tron@2186: /* $Id$ */ tron@2186: belugas@6125: /** @file engine.h */ belugas@6125: truelight@0: #ifndef ENGINE_H truelight@0: #define ENGINE_H truelight@0: rubidium@8103: #include "rail_type.h" rubidium@8119: #include "cargo_type.h" rubidium@8119: #include "vehicle_type.h" rubidium@8123: #include "gfx_type.h" rubidium@8140: #include "date_type.h" rubidium@8157: #include "sound_type.h" rubidium@8254: #include "player_type.h" rubidium@8264: #include "strings_type.h" darkvater@405: belugas@5868: enum RailVehicleTypes { belugas@6125: RAILVEH_SINGLEHEAD, ///< indicates a "standalone" locomotive belugas@6125: RAILVEH_MULTIHEAD, ///< indicates a combination of two locomotives belugas@6125: RAILVEH_WAGON, ///< simple wagon, not motorized belugas@5868: }; belugas@5868: rubidium@6581: enum EngineClass { rubidium@6581: EC_STEAM, rubidium@6581: EC_DIESEL, rubidium@6581: EC_ELECTRIC, rubidium@6585: EC_MONORAIL, rubidium@6585: EC_MAGLEV, rubidium@6581: }; rubidium@6581: rubidium@6248: struct RailVehicleInfo { truelight@0: byte image_index; belugas@5868: RailVehicleTypes railveh_type; truelight@0: byte base_cost; tron@5823: RailTypeByte railtype; truelight@0: uint16 max_speed; truelight@0: uint16 power; peter1138@2542: uint16 weight; truelight@0: byte running_cost_base; peter1138@2840: byte running_cost_class; rubidium@6581: EngineClass engclass; ///< Class of engine for this vehicle truelight@0: byte capacity; Darkvater@3344: CargoID cargo_type; peter1138@3022: byte ai_rank; peter1138@8449: byte ai_passenger_only; ///< Bit value to tell AI that this engine is for passenger use only hackykid@1908: uint16 pow_wag_power; hackykid@1908: byte pow_wag_weight; hackykid@1908: byte visual_effect; // NOTE: this is not 100% implemented yet, at the moment it is only used as a 'fallback' value hackykid@1908: // for when the 'powered wagon' callback fails. But it should really also determine what hackykid@1908: // kind of visual effect to generate for a vehicle (default, steam, diesel, electric). hackykid@1908: // Same goes for the callback result, which atm is only used to check if a wagon is powered. belugas@6125: byte shorten_factor; ///< length on main map for this type is 8 - shorten_factor rubidium@7318: byte tractive_effort; ///< Tractive effort coefficient belugas@6125: byte user_def_data; ///< Property 0x25: "User-defined bit mask" Used only for (very few) NewGRF vehicles rubidium@6248: }; truelight@0: rubidium@6248: struct ShipVehicleInfo { truelight@0: byte image_index; truelight@0: byte base_cost; truelight@0: uint16 max_speed; Darkvater@3344: CargoID cargo_type; truelight@0: uint16 capacity; truelight@0: byte running_cost; rubidium@5587: SoundFxByte sfx; rubidium@5587: bool refittable; rubidium@6248: }; truelight@0: Darkvater@5855: /* AircraftVehicleInfo subtypes, bitmask type. Darkvater@5855: * If bit 0 is 0 then it is a helicopter, otherwise it is a plane Darkvater@5855: * in which case bit 1 tells us whether it's a big(fast) plane or not */ tron@4023: enum { Darkvater@5855: AIR_HELI = 0, belugas@6125: AIR_CTOL = 1, ///< Conventional Take Off and Landing, i.e. planes tron@4023: AIR_FAST = 2 tron@4023: }; tron@4023: rubidium@6248: struct AircraftVehicleInfo { darkvater@376: byte image_index; darkvater@376: byte base_cost; darkvater@376: byte running_cost; darkvater@376: byte subtype; rubidium@5587: SoundFxByte sfx; darkvater@376: byte acceleration; celestar@6193: uint16 max_speed; darkvater@376: byte mail_capacity; celestar@922: uint16 passenger_capacity; rubidium@6248: }; darkvater@376: rubidium@6248: struct RoadVehicleInfo { darkvater@376: byte image_index; darkvater@376: byte base_cost; darkvater@376: byte running_cost; rubidium@5587: SoundFxByte sfx; darkvater@376: byte max_speed; darkvater@376: byte capacity; Darkvater@3344: CargoID cargo_type; rubidium@6248: }; truelight@0: celestar@2129: /** Information about a vehicle rubidium@4549: * @see table/engines.h rubidium@4549: */ rubidium@6248: struct EngineInfo { rubidium@4289: Date base_intro; rubidium@4326: Year lifelength; rubidium@4326: Year base_life; belugas@6488: byte unk2; ///< flag for carriage(bit 7) and decay speed(bits0..6) peter1138@5211: byte load_amount; tron@5763: byte climates; peter1138@2611: uint32 refit_mask; peter1138@3997: byte refit_cost; peter1138@3095: byte misc_flags; peter1138@3956: byte callbackmask; frosch@8509: int8 retire_early; ///< Number of years early to retire vehicle peter1138@8258: StringID string_id; ///< Default name of engine rubidium@6248: }; truelight@0: rubidium@6248: struct Engine { peter1138@8258: char *name; ///< Custom name of engine rubidium@4289: Date intro_date; rubidium@4289: Date age; truelight@0: uint16 reliability; truelight@0: uint16 reliability_spd_dec; truelight@0: uint16 reliability_start, reliability_max, reliability_final; truelight@0: uint16 duration_phase_1, duration_phase_2, duration_phase_3; truelight@0: byte lifelength; truelight@0: byte flags; peter1138@8565: uint8 preview_player_rank; truelight@0: byte preview_wait; truelight@2331: byte player_avail; rubidium@8139: VehicleType type; ///< type, ie VEH_ROAD, VEH_TRAIN, etc. rubidium@6248: }; truelight@0: peter1138@3113: /** peter1138@3113: * EngineInfo.misc_flags is a bitmask, with the following values peter1138@3113: */ peter1138@3113: enum { rubidium@6685: EF_RAIL_TILTS = 0, ///< Rail vehicle tilts in curves rubidium@6685: EF_ROAD_TRAM = 0, ///< Road vehicle is a tram/light rail vehicle peter1138@3113: EF_USES_2CC = 1, ///< Vehicle uses two company colours peter1138@3113: EF_RAIL_IS_MU = 2, ///< Rail vehicle is a multiple-unit (DMU/EMU) peter1138@3113: }; truelight@0: maedhros@6174: /** maedhros@6174: * Engine.flags is a bitmask, with the following values. maedhros@6174: */ maedhros@6174: enum { maedhros@6174: ENGINE_AVAILABLE = 1, ///< This vehicle is available to everyone. maedhros@6174: ENGINE_EXCLUSIVE_PREVIEW = 2, ///< This vehicle is in the exclusive preview stage, either being used or being offered to a player. maedhros@6174: ENGINE_OFFER_WINDOW_OPEN = 4, ///< The exclusive offer window is currently open for a player. maedhros@6174: }; maedhros@6174: truelight@0: enum { Darkvater@1802: NUM_VEHICLE_TYPES = 6 Darkvater@1802: }; truelight@0: rubidium@5587: static const EngineID INVALID_ENGINE = 0xFFFF; rubidium@5587: peter1138@2848: peter1138@8221: void SetupEngines(); rubidium@6247: void StartupEngines(); truelight@0: truelight@0: peter1138@5668: void DrawTrainEngine(int x, int y, EngineID engine, SpriteID pal); peter1138@5668: void DrawRoadVehEngine(int x, int y, EngineID engine, SpriteID pal); peter1138@5668: void DrawShipEngine(int x, int y, EngineID engine, SpriteID pal); peter1138@5668: void DrawAircraftEngine(int x, int y, EngineID engine, SpriteID pal); truelight@0: rubidium@6247: void LoadCustomEngineNames(); rubidium@6247: void DeleteCustomEngineNames(); truelight@0: peter1138@8479: bool IsEngineBuildable(EngineID engine, VehicleType type, PlayerID player); bjarni@6505: CargoID GetEngineCargoType(EngineID engine); truelight@0: truelight@0: enum { truelight@0: NUM_NORMAL_RAIL_ENGINES = 54, rubidium@4344: NUM_MONORAIL_ENGINES = 30, rubidium@4344: NUM_MAGLEV_ENGINES = 32, rubidium@4344: NUM_TRAIN_ENGINES = NUM_NORMAL_RAIL_ENGINES + NUM_MONORAIL_ENGINES + NUM_MAGLEV_ENGINES, rubidium@4344: NUM_ROAD_ENGINES = 88, rubidium@4344: NUM_SHIP_ENGINES = 11, rubidium@4344: NUM_AIRCRAFT_ENGINES = 41, rubidium@4344: TOTAL_NUM_ENGINES = NUM_TRAIN_ENGINES + NUM_ROAD_ENGINES + NUM_SHIP_ENGINES + NUM_AIRCRAFT_ENGINES, rubidium@4344: AIRCRAFT_ENGINES_INDEX = NUM_TRAIN_ENGINES + NUM_ROAD_ENGINES + NUM_SHIP_ENGINES, rubidium@4344: SHIP_ENGINES_INDEX = NUM_TRAIN_ENGINES + NUM_ROAD_ENGINES, rubidium@4344: ROAD_ENGINES_INDEX = NUM_TRAIN_ENGINES, truelight@0: }; bjarni@5944: peter1138@8479: static inline EngineID GetFirstEngineOfType(VehicleType type) bjarni@5944: { bjarni@5944: const EngineID start[] = {0, ROAD_ENGINES_INDEX, SHIP_ENGINES_INDEX, AIRCRAFT_ENGINES_INDEX}; bjarni@5944: bjarni@5955: return start[type]; bjarni@5944: } bjarni@5944: peter1138@8479: static inline EngineID GetLastEngineOfType(VehicleType type) bjarni@5944: { bjarni@5944: const EngineID end[] = { bjarni@5944: NUM_TRAIN_ENGINES, bjarni@5944: ROAD_ENGINES_INDEX + NUM_ROAD_ENGINES, bjarni@5944: SHIP_ENGINES_INDEX + NUM_SHIP_ENGINES, bjarni@5944: AIRCRAFT_ENGINES_INDEX + NUM_AIRCRAFT_ENGINES}; bjarni@5944: bjarni@5955: return end[type]; bjarni@5944: } bjarni@5944: rubidium@8268: extern Engine _engines[TOTAL_NUM_ENGINES]; Darkvater@1786: #define FOR_ALL_ENGINES(e) for (e = _engines; e != endof(_engines); e++) bjarni@5944: #define FOR_ALL_ENGINEIDS_OF_TYPE(e, type) for (e = GetFirstEngineOfType(type); e != GetLastEngineOfType(type); e++) bjarni@5944: tron@1926: tron@2477: static inline Engine* GetEngine(EngineID i) Darkvater@1786: { tron@4077: assert(i < lengthof(_engines)); tron@4077: return &_engines[i]; Darkvater@1786: } Darkvater@1786: Darkvater@1786: static inline bool IsEngineIndex(uint index) Darkvater@1786: { Darkvater@1786: return index < TOTAL_NUM_ENGINES; Darkvater@1786: } Darkvater@1786: darkvater@376: /* Access Vehicle Data */ peter1138@8226: extern const EngineInfo _orig_engine_info[TOTAL_NUM_ENGINES]; peter1138@8226: extern const RailVehicleInfo _orig_rail_vehicle_info[NUM_TRAIN_ENGINES]; peter1138@8226: extern const ShipVehicleInfo _orig_ship_vehicle_info[NUM_SHIP_ENGINES]; peter1138@8226: extern const AircraftVehicleInfo _orig_aircraft_vehicle_info[NUM_AIRCRAFT_ENGINES]; peter1138@8226: extern const RoadVehicleInfo _orig_road_vehicle_info[NUM_ROAD_ENGINES]; tron@538: tron@2763: extern EngineInfo _engine_info[TOTAL_NUM_ENGINES]; tron@2763: extern RailVehicleInfo _rail_vehicle_info[NUM_TRAIN_ENGINES]; tron@2763: extern ShipVehicleInfo _ship_vehicle_info[NUM_SHIP_ENGINES]; tron@2763: extern AircraftVehicleInfo _aircraft_vehicle_info[NUM_AIRCRAFT_ENGINES]; tron@2763: extern RoadVehicleInfo _road_vehicle_info[NUM_ROAD_ENGINES]; peter1138@2463: peter1138@3393: static inline const EngineInfo *EngInfo(EngineID e) peter1138@3393: { peter1138@3393: assert(e < lengthof(_engine_info)); peter1138@3393: return &_engine_info[e]; peter1138@3393: } peter1138@3393: tron@2477: static inline const RailVehicleInfo* RailVehInfo(EngineID e) tron@538: { tron@538: assert(e < lengthof(_rail_vehicle_info)); tron@538: return &_rail_vehicle_info[e]; tron@538: } tron@538: tron@2477: static inline const ShipVehicleInfo* ShipVehInfo(EngineID e) tron@538: { tron@2477: assert(e >= SHIP_ENGINES_INDEX && e < SHIP_ENGINES_INDEX + lengthof(_ship_vehicle_info)); tron@538: return &_ship_vehicle_info[e - SHIP_ENGINES_INDEX]; tron@538: } tron@538: tron@2477: static inline const AircraftVehicleInfo* AircraftVehInfo(EngineID e) tron@538: { tron@2477: assert(e >= AIRCRAFT_ENGINES_INDEX && e < AIRCRAFT_ENGINES_INDEX + lengthof(_aircraft_vehicle_info)); tron@538: return &_aircraft_vehicle_info[e - AIRCRAFT_ENGINES_INDEX]; tron@538: } tron@538: tron@2477: static inline const RoadVehicleInfo* RoadVehInfo(EngineID e) tron@538: { tron@2477: assert(e >= ROAD_ENGINES_INDEX && e < ROAD_ENGINES_INDEX + lengthof(_road_vehicle_info)); tron@538: return &_road_vehicle_info[e - ROAD_ENGINES_INDEX]; tron@538: } darkvater@405: KUDr@5187: /* Engine list manipulators - current implementation is only C wrapper of CBlobT class (helpers.cpp) */ KUDr@5187: void EngList_Create(EngineList *el); ///< Creates engine list KUDr@5187: void EngList_Destroy(EngineList *el); ///< Deallocate and destroy engine list KUDr@5187: uint EngList_Count(const EngineList *el); ///< Returns number of items in the engine list KUDr@5187: void EngList_Add(EngineList *el, EngineID eid); ///< Append one item at the end of engine list KUDr@5187: EngineID* EngList_Items(EngineList *el); ///< Returns engine list items as C array KUDr@5187: void EngList_RemoveAll(EngineList *el); ///< Removes all items from engine list KUDr@5187: typedef int CDECL EngList_SortTypeFunction(const void*, const void*); ///< argument type for EngList_Sort() KUDr@5187: void EngList_Sort(EngineList *el, EngList_SortTypeFunction compare); ///< qsort of the engine list KUDr@5187: void EngList_SortPartial(EngineList *el, EngList_SortTypeFunction compare, uint begin, uint num_items); ///< qsort of specified portion of the engine list KUDr@5187: Darkvater@2436: #endif /* ENGINE_H */