truelight@0: # This file generates Makefile.config truelight@0: # Create default config from autodetected values truelight@0: # Magic at work, note that you can't use commas in arguments for this truelight@0: CONFIG_LINE=@$(SHELL) -c 'echo $(1)' >> $(MAKE_CONFIG) 2> /dev/null truelight@0: truelight@0: $(MAKE_CONFIG): truelight@0: truelight@0: touch $(MAKE_CONFIG) truelight@0: truelight@0: $(call CONFIG_LINE,\# OpenTTD config file for makefile) truelight@0: $(call CONFIG_LINE,\# Set your options here - 1 for use and empty for disable) truelight@0: $(call CONFIG_LINE,) truelight@0: truelight@0: $(call CONFIG_LINE,\# User setup flags) truelight@0: $(call CONFIG_LINE,\# Translator: adds TODO to any untranslated strings) truelight@0: $(call CONFIG_LINE,\# Display_Warnings: when off it hides some warnings while compiling) truelight@0: $(call CONFIG_LINE,\# MIDI: sets path to midi player) truelight@0: $(call CONFIG_LINE,\# MIDI_ARG: sets an argument which is used when calling the midi player. Default off) bjarni@180: $(call CONFIG_LINE,\# SUPRESS_LANG_ERRORS: supresses output about missing and mismatched strings) bjarni@804: $(call CONFIG_LINE,\# WITH_NETWORK: makes OpenTTD able to play multiplayer using TCP and UDP) bjarni@804: $(call CONFIG_LINE,\# DEDICATED: compiles a dedicated server. This one can only host using a CLI, but do not need SDL) truelight@0: $(call CONFIG_LINE,STATIC:=$(STATIC)) truelight@0: $(call CONFIG_LINE,TRANSLATOR:=$(TRANSLATOR)) truelight@0: $(call CONFIG_LINE,DISPLAY_WARNINGS:=$(DISPLAY_WARNINGS)) truelight@0: $(call CONFIG_LINE,DEBUG:=$(DEBUG)) truelight@0: $(call CONFIG_LINE,PROFILE:=$(PROFILE)) truelight@0: $(call CONFIG_LINE,MIDI:=$(MIDI)) truelight@0: $(call CONFIG_LINE,MIDI_ARG:=$(MIDI_ARG)) bjarni@180: $(call CONFIG_LINE,SUPRESS_LANG_ERRORS:=$(SUPRESS_LANG_ERRORS)) bjarni@804: $(call CONFIG_LINE,WITH_NETWORK:=$(WITH_NETWORK)) bjarni@804: $(call CONFIG_LINE,DEDICATED:=$(DEDICATED)) truelight@0: $(call CONFIG_LINE,) truelight@0: bjarni@348: $(call CONFIG_LINE,\# Disable asserts. Leave them on for easier bug finding) bjarni@348: $(call CONFIG_LINE,DISABLE_ASSERTS:=$(DISABLE_ASSERTS)) bjarni@347: $(call CONFIG_LINE,) bjarni@347: bjarni@285: $(call CONFIG_LINE,\# See Makefile for details on these paths) bjarni@285: $(call CONFIG_LINE,\# Folders should not end with /) bjarni@285: $(call CONFIG_LINE,INSTALL:=$(INSTALL)) bjarni@285: $(call CONFIG_LINE,PREFIX:=$(PREFIX)) truelight@0: $(call CONFIG_LINE,BINARY_DIR:=$(BINARY_DIR)) bjarni@285: $(call CONFIG_LINE,DATA_DIR:=$(DATA_DIR)) truelight@0: $(call CONFIG_LINE,USE_HOMEDIR:=$(USE_HOMEDIR)) truelight@0: $(call CONFIG_LINE,PERSONAL_DIR:=$(PERSONAL_DIR)) bjarni@561: $(call CONFIG_LINE,SECOND_DATA_PATH:=$(SECOND_DATA_PATH)) bjarni@561: $(call CONFIG_LINE,CUSTOM_LANG_PATH:=$(CUSTOM_LANG_PATH)) truelight@0: $(call CONFIG_LINE,) truelight@0: truelight@0: $(call CONFIG_LINE,\# Experimental) truelight@0: $(call CONFIG_LINE,WITH_DIRECTMUSIC:=$(WITH_DIRECTMUSIC)) truelight@0: $(call CONFIG_LINE,) truelight@0: $(call CONFIG_LINE,) truelight@0: truelight@0: $(call CONFIG_LINE,\# Flag to skip test for OS when building static) truelight@0: $(call CONFIG_LINE,\# OpenTTD have only been succesfully tested with static builds on MorphOS and MacOSX) truelight@0: $(call CONFIG_LINE,\# If you want to try anyway on other OSes, set this flag) truelight@0: $(call CONFIG_LINE,\# Inform us if you have success) truelight@0: $(call CONFIG_LINE,SKIP_STATIC_CHECK:=$(SKIP_STATIC_CHECK)) truelight@0: $(call CONFIG_LINE,) truelight@0: $(call CONFIG_LINE,) truelight@0: truelight@0: $(call CONFIG_LINE,\# Everything below this line is autogenerated) truelight@0: $(call CONFIG_LINE,\#) truelight@0: $(call CONFIG_LINE,\# If you need to change anything below, you should run "make upgradeconf") truelight@0: $(call CONFIG_LINE,\# If that does not fix the problem, you should make a bug report.) truelight@0: $(call CONFIG_LINE,\# It would really help if you could tell how to autodetect the missing setting) truelight@0: $(call CONFIG_LINE,\# That info could be where the missing lib is placed) truelight@0: $(call CONFIG_LINE,) truelight@0: truelight@0: $(call CONFIG_LINE,\# Libs) truelight@0: $(call CONFIG_LINE,WITH_ZLIB:=$(WITH_ZLIB)) truelight@0: $(call CONFIG_LINE,WITH_SDL:=$(WITH_SDL)) truelight@0: $(call CONFIG_LINE,WITH_PNG:=$(WITH_PNG)) truelight@0: $(call CONFIG_LINE,STATIC_ZLIB_PATH:=$(STATIC_ZLIB_PATH)) truelight@0: $(call CONFIG_LINE,) truelight@0: truelight@0: $(call CONFIG_LINE,\# OS flags) truelight@0: $(call CONFIG_LINE,WIN32:=$(WIN32)) truelight@0: $(call CONFIG_LINE,UNIX:=$(UNIX)) truelight@0: $(call CONFIG_LINE,OSX:=$(OSX)) truelight@0: $(call CONFIG_LINE,FREEBSD:=$(FREEBSD)) truelight@0: $(call CONFIG_LINE,MORPHOS:=$(MORPHOS)) tron@421: $(call CONFIG_LINE,BEOS:=$(BEOS)) tron@446: $(call CONFIG_LINE,SUNOS:=$(SUNOS)) truelight@0: $(call CONFIG_LINE,CYGWIN:=$(CYGWIN)) truelight@0: $(call CONFIG_LINE,MINGW:=$(MINGW)) truelight@0: $(call CONFIG_LINE,) truelight@0: truelight@0: $(call CONFIG_LINE,\# misc) truelight@0: $(call CONFIG_LINE,SDL-CONFIG:=$(SDL-CONFIG)) tron@421: $(call CONFIG_LINE,BEOS_NET_SERVER:=$(BEOS_NET_SERVER)) truelight@0: $(call CONFIG_LINE,CONFIG_INCLUDED:=yes) truelight@0: $(call CONFIG_LINE,PATH_SET:=$(PATH_SET)) bjarni@180: $(call CONFIG_LINE,CONFIG_VERSION:=$(MAKEFILE_VERSION))