComp, UninitNoComp},
#if defined(WITH_ZLIB)
	{"zlib",   TO_BE32X('OTTZ'), InitReadZlib, ReadZlib,   UninitReadZlib, InitWriteZlib, WriteZlib,   UninitWriteZlib},
	{"zlib",   TO_BE32X('OTTZ'), NULL,         NULL,       NULL,           NULL,          NULL,        NULL},

 * Return the savegameformat of the game. Whether it was create with ZLIB compression
 * uncompressed, or another type
 * @param s Name of the savegame format. If NULL it picks the first available one
 * @return Pointer to SaveLoadFormat struct giving all characteristics of this type of savegame
static const SaveLoadFormat *GetSavegameFormat(const char *s)
	const SaveLoadFormat *def = endof(_saveload_formats) - 1;

	/* find default savegame format, the highest one with which files can be written */
	while (!def->init_write) def--;

	if (s != NULL && s[0] != '\0') {
		const SaveLoadFormat *slf;
		for (slf = &_saveload_formats[0]; slf != endof(_saveload_formats); slf++) {
			if (slf->init_write != NULL && strcmp(s, slf->name) == 0)
				return slf;

		ShowInfoF("Savegame format '%s' is not available. Reverting to '%s'.", s, def->name);
	return def;

/* actual loader/saver function */
void InitializeGame(int mode, uint size_x, uint size_y);
extern bool AfterLoadGame();
extern void BeforeSaveGame();
extern bool LoadOldSaveGame(const char *file);

/** Small helper function to close the to be loaded savegame an signal error */
static inline SaveOrLoadResult AbortSaveLoad()
	if (_sl.fh != NULL) fclose(_sl.fh);

	_sl.fh = NULL;
	return SL_ERROR;

/** Update the gui accordingly when starting saving
 * and set locks on saveload. Also turn off fast-forward cause with that
 * saving takes Aaaaages */
static void SaveFileStart()
	_ts.ff_state = _fast_forward;
	_fast_forward = 0;
	if (_cursor.sprite == SPR_CURSOR_MOUSE) SetMouseCursor(SPR_CURSOR_ZZZ, PAL_NONE);

	InvalidateWindowData(WC_STATUS_BAR, 0, SBI_SAVELOAD_START);
	_ts.saveinprogress = true;

/** Update the gui accordingly when saving is done and release locks
 * on saveload */
static void SaveFileDone()
	_fast_forward = _ts.ff_state;
	if (_cursor.sprite == SPR_CURSOR_ZZZ) SetMouseCursor(SPR_CURSOR_MOUSE, PAL_NONE);

	_ts.saveinprogress = false;

/** Set the error message from outside of the actual loading/saving of the game (AfterLoadGame and friends) */
void SetSaveLoadError(StringID str)
	_sl.error_str = str;

/** Get the string representation of the error message */
const char *GetSaveLoadErrorString()
	SetDParam(0, _sl.error_str);
	SetDParamStr(1, _sl.extra_msg);

	static char err_str[512];
	GetString(err_str, ? STR_4007_GAME_SAVE_FAILED : STR_4009_GAME_LOAD_FAILED, lastof(err_str));
	return err_str;

/** Show a gui message when saving has failed */
static void SaveFileError()
	SetDParamStr(0, GetSaveLoadErrorString());
	ShowErrorMessage(STR_012D, STR_NULL, 0, 0);

static ThreadObject *_save_thread;

/** We have written the whole game into memory, _Savegame_pool, now find
 * and appropiate compressor and start writing to file.
static SaveOrLoadResult SaveFileToDisk(bool threaded)
	const SaveLoadFormat *fmt;
	uint32 hdr[2];

	_sl.excpt_uninit = NULL;
	try {
		fmt = GetSavegameFormat(_savegame_format);

		/* We have written our stuff to memory, now write it to file! */
		hdr[0] = fmt->tag;
		hdr[1] = TO_BE32(SAVEGAME_VERSION << 16);
		if (fwrite(hdr, sizeof(hdr), 1, _sl.fh) != 1) SlError(STR_GAME_SAVELOAD_ERROR_FILE_NOT_WRITEABLE);

		if (!fmt->init_write()) SlError(STR_GAME_SAVELOAD_ERROR_BROKEN_INTERNAL_ERROR, "cannot initialize compressor");

			uint i;
			uint count = 1 << Savegame_POOL_BLOCK_SIZE_BITS;

			if (_ts.count != _sl.offs_base) SlError(STR_GAME_SAVELOAD_ERROR_BROKEN_SAVEGAME, "Unexpected size of chunk");
			for (i = 0; i != _Savegame_pool.GetBlockCount() - 1; i++) {
				_sl.buf = _Savegame_pool.blocks[i];

			/* The last block is (almost) always not fully filled, so only write away
			 * as much data as it is in there */
			_sl.buf = _Savegame_pool.blocks[i];
			fmt->writer(_ts.count - (i * count));

		if (_ts.count != _sl.offs_base) SlError(STR_GAME_SAVELOAD_ERROR_BROKEN_SAVEGAME, "Unexpected size of chunk");
		GetSavegameFormat("memory")->uninit_write(); // clean the memorypool

		if (threaded) SetAsyncSaveFinish(SaveFileDone);

		return SL_OK;
	catch (...) {
		if (_sl.excpt_uninit != NULL) _sl.excpt_uninit();

		DEBUG(sl, 0, GetSaveLoadErrorString());

		if (threaded) {
		} else {
		return SL_ERROR;

static void * CDECL SaveFileToDiskThread(void *arg)
	return NULL;

void WaitTillSaved()
	if (_save_thread == NULL) return;

	_save_thread = NULL;

 * Main Save or Load function where the high-level saveload functions are
 * handled. It opens the savegame, selects format and checks versions
 * @param filename The name of the savegame being created/loaded
 * @param mode Save or load. Load can also be a TTD(Patch) game. Use SL_LOAD, SL_OLD_LOAD or SL_SAVE
 * @return Return the results of the action. SL_OK, SL_ERROR or SL_REINIT ("unload" the game)
SaveOrLoadResult SaveOrLoad(const char *filename, int mode, Subdirectory sb)
	uint32 hdr[2];
	const SaveLoadFormat *fmt;

	/* An instance of saving is already active, so don't go saving again */
	if (_ts.saveinprogress && mode == SL_SAVE) {
		/* if not an autosave, but a user action, show error message */
		if (!_do_autosave) ShowErrorMessage(INVALID_STRING_ID, STR_SAVE_STILL_IN_PROGRESS, 0, 0);
		return SL_OK;

	_next_offs = 0;

	/* Load a TTDLX or TTDPatch game */
	if (mode == SL_OLD_LOAD) {
		InitializeGame(IG_DATE_RESET, 256, 256); // set a mapsize of 256x256 for TTDPatch games or it might get confused
		if (!LoadOldSaveGame(filename)) return SL_REINIT;
		_sl_version = 0;
		_sl_minor_version = 0;
		if (!AfterLoadGame()) return SL_REINIT;
		return SL_OK;

	_sl.excpt_uninit = NULL;
	try {
		_sl.fh = (mode == SL_SAVE) ? FioFOpenFile(filename, "wb", sb) : FioFOpenFile(filename, "rb", sb);

		/* Make it a little easier to load savegames from the console */
		if (_sl.fh == NULL && mode == SL_LOAD) _sl.fh = FioFOpenFile(filename, "rb", SAVE_DIR);
		if (_sl.fh == NULL && mode == SL_LOAD) _sl.fh = FioFOpenFile(filename, "rb", BASE_DIR);

		if (_sl.fh == NULL) {

		_sl.bufe = _sl.bufp = NULL;
		_sl.offs_base = 0; = (mode != 0);
		_sl.chs = _chunk_handlers;

		/* General tactic is to first save the game to memory, then use an available writer
		 * to write it to file, either in threaded mode if possible, or single-threaded */
		if (mode == SL_SAVE) { /* SAVE game */
			fmt = GetSavegameFormat("memory"); // write to memory

			_sl.write_bytes = fmt->writer;
			_sl.excpt_uninit = fmt->uninit_write;
			if (!fmt->init_write()) {
				DEBUG(sl, 0, "Initializing writer '%s' failed.", fmt->name);
				return AbortSaveLoad();

			_sl_version = SAVEGAME_VERSION;

			SlWriteFill(); // flush the save buffer

			if (_network_server ||
						(_save_thread = ThreadObject::New(&SaveFileToDiskThread, NULL)) == NULL) {
				if (!_network_server) DEBUG(sl, 1, "Cannot create savegame thread, reverting to single-threaded mode...");

				SaveOrLoadResult result = SaveFileToDisk(false);

				return result;
		} else { /* LOAD game */
			assert(mode == SL_LOAD);
			DebugDumpCommands("ddc:load:%s\n", filename);

			if (fread(hdr, sizeof(hdr), 1, _sl.fh) != 1) SlError(STR_GAME_SAVELOAD_ERROR_FILE_NOT_READABLE);

			/* see if we have any loader for this type. */
			for (fmt = _saveload_formats; ; fmt++) {
				/* No loader found, treat as version 0 and use LZO format */
				if (fmt == endof(_saveload_formats)) {
					DEBUG(sl, 0, "Unknown savegame type, trying to load it as the buggy format");
	#if defined(WINCE)
					/* Of course some system had not to support rewind ;) */
					fseek(_sl.fh, 0L, SEEK_SET);
					_sl_version = 0;
					_sl_minor_version = 0;
					fmt = _saveload_formats + 1; // LZO

				if (fmt->tag == hdr[0]) {
					/* check version number */
					_sl_version = TO_BE32(hdr[1]) >> 16;
					/* Minor is not used anymore from version 18.0, but it is still needed
					 * in versions before that (4 cases) which can't be removed easy.
					 * Therefor it is loaded, but never saved (or, it saves a 0 in any scenario).
					 * So never EVER use this minor version again. -- TrueLight -- 22-11-2005 */
					_sl_minor_version = (TO_BE32(hdr[1]) >> 8) & 0xFF;

					DEBUG(sl, 1, "Loading savegame version %d", _sl_version);

					/* Is the version higher than the current? */

			_sl.read_bytes = fmt->reader;
			_sl.excpt_uninit = fmt->uninit_read;

			/* loader for this savegame type is not implemented? */
			if (fmt->init_read == NULL) {
				char err_str[64];
				snprintf(err_str, lengthof(err_str), "Loader for '%s' is not available.", fmt->name);

			if (!fmt->init_read()) {
				char err_str[64];
				snprintf(err_str, lengthof(err_str), "Initializing loader '%s' failed", fmt->name);

			/* Old maps were hardcoded to 256x256 and thus did not contain
			 * any mapsize information. Pre-initialize to 256x256 to not to
			 * confuse old games */
			InitializeGame(IG_DATE_RESET, 256, 256);


			_savegame_type = SGT_OTTD;

			/* After loading fix up savegame for any internal changes that
			 * might've occured since then. If it fails, load back the old game */
			if (!AfterLoadGame()) return SL_REINIT;

		return SL_OK;
	catch (...) {

		/* deinitialize compressor. */
		if (_sl.excpt_uninit != NULL) _sl.excpt_uninit();

		/* Skip the "color" character */
		ShowInfoF(GetSaveLoadErrorString() + 3);

		/* A saver/loader exception!! reinitialize all variables to prevent crash! */
		return (mode == SL_LOAD) ? SL_REINIT : SL_ERROR;

/** Do a save when exiting the game (patch option) _patches.autosave_on_exit */
void DoExitSave()
	SaveOrLoad("exit.sav", SL_SAVE, AUTOSAVE_DIR);

#if 0
 * Function to get the type of the savegame by looking at the file header.
 * NOTICE: Not used right now, but could be used if extensions of savegames are garbled
 * @param file Savegame to be checked
 * @return SL_OLD_LOAD or SL_LOAD of the file
int GetSavegameType(char *file)
	const SaveLoadFormat *fmt;
	uint32 hdr;
	FILE *f;
	int mode = SL_OLD_LOAD;

	f = fopen(file, "rb");
	if (fread(&hdr, sizeof(hdr), 1, f) != 1) {
		DEBUG(sl, 0, "Savegame is obsolete or invalid format");
		mode = SL_LOAD; // don't try to get filename, just show name as it is written
	} else {
		/* see if we have any loader for this type. */
		for (fmt = _saveload_formats; fmt != endof(_saveload_formats); fmt++) {
			if (fmt->tag == hdr) {
				mode = SL_LOAD; // new type of savegame

	return mode;