author peter1138
Tue, 22 Jan 2008 07:27:06 +0000
changeset 8374 7a1b6c89cb89
parent 8348 4d7c1c5055b3
child 8380 174326093caa
permissions -rw-r--r--
(svn r11940) -Codechange: Store short filename once per open file instead of once per sprite cache entry. Not all file types need this, but most of the time no sprite cache entry needed it either.
/* $Id$ */

/** @file map_func.h */

#ifndef MAP_FUNC_H
#define MAP_FUNC_H

#include "tile_type.h"
#include "map_type.h"
#include "direction_func.h"

extern uint _map_tile_mask;

 * 'Wraps' the given tile to it is within the map. It does
 * this by masking the 'high' bits of.
 * @param x the tile to 'wrap'

#define TILE_MASK(x) ((x) & _map_tile_mask)
 * Asserts when the tile is outside of the map.
 * @param x the tile to check
#define TILE_ASSERT(x) assert(TILE_MASK(x) == (x));

 * Pointer to the tile-array.
 * This variable points to the tile-array which contains the tiles of
 * the map.
extern Tile *_m;

 * Pointer to the extended tile-array.
 * This variable points to the extended tile-array which contains the tiles
 * of the map.
extern TileExtended *_me;

 * Allocate a new map with the given size.
void AllocateMap(uint size_x, uint size_y);

 * Logarithm of the map size along the X side.
 * @note try to avoid using this one
 * @return 2^"return value" == MapSizeX()
static inline uint MapLogX()
	extern uint _map_log_x;
	return _map_log_x;

 * Get the size of the map along the X
 * @return the number of tiles along the X of the map
static inline uint MapSizeX()
	extern uint _map_size_x;
	return _map_size_x;

 * Get the size of the map along the Y
 * @return the number of tiles along the Y of the map
static inline uint MapSizeY()
	extern uint _map_size_y;
	return _map_size_y;

 * Get the size of the map
 * @return the number of tiles of the map
static inline uint MapSize()
	extern uint _map_size;
	return _map_size;

 * Gets the maximum X coordinate within the map, including MP_VOID
 * @return the maximum X coordinate
static inline uint MapMaxX()
	return MapSizeX() - 1;

 * Gets the maximum X coordinate within the map, including MP_VOID
 * @return the maximum X coordinate
static inline uint MapMaxY()
	return MapSizeY() - 1;

 * Scales relative to the number of tiles.
uint ScaleByMapSize(uint);

 * Scale relative to the circumference of the map.
uint ScaleByMapSize1D(uint);

 * An offset value between to tiles.
 * This value is used fro the difference between
 * to tiles. It can be added to a tileindex to get
 * the resulting tileindex of the start tile applied
 * with this saved difference.
 * @see TileDiffXY(int, int)
typedef int32 TileIndexDiff;

 * Returns the TileIndex of a coordinate.
 * @param x The x coordinate of the tile
 * @param y The y coordinate of the tile
 * @return The TileIndex calculated by the coordinate
static inline TileIndex TileXY(uint x, uint y)
	return (y * MapSizeX()) + x;

 * Calculates an offset for the given coordinate(-offset).
 * This function calculate an offset value which can be added to an
 * #TileIndex. The coordinates can be negative.
 * @param x The offset in x direction
 * @param y The offset in y direction
 * @return The resulting offset value of the given coordinate
 * @see ToTileIndexDiff(TileIndexDiffC)
static inline TileIndexDiff TileDiffXY(int x, int y)
	/* Multiplication gives much better optimization on MSVC than shifting.
	 * 0 << shift isn't optimized to 0 properly.
	 * Typically x and y are constants, and then this doesn't result
	 * in any actual multiplication in the assembly code.. */
	return (y * MapSizeX()) + x;

static inline TileIndex TileVirtXY(uint x, uint y)
	return (y >> 4 << MapLogX()) + (x >> 4);

 * Get the X component of a tile
 * @param tile the tile to get the X component of
 * @return the X component
static inline uint TileX(TileIndex tile)
	return tile & MapMaxX();

 * Get the Y component of a tile
 * @param tile the tile to get the Y component of
 * @return the Y component
static inline uint TileY(TileIndex tile)
	return tile >> MapLogX();

 * Return the offset between to tiles from a TileIndexDiffC struct.
 * This function works like #TileDiffXY(int, int) and returns the
 * difference between two tiles.
 * @param tidc The coordinate of the offset as TileIndexDiffC
 * @return The difference between two tiles.
 * @see TileDiffXY(int, int)
static inline TileIndexDiff ToTileIndexDiff(TileIndexDiffC tidc)
	return (tidc.y << MapLogX()) + tidc.x;

#ifndef _DEBUG
	 * Adds to tiles together.
	 * @param x One tile
	 * @param y An other tile to add
	 * @return The resulting tile(index)
	#define TILE_ADD(x,y) ((x) + (y))
	extern TileIndex TileAdd(TileIndex tile, TileIndexDiff add,
		const char *exp, const char *file, int line);
	#define TILE_ADD(x, y) (TileAdd((x), (y), #x " + " #y, __FILE__, __LINE__))

 * Adds a given offset to a tile.
 * @param tile The tile to add an offset on it
 * @param x The x offset to add to the tile
 * @param y The y offset to add to the tile
#define TILE_ADDXY(tile, x, y) TILE_ADD(tile, TileDiffXY(x, y))

 * Adds an offset to a tile and check if we are still on the map.
TileIndex TileAddWrap(TileIndex tile, int addx, int addy);

 * Returns the TileIndexDiffC offset from a DiagDirection.
 * @param dir The given direction
 * @return The offset as TileIndexDiffC value
static inline TileIndexDiffC TileIndexDiffCByDiagDir(DiagDirection dir)
	extern const TileIndexDiffC _tileoffs_by_diagdir[DIAGDIR_END];

	return _tileoffs_by_diagdir[dir];

 * Add a TileIndexDiffC to a TileIndex and returns the new one.
 * Returns tile + the diff given in diff. If the result tile would end up
 * outside of the map, INVALID_TILE is returned instead.
 * @param tile The base tile to add the offset on
 * @param diff The offset to add on the tile
 * @return The resulting TileIndex
static inline TileIndex AddTileIndexDiffCWrap(TileIndex tile, TileIndexDiffC diff)
	int x = TileX(tile) + diff.x;
	int y = TileY(tile) + diff.y;
	if (x < 0 || y < 0 || x > (int)MapMaxX() || y > (int)MapMaxY())
		return INVALID_TILE;
		return TileXY(x, y);

 * Returns the diff between two tiles
 * @param tile_a from tile
 * @param tile_b to tile
 * @return the difference between tila_a and tile_b
static inline TileIndexDiffC TileIndexToTileIndexDiffC(TileIndex tile_a, TileIndex tile_b)
	TileIndexDiffC difference;

	difference.x = TileX(tile_a) - TileX(tile_b);
	difference.y = TileY(tile_a) - TileY(tile_b);

	return difference;

/* Functions to calculate distances */
uint DistanceManhattan(TileIndex, TileIndex); ///< also known as L1-Norm. Is the shortest distance one could go over diagonal tracks (or roads)
uint DistanceSquare(TileIndex, TileIndex); ///< euclidian- or L2-Norm squared
uint DistanceMax(TileIndex, TileIndex); ///< also known as L-Infinity-Norm
uint DistanceMaxPlusManhattan(TileIndex, TileIndex); ///< Max + Manhattan
uint DistanceFromEdge(TileIndex); ///< shortest distance from any edge of the map

 * Starts a loop which iterates to a square of tiles
 * This macro starts 2 nested loops which iterates over a square of tiles.
 * @param var The name of the variable which contains the current tile
 * @param w The width (x-width) of the square
 * @param h The heigth (y-width) of the square
 * @param tile The start tile of the square
#define BEGIN_TILE_LOOP(var, w, h, tile)                      \
	{                                                        \
		int h_cur = h;                                         \
		uint var = tile;                                       \
		do {                                                   \
			int w_cur = w;                                       \
			do {
 * Ends the square-loop used before
#define END_TILE_LOOP(var, w, h, tile)                        \
			} while (++var, --w_cur != 0);                       \
		} while (var += TileDiffXY(0, 1) - (w), --h_cur != 0); \
 * Convert a DiagDirection to a TileIndexDiff
 * @param dir The DiagDirection
 * @return The resulting TileIndexDiff
 * @see TileIndexDiffCByDiagDir
static inline TileIndexDiff TileOffsByDiagDir(DiagDirection dir)
	extern const TileIndexDiffC _tileoffs_by_diagdir[DIAGDIR_END];

	return ToTileIndexDiff(_tileoffs_by_diagdir[dir]);

 * Convert a Direction to a TileIndexDiff.
 * @param dir The direction to convert from
 * @return The resulting TileIndexDiff
static inline TileIndexDiff TileOffsByDir(Direction dir)
	extern const TileIndexDiffC _tileoffs_by_dir[DIR_END];

	return ToTileIndexDiff(_tileoffs_by_dir[dir]);

 * Adds a DiagDir to a tile.
 * @param tile The current tile
 * @param dir The direction in which we want to step
 * @return the moved tile
static inline TileIndex TileAddByDiagDir(TileIndex tile, DiagDirection dir)
	return TILE_ADD(tile, TileOffsByDiagDir(dir));

 * A callback function type for searching tiles.
 * @param tile The tile to test
 * @param data additional data for the callback function to use
 * @return A boolean value, depend on the definition of the function.
typedef bool TestTileOnSearchProc(TileIndex tile, uint32 data);

 * Searches for some cirumstances of a tile around a given tile with a helper function.
bool CircularTileSearch(TileIndex tile, uint size, TestTileOnSearchProc proc, uint32 data);

 * Get a random tile out of a given seed.
 * @param r the random 'seed'
 * @return a valid tile
static inline TileIndex RandomTileSeed(uint32 r)
	return TILE_MASK(r);

 * Get a valid random tile.
 * @note a define so 'random' gets inserted in the place where it is actually
 *       called, thus making the random traces more explicit.
 * @return a valid tile
#define RandomTile() RandomTileSeed(Random())

#endif /* MAP_FUNC_H */