truelight@0: #include "stdafx.h" truelight@0: #include "ttd.h" tron@507: #include "table/strings.h" tron@679: #include "map.h" truelight@0: #include "window.h" truelight@0: #include "gui.h" truelight@0: #include "gfx.h" truelight@0: #include "vehicle.h" truelight@0: #include "viewport.h" truelight@0: #include "station.h" truelight@0: #include "command.h" truelight@0: #include "player.h" truelight@0: #include "engine.h" truelight@0: bjarni@842: void Set_DPARAM_Ship_Build_Window(uint16 engine_number) bjarni@842: { bjarni@842: YearMonthDay ymd; bjarni@842: const ShipVehicleInfo *svi = ShipVehInfo(engine_number); bjarni@842: Engine *e; bjarni@842: bjarni@842: SetDParam(0, svi->base_cost * (_price.ship_base>>3)>>5); bjarni@842: SetDParam(1, svi->max_speed * 10 >> 5); bjarni@842: SetDParam(2, _cargoc.names_long_p[svi->cargo_type]); bjarni@842: SetDParam(3, svi->capacity); bjarni@842: SetDParam(4, svi->refittable ? STR_9842_REFITTABLE : STR_EMPTY); bjarni@842: SetDParam(5, svi->running_cost * _price.ship_running >> 8); bjarni@842: bjarni@842: e = &_engines[engine_number]; bjarni@842: SetDParam(7, e->lifelength); bjarni@842: SetDParam(8, e->reliability * 100 >> 16); bjarni@842: ConvertDayToYMD(&ymd, e->intro_date); bjarni@842: SetDParam(6, ymd.year + 1920); bjarni@842: } truelight@0: truelight@0: static void DrawShipImage(Vehicle *v, int x, int y, VehicleID selection); truelight@0: truelight@0: truelight@0: const byte _ship_refit_types[4][16] = { truelight@0: {CT_MAIL, CT_COAL, CT_LIVESTOCK, CT_GOODS, CT_GRAIN, CT_WOOD, CT_IRON_ORE, CT_STEEL, CT_VALUABLES, 255}, truelight@0: {CT_MAIL, CT_COAL, CT_LIVESTOCK, CT_GOODS, CT_GRAIN, CT_WOOD, CT_PAPER, CT_FOOD, CT_VALUABLES, 255}, truelight@0: {CT_MAIL, CT_FRUIT, CT_GOODS, CT_COPPER_ORE, CT_GRAIN, CT_WOOD, CT_WATER, CT_VALUABLES, 255}, truelight@0: {CT_MAIL, CT_SUGAR, CT_TOYS, CT_CANDY, CT_COLA, CT_COTTON_CANDY, CT_BUBBLES, CT_TOFFEE, CT_BATTERIES, CT_PLASTIC, CT_FIZZY_DRINKS, 255}, truelight@0: }; truelight@0: truelight@0: static void ShipRefitWndProc(Window *w, WindowEvent *e) truelight@0: { truelight@0: switch(e->event) { truelight@0: case WE_PAINT: { truelight@919: Vehicle *v = GetVehicle(w->window_number); truelight@0: const byte *b; truelight@0: int sel; truelight@0: int x,y; truelight@0: byte color; truelight@0: int cargo; truelight@0: tron@534: SetDParam(0, v->string_id); tron@534: SetDParam(1, v->unitnumber); truelight@0: DrawWindowWidgets(w); truelight@0: truelight@0: DrawString(1, 15, STR_983F_SELECT_CARGO_TYPE_TO_CARRY, 0); truelight@193: truelight@0: cargo = -1; truelight@0: x = 6; truelight@0: y = 25; truelight@0: sel = WP(w,refit_d).sel; truelight@0: truelight@0: #define show_cargo(ctype) { \ truelight@0: color = 16; \ truelight@0: if (sel == 0) { \ truelight@0: cargo = ctype; \ truelight@0: color = 12; \ truelight@0: } \ truelight@0: sel--; \ truelight@0: DrawString(x, y, _cargoc.names_s[ctype], color); \ truelight@0: y += 10; \ truelight@0: } truelight@0: truelight@0: if (_engine_refit_masks[v->engine_type]) { truelight@0: uint32 mask = _engine_refit_masks[v->engine_type]; truelight@0: int cid = 0; truelight@0: truelight@0: for (; mask; mask >>= 1, cid++) { truelight@0: if (!(mask & 1)) // not this cid truelight@0: continue; truelight@0: if (!(_local_cargo_id_landscape[cid] & (1 << _opt.landscape))) // not in this landscape truelight@0: continue; truelight@0: truelight@0: show_cargo(_local_cargo_id_ctype[cid]); truelight@0: } truelight@0: truelight@0: } else { // generic refit list truelight@0: b = _ship_refit_types[_opt.landscape]; truelight@0: do { truelight@0: show_cargo(*b); truelight@0: } while (*++b != 255); truelight@0: } truelight@0: truelight@0: #undef show_cargo truelight@0: truelight@0: WP(w,refit_d).cargo = cargo; truelight@0: truelight@0: if (cargo != -1) { truelight@0: int32 cost = DoCommandByTile(v->tile, v->index, cargo, 0, CMD_REFIT_SHIP); truelight@0: if (cost != CMD_ERROR) { tron@534: SetDParam(2, cost); tron@534: SetDParam(0, _cargoc.names_long_p[cargo]); tron@534: SetDParam(1, v->cargo_cap); truelight@0: DrawString(1, 137, STR_9840_NEW_CAPACITY_COST_OF_REFIT, 0); truelight@0: } truelight@0: } truelight@0: truelight@0: break; truelight@0: } truelight@0: truelight@0: case WE_CLICK: truelight@0: switch(e->click.widget) { truelight@0: case 2: { /* listbox */ truelight@0: int y = e-> - 25; truelight@0: if (y >= 0) { truelight@0: WP(w,refit_d).sel = y / 10; truelight@0: SetWindowDirty(w); truelight@0: } truelight@0: } break; truelight@0: case 4: /* refit button */ truelight@0: if (WP(w,refit_d).cargo != 0xFF) { truelight@919: Vehicle *v = GetVehicle(w->window_number); truelight@0: if (DoCommandP(v->tile, v->index, WP(w,refit_d).cargo, NULL, CMD_REFIT_SHIP | CMD_MSG(STR_9841_CAN_T_REFIT_SHIP))) truelight@0: DeleteWindow(w); truelight@0: } truelight@0: break; truelight@0: } truelight@0: break; truelight@0: } truelight@0: } truelight@0: truelight@0: truelight@0: static const Widget _ship_refit_widgets[] = { truelight@867: { WWT_TEXTBTN, RESIZE_NONE, 14, 0, 10, 0, 13, STR_00C5, STR_018B_CLOSE_WINDOW}, truelight@867: { WWT_CAPTION, RESIZE_NONE, 14, 11, 239, 0, 13, STR_983B_REFIT, STR_018C_WINDOW_TITLE_DRAG_THIS}, truelight@867: { WWT_IMGBTN, RESIZE_NONE, 14, 0, 239, 14, 135, 0x0, STR_983D_SELECT_TYPE_OF_CARGO_FOR}, truelight@867: { WWT_IMGBTN, RESIZE_NONE, 14, 0, 239, 136, 157, 0x0, STR_NULL}, truelight@867: { WWT_PUSHTXTBTN, RESIZE_NONE, 14, 0, 239, 158, 169, STR_983C_REFIT_SHIP, STR_983E_REFIT_SHIP_TO_CARRY_HIGHLIGHTED}, darkvater@176: { WIDGETS_END}, truelight@0: }; truelight@0: truelight@0: static const WindowDesc _ship_refit_desc = { truelight@0: -1,-1, 240, 170, truelight@0: WC_VEHICLE_REFIT,WC_VEHICLE_VIEW, truelight@0: WDF_STD_TOOLTIPS | WDF_STD_BTN | WDF_DEF_WIDGET | WDF_UNCLICK_BUTTONS, truelight@0: _ship_refit_widgets, truelight@0: ShipRefitWndProc, truelight@0: }; truelight@0: truelight@0: static void ShowShipRefitWindow(Vehicle *v) truelight@0: { truelight@0: Window *w; truelight@0: truelight@0: DeleteWindowById(WC_VEHICLE_REFIT, v->index); truelight@193: truelight@193: _alloc_wnd_parent_num = v->index; truelight@0: w = AllocateWindowDesc(&_ship_refit_desc); truelight@0: w->window_number = v->index; truelight@0: w->caption_color = v->owner; truelight@0: WP(w,refit_d).sel = -1; truelight@0: } truelight@0: truelight@0: static void ShipDetailsWndProc(Window *w, WindowEvent *e) truelight@0: { truelight@919: Vehicle *v = GetVehicle(w->window_number); truelight@0: StringID str; truelight@0: int mod; truelight@0: truelight@0: switch(e->event) { truelight@0: case WE_PAINT: truelight@0: w->disabled_state = v->owner == _local_player ? 0 : (1 << 2); darkvater@156: if (!_patches.servint_ships) // disable service-scroller when interval is set to disabled darkvater@156: w->disabled_state |= (1 << 5) | (1 << 6); darkvater@156: tron@534: SetDParam(0, v->string_id); tron@534: SetDParam(1, v->unitnumber); truelight@0: DrawWindowWidgets(w); truelight@0: truelight@0: /* Draw running cost */ truelight@0: { truelight@0: int year = v->age / 366; truelight@0: StringID str; truelight@0: tron@534: SetDParam(1, year); truelight@193: truelight@0: str = STR_0199_YEAR; truelight@0: if (year != 1) { truelight@0: str++; truelight@0: if (v->max_age - 366 < v->age) truelight@0: str++; truelight@0: } tron@534: SetDParam(0, str); tron@534: SetDParam(2, v->max_age / 366); tron@538: SetDParam(3, ShipVehInfo(v->engine_type)->running_cost * _price.ship_running >> 8); truelight@0: DrawString(2, 15, STR_9812_AGE_RUNNING_COST_YR, 0); truelight@0: } truelight@0: truelight@0: /* Draw max speed */ truelight@0: { tron@534: SetDParam(0, v->max_speed * 10 >> 5); truelight@0: DrawString(2, 25, STR_9813_MAX_SPEED, 0); truelight@0: } truelight@0: truelight@0: /* Draw profit */ truelight@0: { tron@534: SetDParam(0, v->profit_this_year); tron@534: SetDParam(1, v->profit_last_year); truelight@0: DrawString(2, 35, STR_9814_PROFIT_THIS_YEAR_LAST_YEAR, 0); truelight@0: } truelight@0: truelight@0: /* Draw breakdown & reliability */ truelight@0: { tron@534: SetDParam(0, v->reliability * 100 >> 16); tron@534: SetDParam(1, v->breakdowns_since_last_service); truelight@0: DrawString(2, 45, STR_9815_RELIABILITY_BREAKDOWNS, 0); truelight@0: } truelight@0: truelight@0: /* Draw service interval text */ truelight@0: { tron@534: SetDParam(0, v->service_interval); tron@534: SetDParam(1, v->date_of_last_service); darkvater@156: DrawString(13, 90, _patches.servint_ispercent?STR_SERVICING_INTERVAL_PERCENT:STR_883C_SERVICING_INTERVAL_DAYS, 0); truelight@0: } truelight@0: truelight@0: DrawShipImage(v, 3, 57, INVALID_VEHICLE); truelight@0: tron@534: SetDParam(1, 1920 + v->build_year); tron@534: SetDParam(0, GetCustomEngineName(v->engine_type)); tron@534: SetDParam(2, v->value); truelight@0: DrawString(74, 57, STR_9816_BUILT_VALUE, 0); truelight@193: tron@534: SetDParam(0, _cargoc.names_long_p[v->cargo_type]); tron@534: SetDParam(1, v->cargo_cap); truelight@0: DrawString(74, 67, STR_9817_CAPACITY, 0); truelight@0: truelight@0: str = STR_8812_EMPTY; truelight@0: if (v->cargo_count != 0) { tron@534: SetDParam(0, v->cargo_type); tron@534: SetDParam(1, v->cargo_count); tron@534: SetDParam(2, v->cargo_source); truelight@0: str = STR_8813_FROM; truelight@0: } truelight@0: DrawString(74, 78, str, 0); truelight@0: break; truelight@0: truelight@0: case WE_CLICK: truelight@0: switch(e->click.widget) { truelight@0: case 2: /* rename */ tron@534: SetDParam(0, v->unitnumber); truelight@0: ShowQueryString(v->string_id, STR_9831_NAME_SHIP, 31, 150, w->window_class, w->window_number); truelight@0: break; truelight@0: case 5: /* increase int */ darkvater@156: mod = _ctrl_pressed? 5 : 10; truelight@0: goto change_int; truelight@0: case 6: /* decrease int */ darkvater@156: mod = _ctrl_pressed?- 5 : -10; truelight@0: change_int: truelight@0: mod += v->service_interval; darkvater@156: darkvater@156: /* %-based service interval max 5%-90% darkvater@156: day-based service interval max 30-800 days */ darkvater@156: mod = _patches.servint_ispercent ? clamp(mod, MIN_SERVINT_PERCENT, MAX_SERVINT_PERCENT) : clamp(mod, MIN_SERVINT_DAYS, MAX_SERVINT_DAYS+1); darkvater@156: if (mod == v->service_interval) truelight@0: return; darkvater@156: truelight@0: DoCommandP(v->tile, v->index, mod, NULL, CMD_CHANGE_SHIP_SERVICE_INT | CMD_MSG(STR_018A_CAN_T_CHANGE_SERVICING)); truelight@0: break; truelight@0: } truelight@0: break; truelight@0: truelight@0: case WE_4: truelight@0: if (FindWindowById(WC_VEHICLE_VIEW, w->window_number) == NULL) truelight@0: DeleteWindow(w); truelight@0: break; truelight@0: truelight@0: case WE_ON_EDIT_TEXT: { truelight@0: byte *b = e->edittext.str; truelight@0: if (*b == 0) truelight@0: return; truelight@0: memcpy(_decode_parameters, b, 32); truelight@0: DoCommandP(0, w->window_number, 0, NULL, CMD_NAME_VEHICLE | CMD_MSG(STR_9832_CAN_T_NAME_SHIP)); truelight@0: } break; truelight@0: truelight@0: } truelight@0: } truelight@0: truelight@0: truelight@0: static const Widget _ship_details_widgets[] = { truelight@867: { WWT_TEXTBTN, RESIZE_NONE, 14, 0, 10, 0, 13, STR_00C5, STR_018B_CLOSE_WINDOW}, truelight@867: { WWT_CAPTION, RESIZE_NONE, 14, 11, 364, 0, 13, STR_9811_DETAILS,STR_018C_WINDOW_TITLE_DRAG_THIS}, truelight@867: { WWT_PUSHTXTBTN, RESIZE_NONE, 14, 365, 404, 0, 13, STR_01AA_NAME, STR_982F_NAME_SHIP}, truelight@867: { WWT_IMGBTN, RESIZE_NONE, 14, 0, 404, 14, 55, 0x0, STR_NULL}, truelight@867: { WWT_IMGBTN, RESIZE_NONE, 14, 0, 404, 56, 88, 0x0, STR_NULL}, truelight@867: { WWT_PUSHTXTBTN, RESIZE_NONE, 14, 0, 10, 89, 94, STR_0188, STR_884D_INCREASE_SERVICING_INTERVAL}, truelight@867: { WWT_PUSHTXTBTN, RESIZE_NONE, 14, 0, 10, 95, 100, STR_0189, STR_884E_DECREASE_SERVICING_INTERVAL}, truelight@867: { WWT_IMGBTN, RESIZE_NONE, 14, 11, 404, 89, 100, 0x0, STR_NULL}, darkvater@176: { WIDGETS_END}, truelight@0: }; truelight@0: truelight@0: static const WindowDesc _ship_details_desc = { truelight@0: -1,-1, 405, 101, truelight@0: WC_VEHICLE_DETAILS,WC_VEHICLE_VIEW, truelight@0: WDF_STD_TOOLTIPS | WDF_STD_BTN | WDF_DEF_WIDGET | WDF_UNCLICK_BUTTONS, truelight@0: _ship_details_widgets, truelight@0: ShipDetailsWndProc truelight@0: }; truelight@0: truelight@0: static void ShowShipDetailsWindow(Vehicle *v) truelight@0: { truelight@0: Window *w; truelight@0: VehicleID veh = v->index; truelight@0: DeleteWindowById(WC_VEHICLE_ORDERS, veh); truelight@0: DeleteWindowById(WC_VEHICLE_DETAILS, veh); truelight@193: _alloc_wnd_parent_num = veh; truelight@0: w = AllocateWindowDesc(&_ship_details_desc); truelight@0: w->window_number = veh; truelight@0: w->caption_color = v->owner; truelight@0: } truelight@0: truelight@543: void CcBuildShip(bool success, uint tile, uint32 p1, uint32 p2) truelight@0: { truelight@0: Vehicle *v; truelight@0: if (!success) return; truelight@0: truelight@919: v = GetVehicle(_new_ship_id); truelight@0: if (v->tile == _backup_orders_tile) { truelight@0: _backup_orders_tile = 0; truelight@0: RestoreVehicleOrders(v, _backup_orders_data); truelight@0: } truelight@0: ShowShipViewWindow(v); truelight@0: } truelight@0: truelight@193: static void NewShipWndProc(Window *w, WindowEvent *e) truelight@0: { truelight@0: switch(e->event) { truelight@0: case WE_PAINT: truelight@0: if (w->window_number == 0) truelight@0: w->disabled_state = 1 << 5; truelight@0: truelight@0: // Setup scroll count truelight@0: { truelight@0: int count = 0; truelight@0: int num = NUM_SHIP_ENGINES; truelight@0: Engine *e = &_engines[SHIP_ENGINES_INDEX]; truelight@0: do { truelight@0: if (HASBIT(e->player_avail, _local_player)) truelight@0: count++; truelight@0: } while (++e,--num); truelight@0: SetVScrollCount(w, count); truelight@0: } truelight@0: truelight@0: DrawWindowWidgets(w); truelight@0: truelight@0: { truelight@0: int num = NUM_SHIP_ENGINES; truelight@0: Engine *e = &_engines[SHIP_ENGINES_INDEX]; truelight@0: int x = 2; truelight@0: int y = 15; truelight@0: int sel = WP(w,buildtrain_d).sel_index; truelight@0: int pos = w->vscroll.pos; truelight@0: int engine_id = SHIP_ENGINES_INDEX; truelight@0: int selected_id = -1; truelight@0: truelight@0: do { truelight@0: if (HASBIT(e->player_avail, _local_player)) { truelight@0: if (sel==0) selected_id = engine_id; truelight@867: if (IS_INT_INSIDE(--pos, -w->vscroll.cap, 0)) { truelight@0: DrawString(x+75, y+7, GetCustomEngineName(engine_id), sel==0 ? 0xC : 0x10); truelight@0: DrawShipEngine(x+35, y+10, engine_id, SPRITE_PALETTE(PLAYER_SPRITE_COLOR(_local_player))); truelight@0: y += 24; truelight@0: } truelight@193: sel--; truelight@0: } truelight@0: } while (++engine_id, ++e,--num); truelight@0: truelight@0: WP(w,buildtrain_d).sel_engine = selected_id; truelight@0: truelight@0: if (selected_id != -1) { bjarni@842: Set_DPARAM_Ship_Build_Window(selected_id); truelight@193: truelight@867: DrawString(2, w->widget[4].top + 1, STR_980A_COST_SPEED_CAPACITY_RUNNING, 0); truelight@0: } truelight@0: } truelight@0: break; truelight@0: truelight@0: case WE_CLICK: truelight@0: switch(e->click.widget) { truelight@0: case 2: { /* listbox */ truelight@0: uint i = (e-> - 14) / 24; truelight@867: if (i < w->vscroll.cap) { truelight@0: WP(w,buildtrain_d).sel_index = i + w->vscroll.pos; truelight@0: SetWindowDirty(w); truelight@0: } truelight@0: } break; truelight@0: case 5: { /* build */ truelight@0: int sel_eng = WP(w,buildtrain_d).sel_engine; truelight@0: if (sel_eng != -1) truelight@0: DoCommandP(w->window_number, sel_eng, 0, CcBuildShip, CMD_BUILD_SHIP | CMD_MSG(STR_980D_CAN_T_BUILD_SHIP)); truelight@0: } break; truelight@0: darkvater@968: case 6: { /* rename */ darkvater@968: int sel_eng = WP(w,buildtrain_d).sel_engine; darkvater@968: if (sel_eng != -1) { darkvater@968: WP(w,buildtrain_d).rename_engine = sel_eng; darkvater@968: ShowQueryString(GetCustomEngineName(sel_eng), darkvater@968: STR_9838_RENAME_SHIP_TYPE, 31, 160, w->window_class, w->window_number); darkvater@968: } darkvater@968: } break; truelight@0: } truelight@0: break; truelight@0: truelight@0: case WE_4: truelight@0: if (w->window_number != 0 && !FindWindowById(WC_VEHICLE_DEPOT, w->window_number)) { truelight@0: DeleteWindow(w); truelight@0: } truelight@0: break; truelight@0: truelight@0: case WE_ON_EDIT_TEXT: { truelight@0: byte *b = e->edittext.str; truelight@0: if (*b == 0) truelight@0: return; truelight@0: memcpy(_decode_parameters, b, 32); truelight@0: DoCommandP(0, WP(w,buildtrain_d).rename_engine, 0, NULL, CMD_RENAME_ENGINE | CMD_MSG(STR_9839_CAN_T_RENAME_SHIP_TYPE)); truelight@0: } break; truelight@0: truelight@867: case WE_RESIZE: truelight@867: w->vscroll.cap += e->sizing.diff.y / 24; truelight@867: w->widget[2].unkA = (w->vscroll.cap << 8) + 1; truelight@867: break; truelight@867: truelight@0: } truelight@0: } truelight@0: truelight@0: static const Widget _new_ship_widgets[] = { truelight@867: { WWT_TEXTBTN, RESIZE_NONE, 14, 0, 10, 0, 13, STR_00C5, STR_018B_CLOSE_WINDOW}, truelight@867: { WWT_CAPTION, RESIZE_NONE, 14, 11, 254, 0, 13, STR_9808_NEW_SHIPS, STR_018C_WINDOW_TITLE_DRAG_THIS}, darkvater@893: { WWT_MATRIX, RESIZE_BOTTOM, 14, 0, 242, 14, 109, 0x401, STR_9825_SHIP_SELECTION_LIST_CLICK}, darkvater@893: { WWT_SCROLLBAR, RESIZE_BOTTOM, 14, 243, 254, 14, 109, 0x0, STR_0190_SCROLL_BAR_SCROLLS_LIST}, truelight@867: { WWT_IMGBTN, RESIZE_TB, 14, 0, 254, 110, 161, 0x0, STR_NULL}, truelight@867: { WWT_PUSHTXTBTN, RESIZE_TB, 14, 0, 121, 162, 173, STR_9809_BUILD_SHIP, STR_9826_BUILD_THE_HIGHLIGHTED_SHIP}, darkvater@893: { WWT_PUSHTXTBTN, RESIZE_TB, 14, 122, 242, 162, 173, STR_9836_RENAME, STR_9837_RENAME_SHIP_TYPE}, darkvater@893: { WWT_RESIZEBOX, RESIZE_TB, 14, 243, 254, 162, 173, 0x0, STR_RESIZE_BUTTON}, darkvater@176: { WIDGETS_END}, truelight@0: }; truelight@0: truelight@0: static const WindowDesc _new_ship_desc = { truelight@0: -1, -1, 255, 174, truelight@0: WC_BUILD_VEHICLE,0, darkvater@893: WDF_STD_TOOLTIPS | WDF_STD_BTN | WDF_DEF_WIDGET | WDF_UNCLICK_BUTTONS | WDF_RESIZABLE, truelight@0: _new_ship_widgets, truelight@0: NewShipWndProc truelight@0: }; truelight@0: truelight@0: truelight@0: static void ShowBuildShipWindow(TileIndex tile) truelight@0: { truelight@0: Window *w; truelight@0: truelight@0: DeleteWindowById(WC_BUILD_VEHICLE, tile); truelight@0: truelight@0: w = AllocateWindowDesc(&_new_ship_desc); truelight@0: w->window_number = tile; truelight@0: w->vscroll.cap = 4; truelight@867: w->widget[2].unkA = (w->vscroll.cap << 8) + 1; truelight@867: truelight@867: w->resize.step_height = 24; truelight@193: truelight@0: if (tile != 0) { truelight@0: w->caption_color = _map_owner[tile]; truelight@0: } else { truelight@0: w->caption_color = _local_player; truelight@0: } truelight@193: truelight@0: } truelight@0: truelight@0: truelight@0: static void ShipViewWndProc(Window *w, WindowEvent *e) { truelight@0: switch(e->event) { truelight@0: case WE_PAINT: { truelight@919: Vehicle *v = GetVehicle(w->window_number); darkvater@755: uint32 disabled = 1<<8; truelight@0: StringID str; truelight@0: truelight@0: // Possible to refit? tron@538: if (ShipVehInfo(v->engine_type)->refittable && truelight@0: v->vehstatus&VS_STOPPED && truelight@0: v->u.ship.state == 0x80 && truelight@0: IsShipDepotTile(v->tile)) truelight@0: disabled = 0; truelight@193: truelight@0: if (v->owner != _local_player) darkvater@755: disabled |= 1<<8 | 1<<7; truelight@0: w->disabled_state = disabled; truelight@0: truelight@0: /* draw widgets & caption */ tron@534: SetDParam(0, v->string_id); tron@534: SetDParam(1, v->unitnumber); truelight@0: DrawWindowWidgets(w); truelight@0: truelight@0: /* draw the flag */ truelight@0: DrawSprite((v->vehstatus & VS_STOPPED) ? 0xC12 : 0xC13, 2, 105); truelight@0: truelight@0: if (v->breakdown_ctr == 1) { truelight@0: str = STR_885C_BROKEN_DOWN; truelight@0: } else if (v->vehstatus & VS_STOPPED) { truelight@0: str = STR_8861_STOPPED; truelight@0: } else { tron@555: switch (v->current_order.type) { truelight@0: case OT_GOTO_STATION: { tron@555: SetDParam(0, v->current_order.station); tron@534: SetDParam(1, v->cur_speed * 10 >> 5); truelight@0: str = STR_HEADING_FOR_STATION + _patches.vehicle_speed; truelight@0: } break; truelight@0: truelight@0: case OT_GOTO_DEPOT: { tron@555: Depot *dep = &_depots[v->current_order.station]; tron@534: SetDParam(0, dep->town_index); tron@534: SetDParam(1, v->cur_speed * 10 >> 5); truelight@0: str = STR_HEADING_FOR_SHIP_DEPOT + _patches.vehicle_speed; truelight@0: } break; truelight@0: truelight@0: case OT_LOADING: truelight@0: case OT_LEAVESTATION: truelight@0: str = STR_882F_LOADING_UNLOADING; truelight@0: break; truelight@0: truelight@0: default: truelight@0: if (v->num_orders == 0) { truelight@0: str = STR_NO_ORDERS + _patches.vehicle_speed; tron@534: SetDParam(0, v->cur_speed * 10 >> 5); truelight@0: } else truelight@0: str = STR_EMPTY; truelight@0: break; truelight@0: } truelight@0: } truelight@0: truelight@0: DrawStringCentered(125, 105, str, 0); truelight@0: DrawWindowViewport(w); truelight@0: } break; truelight@0: truelight@0: case WE_CLICK: { truelight@919: Vehicle *v = GetVehicle(w->window_number); truelight@0: truelight@0: switch(e->click.widget) { darkvater@755: case 5: /* start stop */ truelight@193: DoCommandP(v->tile, v->index, 0, NULL, CMD_START_STOP_SHIP | CMD_MSG(STR_9818_CAN_T_STOP_START_SHIP)); truelight@0: break; darkvater@755: case 6: /* center main view */ truelight@0: ScrollMainWindowTo(v->x_pos, v->y_pos); truelight@0: break; darkvater@755: case 7: /* goto hangar */ truelight@193: DoCommandP(v->tile, v->index, 0, NULL, CMD_SEND_SHIP_TO_DEPOT | CMD_MSG(STR_9819_CAN_T_SEND_SHIP_TO_DEPOT)); truelight@0: break; darkvater@755: case 8: /* refit */ truelight@0: ShowShipRefitWindow(v); truelight@0: break; darkvater@755: case 9: /* show orders */ truelight@0: ShowOrdersWindow(v); truelight@0: break; darkvater@755: case 10: /* show details */ truelight@0: ShowShipDetailsWindow(v); truelight@0: break; truelight@0: } truelight@0: } break; truelight@0: truelight@0: case WE_DESTROY: truelight@0: DeleteWindowById(WC_VEHICLE_ORDERS, w->window_number); truelight@193: DeleteWindowById(WC_VEHICLE_REFIT, w->window_number); truelight@0: DeleteWindowById(WC_VEHICLE_DETAILS, w->window_number); truelight@0: break; truelight@0: } truelight@0: } truelight@0: truelight@0: static const Widget _ship_view_widgets[] = { truelight@867: { WWT_TEXTBTN, RESIZE_NONE, 14, 0, 10, 0, 13, STR_00C5, STR_018B_CLOSE_WINDOW}, truelight@867: { WWT_CAPTION, RESIZE_NONE, 14, 11, 237, 0, 13, STR_980F, STR_018C_WINDOW_TITLE_DRAG_THIS}, truelight@867: { WWT_STICKYBOX, RESIZE_NONE, 14, 238, 249, 0, 13, 0x0, STR_STICKY_BUTTON}, truelight@867: { WWT_IMGBTN, RESIZE_NONE, 14, 0, 231, 14, 103, 0x0, STR_NULL}, truelight@867: { WWT_6, RESIZE_NONE, 14, 2, 229, 16, 101, 0x0, STR_NULL}, truelight@867: { WWT_PUSHIMGBTN, RESIZE_NONE, 14, 0, 249, 104, 115, 0x0, STR_9827_CURRENT_SHIP_ACTION_CLICK}, truelight@867: { WWT_PUSHIMGBTN, RESIZE_NONE, 14, 232, 249, 14, 31, 0x2AB, STR_9829_CENTER_MAIN_VIEW_ON_SHIP}, truelight@867: { WWT_PUSHIMGBTN, RESIZE_NONE, 14, 232, 249, 32, 49, 0x2B0, STR_982A_SEND_SHIP_TO_DEPOT}, truelight@867: { WWT_PUSHIMGBTN, RESIZE_NONE, 14, 232, 249, 50, 67, 0x2B4, STR_983A_REFIT_CARGO_SHIP_TO_CARRY}, truelight@867: { WWT_PUSHIMGBTN, RESIZE_NONE, 14, 232, 249, 68, 85, 0x2B2, STR_9828_SHOW_SHIP_S_ORDERS}, truelight@867: { WWT_PUSHIMGBTN, RESIZE_NONE, 14, 232, 249, 86, 103, 0x2B3, STR_982B_SHOW_SHIP_DETAILS}, darkvater@176: { WIDGETS_END}, truelight@0: }; truelight@0: truelight@0: static const WindowDesc _ship_view_desc = { truelight@0: -1,-1, 250, 116, truelight@0: WC_VEHICLE_VIEW,0, darkvater@755: WDF_STD_TOOLTIPS | WDF_STD_BTN | WDF_DEF_WIDGET | WDF_UNCLICK_BUTTONS | WDF_STICKY_BUTTON, truelight@0: _ship_view_widgets, truelight@0: ShipViewWndProc truelight@0: }; truelight@0: truelight@0: void ShowShipViewWindow(Vehicle *v) truelight@0: { truelight@0: Window *w; truelight@0: truelight@0: w = AllocateWindowDescFront(&_ship_view_desc, v->index); truelight@0: if (w) { truelight@0: w->caption_color = v->owner; truelight@0: AssignWindowViewport(w, 3, 17, 0xE2, 0x54, w->window_number | (1 << 31), 0); truelight@0: } truelight@0: } truelight@0: truelight@0: truelight@0: static void DrawShipImage(Vehicle *v, int x, int y, VehicleID selection) truelight@0: { truelight@0: int image = GetShipImage(v, 6); truelight@0: uint32 ormod = SPRITE_PALETTE(PLAYER_SPRITE_COLOR(v->owner)); truelight@0: DrawSprite(image | ormod, x+32, y+10); truelight@0: truelight@0: if (v->index == selection) { truelight@0: DrawFrameRect(x-5, y-1, x+67, y+21, 15, 0x10); truelight@0: } truelight@0: } truelight@0: truelight@0: static void DrawShipDepotWindow(Window *w) truelight@0: { truelight@0: uint tile; truelight@0: Vehicle *v; truelight@0: int num,x,y; truelight@0: Depot *d; truelight@0: truelight@0: tile = w->window_number; truelight@0: truelight@0: /* setup disabled buttons */ truelight@867: w->disabled_state = (_map_owner[tile]==_local_player) ? 0 : ((1<<4)|(1<<7)); truelight@0: truelight@0: /* determine amount of items for scroller */ truelight@0: num = 0; truelight@0: FOR_ALL_VEHICLES(v) { truelight@0: if (v->type == VEH_Ship && v->u.ship.state == 0x80 && truelight@0: v->tile == (TileIndex)tile) truelight@0: num++; truelight@0: } truelight@867: SetVScrollCount(w, (num + w->hscroll.cap - 1) / w->hscroll.cap); truelight@0: truelight@0: /* locate the depot struct */ tron@877: for (d = _depots; d->xy != (TileIndex)tile; d++) { tron@878: assert(d < endof(_depots)); tron@877: } truelight@0: tron@534: SetDParam(0, d->town_index); truelight@0: DrawWindowWidgets(w); truelight@0: truelight@0: x = 2; truelight@0: y = 15; truelight@867: num = w->vscroll.pos * w->hscroll.cap; truelight@0: truelight@0: FOR_ALL_VEHICLES(v) { truelight@0: if (v->type == VEH_Ship && truelight@193: v->u.ship.state == 0x80 && truelight@0: v->tile == (TileIndex)tile && truelight@867: --num < 0 && num >= -w->vscroll.cap * w->hscroll.cap) { truelight@0: truelight@0: DrawShipImage(v, x+19, y, WP(w,traindepot_d).sel); truelight@193: tron@534: SetDParam(0, v->unitnumber); truelight@867: DrawString(x, y+2, (uint16)(v->max_age-366) >= v->age ? STR_00E2 : STR_00E3, 0); truelight@0: truelight@0: DrawSprite( (v->vehstatus & VS_STOPPED) ? 0xC12 : 0xC13, x, y + 9); truelight@193: truelight@867: if ((x+=90) == 2 + 90 * w->hscroll.cap) { truelight@0: x = 2; truelight@0: y += 24; truelight@0: } truelight@0: } truelight@0: } truelight@0: } truelight@0: truelight@0: static int GetVehicleFromShipDepotWndPt(Window *w, int x, int y, Vehicle **veh) truelight@0: { darkvater@969: uint xt,row,xm,ym; truelight@0: TileIndex tile; truelight@0: Vehicle *v; truelight@0: int pos; truelight@193: truelight@0: xt = x / 90; truelight@0: xm = x % 90; darkvater@971: if (xt >= w->hscroll.cap) truelight@0: return 1; truelight@0: darkvater@969: row = (y - 14) / 24; truelight@0: ym = (y - 14) % 24; darkvater@969: if (row >= w->vscroll.cap) truelight@0: return 1; truelight@0: darkvater@971: pos = (row + w->vscroll.pos) * w->hscroll.cap + xt; truelight@0: truelight@0: tile = w->window_number; truelight@0: FOR_ALL_VEHICLES(v) { truelight@0: if (v->type == VEH_Ship && truelight@193: v->vehstatus&VS_HIDDEN && truelight@0: v->tile == (TileIndex)tile && truelight@0: --pos < 0) { truelight@0: *veh = v; truelight@0: if (xm >= 19) truelight@0: return 0; truelight@0: if (ym <= 10) truelight@0: return -1; /* show window */ truelight@0: return -2; /* start stop */ truelight@0: } truelight@0: } truelight@0: truelight@0: return 1; /* outside */ truelight@193: truelight@0: } truelight@0: truelight@0: static void ShipDepotClick(Window *w, int x, int y) truelight@0: { truelight@0: Vehicle *v; dominik@10: int mode = GetVehicleFromShipDepotWndPt(w, x, y, &v); truelight@0: dominik@10: // share / copy orders dominik@10: if (_thd.place_mode && mode <= 0) { _place_clicked_vehicle = v; return; } dominik@10: dominik@10: switch (mode) { dominik@10: case 1: // invalid truelight@0: return; truelight@0: dominik@10: case 0: // start dragging of vehicle truelight@0: if (v != NULL) { truelight@0: WP(w,traindepot_d).sel = v->index; truelight@0: SetWindowDirty(w); truelight@193: SetObjectToPlaceWnd( SPRITE_PALETTE(PLAYER_SPRITE_COLOR(v->owner)) + truelight@0: GetShipImage(v, 6), 4, w); truelight@0: } truelight@0: break; truelight@0: dominik@10: case -1: // show info window truelight@0: ShowShipViewWindow(v); truelight@0: break; truelight@0: dominik@10: case -2: // click start/stop flag truelight@0: DoCommandP(v->tile, v->index, 0, NULL, CMD_START_STOP_SHIP | CMD_MSG(STR_9818_CAN_T_STOP_START_SHIP)); truelight@0: break; truelight@0: truelight@0: default: truelight@0: NOT_REACHED(); truelight@0: } truelight@0: } truelight@0: truelight@0: static void ShipDepotWndProc(Window *w, WindowEvent *e) { truelight@0: switch(e->event) { truelight@0: case WE_PAINT: truelight@0: DrawShipDepotWindow(w); truelight@0: break; truelight@0: truelight@0: case WE_CLICK: truelight@0: switch(e->click.widget) { darkvater@982: case 5: truelight@0: ShipDepotClick(w, e->, e->; truelight@0: break; truelight@193: truelight@867: case 7: truelight@0: ShowBuildShipWindow(w->window_number); truelight@0: break; truelight@0: truelight@867: case 8: /* scroll to tile */ truelight@0: ScrollMainWindowToTile(w->window_number); truelight@0: break; truelight@0: } truelight@0: break; truelight@0: truelight@0: case WE_DESTROY: truelight@0: DeleteWindowById(WC_BUILD_VEHICLE, w->window_number); truelight@0: break; truelight@0: truelight@0: case WE_DRAGDROP: { truelight@0: switch(e->click.widget) { darkvater@982: case 5: { truelight@0: Vehicle *v; truelight@0: VehicleID sel = WP(w,traindepot_d).sel; truelight@0: truelight@0: WP(w,traindepot_d).sel = INVALID_VEHICLE; truelight@0: SetWindowDirty(w); truelight@0: truelight@0: if (GetVehicleFromShipDepotWndPt(w, e->, e->, &v) == 0 && truelight@0: v != NULL && truelight@0: sel == v->index) { truelight@0: ShowShipViewWindow(v); truelight@0: } truelight@0: } break; truelight@193: darkvater@982: case 4: darkvater@982: if (!HASBIT(w->disabled_state, 4) && truelight@0: WP(w,traindepot_d).sel != INVALID_VEHICLE) { truelight@0: Vehicle *v; truelight@193: darkvater@982: HandleButtonClick(w, 4); truelight@0: truelight@919: v = GetVehicle(WP(w,traindepot_d).sel); truelight@0: WP(w,traindepot_d).sel = INVALID_VEHICLE; truelight@0: truelight@0: _backup_orders_tile = v->tile; truelight@0: BackupVehicleOrders(v, _backup_orders_data); truelight@193: truelight@0: if (!DoCommandP(v->tile, v->index, 0, NULL, CMD_SELL_SHIP | CMD_MSG(STR_980C_CAN_T_SELL_SHIP))) truelight@0: _backup_orders_tile = 0; truelight@0: } truelight@0: break; truelight@0: default: truelight@0: WP(w,traindepot_d).sel = INVALID_VEHICLE; truelight@0: SetWindowDirty(w); truelight@0: } truelight@0: break; truelight@0: } truelight@0: break; truelight@867: truelight@867: case WE_RESIZE: truelight@867: w->vscroll.cap += e->sizing.diff.y / 24; truelight@867: w->hscroll.cap += e->sizing.diff.x / 90; darkvater@982: w->widget[5].unkA = (w->vscroll.cap << 8) + w->hscroll.cap; truelight@867: break; truelight@0: } truelight@0: } truelight@0: truelight@0: static const Widget _ship_depot_widgets[] = { truelight@867: { WWT_TEXTBTN, RESIZE_NONE, 14, 0, 10, 0, 13, STR_00C5, STR_018B_CLOSE_WINDOW}, truelight@867: { WWT_CAPTION, RESIZE_RIGHT, 14, 11, 292, 0, 13, STR_9803_SHIP_DEPOT, STR_018C_WINDOW_TITLE_DRAG_THIS}, truelight@867: { WWT_STICKYBOX, RESIZE_LR, 14, 293, 304, 0, 13, 0x0, STR_STICKY_BUTTON}, darkvater@982: { WWT_PANEL, RESIZE_LRB, 14, 270, 292, 14, 13, 0x0, STR_NULL}, darkvater@982: { WWT_IMGBTN, RESIZE_LRTB, 14, 270, 292, 14, 61, 0x2A9, STR_9821_DRAG_SHIP_TO_HERE_TO_SELL}, darkvater@982: truelight@867: { WWT_MATRIX, RESIZE_RB, 14, 0, 269, 14, 61, 0x203, STR_981F_SHIPS_CLICK_ON_SHIP_FOR}, darkvater@893: { WWT_SCROLLBAR, RESIZE_LRB, 14, 293, 304, 14, 61, 0x0, STR_0190_SCROLL_BAR_SCROLLS_LIST}, truelight@867: { WWT_PUSHTXTBTN, RESIZE_TB, 14, 0, 146, 62, 73, STR_9804_NEW_SHIPS, STR_9820_BUILD_NEW_SHIP}, darkvater@893: { WWT_PUSHTXTBTN, RESIZE_TB, 14, 147, 292, 62, 73, STR_00E4_LOCATION, STR_9822_CENTER_MAIN_VIEW_ON_SHIP}, darkvater@893: { WWT_PANEL, RESIZE_RTB, 14, 293, 292, 62, 73, 0x0, STR_NULL}, darkvater@893: { WWT_RESIZEBOX, RESIZE_LRTB, 14, 293, 304, 62, 73, 0x0, STR_RESIZE_BUTTON}, darkvater@176: { WIDGETS_END}, truelight@0: }; truelight@0: truelight@0: static const WindowDesc _ship_depot_desc = { truelight@0: -1, -1, 305, 74, truelight@0: WC_VEHICLE_DEPOT,0, truelight@867: WDF_STD_TOOLTIPS | WDF_STD_BTN | WDF_DEF_WIDGET | WDF_UNCLICK_BUTTONS | WDF_STICKY_BUTTON | WDF_RESIZABLE, truelight@0: _ship_depot_widgets, truelight@0: ShipDepotWndProc truelight@0: }; truelight@0: truelight@0: void ShowShipDepotWindow(uint tile) truelight@0: { truelight@0: Window *w; truelight@0: truelight@0: w = AllocateWindowDescFront(&_ship_depot_desc,tile); truelight@0: if (w) { truelight@0: w->caption_color = _map_owner[w->window_number]; truelight@0: w->vscroll.cap = 2; truelight@867: w->hscroll.cap = 3; truelight@867: w->resize.step_width = 90; truelight@867: w->resize.step_height = 24; truelight@0: WP(w,traindepot_d).sel = INVALID_VEHICLE; truelight@0: _backup_orders_tile = 0; truelight@0: } truelight@0: } truelight@0: truelight@0: truelight@1024: static void DrawSmallOrderList(Vehicle *v, int x, int y) { truelight@1024: const Order *order; truelight@1024: int sel, i = 0; truelight@0: truelight@0: sel = v->cur_order_index; truelight@0: truelight@1108: FOR_VEHICLE_ORDERS(v, order) { truelight@0: if (sel == 0) { truelight@0: _stringwidth_base = 0xE0; truelight@0: DoDrawString( "\xAF", x-6, y, 16); truelight@0: _stringwidth_base = 0; truelight@0: } truelight@0: sel--; truelight@0: truelight@1024: if (order->type == OT_GOTO_STATION) { truelight@1024: if (!(GetStation(order->station)->had_vehicle_of_type & HVOT_BUOY)) { truelight@1024: SetDParam(0, order->station); truelight@0: DrawString(x, y, STR_A036, 0); truelight@0: truelight@0: y += 6; truelight@0: if (++i == 4) truelight@0: break; truelight@0: } truelight@0: } truelight@0: } truelight@0: } truelight@0: darkvater@243: truelight@867: static const Widget _player_ships_widgets[] = { truelight@867: { WWT_CLOSEBOX, RESIZE_NONE, 14, 0, 10, 0, 13, STR_00C5, STR_018B_CLOSE_WINDOW}, truelight@867: { WWT_CAPTION, RESIZE_RIGHT, 14, 11, 247, 0, 13, STR_9805_SHIPS, STR_018C_WINDOW_TITLE_DRAG_THIS}, truelight@867: { WWT_STICKYBOX, RESIZE_LR, 14, 248, 259, 0, 13, 0x0, STR_STICKY_BUTTON}, truelight@867: { WWT_PUSHTXTBTN, RESIZE_NONE, 14, 0, 80, 14, 25, SRT_SORT_BY, STR_SORT_ORDER_TIP}, darkvater@893: { WWT_PANEL, RESIZE_NONE, 14, 81, 235, 14, 25, 0x0, STR_SORT_CRITERIA_TIP}, darkvater@893: { WWT_CLOSEBOX, RESIZE_NONE, 14, 236, 247, 14, 25, STR_0225, STR_SORT_CRITERIA_TIP}, darkvater@893: { WWT_PANEL, RESIZE_RIGHT, 14, 248, 259, 14, 25, 0x0, STR_NULL}, truelight@867: { WWT_MATRIX, RESIZE_RB, 14, 0, 248, 26, 169, 0x401, STR_9823_SHIPS_CLICK_ON_SHIP_FOR}, darkvater@893: { WWT_SCROLLBAR, RESIZE_LRB, 14, 248, 259, 26, 169, 0x0, STR_0190_SCROLL_BAR_SCROLLS_LIST}, truelight@867: { WWT_PUSHTXTBTN, RESIZE_TB, 14, 0, 124, 170, 181, STR_9804_NEW_SHIPS, STR_9824_BUILD_NEW_SHIPS_REQUIRES}, darkvater@893: { WWT_PUSHTXTBTN, RESIZE_TB, 14, 125, 247, 170, 181, STR_REPLACE_VEHICLES, STR_REPLACE_HELP}, darkvater@893: { WWT_PANEL, RESIZE_RTB, 14, 248, 247, 170, 181, 0x0, STR_NULL}, darkvater@893: { WWT_RESIZEBOX, RESIZE_LRTB, 14, 248, 259, 170, 181, 0x0, STR_RESIZE_BUTTON}, tron@588: { WIDGETS_END}, tron@588: }; darkvater@164: truelight@867: static const Widget _other_player_ships_widgets[] = { truelight@867: { WWT_CLOSEBOX, RESIZE_NONE, 14, 0, 10, 0, 13, STR_00C5, STR_018B_CLOSE_WINDOW}, truelight@867: { WWT_CAPTION, RESIZE_RIGHT, 14, 11, 247, 0, 13, STR_9805_SHIPS, STR_018C_WINDOW_TITLE_DRAG_THIS}, truelight@867: { WWT_STICKYBOX, RESIZE_LR, 14, 248, 259, 0, 13, 0x0, STR_STICKY_BUTTON}, truelight@867: { WWT_PUSHTXTBTN, RESIZE_NONE, 14, 0, 80, 14, 25, SRT_SORT_BY, STR_SORT_ORDER_TIP}, darkvater@893: { WWT_PANEL, RESIZE_NONE, 14, 81, 235, 14, 25, 0x0, STR_SORT_CRITERIA_TIP}, darkvater@893: { WWT_CLOSEBOX, RESIZE_NONE, 14, 236, 247, 14, 25, STR_0225, STR_SORT_CRITERIA_TIP}, darkvater@893: { WWT_PANEL, RESIZE_RIGHT, 14, 248, 259, 14, 25, 0x0, STR_NULL}, darkvater@893: { WWT_MATRIX, RESIZE_RB, 14, 0, 247, 26, 169, 0x401, STR_9823_SHIPS_CLICK_ON_SHIP_FOR}, darkvater@893: { WWT_SCROLLBAR, RESIZE_LRB, 14, 248, 259, 26, 169, 0x0, STR_0190_SCROLL_BAR_SCROLLS_LIST}, darkvater@893: { WWT_PANEL, RESIZE_RTB, 14, 0, 247, 170, 181, 0x0, STR_NULL}, darkvater@893: { WWT_RESIZEBOX, RESIZE_LRTB, 14, 248, 259, 170, 181, 0x0, STR_RESIZE_BUTTON}, tron@588: { WIDGETS_END}, tron@588: }; darkvater@164: truelight@0: static void PlayerShipsWndProc(Window *w, WindowEvent *e) truelight@0: { tron@588: int station = (int)w->window_number >> 16; tron@588: int owner = w->window_number & 0xff; tron@588: vehiclelist_d *vl = &WP(w, vehiclelist_d); tron@588: truelight@0: switch(e->event) { darkvater@164: case WE_PAINT: { tron@588: int x = 2; tron@588: int y = PLY_WND_PRC__OFFSET_TOP_WIDGET; tron@588: int max; tron@588: int i; darkvater@243: tron@588: BuildVehicleList(vl, VEH_Ship, owner, station); tron@588: SortVehicleList(vl); truelight@0: tron@588: SetVScrollCount(w, vl->list_length); tron@588: tron@588: // disable 'Sort By' tooltip on Unsorted sorting criteria tron@588: if (vl->sort_type == SORT_BY_UNSORTED) darkvater@757: w->disabled_state |= (1 << 3); truelight@193: truelight@0: /* draw the widgets */ truelight@0: { tron@588: const Player *p = DEREF_PLAYER(owner); tron@588: if (station == -1) { tron@588: /* Company Name -- (###) Trains */ tron@588: SetDParam(0, p->name_1); tron@588: SetDParam(1, p->name_2); tron@588: SetDParam(2, w->vscroll.count); truelight@867: w->widget[1].unkA = STR_9805_SHIPS; tron@588: } else { tron@588: /* Station Name -- (###) Trains */ truelight@919: SetDParam(0, GetStation(station)->index); tron@588: SetDParam(1, w->vscroll.count); truelight@867: w->widget[1].unkA = STR_SCHEDULED_SHIPS; tron@588: } truelight@0: DrawWindowWidgets(w); truelight@0: } darkvater@168: /* draw sorting criteria string */ tron@588: DrawString(85, 15, _vehicle_sort_listing[vl->sort_type], 0x10); tron@588: /* draw arrow pointing up/down for ascending/descending sorting */ tron@588: DoDrawString( tron@588: vl->flags & VL_DESC ? "\xAA" : "\xA0", 69, 15, 0x10); truelight@0: tron@588: max = min(w->vscroll.pos + w->vscroll.cap, vl->list_length); tron@588: for (i = w->vscroll.pos; i < max; ++i) { truelight@919: Vehicle *v = GetVehicle(vl->sort_list[i].index); tron@588: StringID str; truelight@193: tron@588: assert(v->type == VEH_Ship); darkvater@164: tron@588: DrawShipImage(v, x + 19, y + 6, INVALID_VEHICLE); tron@588: DrawVehicleProfitButton(v, x, y + 13); darkvater@164: tron@588: SetDParam(0, v->unitnumber); Celestar@1055: if (IsShipDepotTile(v->tile) && (v->vehstatus & VS_HIDDEN)) tron@588: str = STR_021F; tron@588: else tron@588: str = v->age > v->max_age - 366 ? STR_00E3 : STR_00E2; tron@588: DrawString(x, y + 2, str, 0); tron@588: tron@588: SetDParam(0, v->profit_this_year); tron@588: SetDParam(1, v->profit_last_year); tron@588: DrawString(x + 12, y + 28, STR_0198_PROFIT_THIS_YEAR_LAST_YEAR, 0); tron@588: tron@588: if (v->string_id != STR_SV_SHIP_NAME) { tron@588: SetDParam(0, v->string_id); tron@588: DrawString(x + 12, y, STR_01AB, 0); truelight@0: } tron@588: truelight@1024: DrawSmallOrderList(v, x + 138, y); tron@588: tron@588: y += PLY_WND_PRC__SIZE_OF_ROW_BIG; truelight@0: } darkvater@164: } break; truelight@0: darkvater@164: case WE_CLICK: { darkvater@164: switch(e->click.widget) { darkvater@757: case 3: /* Flip sorting method ascending/descending */ tron@588: vl->flags ^= VL_DESC; tron@588: vl->flags |= VL_RESORT; darkvater@164: SetWindowDirty(w); darkvater@164: break; darkvater@757: case 4: case 5:/* Select sorting criteria dropdown menu */ bjarni@842: ShowDropDownMenu(w, _vehicle_sort_listing, vl->sort_type, 5, 0, 0); darkvater@164: return; darkvater@757: case 7: { /* Matrix to show vehicles */ darkvater@174: uint32 id_v = (e-> - PLY_WND_PRC__OFFSET_TOP_WIDGET) / PLY_WND_PRC__SIZE_OF_ROW_BIG; truelight@193: darkvater@174: if (id_v >= w->vscroll.cap) { return;} // click out of bounds darkvater@164: darkvater@164: id_v += w->vscroll.pos; darkvater@164: darkvater@164: { darkvater@164: Vehicle *v; darkvater@164: tron@588: if (id_v >= vl->list_length) return; // click out of list bound darkvater@164: truelight@919: v = GetVehicle(vl->sort_list[id_v].index); darkvater@164: tron@588: assert(v->type == VEH_Ship); darkvater@164: darkvater@164: ShowShipViewWindow(v); truelight@0: } darkvater@164: } break; darkvater@164: darkvater@757: case 9: { /* Build new Vehicle */ truelight@0: uint tile; truelight@0: truelight@867: if (!IsWindowOfPrototype(w, _player_ships_widgets)) truelight@867: break; truelight@867: truelight@867: truelight@0: tile = _last_built_ship_depot_tile; truelight@0: do { truelight@193: if (_map_owner[tile] == _local_player && IsShipDepotTile(tile)) { truelight@0: ShowShipDepotWindow(tile); truelight@0: ShowBuildShipWindow(tile); truelight@0: return; truelight@0: } truelight@193: truelight@0: tile = TILE_MASK(tile + 1); truelight@0: } while(tile != _last_built_ship_depot_tile); truelight@193: truelight@0: ShowBuildShipWindow(0); truelight@0: } break; truelight@867: bjarni@842: case 10: { truelight@886: if (!IsWindowOfPrototype(w, _player_ships_widgets)) truelight@886: break; truelight@886: bjarni@842: ShowReplaceVehicleWindow(VEH_Ship); bjarni@842: break; truelight@0: } bjarni@842: } darkvater@164: } break; darkvater@164: darkvater@164: case WE_DROPDOWN_SELECT: /* we have selected a dropdown item in the list */ tron@588: if (vl->sort_type != e->dropdown.index) { tron@588: // value has changed -> resort tron@588: vl->flags |= VL_RESORT; tron@588: vl->sort_type = e->dropdown.index; darkvater@164: tron@588: // enable 'Sort By' if a sorter criteria is chosen tron@588: if (vl->sort_type != SORT_BY_UNSORTED) darkvater@757: w->disabled_state &= ~(1 << 3); tron@588: } darkvater@164: SetWindowDirty(w); darkvater@164: break; tron@588: darkvater@164: case WE_CREATE: /* set up resort timer */ tron@588: vl->sort_list = NULL; tron@588: vl->flags = VL_REBUILD; tron@588: vl->sort_type = SORT_BY_UNSORTED; tron@588: vl->resort_timer = DAY_TICKS * PERIODIC_RESORT_DAYS; darkvater@164: break; tron@588: tron@767: case WE_DESTROY: tron@767: free(vl->sort_list); tron@767: break; tron@767: darkvater@164: case WE_TICK: /* resort the list every 20 seconds orso (10 days) */ tron@588: if (--vl->resort_timer == 0) { tron@588: DEBUG(misc, 1) ("Periodic resort ships list player %d station %d", tron@588: owner, station); tron@588: vl->resort_timer = DAY_TICKS * PERIODIC_RESORT_DAYS; tron@588: vl->flags |= VL_RESORT; tron@588: SetWindowDirty(w); darkvater@164: } truelight@0: break; truelight@867: truelight@867: case WE_RESIZE: truelight@867: /* Update the scroll + matrix */ truelight@867: w->vscroll.cap += e->sizing.diff.y / PLY_WND_PRC__SIZE_OF_ROW_BIG; truelight@867: w->widget[7].unkA = (w->vscroll.cap << 8) + 1; truelight@867: break; truelight@0: } truelight@0: } darkvater@168: truelight@0: static const WindowDesc _player_ships_desc = { darkvater@164: -1, -1, 260, 182, truelight@0: WC_SHIPS_LIST,0, truelight@867: WDF_STD_TOOLTIPS | WDF_STD_BTN | WDF_DEF_WIDGET | WDF_UNCLICK_BUTTONS | WDF_STICKY_BUTTON | WDF_RESIZABLE, truelight@0: _player_ships_widgets, truelight@0: PlayerShipsWndProc truelight@0: }; truelight@0: truelight@0: static const WindowDesc _other_player_ships_desc = { truelight@867: -1, -1, 260, 182, truelight@0: WC_SHIPS_LIST,0, truelight@867: WDF_STD_TOOLTIPS | WDF_STD_BTN | WDF_DEF_WIDGET | WDF_UNCLICK_BUTTONS | WDF_STICKY_BUTTON | WDF_RESIZABLE, truelight@0: _other_player_ships_widgets, truelight@0: PlayerShipsWndProc truelight@0: }; truelight@0: truelight@0: tron@588: void ShowPlayerShips(int player, int station) truelight@0: { truelight@0: Window *w; truelight@0: truelight@0: if ( player == _local_player) { tron@588: w = AllocateWindowDescFront(&_player_ships_desc, (station << 16) | player); truelight@0: } else { tron@588: w = AllocateWindowDescFront(&_other_player_ships_desc, (station << 16) | player); truelight@0: } truelight@0: if (w) { truelight@0: w->caption_color = w->window_number; truelight@0: w->vscroll.cap = 4; truelight@867: w->widget[7].unkA = (w->vscroll.cap << 8) + 1; truelight@867: w->resize.step_height = PLY_WND_PRC__SIZE_OF_ROW_BIG; truelight@0: } truelight@0: }