author translators
Wed, 15 Oct 2008 17:40:39 +0000
changeset 10240 c2d9e204664b
parent 10232 6b0909324733
child 10298 e8d0ea73e0f9
permissions -rw-r--r--
(svn r14468) -Update: WebTranslator2 update to 2008-10-15 17:40:33
hungarian - 8 fixed, 1 changed by alyr (9)
ido - 98 fixed by Cecile (98)
italian - 1 changed by lorenzodv (1)
korean - 88 changed by dlunch (88)
latvian - 15 fixed, 174 changed by v3rb0 (189)
persian - 43 fixed by ali sattari (43)
##name Ido
##ownname Ido
##isocode io_XX
##plural 0


##id 0x0000
STR_NULL                                                        :
STR_0001_OFF_EDGE_OF_MAP                                        :{WHITE}Exter la bordo del mapo
STR_0002_TOO_CLOSE_TO_EDGE_OF_MAP                               :{WHITE}Tro proxim la bordo del mapo
STR_0003_NOT_ENOUGH_CASH_REQUIRES                               :{WHITE}Ne sat pekunio - requizitas {CURRENCY}
STR_0004                                                        :{WHITE}{CURRENCY}
STR_0007_FLAT_LAND_REQUIRED                                     :{WHITE}Plata tereno requizitita
STR_0008_WAITING                                                :{BLACK}Vartabas: {WHITE}{STRING}
STR_0009                                                        :{WHITE}{CARGO}
STR_000C_ACCEPTS                                                :{BLACK}Aceptas: {WHITE}
STR_000D_ACCEPTS                                                :{BLACK}Aceptas: {GOLD}
STR_000F_PASSENGERS                                             :Pasajero
STR_0010_COAL                                                   :Karbono
STR_0012_OIL                                                    :Petrolo
STR_0013_LIVESTOCK                                              :Brutaro
STR_0015_GRAIN                                                  :Semino
STR_0017_IRON_ORE                                               :Fer-erco
STR_0018_STEEL                                                  :Stalo
STR_001A_COPPER_ORE                                             :Kupr-erco
STR_001B_MAIZE                                                  :Maizo
STR_001C_FRUIT                                                  :Frukto
STR_001D_DIAMONDS                                               :Diamanti
STR_001E_FOOD                                                   :Nutrajo
STR_001F_PAPER                                                  :Papero
STR_0020_GOLD                                                   :Oro
STR_0021_WATER                                                  :Aquo
STR_0022_WHEAT                                                  :Frumento
STR_0023_RUBBER                                                 :Kauchuko
STR_0024_SUGAR                                                  :Sukro
STR_0025_TOYS                                                   :Ludili
STR_002B_BATTERIES                                              :Baterii
STR_002C_PLASTIC                                                :Plastiko
STR_002F_PASSENGER                                              :Pasajero
STR_0030_COAL                                                   :Karbono
STR_0032_OIL                                                    :Petrolo
STR_0033_LIVESTOCK                                              :Brutaro
STR_0034_GOODS                                                  :Havaji
STR_0035_GRAIN                                                  :Semino
STR_0037_IRON_ORE                                               :Fer-erco
STR_0038_STEEL                                                  :Stalo
STR_003B_MAIZE                                                  :Maizo
STR_003C_FRUIT                                                  :Frukto
STR_003D_DIAMOND                                                :Diamanto
STR_003E_FOOD                                                   :Nutrajo
STR_003F_PAPER                                                  :Papero
STR_0040_GOLD                                                   :Oro
STR_0041_WATER                                                  :Aquo
STR_0042_WHEAT                                                  :Frumento
STR_0043_RUBBER                                                 :Kauchuko
STR_0044_SUGAR                                                  :Sukro
STR_0045_TOY                                                    :Ludilo
STR_0046_CANDY                                                  :Bonbono
STR_0048_COTTON_CANDY                                           :Kandi-lanugo
STR_0049_BUBBLE                                                 :Bulo
STR_004A_TOFFEE                                                 :Karamelo
STR_004B_BATTERY                                                :Baterio
STR_004C_PLASTIC                                                :Plastiko
STR_004D_FIZZY_DRINK                                            :Gasoza Drinkajo
STR_00AE                                                        :{WHITE}{DATE_SHORT}
STR_00AF                                                        :{WHITE}{DATE_LONG}
STR_00B0_MAP                                                    :{WHITE}Mapo - {STRING}
STR_00B1_GAME_OPTIONS                                           :{WHITE}Ludo Selekti
STR_00B2_MESSAGE                                                :{YELLOW}Sendajo
STR_00B3_MESSAGE_FROM                                           :{YELLOW}Sendajo de {STRING}
STR_00B4_CAN_T_DO_THIS                                          :{WHITE}Ne povas facas ca...
STR_00B5_CAN_T_CLEAR_THIS_AREA                                  :{WHITE}Ne povas netigas ca areo....
STR_00B7_VERSION                                                :{BLACK}OpenTTD versiono {REV}
STR_00BA_COPYRIGHT_OPENTTD                                      :{BLACK}OpenTTD {COPYRIGHT}2002-2008 La kruo OpenTTD

STR_00C5                                                        :{BLACK}{CROSS}
STR_00C6                                                        :{SILVER}{CROSS}
STR_00C7_QUIT                                                   :{WHITE}Livas
STR_00C8_YES                                                    :{BLACK}Yes
STR_00C9_NO                                                     :{BLACK}Ne
STR_00CA_ARE_YOU_SURE_YOU_WANT_TO                               :{YELLOW}Kad tu esas certa ke tu volas livar OpenTTD ed rivenar a {STRING}?
STR_00CB_1                                                      :{BLACK}1
STR_00CC_2                                                      :{BLACK}2
STR_00CD_3                                                      :{BLACK}3
STR_00CE_4                                                      :{BLACK}4
STR_00CF_5                                                      :{BLACK}5
STR_00D0_NOTHING                                                :Nulo
STR_00D1_DARK_BLUE                                              :Obskur-blua
STR_00D2_PALE_GREEN                                             :Pal-verda
STR_00D3_PINK                                                   :Rozea
STR_00D4_YELLOW                                                 :Flava
STR_00D5_RED                                                    :Reda
STR_00D6_LIGHT_BLUE                                             :Klar-Blua
STR_00D7_GREEN                                                  :Verda
STR_00D8_DARK_GREEN                                             :Obskur-verda
STR_00D9_BLUE                                                   :Blua
STR_00DA_CREAM                                                  :Kremea
STR_00DB_MAUVE                                                  :Malva
STR_00DC_PURPLE                                                 :Purpuro
STR_00DD_ORANGE                                                 :Orangea
STR_00DE_BROWN                                                  :Bruna
STR_00DF_GREY                                                   :Griza
STR_00E0_WHITE                                                  :Blanka
STR_00E1_TOO_MANY_VEHICLES_IN_GAME                              :{WHITE}Tro multa vehili en la ludo
STR_00E2                                                        :{BLACK}{COMMA}
STR_00E3                                                        :{RED}{COMMA}
STR_00E4_LOCATION                                               :{BLACK}Loko
STR_00E5_CONTOURS                                               :Konturi
STR_00E6_VEHICLES                                               :Vehili
STR_00E7_INDUSTRIES                                             :Industrii
STR_00E8_ROUTES                                                 :Voyi
STR_00E9_VEGETATION                                             :Vejetado
STR_00EA_OWNERS                                                 :Proprietanto
STR_00EB_ROADS                                                  :{BLACK}{TINYFONT}Voyi
STR_00EC_RAILROADS                                              :{BLACK}{TINYFONT}Fervoyo
STR_00ED_STATIONS_AIRPORTS_DOCKS                                :{BLACK}{TINYFONT}Stacioni/Aeroportua/Doko
STR_00EE_BUILDINGS_INDUSTRIES                                   :{BLACK}{TINYFONT}Edifici/Industrii
STR_00EF_VEHICLES                                               :{BLACK}{TINYFONT}Vehili
STR_00F0_100M                                                   :{BLACK}{TINYFONT}100m
STR_00F1_200M                                                   :{BLACK}{TINYFONT}200m
STR_00F2_300M                                                   :{BLACK}{TINYFONT}300m
STR_00F3_400M                                                   :{BLACK}{TINYFONT}400m
STR_00F4_500M                                                   :{BLACK}{TINYFONT}500m
STR_00F5_TRAINS                                                 :{BLACK}{TINYFONT}Treni
STR_00F6_ROAD_VEHICLES                                          :{BLACK}{TINYFONT}Voy-Vehili
STR_00F7_SHIPS                                                  :{BLACK}{TINYFONT}Bateli
STR_00F8_AIRCRAFT                                               :{BLACK}{TINYFONT}Aeroplani
STR_00F9_TRANSPORT_ROUTES                                       :{BLACK}{TINYFONT}Transport-voyi
STR_00FC_FOREST                                                 :{BLACK}{TINYFONT}Foresto
STR_00FD_SAWMILL                                                :{BLACK}{TINYFONT}Segerio
STR_00FE_OIL_REFINERY                                           :{BLACK}{TINYFONT}Petrol-refineyo
STR_00FF_FARM                                                   :{BLACK}{TINYFONT}Farmerio
STR_0100_FACTORY                                                :{BLACK}{TINYFONT}Fabrikerio
STR_0101_PRINTING_WORKS                                         :{BLACK}{TINYFONT}Imprimado
STR_0104_STEEL_MILL                                             :{BLACK}{TINYFONT}Staliferio
STR_0105_BANK                                                   :{BLACK}{TINYFONT}Banko
STR_0106_PAPER_MILL                                             :{BLACK}{TINYFONT}Paper-fabrikerio
STR_0107_GOLD_MINE                                              :{BLACK}{TINYFONT}Or-mineyo
STR_0108_FOOD_PROCESSING_PLANT                                  :{BLACK}{TINYFONT}Agroalimental-fabrikerio
STR_0109_DIAMOND_MINE                                           :{BLACK}{TINYFONT}Diamant-mineyo
STR_010A_COPPER_ORE_MINE                                        :{BLACK}{TINYFONT}Kupr-erco Mineyo
STR_010B_FRUIT_PLANTATION                                       :{BLACK}{TINYFONT}Frukto Plantacerio
STR_010C_RUBBER_PLANTATION                                      :{BLACK}{TINYFONT}Kauchuko Plantacerio
STR_010D_WATER_SUPPLY                                           :{BLACK}{TINYFONT}Aquo Fonto
STR_010E_WATER_TOWER                                            :{BLACK}{TINYFONT}Aquo Turmo
STR_010F_LUMBER_MILL                                            :{BLACK}{TINYFONT}Segerio
STR_0110_COTTON_CANDY_FOREST                                    :{BLACK}{TINYFONT}Kandi-lanugo Foresto
STR_0111_CANDY_FACTORY                                          :{BLACK}{TINYFONT}Bonbono Fabrikerio
STR_0112_BATTERY_FARM                                           :{BLACK}{TINYFONT}Baterio Farmo

############ range for menu starts
############ range for menu ends

############ range for months starts
############ range for months ends

############ range for service numbers starts
############ range for service numbers ends

############ range for days starts
############ range for days ends

############ range for menu starts
############ range ends here

############ range for menu starts
############ range ends here

############ range for menu starts
############ range ends here

############ start of townname region
############ end of townname region

# Start of order review system.
# end of order system

############ network gui strings

############ Leave those lines in this order!!
############ End of leave-in-this-order

############ Leave those lines in this order!!

############ End of leave-in-this-order

############ Leave those lines in this order!!
############ End of leave-in-this-order

############ end network gui strings

##### PNG-MAP-Loader

##id 0x0800

##id 0x1000

##id 0x1800

##id 0x2000

##id 0x2800

##id 0x3000

############ range for rating starts
############ range for rating ends

##id 0x3800

##id 0x4000

##id 0x4800

############ range for requires starts
############ range for requires ends

############ range for produces starts
############ range for produces ends

##id 0x5000

##id 0x5800

############ WARNING, using range 0x6000 for strings that are stored in the savegame
############ These strings may never get a new id, or savegames will break!
##id 0x6000

############ end of savegame specific region!

##id 0x6800

############ range for difficulty levels starts
############ range for difficulty levels ends

############ range for difficulty settings starts
############ range for difficulty settings ends

##id 0x7000

##id 0x8000

##id 0x8800

##id 0x9000

##id 0x9800

##id 0xA000

##id 0xB000

SET_PERFORMANCE_DETAIL_INT                                      :{BLACK}{NUM}
############ Those following lines need to be in this order!!
############ End of order list

### depot strings

############ Lists rail types

############ End of list of rail types

########### For showing numbers in widgets

########### String for New Landscape Generator

########### String for new airports

############ Tooltip measurment

############ Date formatting


##### Mass Order

#### Improved sign GUI


############ Face formatting

############ signal GUI

############ on screen keyboard

############ town controlled noise level