truelight@0: Since you are reading this, OpenTTD have crashed. This file tells you how truelight@0: to fix the most common problems or make to make a bug report, that the truelight@0: developers can use to track down the problem truelight@0: bjarni@562: If it is an assert, OpenTTD will open the console for you, if it is truly a crash, you have to do it yourself. The Console is located at /Applications/Utilities/Console. bjarni@562: The problem is near the button of the page truelight@0: truelight@0: The problems are as follows: truelight@0: NOTE: build from source means to download the source and compile truelight@0: yourself. If you get one of the build from source error with the version truelight@0: that is downloaded on a dmg file, you should make a bug report truelight@0: truelight@0: --Didn't find a needed file: truelight@0: you just give it the file it asks for. It even tells you what truelight@0: folder it wants it in truelight@0: most common version of this problem is "Error: Cannot open file truelight@0: 'data/'" truelight@0: if you get that one, that means that you haven't got all the truelight@0: needed files from the WINDOWS version of TTD truelight@0: or if you build from source, truelight@0: truelight@0: --Error: No available language packs truelight@0: you need at least one .lng file in your lang folder. This applies truelight@0: only to people who build from source truelight@0: truelight@0: --spritecache.c:237: failed assertion `b' truelight@0: you got an outdated grf file. Update from the data folder in the truelight@0: source. This applies only to people, who build from source truelight@0: truelight@0: --assertion error that are not triggered by one of the errors listed in truelight@0: this file: truelight@0: you most likely found a bug. Write down the assertion and try to truelight@0: see if you can reproduce it. If you can, make a truelight@0: savegame from just before it happens (autosaves are useful here) truelight@0: and post a bugreport with it on sourceforge truelight@0: Write what you did to trigger the bug and what assertion it made