truelight@0: #include "stdafx.h" truelight@0: #include "ttd.h" tron@507: #include "table/strings.h" truelight@0: #include "window.h" truelight@0: #include "gui.h" truelight@0: #include "gfx.h" truelight@0: #include "player.h" dominik@116: #include "economy.h" truelight@0: dominik@1079: static uint _legend_excludebits; truelight@0: static uint _legend_cargobits; truelight@0: truelight@0: /************************/ truelight@0: /* GENERIC GRAPH DRAWER */ truelight@0: /************************/ truelight@0: darkvater@236: enum {GRAPH_NUM = 16}; darkvater@236: truelight@0: typedef struct GraphDrawer { dominik@1079: uint sel; // bitmask of the players *excluded* (e.g. 11111111 means that no players are shown) truelight@0: byte num_dataset; truelight@0: byte num_on_x_axis; truelight@0: byte month; truelight@0: byte year; truelight@0: bool include_neg; truelight@0: byte num_vert_lines; truelight@0: uint16 unk61A; truelight@0: uint16 unk61C; truelight@0: int left, top; truelight@0: uint height; truelight@0: StringID format_str_y_axis; truelight@0: byte color_3, color_2, bg_line_color; darkvater@236: byte colors[GRAPH_NUM]; darkvater@236: uint64 cost[GRAPH_NUM][24]; // last 2 years truelight@0: } GraphDrawer; truelight@0: darkvater@236: #define INVALID_VALUE 0x80000000 darkvater@236: tron@410: static void DrawGraph(GraphDrawer *gw) truelight@0: { truelight@193: truelight@0: int i,j,k; truelight@0: int x,y,old_x,old_y; truelight@0: int color; truelight@0: int right, bottom; truelight@0: int num_x, num_dataset; darkvater@236: uint64 *row_ptr, *col_ptr; darkvater@236: int64 mx; truelight@0: int adj_height; darkvater@236: uint64 y_scaling, tmp; darkvater@236: int64 value; darkvater@236: int64 cur_val; truelight@0: uint sel; truelight@0: darkvater@240: /* the colors and cost array of GraphDrawer must accomodate darkvater@236: * both values for cargo and players. So if any are higher, quit */ darkvater@236: assert(GRAPH_NUM >= NUM_CARGO && GRAPH_NUM >= MAX_PLAYERS); darkvater@236: truelight@0: color = _color_list[gw->bg_line_color].window_color_1b; truelight@0: truelight@0: /* draw the vertical lines */ truelight@0: i = gw->num_vert_lines; assert(i > 0); truelight@0: x = gw->left + 66; truelight@0: bottom = gw->top + gw->height - 1; truelight@0: do { truelight@0: GfxFillRect(x, gw->top, x, bottom, color); truelight@0: x += 22; truelight@0: } while (--i); truelight@193: truelight@0: /* draw the horizontal lines */ truelight@0: i = 9; truelight@0: x = gw->left + 44; truelight@0: y = gw->height + gw->top; truelight@0: right = gw->left + 44 + gw->num_vert_lines*22-1; truelight@0: truelight@0: do { truelight@0: GfxFillRect(x, y, right, y, color); truelight@0: y -= gw->height >> 3; truelight@0: } while (--i); truelight@0: truelight@0: /* draw vertical edge line */ truelight@0: GfxFillRect(x, gw->top, x, bottom, gw->color_2); truelight@0: truelight@0: adj_height = gw->height; truelight@0: if (gw->include_neg) adj_height >>= 1; truelight@0: truelight@0: /* draw horiz edge line */ truelight@0: y = adj_height + gw->top; truelight@0: GfxFillRect(x, y, right, y, gw->color_2); truelight@0: truelight@0: /* find the max element */ truelight@0: if (gw->num_on_x_axis == 0) truelight@0: return; truelight@0: darkvater@236: num_dataset = gw->num_dataset; darkvater@236: assert(num_dataset > 0); darkvater@236: truelight@0: row_ptr = gw->cost[0]; truelight@0: mx = 0; darkvater@236: /* bit selection for the showing of various players, base max element darkvater@236: * on to-be shown player-information. This way the graph can scale */ darkvater@236: sel = gw->sel; truelight@0: do { darkvater@236: if (!(sel&1)) { darkvater@236: num_x = gw->num_on_x_axis; darkvater@236: assert(num_x > 0); darkvater@236: col_ptr = row_ptr; darkvater@236: do { darkvater@236: if (*col_ptr != INVALID_VALUE) { darkvater@236: mx = max64(mx, myabs64(*col_ptr)); darkvater@236: } darkvater@236: } while (col_ptr++, --num_x); darkvater@236: } darkvater@236: } while (sel>>=1, row_ptr+=24, --num_dataset); truelight@193: truelight@0: /* setup scaling */ darkvater@236: y_scaling = INVALID_VALUE; truelight@0: value = adj_height * 2; truelight@0: truelight@0: if (mx > value) { truelight@0: mx = (mx + 7) & ~7; darkvater@236: y_scaling = (((uint64) (value>>1) << 32) / mx); truelight@0: value = mx; truelight@0: } truelight@0: truelight@0: /* draw text strings on the y axis */ truelight@0: tmp = value; truelight@0: if (gw->include_neg) tmp >>= 1; truelight@0: x = gw->left + 45; truelight@0: y = gw->top - 3; truelight@0: i = 9; truelight@0: do { tron@534: SetDParam(0, gw->format_str_y_axis); tron@534: SetDParam64(1, (int64)tmp); truelight@0: tmp -= (value >> 3); truelight@0: DrawStringRightAligned(x, y, STR_0170, gw->color_3); truelight@0: y += gw->height >> 3; truelight@0: } while (--i); truelight@0: truelight@0: /* draw strings on the x axis */ truelight@0: if (gw->month != 0xFF) { truelight@0: x = gw->left + 44; truelight@0: y = gw->top + gw->height + 1; truelight@0: j = gw->month; darkvater@970: k = gw->year + MAX_YEAR_BEGIN_REAL; truelight@0: i = gw->num_on_x_axis;assert(i>0); truelight@0: do { tron@534: SetDParam(2, k); tron@534: SetDParam(0, j + STR_0162_JAN); tron@534: SetDParam(1, j + STR_0162_JAN + 2); truelight@0: DrawString(x, y, j == 0 ? STR_016F : STR_016E, gw->color_3); truelight@0: truelight@0: j += 3; truelight@0: if (j >= 12) { truelight@0: j = 0; truelight@0: k++; truelight@0: } truelight@0: x += 22; truelight@0: } while (--i); truelight@0: } else { truelight@0: x = gw->left + 52; truelight@0: y = gw->top + gw->height + 1; truelight@0: j = gw->unk61A; truelight@0: i = gw->num_on_x_axis;assert(i>0); truelight@0: do { tron@534: SetDParam(0, j); truelight@0: DrawString(x, y, STR_01CB, gw->color_3); truelight@0: j += gw->unk61C; truelight@0: x += 22; truelight@0: } while (--i); truelight@0: } truelight@0: truelight@0: /* draw lines and dots */ truelight@0: i = 0; truelight@0: row_ptr = gw->cost[0]; dominik@1079: sel = gw->sel; // show only selected lines. GraphDrawer qw->sel set in Graph-Legend (_legend_excludebits) truelight@0: do { truelight@0: if (!(sel & 1)) { truelight@0: x = gw->left + 55; truelight@0: j = gw->num_on_x_axis;assert(j>0); truelight@0: col_ptr = row_ptr; truelight@0: color = gw->colors[i]; darkvater@236: old_y = old_x = INVALID_VALUE; truelight@0: do { truelight@0: cur_val = *col_ptr++; darkvater@236: if (cur_val != INVALID_VALUE) { darkvater@236: y = adj_height - BIGMULSS64(cur_val, y_scaling >> 1, 31) + gw->top; truelight@0: truelight@0: GfxFillRect(x-1, y-1, x+1, y+1, color); darkvater@236: if (old_x != INVALID_VALUE) truelight@0: GfxDrawLine(old_x, old_y, x, y, color); truelight@0: truelight@0: old_x = x; truelight@0: old_y = y; truelight@0: } else { darkvater@236: old_x = INVALID_VALUE; truelight@0: } truelight@0: } while (x+=22,--j); truelight@0: } truelight@0: } while (sel>>=1,row_ptr+=24, ++i < gw->num_dataset); truelight@0: } truelight@0: truelight@0: /****************/ truelight@0: /* GRAPH LEGEND */ truelight@0: /****************/ truelight@0: truelight@0: void DrawPlayerIcon(int p, int x, int y) truelight@0: { truelight@0: DrawSprite(SPRITE_PALETTE(PLAYER_SPRITE_COLOR(p) + 0x2EB), x, y); truelight@0: } truelight@0: truelight@0: static void GraphLegendWndProc(Window *w, WindowEvent *e) truelight@0: { truelight@0: Player *p; truelight@0: truelight@0: switch(e->event) { truelight@0: case WE_PAINT: truelight@0: FOR_ALL_PLAYERS(p) { truelight@0: if (!p->is_active) dominik@1079: SETBIT(_legend_excludebits, p->index); truelight@0: } dominik@1079: w->click_state = ((~_legend_excludebits) << 3); truelight@0: DrawWindowWidgets(w); truelight@0: truelight@0: FOR_ALL_PLAYERS(p) { truelight@0: if (!p->is_active) truelight@0: continue; truelight@0: truelight@0: DrawPlayerIcon(p->index, 4, 18+p->index*12); truelight@0: tron@534: SetDParam(0, p->name_1); tron@534: SetDParam(1, p->name_2); tron@534: SetDParam(2, GetPlayerNameString(p->index, 3)); dominik@1079: DrawString(21,17+p->index*12,STR_7021,HASBIT(_legend_excludebits, p->index) ? 0x10 : 0xC); truelight@0: } truelight@0: break; truelight@0: truelight@0: case WE_CLICK: truelight@0: if (IS_INT_INSIDE(e->click.widget, 3, 11)) { dominik@1079: _legend_excludebits ^= (1 << (e->click.widget-3)); truelight@0: SetWindowDirty(w); truelight@0: InvalidateWindow(WC_INCOME_GRAPH, 0); truelight@0: InvalidateWindow(WC_OPERATING_PROFIT, 0); truelight@0: InvalidateWindow(WC_DELIVERED_CARGO, 0); truelight@0: InvalidateWindow(WC_PERFORMANCE_HISTORY, 0); truelight@140: InvalidateWindow(WC_COMPANY_VALUE, 0); truelight@0: } truelight@0: break; truelight@0: } truelight@0: } truelight@0: truelight@0: static const Widget _graph_legend_widgets[] = { truelight@867: { WWT_TEXTBTN, RESIZE_NONE, 14, 0, 10, 0, 13, STR_00C5, STR_018B_CLOSE_WINDOW}, truelight@867: { WWT_CAPTION, RESIZE_NONE, 14, 11, 249, 0, 13, STR_704E_KEY_TO_COMPANY_GRAPHS, STR_018C_WINDOW_TITLE_DRAG_THIS}, truelight@867: { WWT_IMGBTN, RESIZE_NONE, 14, 0, 249, 14, 113, 0x0,STR_NULL}, truelight@867: { WWT_IMGBTN, RESIZE_NONE, 14, 2, 247, 16, 27, 0x0,STR_704F_CLICK_HERE_TO_TOGGLE_COMPANY}, truelight@867: { WWT_IMGBTN, RESIZE_NONE, 14, 2, 247, 28, 39, 0x0,STR_704F_CLICK_HERE_TO_TOGGLE_COMPANY}, truelight@867: { WWT_IMGBTN, RESIZE_NONE, 14, 2, 247, 40, 51, 0x0,STR_704F_CLICK_HERE_TO_TOGGLE_COMPANY}, truelight@867: { WWT_IMGBTN, RESIZE_NONE, 14, 2, 247, 52, 63, 0x0,STR_704F_CLICK_HERE_TO_TOGGLE_COMPANY}, truelight@867: { WWT_IMGBTN, RESIZE_NONE, 14, 2, 247, 64, 75, 0x0,STR_704F_CLICK_HERE_TO_TOGGLE_COMPANY}, truelight@867: { WWT_IMGBTN, RESIZE_NONE, 14, 2, 247, 76, 87, 0x0,STR_704F_CLICK_HERE_TO_TOGGLE_COMPANY}, truelight@867: { WWT_IMGBTN, RESIZE_NONE, 14, 2, 247, 88, 99, 0x0,STR_704F_CLICK_HERE_TO_TOGGLE_COMPANY}, truelight@867: { WWT_IMGBTN, RESIZE_NONE, 14, 2, 247, 100, 111, 0x0,STR_704F_CLICK_HERE_TO_TOGGLE_COMPANY}, darkvater@176: { WIDGETS_END}, truelight@0: }; truelight@0: truelight@0: static const WindowDesc _graph_legend_desc = { truelight@0: -1, -1, 250, 114, truelight@0: WC_GRAPH_LEGEND,0, truelight@0: WDF_STD_TOOLTIPS | WDF_STD_BTN | WDF_DEF_WIDGET, truelight@0: _graph_legend_widgets, truelight@0: GraphLegendWndProc truelight@0: }; truelight@0: truelight@0: static void ShowGraphLegend() truelight@0: { truelight@0: AllocateWindowDescFront(&_graph_legend_desc, 0); truelight@0: } truelight@0: truelight@0: /********************/ truelight@0: /* OPERATING PROFIT */ truelight@0: /********************/ truelight@0: truelight@0: static void SetupGraphDrawerForPlayers(GraphDrawer *gd) truelight@0: { truelight@0: Player *p; dominik@1079: uint excludebits = _legend_excludebits; truelight@0: int nums; truelight@0: int mo,yr; truelight@0: truelight@193: // Exclude the players which aren't valid truelight@0: FOR_ALL_PLAYERS(p) { dominik@1079: if (!p->is_active) SETBIT(excludebits,p->index); truelight@193: } dominik@1079: gd->sel = excludebits; truelight@0: gd->num_vert_lines = 24; truelight@0: truelight@0: nums = 0; truelight@0: FOR_ALL_PLAYERS(p) { truelight@0: if (p->is_active) nums = max(nums,p->num_valid_stat_ent); truelight@0: } truelight@0: gd->num_on_x_axis = min(nums,24); truelight@0: truelight@0: mo = (_cur_month/3-nums)*3; truelight@0: yr = _cur_year; truelight@0: while (mo < 0) { truelight@0: yr--; truelight@0: mo += 12; truelight@0: } truelight@0: truelight@0: gd->year = yr; truelight@0: gd->month = mo; truelight@0: } truelight@0: truelight@0: static void OperatingProfitWndProc(Window *w, WindowEvent *e) truelight@0: { truelight@0: switch(e->event) { truelight@0: case WE_PAINT: { truelight@0: GraphDrawer gd; truelight@0: Player *p; truelight@0: int i,j; truelight@0: int numd; truelight@0: truelight@0: DrawWindowWidgets(w); truelight@193: truelight@0: gd.left = 2; truelight@0: = 18; truelight@0: gd.height = 136; truelight@0: gd.include_neg = true; darkvater@236: gd.format_str_y_axis = STR_CURRCOMPACT32; truelight@0: gd.color_3 = 0x10; truelight@0: gd.color_2 = 0xD7; truelight@0: gd.bg_line_color = 0xE; truelight@193: truelight@0: SetupGraphDrawerForPlayers(&gd); truelight@0: dominik@1079: numd = -1; truelight@0: FOR_ALL_PLAYERS(p) { dominik@1079: numd++; truelight@0: if (!p->is_active) truelight@0: continue; truelight@0: gd.colors[numd] = _color_list[p->player_color].window_color_bgb; truelight@0: for(j=gd.num_on_x_axis,i=0; --j >= 0;) { darkvater@236: gd.cost[numd][i] = (j >= p->num_valid_stat_ent) ? INVALID_VALUE : (uint64)(p->old_economy[j].income + p->old_economy[j].expenses); truelight@0: i++; truelight@0: } truelight@0: } truelight@0: gd.num_dataset=numd; truelight@0: truelight@0: DrawGraph(&gd); darkvater@236: } break; truelight@0: case WE_CLICK: darkvater@236: if (e->click.widget == 2) /* Clicked on Legend */ truelight@0: ShowGraphLegend(); truelight@0: break; truelight@0: } truelight@0: } truelight@0: truelight@0: static const Widget _operating_profit_widgets[] = { truelight@867: { WWT_TEXTBTN, RESIZE_NONE, 14, 0, 10, 0, 13, STR_00C5, STR_018B_CLOSE_WINDOW}, truelight@867: { WWT_CAPTION, RESIZE_NONE, 14, 11, 525, 0, 13, STR_7025_OPERATING_PROFIT_GRAPH, STR_018C_WINDOW_TITLE_DRAG_THIS}, truelight@867: { WWT_PUSHTXTBTN, RESIZE_NONE, 14, 526, 575, 0, 13, STR_704C_KEY, STR_704D_SHOW_KEY_TO_GRAPHS}, truelight@867: { WWT_IMGBTN, RESIZE_NONE, 14, 0, 575, 14, 173, 0x0, STR_NULL}, darkvater@176: { WIDGETS_END}, truelight@0: }; truelight@0: truelight@0: static const WindowDesc _operating_profit_desc = { truelight@0: -1, -1, 576, 174, truelight@0: WC_OPERATING_PROFIT,0, truelight@0: WDF_STD_TOOLTIPS | WDF_STD_BTN | WDF_DEF_WIDGET | WDF_UNCLICK_BUTTONS, truelight@0: _operating_profit_widgets, truelight@0: OperatingProfitWndProc truelight@0: }; truelight@0: truelight@0: truelight@0: void ShowOperatingProfitGraph() truelight@0: { truelight@0: if (AllocateWindowDescFront(&_operating_profit_desc, 0)) { truelight@0: InvalidateWindow(WC_GRAPH_LEGEND, 0); truelight@0: } truelight@0: } truelight@0: truelight@0: truelight@0: /****************/ truelight@0: /* INCOME GRAPH */ truelight@0: /****************/ truelight@0: truelight@0: static void IncomeGraphWndProc(Window *w, WindowEvent *e) truelight@0: { truelight@0: switch(e->event) { truelight@0: case WE_PAINT: { truelight@0: GraphDrawer gd; truelight@0: Player *p; truelight@0: int i,j; truelight@0: int numd; truelight@0: truelight@0: DrawWindowWidgets(w); truelight@0: truelight@0: gd.left = 2; truelight@0: = 18; truelight@0: gd.height = 104; truelight@0: gd.include_neg = false; darkvater@236: gd.format_str_y_axis = STR_CURRCOMPACT32; truelight@0: gd.color_3 = 0x10; truelight@0: gd.color_2 = 0xD7; truelight@0: gd.bg_line_color = 0xE; truelight@0: SetupGraphDrawerForPlayers(&gd); truelight@0: dominik@1079: numd = -1; truelight@0: FOR_ALL_PLAYERS(p) { dominik@1079: numd++; truelight@0: if (!p->is_active) truelight@0: continue; truelight@0: gd.colors[numd] = _color_list[p->player_color].window_color_bgb; truelight@0: for(j=gd.num_on_x_axis,i=0; --j >= 0;) { darkvater@236: gd.cost[numd][i] = (j >= p->num_valid_stat_ent) ? INVALID_VALUE : (uint64)p->old_economy[j].income; truelight@0: i++; truelight@0: } truelight@0: } truelight@0: truelight@0: gd.num_dataset = numd; truelight@0: truelight@0: DrawGraph(&gd); truelight@0: break; truelight@0: } truelight@0: truelight@0: case WE_CLICK: truelight@0: if (e->click.widget == 2) truelight@0: ShowGraphLegend(); truelight@0: break; truelight@0: } truelight@0: } truelight@0: truelight@0: static const Widget _income_graph_widgets[] = { truelight@867: { WWT_TEXTBTN, RESIZE_NONE, 14, 0, 10, 0, 13, STR_00C5, STR_018B_CLOSE_WINDOW}, truelight@867: { WWT_CAPTION, RESIZE_NONE, 14, 11, 525, 0, 13, STR_7022_INCOME_GRAPH, STR_018C_WINDOW_TITLE_DRAG_THIS}, truelight@867: { WWT_PUSHTXTBTN, RESIZE_NONE, 14, 526, 575, 0, 13, STR_704C_KEY, STR_704D_SHOW_KEY_TO_GRAPHS}, truelight@867: { WWT_IMGBTN, RESIZE_NONE, 14, 0, 575, 14, 141, 0x0, STR_NULL}, darkvater@176: { WIDGETS_END}, truelight@0: }; truelight@0: truelight@0: static const WindowDesc _income_graph_desc = { truelight@0: -1, -1, 576, 142, truelight@0: WC_INCOME_GRAPH,0, truelight@0: WDF_STD_TOOLTIPS | WDF_STD_BTN | WDF_DEF_WIDGET | WDF_UNCLICK_BUTTONS, truelight@0: _income_graph_widgets, truelight@0: IncomeGraphWndProc truelight@0: }; truelight@0: truelight@0: void ShowIncomeGraph() truelight@0: { truelight@0: if (AllocateWindowDescFront(&_income_graph_desc, 0)) { truelight@0: InvalidateWindow(WC_GRAPH_LEGEND, 0); truelight@0: } truelight@0: } truelight@0: truelight@0: /*******************/ truelight@0: /* DELIVERED CARGO */ truelight@0: /*******************/ truelight@0: truelight@0: static void DeliveredCargoGraphWndProc(Window *w, WindowEvent *e) truelight@0: { truelight@0: switch(e->event) { truelight@0: case WE_PAINT: { truelight@0: GraphDrawer gd; truelight@0: Player *p; truelight@0: int i,j; truelight@0: int numd; truelight@0: truelight@0: DrawWindowWidgets(w); truelight@0: truelight@0: gd.left = 2; truelight@0: = 18; truelight@0: gd.height = 104; truelight@0: gd.include_neg = false; truelight@0: gd.format_str_y_axis = STR_7024; truelight@0: gd.color_3 = 0x10; truelight@0: gd.color_2 = 0xD7; truelight@0: gd.bg_line_color = 0xE; truelight@0: SetupGraphDrawerForPlayers(&gd); truelight@0: dominik@1079: numd = -1; truelight@0: FOR_ALL_PLAYERS(p) { dominik@1079: numd++; truelight@0: if (!p->is_active) truelight@0: continue; truelight@0: gd.colors[numd] = _color_list[p->player_color].window_color_bgb; truelight@0: for(j=gd.num_on_x_axis,i=0; --j >= 0;) { darkvater@236: gd.cost[numd][i] = (j >= p->num_valid_stat_ent) ? INVALID_VALUE : (uint64)p->old_economy[j].delivered_cargo; truelight@0: i++; truelight@0: } truelight@0: } truelight@0: truelight@0: gd.num_dataset = numd; truelight@0: truelight@0: DrawGraph(&gd); truelight@0: break; truelight@0: } truelight@0: truelight@0: case WE_CLICK: truelight@0: if (e->click.widget == 2) truelight@0: ShowGraphLegend(); truelight@0: break; truelight@0: } truelight@0: } truelight@0: truelight@0: static const Widget _delivered_cargo_graph_widgets[] = { truelight@867: { WWT_TEXTBTN, RESIZE_NONE, 14, 0, 10, 0, 13, STR_00C5, STR_018B_CLOSE_WINDOW}, truelight@867: { WWT_CAPTION, RESIZE_NONE, 14, 11, 525, 0, 13, STR_7050_UNITS_OF_CARGO_DELIVERED, STR_018C_WINDOW_TITLE_DRAG_THIS}, truelight@867: { WWT_PUSHTXTBTN, RESIZE_NONE, 14, 526, 575, 0, 13, STR_704C_KEY, STR_704D_SHOW_KEY_TO_GRAPHS}, truelight@867: { WWT_IMGBTN, RESIZE_NONE, 14, 0, 575, 14, 141, 0x0, STR_NULL}, darkvater@176: { WIDGETS_END}, truelight@0: }; truelight@0: truelight@0: static const WindowDesc _delivered_cargo_graph_desc = { truelight@0: -1, -1, 576, 142, truelight@0: WC_DELIVERED_CARGO,0, truelight@0: WDF_STD_TOOLTIPS | WDF_STD_BTN | WDF_DEF_WIDGET | WDF_UNCLICK_BUTTONS, truelight@0: _delivered_cargo_graph_widgets, truelight@0: DeliveredCargoGraphWndProc truelight@0: }; truelight@0: truelight@0: void ShowDeliveredCargoGraph() truelight@0: { truelight@0: if (AllocateWindowDescFront(&_delivered_cargo_graph_desc, 0)) { truelight@0: InvalidateWindow(WC_GRAPH_LEGEND, 0); truelight@0: } dominik@116: } dominik@116: dominik@116: /*****************************/ dominik@116: /* PERFORMANCE RATING DETAIL */ dominik@116: /*****************************/ dominik@116: dominik@116: static void PerformanceRatingDetailWndProc(Window *w, WindowEvent *e) dominik@116: { dominik@116: switch(e->event) { dominik@116: case WE_PAINT: { dominik@116: int val, needed, score, i; dominik@116: byte owner, x; dominik@116: uint16 y=14; dominik@116: int total_score = 0; dominik@116: int color_done, color_notdone; truelight@193: dominik@116: // Draw standard stuff dominik@116: DrawWindowWidgets(w); truelight@193: dominik@116: // The player of which we check the detail performance rating dominik@116: owner = FindFirstBit(w->click_state) - 13; truelight@193: dominik@116: // Paint the player icons dominik@116: for (i=0;iis_active) { dominik@116: // Check if we have the player as an active player dominik@116: if (!(w->disabled_state & (1 << (i+13)))) { dominik@116: // Bah, player gone :( dominik@116: w->disabled_state += 1 << (i+13); dominik@116: // Is this player selected? If so, select first player (always save? :s) tron@979: if (w->click_state == 1U << (i + 13)) dominik@116: w->click_state = 1 << 13; dominik@116: // We need a repaint dominik@116: SetWindowDirty(w); dominik@116: } dominik@116: continue; dominik@116: } truelight@193: dominik@116: // Check if we have the player marked as inactive dominik@116: if ((w->disabled_state & (1 << (i+13)))) { dominik@116: // New player! Yippie :p dominik@116: w->disabled_state -= 1 << (i+13); dominik@116: // We need a repaint dominik@116: SetWindowDirty(w); dominik@116: } truelight@193: dominik@116: if (i == owner) x = 1; else x = 0; tron@519: DrawPlayerIcon(i, i * 37 + 13 + x, 16 + x); dominik@116: } truelight@193: dominik@116: // The colors used to show how the progress is going dominik@116: color_done = _color_list[6].window_color_1b; dominik@116: color_notdone = _color_list[4].window_color_1b; dominik@116: dominik@116: // Draw all the score parts dominik@116: for (i=0;i needed) x = 50; dominik@116: else if (val == 0) x = 0; dominik@116: else x = ((val * 50) / needed); truelight@193: dominik@116: // SCORE_LOAN is inversed dominik@116: if (val < 0 && i == SCORE_LOAN) dominik@116: x = 0; truelight@193: dominik@116: // Draw the bar dominik@116: if (x != 0) dominik@116: GfxFillRect(112, y-2, x + 112, y+10, color_done); dominik@116: if (x != 50) dominik@116: GfxFillRect(x + 112, y-2, 50 + 112, y+10, color_notdone); truelight@193: dominik@116: // Calculate the % dominik@116: if (val > needed) x = 100; dominik@116: else x = ((val * 100) / needed); truelight@193: dominik@116: // SCORE_LOAN is inversed dominik@116: if (val < 0 && i == SCORE_LOAN) dominik@116: x = 0; truelight@193: dominik@116: // Draw it tron@534: SetDParam(0, x); dominik@116: DrawStringCentered(137, y, STR_PERFORMANCE_DETAIL_PERCENT, 0); truelight@193: dominik@116: // SCORE_LOAN is inversed dominik@116: if (i == SCORE_LOAN) dominik@116: val = needed - val; truelight@193: dominik@116: // Draw the amount we have against what is needed dominik@116: // For some of them it is in currency format tron@534: SetDParam(0, val); tron@534: SetDParam(1, needed); dominik@116: switch (i) { dominik@116: case SCORE_MIN_PROFIT: dominik@116: case SCORE_MIN_INCOME: dominik@116: case SCORE_MAX_INCOME: dominik@116: case SCORE_MONEY: dominik@116: case SCORE_LOAN: dominik@116: DrawString(167, y, STR_PERFORMANCE_DETAIL_AMOUNT_CURRENCY, 0); dominik@116: break; dominik@116: default: dominik@116: DrawString(167, y, STR_PERFORMANCE_DETAIL_AMOUNT_INT, 0); dominik@116: } dominik@116: } dominik@116: dominik@116: break; dominik@116: } dominik@116: dominik@116: case WE_CLICK: dominik@116: // Check which button is clicked dominik@116: if (IS_INT_INSIDE(e->click.widget, 13, 21)) { dominik@116: // Is it no on disable? dominik@116: if ((w->disabled_state & (1 << e->click.widget)) == 0) { dominik@116: w->click_state = 1 << e->click.widget; dominik@116: SetWindowDirty(w); dominik@116: } dominik@116: } dominik@116: break; dominik@116: dominik@116: case WE_CREATE: dominik@116: { dominik@116: int i; dominik@116: Player *p2; dominik@116: w->hidden_state = 0; dominik@116: w->disabled_state = 0; dominik@116: dominik@116: // Hide the player who are not active dominik@116: for (i=0;iis_active) { dominik@116: w->disabled_state += 1 << (i+13); dominik@116: } dominik@116: } dominik@116: // Update all player stats with the current data dominik@116: // (this is because _score_info is not saved to a savegame) dominik@116: FOR_ALL_PLAYERS(p2) dominik@116: if (p2->is_active) dominik@116: UpdateCompanyRatingAndValue(p2, false); truelight@193: darkvater@165: w->custom[0] = DAY_TICKS; dominik@116: w->custom[1] = 5; truelight@193: dominik@116: w->click_state = 1 << 13; truelight@193: dominik@116: SetWindowDirty(w); dominik@116: } dominik@116: break; dominik@116: case WE_TICK: dominik@116: { dominik@116: // Update the player score every 5 days dominik@116: if (--w->custom[0] == 0) { darkvater@165: w->custom[0] = DAY_TICKS; dominik@116: if (--w->custom[1] == 0) { dominik@116: Player *p2; dominik@116: w->custom[1] = 5; dominik@116: FOR_ALL_PLAYERS(p2) dominik@116: // Skip if player is not active dominik@116: if (p2->is_active) dominik@116: UpdateCompanyRatingAndValue(p2, false); dominik@116: SetWindowDirty(w); dominik@116: } dominik@116: } dominik@116: } dominik@116: break; dominik@116: } dominik@116: } dominik@116: dominik@116: static const Widget _performance_rating_detail_widgets[] = { truelight@867: { WWT_TEXTBTN, RESIZE_NONE, 14, 0, 10, 0, 13, STR_00C5, STR_018B_CLOSE_WINDOW}, truelight@867: { WWT_CAPTION, RESIZE_NONE, 14, 11, 298, 0, 13, STR_PERFORMANCE_DETAIL, STR_018C_WINDOW_TITLE_DRAG_THIS}, truelight@867: { WWT_IMGBTN, RESIZE_NONE, 14, 0, 298, 14, 27, 0x0, STR_NULL}, dominik@116: truelight@867: { WWT_IMGBTN, RESIZE_NONE, 14, 0, 298, 28, 47, 0x0,STR_PERFORMANCE_DETAIL_VEHICLES_TIP}, truelight@867: { WWT_IMGBTN, RESIZE_NONE, 14, 0, 298, 48, 67, 0x0,STR_PERFORMANCE_DETAIL_STATIONS_TIP}, truelight@867: { WWT_IMGBTN, RESIZE_NONE, 14, 0, 298, 68, 87, 0x0,STR_PERFORMANCE_DETAIL_MIN_PROFIT_TIP}, truelight@867: { WWT_IMGBTN, RESIZE_NONE, 14, 0, 298, 88, 107, 0x0,STR_PERFORMANCE_DETAIL_MIN_INCOME_TIP}, truelight@867: { WWT_IMGBTN, RESIZE_NONE, 14, 0, 298, 108, 127, 0x0,STR_PERFORMANCE_DETAIL_MAX_INCOME_TIP}, truelight@867: { WWT_IMGBTN, RESIZE_NONE, 14, 0, 298, 128, 147, 0x0,STR_PERFORMANCE_DETAIL_DELIVERED_TIP}, truelight@867: { WWT_IMGBTN, RESIZE_NONE, 14, 0, 298, 148, 167, 0x0,STR_PERFORMANCE_DETAIL_CARGO_TIP}, truelight@867: { WWT_IMGBTN, RESIZE_NONE, 14, 0, 298, 168, 187, 0x0,STR_PERFORMANCE_DETAIL_MONEY_TIP}, truelight@867: { WWT_IMGBTN, RESIZE_NONE, 14, 0, 298, 188, 207, 0x0,STR_PERFORMANCE_DETAIL_LOAN_TIP}, truelight@867: { WWT_IMGBTN, RESIZE_NONE, 14, 0, 298, 208, 227, 0x0,STR_PERFORMANCE_DETAIL_TOTAL_TIP}, dominik@116: truelight@867: { WWT_IMGBTN, RESIZE_NONE, 14, 2, 38, 14, 26, 0x0,STR_704F_CLICK_HERE_TO_TOGGLE_COMPANY}, truelight@867: { WWT_IMGBTN, RESIZE_NONE, 14, 39, 75, 14, 26, 0x0,STR_704F_CLICK_HERE_TO_TOGGLE_COMPANY}, truelight@867: { WWT_IMGBTN, RESIZE_NONE, 14, 76, 112, 14, 26, 0x0,STR_704F_CLICK_HERE_TO_TOGGLE_COMPANY}, truelight@867: { WWT_IMGBTN, RESIZE_NONE, 14, 113, 149, 14, 26, 0x0,STR_704F_CLICK_HERE_TO_TOGGLE_COMPANY}, truelight@867: { WWT_IMGBTN, RESIZE_NONE, 14, 150, 186, 14, 26, 0x0,STR_704F_CLICK_HERE_TO_TOGGLE_COMPANY}, truelight@867: { WWT_IMGBTN, RESIZE_NONE, 14, 187, 223, 14, 26, 0x0,STR_704F_CLICK_HERE_TO_TOGGLE_COMPANY}, truelight@867: { WWT_IMGBTN, RESIZE_NONE, 14, 224, 260, 14, 26, 0x0,STR_704F_CLICK_HERE_TO_TOGGLE_COMPANY}, truelight@867: { WWT_IMGBTN, RESIZE_NONE, 14, 261, 297, 14, 26, 0x0,STR_704F_CLICK_HERE_TO_TOGGLE_COMPANY}, darkvater@176: { WIDGETS_END}, dominik@116: }; dominik@116: dominik@116: static const WindowDesc _performance_rating_detail_desc = { tron@519: -1, -1, 299, 228, dominik@116: WC_PERFORMANCE_DETAIL,0, dominik@116: WDF_STD_TOOLTIPS | WDF_STD_BTN | WDF_DEF_WIDGET, dominik@116: _performance_rating_detail_widgets, dominik@116: PerformanceRatingDetailWndProc dominik@116: }; dominik@116: dominik@116: void ShowPerformanceRatingDetail() dominik@116: { dominik@116: AllocateWindowDescFront(&_performance_rating_detail_desc, 0); dominik@116: } truelight@0: truelight@0: /***********************/ truelight@0: /* PERFORMANCE HISTORY */ truelight@0: /***********************/ truelight@0: truelight@0: static void PerformanceHistoryWndProc(Window *w, WindowEvent *e) truelight@0: { truelight@0: switch(e->event) { truelight@0: case WE_PAINT: { truelight@0: GraphDrawer gd; truelight@0: Player *p; truelight@0: int i,j; truelight@0: int numd; truelight@0: truelight@0: DrawWindowWidgets(w); truelight@0: truelight@0: gd.left = 2; truelight@0: = 18; truelight@0: gd.height = 200; truelight@0: gd.include_neg = false; truelight@0: gd.format_str_y_axis = STR_7024; truelight@0: gd.color_3 = 0x10; truelight@0: gd.color_2 = 0xD7; truelight@0: gd.bg_line_color = 0xE; truelight@0: SetupGraphDrawerForPlayers(&gd); truelight@0: dominik@1079: numd = -1; truelight@0: FOR_ALL_PLAYERS(p) { dominik@1079: numd++; truelight@0: if (!p->is_active) truelight@0: continue; truelight@0: gd.colors[numd] = _color_list[p->player_color].window_color_bgb; truelight@0: for(j=gd.num_on_x_axis,i=0; --j >= 0;) { darkvater@236: gd.cost[numd][i] = (j >= p->num_valid_stat_ent) ? INVALID_VALUE : (uint64)p->old_economy[j].performance_history; truelight@0: i++; truelight@0: } truelight@0: } truelight@0: gd.num_dataset = numd; truelight@0: truelight@0: DrawGraph(&gd); truelight@0: break; truelight@0: } truelight@0: truelight@0: case WE_CLICK: truelight@0: if (e->click.widget == 2) truelight@0: ShowGraphLegend(); dominik@116: if (e->click.widget == 3) dominik@116: ShowPerformanceRatingDetail(); truelight@0: break; truelight@0: } truelight@0: } truelight@0: truelight@0: static const Widget _performance_history_widgets[] = { truelight@867: { WWT_TEXTBTN, RESIZE_NONE, 14, 0, 10, 0, 13, STR_00C5, STR_018B_CLOSE_WINDOW}, truelight@867: { WWT_CAPTION, RESIZE_NONE, 14, 11, 475, 0, 13, STR_7051_COMPANY_PERFORMANCE_RATINGS, STR_018C_WINDOW_TITLE_DRAG_THIS}, truelight@867: { WWT_PUSHTXTBTN, RESIZE_NONE, 14, 526, 575, 0, 13, STR_704C_KEY, STR_704D_SHOW_KEY_TO_GRAPHS}, truelight@867: { WWT_PUSHTXTBTN, RESIZE_NONE, 14, 476, 525, 0, 13, STR_PERFORMANCE_DETAIL_KEY, STR_704D_SHOW_KEY_TO_GRAPHS}, truelight@867: { WWT_IMGBTN, RESIZE_NONE, 14, 0, 575, 14, 237, 0x0, STR_NULL}, darkvater@176: { WIDGETS_END}, truelight@0: }; truelight@0: truelight@0: static const WindowDesc _performance_history_desc = { truelight@0: -1, -1, 576, 238, truelight@0: WC_PERFORMANCE_HISTORY,0, truelight@0: WDF_STD_TOOLTIPS | WDF_STD_BTN | WDF_DEF_WIDGET | WDF_UNCLICK_BUTTONS, truelight@0: _performance_history_widgets, truelight@0: PerformanceHistoryWndProc truelight@0: }; truelight@0: truelight@0: void ShowPerformanceHistoryGraph() truelight@0: { truelight@0: if (AllocateWindowDescFront(&_performance_history_desc, 0)) { truelight@0: InvalidateWindow(WC_GRAPH_LEGEND, 0); truelight@0: } truelight@0: } truelight@0: truelight@0: /*****************/ truelight@0: /* COMPANY VALUE */ truelight@0: /*****************/ truelight@0: truelight@0: static void CompanyValueGraphWndProc(Window *w, WindowEvent *e) truelight@0: { truelight@0: switch(e->event) { truelight@0: case WE_PAINT: { truelight@0: GraphDrawer gd; truelight@0: Player *p; truelight@0: int i,j; truelight@0: int numd; truelight@0: truelight@0: DrawWindowWidgets(w); truelight@0: truelight@0: gd.left = 2; truelight@0: = 18; truelight@0: gd.height = 200; truelight@0: gd.include_neg = false; darkvater@236: gd.format_str_y_axis = STR_CURRCOMPACT64; truelight@0: gd.color_3 = 0x10; truelight@0: gd.color_2 = 0xD7; truelight@0: gd.bg_line_color = 0xE; truelight@0: SetupGraphDrawerForPlayers(&gd); truelight@0: dominik@1079: numd = -1; truelight@0: FOR_ALL_PLAYERS(p) { dominik@1079: numd++; truelight@0: if (!p->is_active) truelight@0: continue; darkvater@236: truelight@0: gd.colors[numd] = _color_list[p->player_color].window_color_bgb; truelight@0: for(j=gd.num_on_x_axis,i=0; --j >= 0;) { darkvater@236: gd.cost[numd][i] = (j >= p->num_valid_stat_ent) ? INVALID_VALUE : (uint64)p->old_economy[j].company_value; truelight@0: i++; truelight@0: } truelight@0: } truelight@0: gd.num_dataset = numd; truelight@0: truelight@0: truelight@0: DrawGraph(&gd); truelight@0: break; truelight@0: } truelight@0: truelight@0: case WE_CLICK: truelight@0: if (e->click.widget == 2) truelight@0: ShowGraphLegend(); truelight@0: break; truelight@0: } truelight@0: } truelight@0: truelight@0: static const Widget _company_value_graph_widgets[] = { truelight@867: { WWT_TEXTBTN, RESIZE_NONE, 14, 0, 10, 0, 13, STR_00C5, STR_018B_CLOSE_WINDOW}, truelight@867: { WWT_CAPTION, RESIZE_NONE, 14, 11, 525, 0, 13, STR_7052_COMPANY_VALUES, STR_018C_WINDOW_TITLE_DRAG_THIS}, truelight@867: { WWT_PUSHTXTBTN, RESIZE_NONE, 14, 526, 575, 0, 13, STR_704C_KEY, STR_704D_SHOW_KEY_TO_GRAPHS}, truelight@867: { WWT_IMGBTN, RESIZE_NONE, 14, 0, 575, 14, 237, 0x0, STR_NULL}, darkvater@176: { WIDGETS_END}, truelight@0: }; truelight@0: truelight@0: static const WindowDesc _company_value_graph_desc = { truelight@0: -1, -1, 576, 238, truelight@0: WC_COMPANY_VALUE,0, truelight@0: WDF_STD_TOOLTIPS | WDF_STD_BTN | WDF_DEF_WIDGET | WDF_UNCLICK_BUTTONS, truelight@0: _company_value_graph_widgets, truelight@0: CompanyValueGraphWndProc truelight@0: }; truelight@0: truelight@0: void ShowCompanyValueGraph() truelight@0: { truelight@0: if (AllocateWindowDescFront(&_company_value_graph_desc, 0)) { truelight@0: InvalidateWindow(WC_GRAPH_LEGEND, 0); truelight@0: } truelight@0: } truelight@0: truelight@0: /*****************/ truelight@0: /* PAYMENT RATES */ truelight@0: /*****************/ truelight@0: truelight@0: static const byte _cargo_legend_colors[12] = {152, 32, 15, 174, 208, 194, 191, 84, 184, 10, 202, 215}; truelight@0: truelight@0: static void CargoPaymentRatesWndProc(Window *w, WindowEvent *e) truelight@0: { truelight@0: switch(e->event) { truelight@0: case WE_PAINT: { truelight@0: int i, j, x, y; truelight@0: GraphDrawer gd; truelight@0: truelight@0: gd.sel = _legend_cargobits; truelight@0: w->click_state = (~_legend_cargobits) << 3; truelight@0: DrawWindowWidgets(w); truelight@0: truelight@0: x = 495; truelight@0: y = 25; truelight@0: truelight@0: for(i=0; i!=NUM_CARGO; i++) { truelight@0: GfxFillRect(x, y, x+8, y+5, 0); truelight@0: GfxFillRect(x+1, y+1, x+7, y+4, _cargo_legend_colors[i]); tron@534: SetDParam(0, _cargoc.names_s[i]); truelight@0: DrawString(x+14, y, STR_7065, 0); truelight@0: y += 8; truelight@0: } truelight@0: truelight@0: gd.left = 2; truelight@0: = 24; truelight@0: gd.height = 104; truelight@0: gd.include_neg = false; darkvater@236: gd.format_str_y_axis = STR_CURRCOMPACT32; truelight@0: gd.color_3 = 16; truelight@0: gd.color_2 = 215; truelight@0: gd.bg_line_color = 14; truelight@0: gd.num_dataset = 12; truelight@0: gd.num_on_x_axis = 20; truelight@0: gd.num_vert_lines = 20; truelight@0: gd.month = 0xFF; truelight@0: gd.unk61A = 10; truelight@0: gd.unk61C = 10; truelight@193: truelight@0: for(i=0; i!=NUM_CARGO; i++) { truelight@0: gd.colors[i] = _cargo_legend_colors[i]; truelight@0: for(j=0; j!=20; j++) { darkvater@236: gd.cost[i][j] = (uint64)GetTransportedGoodsIncome(10, 20, j*6+6,i); truelight@0: } truelight@0: } truelight@0: truelight@0: DrawGraph(&gd); truelight@0: truelight@0: DrawString(2 + 46, 24 + gd.height + 7, STR_7062_DAYS_IN_TRANSIT, 0); truelight@0: DrawString(2 + 84, 24 - 9, STR_7063_PAYMENT_FOR_DELIVERING, 0); truelight@0: } break; truelight@0: truelight@0: case WE_CLICK: { truelight@0: switch(e->click.widget) { truelight@0: case 3: case 4: case 5: case 6: truelight@0: case 7: case 8: case 9: case 10: truelight@0: case 11: case 12: case 13: case 14: truelight@0: _legend_cargobits ^= 1 << (e->click.widget - 3); truelight@0: SetWindowDirty(w); truelight@0: break; truelight@0: } truelight@0: } break; truelight@0: } truelight@0: } truelight@0: truelight@0: static const Widget _cargo_payment_rates_widgets[] = { truelight@867: { WWT_CLOSEBOX, RESIZE_NONE, 14, 0, 10, 0, 13, STR_00C5, STR_018B_CLOSE_WINDOW}, truelight@867: { WWT_CAPTION, RESIZE_NONE, 14, 11, 567, 0, 13, STR_7061_CARGO_PAYMENT_RATES, STR_018C_WINDOW_TITLE_DRAG_THIS}, truelight@867: { WWT_PANEL, RESIZE_NONE, 14, 0, 567, 14, 141, 0x0, STR_NULL}, truelight@867: { WWT_PANEL, RESIZE_NONE, 12, 493, 562, 24, 31, 0x0, STR_7064_TOGGLE_GRAPH_FOR_CARGO}, truelight@867: { WWT_PANEL, RESIZE_NONE, 12, 493, 562, 32, 39, 0x0, STR_7064_TOGGLE_GRAPH_FOR_CARGO}, truelight@867: { WWT_PANEL, RESIZE_NONE, 12, 493, 562, 40, 47, 0x0, STR_7064_TOGGLE_GRAPH_FOR_CARGO}, truelight@867: { WWT_PANEL, RESIZE_NONE, 12, 493, 562, 48, 55, 0x0, STR_7064_TOGGLE_GRAPH_FOR_CARGO}, truelight@867: { WWT_PANEL, RESIZE_NONE, 12, 493, 562, 56, 63, 0x0, STR_7064_TOGGLE_GRAPH_FOR_CARGO}, truelight@867: { WWT_PANEL, RESIZE_NONE, 12, 493, 562, 64, 71, 0x0, STR_7064_TOGGLE_GRAPH_FOR_CARGO}, truelight@867: { WWT_PANEL, RESIZE_NONE, 12, 493, 562, 72, 79, 0x0, STR_7064_TOGGLE_GRAPH_FOR_CARGO}, truelight@867: { WWT_PANEL, RESIZE_NONE, 12, 493, 562, 80, 87, 0x0, STR_7064_TOGGLE_GRAPH_FOR_CARGO}, truelight@867: { WWT_PANEL, RESIZE_NONE, 12, 493, 562, 88, 95, 0x0, STR_7064_TOGGLE_GRAPH_FOR_CARGO}, truelight@867: { WWT_PANEL, RESIZE_NONE, 12, 493, 562, 96, 103, 0x0, STR_7064_TOGGLE_GRAPH_FOR_CARGO}, truelight@867: { WWT_PANEL, RESIZE_NONE, 12, 493, 562, 104, 111, 0x0, STR_7064_TOGGLE_GRAPH_FOR_CARGO}, truelight@867: { WWT_PANEL, RESIZE_NONE, 12, 493, 562, 112, 119, 0x0, STR_7064_TOGGLE_GRAPH_FOR_CARGO}, darkvater@176: { WIDGETS_END}, truelight@0: }; truelight@0: truelight@0: static const WindowDesc _cargo_payment_rates_desc = { truelight@0: -1, -1, 568, 142, truelight@0: WC_PAYMENT_RATES,0, truelight@0: WDF_STD_TOOLTIPS | WDF_STD_BTN | WDF_DEF_WIDGET, truelight@0: _cargo_payment_rates_widgets, truelight@0: CargoPaymentRatesWndProc truelight@0: }; truelight@0: truelight@0: truelight@0: void ShowCargoPaymentRates() truelight@0: { truelight@0: AllocateWindowDescFront(&_cargo_payment_rates_desc, 0); truelight@0: } truelight@0: truelight@0: /************************/ truelight@0: /* COMPANY LEAGUE TABLE */ truelight@0: /************************/ truelight@0: truelight@0: static const StringID _performance_titles[] = { truelight@0: STR_7066_ENGINEER, truelight@0: STR_7066_ENGINEER, truelight@0: STR_7067_TRAFFIC_MANAGER, truelight@0: STR_7067_TRAFFIC_MANAGER, truelight@0: STR_7068_TRANSPORT_COORDINATOR, truelight@0: STR_7068_TRANSPORT_COORDINATOR, truelight@0: STR_7069_ROUTE_SUPERVISOR, truelight@0: STR_7069_ROUTE_SUPERVISOR, truelight@0: STR_706A_DIRECTOR, truelight@0: STR_706A_DIRECTOR, truelight@0: STR_706B_CHIEF_EXECUTIVE, truelight@0: STR_706B_CHIEF_EXECUTIVE, truelight@0: STR_706C_CHAIRMAN, truelight@0: STR_706C_CHAIRMAN, truelight@0: STR_706D_PRESIDENT, truelight@0: STR_706E_TYCOON, truelight@0: }; truelight@0: darkvater@983: static inline StringID GetPerformanceTitleFromValue(uint value) truelight@0: { darkvater@983: return _performance_titles[minu(value, 1000) >> 6]; truelight@0: } truelight@0: truelight@0: static int CDECL _perf_hist_comp(const void *elem1, const void *elem2 ) { darkvater@222: const Player *p1 = *(const Player* const *)elem1; darkvater@222: const Player *p2 = *(const Player* const *)elem2; truelight@0: int32 v = p2->old_economy[1].performance_history - p1->old_economy[1].performance_history; truelight@0: return (v!=0) | (v >> (sizeof(int32)*8-1)); truelight@0: } truelight@0: truelight@0: static void CompanyLeagueWndProc(Window *w, WindowEvent *e) truelight@0: { truelight@0: switch(e->event) { truelight@0: case WE_PAINT: { truelight@0: Player *p; truelight@0: Player *plist[MAX_PLAYERS]; truelight@0: size_t pl_num, i; truelight@0: truelight@0: DrawWindowWidgets(w); truelight@193: truelight@0: pl_num=0; truelight@0: FOR_ALL_PLAYERS(p) { truelight@0: if (p->is_active) truelight@0: plist[pl_num++] = p; truelight@0: } truelight@0: assert(pl_num > 0); truelight@193: truelight@0: qsort(plist, pl_num, sizeof(Player*), _perf_hist_comp); truelight@0: truelight@0: i = 0; truelight@0: do { tron@534: SetDParam(0, i + 1 + STR_01AB); truelight@0: p = plist[i]; tron@534: SetDParam(1, p->name_1); tron@534: SetDParam(2, p->name_2); truelight@193: tron@534: SetDParam(3, GetPlayerNameString(p->index, 4)); darkvater@16: /* WARNING ugly hack! darkvater@16: GetPlayerNameString sets up (Player #) if the player is human in an extra DPARAM16 darkvater@16: It seems that if player is non-human, nothing is set up, so param is 0. GetString doesn't like truelight@193: that because there is another param after it. darkvater@16: So we'll just shift the rating one back if player is AI and all is fine darkvater@16: */ tron@534: SetDParam((IS_HUMAN_PLAYER(p->index) ? 5 : 4), GetPerformanceTitleFromValue(p->old_economy[1].performance_history)); truelight@0: truelight@0: DrawString(2, 15 + i * 10, i == 0 ? STR_7054 : STR_7055, 0); truelight@0: DrawPlayerIcon(p->index, 27, 16 + i * 10); truelight@0: } while (++i != pl_num); truelight@0: truelight@0: break; truelight@0: } truelight@0: } truelight@0: } truelight@0: truelight@0: truelight@0: static const Widget _company_league_widgets[] = { truelight@867: { WWT_TEXTBTN, RESIZE_NONE, 14, 0, 10, 0, 13, STR_00C5, STR_018B_CLOSE_WINDOW}, truelight@867: { WWT_CAPTION, RESIZE_NONE, 14, 11, 399, 0, 13, STR_7053_COMPANY_LEAGUE_TABLE, STR_018C_WINDOW_TITLE_DRAG_THIS}, truelight@867: { WWT_IMGBTN, RESIZE_NONE, 14, 0, 399, 14, 96, 0x0, STR_NULL}, darkvater@176: { WIDGETS_END}, truelight@0: }; truelight@0: truelight@0: static const WindowDesc _company_league_desc = { truelight@0: -1, -1, 400, 97, truelight@0: WC_COMPANY_LEAGUE,0, truelight@0: WDF_STD_TOOLTIPS | WDF_STD_BTN | WDF_DEF_WIDGET, truelight@0: _company_league_widgets, truelight@0: CompanyLeagueWndProc truelight@0: }; truelight@0: truelight@0: void ShowCompanyLeagueTable() truelight@0: { truelight@0: AllocateWindowDescFront(&_company_league_desc,0); truelight@0: }