changeset 0 29654efe3188
child 2 104b2984cd3e
equal deleted inserted replaced
-1:000000000000 0:29654efe3188
     1 ##name English
     2 ##ownname English
     4 ##id 0x0000
     5 STR_NULL								:
     6 STR_0001_OFF_EDGE_OF_MAP				:{WHITE}Off edge of map
     7 STR_0002_TOO_CLOSE_TO_EDGE_OF_MAP		:{WHITE}Too close to edge of map
     8 STR_0003_NOT_ENOUGH_CASH_REQUIRES		:{WHITE}Not enough cash - requires {CURRENCY}
     9 STR_0004								:{WHITE}{CURRENCY64}
    10 STR_0005								:{RED}{CURRENCY64}
    11 STR_EMPTY								:
    12 STR_0007_FLAT_LAND_REQUIRED				:{WHITE}Flat land required
    13 STR_0008_WAITING						:{BLACK}Waiting: {WHITE}{STRING}
    14 STR_0009								:{WHITE}{STRING}
    15 STR_000A_EN_ROUTE_FROM					:{WHITE}{STRING}{YELLOW}  (en-route from
    16 STR_000B								:{YELLOW}{STATION})
    17 STR_000C_ACCEPTS						:{BLACK}Accepts: {WHITE}
    18 STR_000D_ACCEPTS						:{BLACK}Accepts: {GOLD}
    19 STR_000E								:
    20 STR_000F_PASSENGERS						:Passengers
    21 STR_0010_COAL							:Coal
    22 STR_0011_MAIL							:Mail
    23 STR_0012_OIL							:Oil
    24 STR_0013_LIVESTOCK						:Livestock
    25 STR_0014_GOODS							:Goods
    26 STR_0015_GRAIN							:Grain
    27 STR_0016_WOOD							:Wood
    28 STR_0017_IRON_ORE						:Iron Ore
    29 STR_0018_STEEL							:Steel
    30 STR_0019_VALUABLES						:Valuables
    31 STR_001A_COPPER_ORE						:Copper Ore
    32 STR_001B_MAIZE							:Maize
    33 STR_001C_FRUIT							:Fruit
    34 STR_001D_DIAMONDS						:Diamonds
    35 STR_001E_FOOD							:Food
    36 STR_001F_PAPER							:Paper
    37 STR_0020_GOLD							:Gold
    38 STR_0021_WATER							:Water
    39 STR_0022_WHEAT							:Wheat
    40 STR_0023_RUBBER							:Rubber
    41 STR_0024_SUGAR							:Sugar
    42 STR_0025_TOYS							:Toys
    43 STR_0026_CANDY							:Candy
    44 STR_0027_COLA							:Cola
    45 STR_0028_COTTON_CANDY					:Cotton Candy
    46 STR_0029_BUBBLES						:Bubbles
    47 STR_002A_TOFFEE							:Toffee
    48 STR_002B_BATTERIES						:Batteries
    49 STR_002C_PLASTIC						:Plastic
    50 STR_002D_FIZZY_DRINKS					:Fizzy Drinks
    51 STR_002E								:
    52 STR_002F_PASSENGER						:Passenger
    53 STR_0030_COAL							:Coal
    54 STR_0031_MAIL							:Mail
    55 STR_0032_OIL							:Oil
    56 STR_0033_LIVESTOCK						:Livestock
    57 STR_0034_GOODS							:Goods
    58 STR_0035_GRAIN							:Grain
    59 STR_0036_WOOD							:Wood
    60 STR_0037_IRON_ORE						:Iron Ore
    61 STR_0038_STEEL							:Steel
    62 STR_0039_VALUABLES						:Valuables
    63 STR_003A_COPPER_ORE						:Copper Ore
    64 STR_003B_MAIZE							:Maize
    65 STR_003C_FRUIT							:Fruit
    66 STR_003D_DIAMOND						:Diamond
    67 STR_003E_FOOD							:Food
    68 STR_003F_PAPER							:Paper
    69 STR_0040_GOLD							:Gold
    70 STR_0041_WATER							:Water
    71 STR_0042_WHEAT							:Wheat
    72 STR_0043_RUBBER							:Rubber
    73 STR_0044_SUGAR							:Sugar
    74 STR_0045_TOY							:Toy 
    75 STR_0046_CANDY							:Candy
    76 STR_0047_COLA							:Cola
    77 STR_0048_COTTON_CANDY					:Cotton Candy
    78 STR_0049_BUBBLE							:Bubble
    79 STR_004A_TOFFEE							:Toffee
    80 STR_004B_BATTERY						:Battery
    81 STR_004C_PLASTIC						:Plastic
    82 STR_004D_FIZZY_DRINK					:Fizzy Drink
    83 STR_004E								:
    84 STR_004F_PASSENGER						:{COMMA16} passenger
    85 STR_0050_TON_OF_COAL					:{COMMA16} ton of coal
    86 STR_0051_BAG_OF_MAIL					:{COMMA16} bag of mail
    87 STR_0052_OF_OIL							:{VOLUME} of oil
    88 STR_0053_ITEM_OF_LIVESTOCK				:{COMMA16} item of livestock
    89 STR_0054_CRATE_OF_GOODS					:{COMMA16} crate of goods
    90 STR_0055_TON_OF_GRAIN					:{COMMA16} ton of grain
    91 STR_0056_TON_OF_WOOD					:{COMMA16} ton of wood
    92 STR_0057_TON_OF_IRON_ORE				:{COMMA16} ton of iron ore
    93 STR_0058_TON_OF_STEEL					:{COMMA16} ton of steel
    94 STR_0059_BAG_OF_VALUABLES				:{COMMA16} bag of valuables
    95 STR_005A_TON_OF_COPPER_ORE				:{COMMA16} ton of copper ore
    96 STR_005B_TON_OF_MAIZE					:{COMMA16} ton of maize
    97 STR_005C_TON_OF_FRUIT					:{COMMA16} ton of fruit
    98 STR_005D_BAG_OF_DIAMONDS				:{COMMA16} bag of diamonds
    99 STR_005E_TON_OF_FOOD					:{COMMA16} ton of food
   100 STR_005F_TON_OF_PAPER					:{COMMA16} ton of paper
   101 STR_0060_BAG_OF_GOLD					:{COMMA16} bag of gold
   102 STR_0061_OF_WATER						:{VOLUME} of water
   103 STR_0062_TON_OF_WHEAT					:{COMMA16} ton of wheat
   104 STR_0063_OF_RUBBER						:{VOLUME} of rubber
   105 STR_0064_TON_OF_SUGAR					:{COMMA16} ton of sugar
   106 STR_0065_TOY							:{COMMA16} toy
   107 STR_0066_BAG_OF_CANDY					:{COMMA16} bag of candy
   108 STR_0067_OF_COLA						:{VOLUME} of cola
   109 STR_0068_TON_OF_COTTON_CANDY			:{COMMA16} ton of cotton candy
   110 STR_0069_BUBBLE							:{COMMA16} bubble
   111 STR_006A_TON_OF_TOFFEE					:{COMMA16} ton of toffee
   112 STR_006B_BATTERY						:{COMMA16} battery
   113 STR_006C_OF_PLASTIC						:{VOLUME} of plastic
   114 STR_006D_FIZZY_DRINK					:{COMMA16} fizzy drink
   115 STR_006E								:
   116 STR_006F_PASSENGERS						:{COMMA16} passengers
   117 STR_0070_TONS_OF_COAL					:{COMMA16} tons of coal
   118 STR_0071_BAGS_OF_MAIL					:{COMMA16} bags of mail
   119 STR_0072_OF_OIL							:{VOLUME} of oil
   120 STR_0073_ITEMS_OF_LIVESTOCK				:{COMMA16} items of livestock
   121 STR_0074_CRATES_OF_GOODS				:{COMMA16} crates of goods
   122 STR_0075_TONS_OF_GRAIN					:{COMMA16} tons of grain
   123 STR_0076_TONS_OF_WOOD					:{COMMA16} tons of wood
   124 STR_0077_TONS_OF_IRON_ORE				:{COMMA16} tons of iron ore
   125 STR_0078_TONS_OF_STEEL					:{COMMA16} tons of steel
   126 STR_0079_BAGS_OF_VALUABLES				:{COMMA16} bags of valuables
   127 STR_007A_TONS_OF_COPPER_ORE				:{COMMA16} tons of copper ore
   128 STR_007B_TONS_OF_MAIZE					:{COMMA16} tons of maize
   129 STR_007C_TONS_OF_FRUIT					:{COMMA16} tons of fruit
   130 STR_007D_BAGS_OF_DIAMONDS				:{COMMA16} bags of diamonds
   131 STR_007E_TONS_OF_FOOD					:{COMMA16} tons of food
   132 STR_007F_TONS_OF_PAPER					:{COMMA16} tons of paper
   133 STR_0080_BAGS_OF_GOLD					:{COMMA16} bags of gold
   134 STR_0081_OF_WATER						:{VOLUME} of water
   135 STR_0082_TONS_OF_WHEAT					:{COMMA16} tons of wheat
   136 STR_0083_OF_RUBBER						:{VOLUME} of rubber
   137 STR_0084_TONS_OF_SUGAR					:{COMMA16} tons of sugar
   138 STR_0085_TOYS							:{COMMA16} toys
   139 STR_0086_BAGS_OF_CANDY					:{COMMA16} bags of candy
   140 STR_0087_OF_COLA						:{VOLUME} of cola
   141 STR_0088_TONS_OF_COTTON_CANDY			:{COMMA16} tons of cotton candy
   142 STR_0089_BUBBLES						:{COMMA16} bubbles
   143 STR_008A_TONS_OF_TOFFEE					:{COMMA16} tons of toffee
   144 STR_008B_BATTERIES						:{COMMA16} batteries
   145 STR_008C_OF_PLASTIC						:{VOLUME} of plastic
   146 STR_008D_FIZZY_DRINKS					:{COMMA16} fizzy drinks
   147 STR_008E								:
   148 STR_008F_PS								:{TINYFONT}PS
   149 STR_0090_CL								:{TINYFONT}CL
   150 STR_0091_ML								:{TINYFONT}ML
   151 STR_0092_OL								:{TINYFONT}OL
   152 STR_0093_LV								:{TINYFONT}LV
   153 STR_0094_GD								:{TINYFONT}GD
   154 STR_0095_GR								:{TINYFONT}GR
   155 STR_0096_WD								:{TINYFONT}WD
   156 STR_0097_OR								:{TINYFONT}OR
   157 STR_0098_ST								:{TINYFONT}ST
   158 STR_0099_VL								:{TINYFONT}VL
   159 STR_009A_CO								:{TINYFONT}CO
   160 STR_009B_MZ								:{TINYFONT}MZ
   161 STR_009C_FT								:{TINYFONT}FT
   162 STR_009D_DM								:{TINYFONT}DM
   163 STR_009E_FD								:{TINYFONT}FD
   164 STR_009F_PR								:{TINYFONT}PR
   165 STR_00A0_GD								:{TINYFONT}GD
   166 STR_00A1_WR								:{TINYFONT}WR
   167 STR_00A2_WH								:{TINYFONT}WH
   168 STR_00A3_RB								:{TINYFONT}RB
   169 STR_00A4_SG								:{TINYFONT}SG
   170 STR_00A5_TY								:{TINYFONT}TY
   171 STR_00A6_SW								:{TINYFONT}SW
   172 STR_00A7_CL								:{TINYFONT}CL
   173 STR_00A8_CF								:{TINYFONT}CF
   174 STR_00A9_BU								:{TINYFONT}BU
   175 STR_00AA_TF								:{TINYFONT}TF
   176 STR_00AB_BA								:{TINYFONT}BA
   177 STR_00AC_PL								:{TINYFONT}PL
   178 STR_00AD_FZ								:{TINYFONT}FZ
   179 STR_00AE								:{WHITE}{DATE_SHORT}
   180 STR_00AF								:{WHITE}{DATE_LONG}
   181 STR_00B0_MAP							:{WHITE}Map - {STRING}
   182 STR_00B1_GAME_OPTIONS					:{WHITE}Game Options
   183 STR_00B2_MESSAGE						:{YELLOW}Message
   184 STR_00B3_MESSAGE_FROM					:{YELLOW}Message from {STRING}
   185 STR_00B4_CAN_T_DO_THIS					:{WHITE}Can't do this....
   186 STR_00B5_CAN_T_CLEAR_THIS_AREA			:{WHITE}Can't clear this area....
   187 STR_00B6_COPYRIGHT_1995_CHRIS_SAWYER	:{BLACK}Original copyright {COPYRIGHT} 1995 Chris Sawyer, All rights reserved
   188 STR_00B7_VERSION_3_02_011_11TH_OCTOBER	:{BLACK}OpenTTD version {REV}
   189 STR_00B8_DESIGNED_PROGRAMMED_BY			:{BLACK}Original design by Chris Sawyer
   190 STR_00B9_GRAPHICS_BY_SIMON_FOSTER		:{BLACK}Graphics by Simon Foster
   191 STR_00BA_WINDOWS_95_CONVERSION_BY		:{BLACK}OpenTTD {COPYRIGHT}2002-2004 The OpenTTD team
   193 STR_00C5								:{BLACK}{CROSS}
   194 STR_00C6								:{SILVER}{CROSS}
   195 STR_00C7_QUIT							:{WHITE}Quit
   196 STR_00C8_YES							:{BLACK}Yes
   197 STR_00C9_NO								:{BLACK}No
   198 STR_00CA_ARE_YOU_SURE_YOU_WANT_TO		:{YELLOW}Are you sure you want to abandon this game and return to {STRING}?
   199 STR_00CB_1								:{BLACK}1
   200 STR_00CC_2								:{BLACK}2
   201 STR_00CD_3								:{BLACK}3
   202 STR_00CE_4								:{BLACK}4
   203 STR_00CF_5								:{BLACK}5
   204 STR_00D0_NOTHING						:Nothing
   205 STR_00D1_DARK_BLUE						:Dark Blue
   206 STR_00D2_PALE_GREEN						:Pale Green
   207 STR_00D3_PINK							:Pink
   208 STR_00D4_YELLOW							:Yellow
   209 STR_00D5_RED							:Red
   210 STR_00D6_LIGHT_BLUE						:Light Blue
   211 STR_00D7_GREEN							:Green
   212 STR_00D8_DARK_GREEN						:Dark Green
   213 STR_00D9_BLUE							:Blue
   214 STR_00DA_CREAM							:Cream
   215 STR_00DB_MAUVE							:Mauve
   216 STR_00DC_PURPLE							:Purple
   217 STR_00DD_ORANGE							:Orange
   218 STR_00DE_BROWN							:Brown
   219 STR_00DF_GREY							:Grey
   220 STR_00E0_WHITE							:White
   221 STR_00E1_TOO_MANY_VEHICLES_IN_GAME		:{WHITE}Too many vehicles in game
   222 STR_00E2								:{BLACK}{COMMA16}
   223 STR_00E3								:{RED}{COMMA16}
   224 STR_00E4_LOCATION						:{BLACK}Location
   225 STR_00E5_CONTOURS						:Contours
   226 STR_00E6_VEHICLES						:Vehicles
   227 STR_00E7_INDUSTRIES						:Industries
   228 STR_00E8_ROUTES							:Routes
   229 STR_00E9_VEGETATION						:Vegetation
   230 STR_00EA_OWNERS							:Owners
   231 STR_00EB_ROADS							:{BLACK}{TINYFONT}Roads
   232 STR_00EC_RAILROADS						:{BLACK}{TINYFONT}Railroads
   235 STR_00EF_VEHICLES						:{BLACK}{TINYFONT}Vehicles
   236 STR_00F0_100M							:{BLACK}{TINYFONT}100m
   237 STR_00F1_200M							:{BLACK}{TINYFONT}200m
   238 STR_00F2_300M							:{BLACK}{TINYFONT}300m
   239 STR_00F3_400M							:{BLACK}{TINYFONT}400m
   240 STR_00F4_500M							:{BLACK}{TINYFONT}500m
   241 STR_00F5_TRAINS							:{BLACK}{TINYFONT}Trains
   242 STR_00F6_ROAD_VEHICLES					:{BLACK}{TINYFONT}Road Vehicles
   243 STR_00F7_SHIPS							:{BLACK}{TINYFONT}Ships
   244 STR_00F8_AIRCRAFT						:{BLACK}{TINYFONT}Aircraft
   245 STR_00F9_TRANSPORT_ROUTES				:{BLACK}{TINYFONT}Transport Routes
   246 STR_00FA_COAL_MINE						:{BLACK}{TINYFONT}Coal Mine
   247 STR_00FB_POWER_STATION					:{BLACK}{TINYFONT}Power Station
   248 STR_00FC_FOREST							:{BLACK}{TINYFONT}Forest
   249 STR_00FD_SAWMILL						:{BLACK}{TINYFONT}Sawmill
   250 STR_00FE_OIL_REFINERY					:{BLACK}{TINYFONT}Oil Refinery
   251 STR_00FF_FARM							:{BLACK}{TINYFONT}Farm
   252 STR_0100_FACTORY						:{BLACK}{TINYFONT}Factory
   253 STR_0101_PRINTING_WORKS					:{BLACK}{TINYFONT}Printing Works
   254 STR_0102_OIL_WELLS						:{BLACK}{TINYFONT}Oil Wells
   255 STR_0103_IRON_ORE_MINE					:{BLACK}{TINYFONT}Iron Ore Mine
   256 STR_0104_STEEL_MILL						:{BLACK}{TINYFONT}Steel Mill
   257 STR_0105_BANK							:{BLACK}{TINYFONT}Bank
   258 STR_0106_PAPER_MILL						:{BLACK}{TINYFONT}Paper Mill
   259 STR_0107_GOLD_MINE						:{BLACK}{TINYFONT}Gold Mine
   260 STR_0108_FOOD_PROCESSING_PLANT			:{BLACK}{TINYFONT}Food Processing Plant
   261 STR_0109_DIAMOND_MINE					:{BLACK}{TINYFONT}Diamond Mine
   262 STR_010A_COPPER_ORE_MINE				:{BLACK}{TINYFONT}Copper Ore Mine
   263 STR_010B_FRUIT_PLANTATION				:{BLACK}{TINYFONT}Fruit Plantation
   264 STR_010C_RUBBER_PLANTATION				:{BLACK}{TINYFONT}Rubber Plantation
   265 STR_010D_WATER_SUPPLY					:{BLACK}{TINYFONT}Water Supply
   266 STR_010E_WATER_TOWER					:{BLACK}{TINYFONT}Water Tower
   267 STR_010F_LUMBER_MILL					:{BLACK}{TINYFONT}Lumber Mill
   268 STR_0110_COTTON_CANDY_FOREST			:{BLACK}{TINYFONT}Cotton Candy Forest
   269 STR_0111_CANDY_FACTORY					:{BLACK}{TINYFONT}Candy Factory
   270 STR_0112_BATTERY_FARM					:{BLACK}{TINYFONT}Battery Farm
   271 STR_0113_COLA_WELLS						:{BLACK}{TINYFONT}Cola Wells
   272 STR_0114_TOY_SHOP						:{BLACK}{TINYFONT}Toy Shop
   273 STR_0115_TOY_FACTORY					:{BLACK}{TINYFONT}Toy Factory
   274 STR_0116_PLASTIC_FOUNTAINS				:{BLACK}{TINYFONT}Plastic Fountains
   275 STR_0117_FIZZY_DRINK_FACTORY			:{BLACK}{TINYFONT}Fizzy Drink Factory
   276 STR_0118_BUBBLE_GENERATOR				:{BLACK}{TINYFONT}Bubble Generator
   277 STR_0119_TOFFEE_QUARRY					:{BLACK}{TINYFONT}Toffee Quarry
   278 STR_011A_SUGAR_MINE						:{BLACK}{TINYFONT}Sugar Mine
   279 STR_011B_RAILROAD_STATION				:{BLACK}{TINYFONT}Railroad Station
   280 STR_011C_TRUCK_LOADING_BAY				:{BLACK}{TINYFONT}Truck Loading Bay
   281 STR_011D_BUS_STATION					:{BLACK}{TINYFONT}Bus Station
   282 STR_011E_AIRPORT_HELIPORT				:{BLACK}{TINYFONT}Airport/Heliport
   283 STR_011F_DOCK							:{BLACK}{TINYFONT}Dock
   284 STR_0120_ROUGH_LAND						:{BLACK}{TINYFONT}Rough Land
   285 STR_0121_GRASS_LAND						:{BLACK}{TINYFONT}Grass Land
   286 STR_0122_BARE_LAND						:{BLACK}{TINYFONT}Bare Land
   287 STR_0123_FIELDS							:{BLACK}{TINYFONT}Fields
   288 STR_0124_TREES							:{BLACK}{TINYFONT}Trees
   289 STR_0125_ROCKS							:{BLACK}{TINYFONT}Rocks
   290 STR_0126_WATER							:{BLACK}{TINYFONT}Water
   291 STR_0127_NO_OWNER						:{BLACK}{TINYFONT}No Owner
   292 STR_0128_TOWNS							:{BLACK}{TINYFONT}Towns
   293 STR_0129_INDUSTRIES						:{BLACK}{TINYFONT}Industries
   294 STR_012A_DESERT							:{BLACK}{TINYFONT}Desert
   295 STR_012B_SNOW							:{BLACK}{TINYFONT}Snow
   296 STR_012C_MESSAGE						:{WHITE}Message
   297 STR_012D								:{WHITE}{STRING}
   298 STR_012E_CANCEL							:{BLACK}Cancel
   299 STR_012F_OK								:{BLACK}OK
   300 STR_0130_RENAME							:{BLACK}Rename
   301 STR_0131_TOO_MANY_NAMES_DEFINED			:{WHITE}Too many names defined
   302 STR_0132_CHOSEN_NAME_IN_USE_ALREADY		:{WHITE}Chosen name in use already
   304 STR_0133_WINDOWS						:Windows
   305 STR_0134_UNIX							:Unix
   306 STR_0135_OSX							:OSX
   307 STR_OSNAME_BEOS							:BeOS
   308 STR_OSNAME_MORPHOS					:MorphOS
   310 STR_0139_IMPERIAL_MILES					:Imperial (miles)
   311 STR_013A_METRIC_KILOMETERS				:Metric (kilometers)
   312 STR_013B_OWNED_BY						:{WHITE}...owned by {STRING}
   313 STR_013C_CARGO							:{BLACK}Cargo
   314 STR_013D_INFORMATION					:{BLACK}Information
   315 STR_013E_CAPACITIES						:{BLACK}Capacities
   316 STR_013E_TOTAL_CARGO				:{BLACK}Total Cargo
   317 STR_013F_CAPACITY						:{BLACK}Capacity: {LTBLUE}{STRING}
   318 STR_013F_TOTAL_CAPACITY_TEXT:{BLACK}Total cargo (capacity) of this train:
   320 STR_0140_NEW_GAME						:{BLACK}New Game
   321 STR_0141_LOAD_GAME						:{BLACK}Load Game
   322 STR_0142_TUTORIAL_DEMONSTRATION			:{BLACK}Tutorial / Demonstration
   323 STR_SINGLE_PLAYER						:{BLACK}Single player
   324 STR_MULTIPLAYER							:{BLACK}Multiplayer
   326 STR_0148_GAME_OPTIONS					:{BLACK}Game Options
   328 STR_0150_SOMEONE						:someone{SKIP}{SKIP}
   329 STR_0151_MAP_OF_WORLD					:Map of world
   330 STR_0152_TOWN_DIRECTORY					:Town directory
   331 STR_0153_SUBSIDIES						:Subsidies
   333 ############ range for menu	starts
   334 STR_0154_OPERATING_PROFIT_GRAPH			:Operating profit graph
   335 STR_0155_INCOME_GRAPH					:Income graph
   336 STR_0156_DELIVERED_CARGO_GRAPH			:Delivered cargo graph
   337 STR_0157_PERFORMANCE_HISTORY_GRAPH		:Performance history graph
   338 STR_0158_COMPANY_VALUE_GRAPH			:Company value graph
   339 STR_0159_CARGO_PAYMENT_RATES			:Cargo payment rates
   340 STR_015A_COMPANY_LEAGUE_TABLE			:Company league table
   341 ############ range for menu	ends
   344 STR_015C_SAVE_GAME						:Save game
   345 STR_015D_LOAD_GAME						:Load game
   346 STR_015E_QUIT_GAME						:Quit game
   347 STR_015F_QUIT							:Quit
   348 STR_0160_ARE_YOU_SURE_YOU_WANT_TO		:{YELLOW}Are you sure you want to quit this game ?
   349 STR_0161_QUIT_GAME						:{WHITE}Quit Game
   350 STR_SORT_TIP					:{BLACK}Select sorting order
   351 STR_SORT_BY_NAME							:{BLACK}Name
   352 STR_SORT_BY_DATE							:{BLACK}Date
   354 ############ range for months starts
   355 STR_0162_JAN							:Jan
   356 STR_0163_FEB							:Feb
   357 STR_0164_MAR							:Mar
   358 STR_0165_APR							:Apr
   359 STR_0166_MAY							:May
   360 STR_0167_JUN							:Jun
   361 STR_0168_JUL							:Jul
   362 STR_0169_AUG							:Aug
   363 STR_016A_SEP							:Sep
   364 STR_016B_OCT							:Oct
   365 STR_016C_NOV							:Nov
   366 STR_016D_DEC							:Dec
   367 ############ range for months ends
   369 STR_016E								:{TINYFONT}{STRING}{} {STRING}
   370 STR_016F								:{TINYFONT}{STRING}{} {STRING}{}{NUMU16}
   371 STR_0170								:{TINYFONT}{STRING}-
   372 STR_0171_PAUSE_GAME						:{BLACK}Pause game
   373 STR_0172_SAVE_GAME_ABANDON_GAME			:{BLACK}Save game, abandon game, quit
   374 STR_0173_DISPLAY_LIST_OF_COMPANY		:{BLACK}Display list of company's stations
   375 STR_0174_DISPLAY_MAP					:{BLACK}Display map
   376 STR_0175_DISPLAY_MAP_TOWN_DIRECTORY		:{BLACK}Display map, town directory
   377 STR_0176_DISPLAY_TOWN_DIRECTORY			:{BLACK}Display town directory
   378 STR_0177_DISPLAY_COMPANY_FINANCES		:{BLACK}Display company finances information
   379 STR_0178_DISPLAY_COMPANY_GENERAL		:{BLACK}Display company general information
   380 STR_0179_DISPLAY_GRAPHS					:{BLACK}Display graphs
   381 STR_017A_DISPLAY_COMPANY_LEAGUE			:{BLACK}Display company league table
   382 STR_017B_DISPLAY_LIST_OF_COMPANY		:{BLACK}Display list of company's trains
   383 STR_017C_DISPLAY_LIST_OF_COMPANY		:{BLACK}Display list of company's road vehicles
   384 STR_017D_DISPLAY_LIST_OF_COMPANY		:{BLACK}Display list of company's ships
   385 STR_017E_DISPLAY_LIST_OF_COMPANY		:{BLACK}Display list of company's aircraft
   386 STR_017F_ZOOM_THE_VIEW_IN				:{BLACK}Zoom the view in
   387 STR_0180_ZOOM_THE_VIEW_OUT				:{BLACK}Zoom the view out
   388 STR_0181_BUILD_RAILROAD_TRACK			:{BLACK}Build railroad track
   389 STR_0182_BUILD_ROADS					:{BLACK}Build roads
   390 STR_0183_BUILD_SHIP_DOCKS				:{BLACK}Build ship docks
   391 STR_0184_BUILD_AIRPORTS					:{BLACK}Build airports
   392 STR_0185_PLANT_TREES_PLACE_SIGNS		:{BLACK}Plant trees, place signs etc.
   393 STR_0186_LAND_BLOCK_INFORMATION			:{BLACK}Land area information
   394 STR_0187_OPTIONS						:{BLACK}Options
   395 STR_0188								:{BLACK}{SMALLUPARROW}
   396 STR_0189								:{BLACK}{SMALLDOWNARROW}
   397 STR_018A_CAN_T_CHANGE_SERVICING			:{WHITE}Can't change servicing interval...
   398 STR_018B_CLOSE_WINDOW					:{BLACK}Close window
   399 STR_018C_WINDOW_TITLE_DRAG_THIS			:{BLACK}Window title - drag this to move window
   400 STR_018D_DEMOLISH_BUILDINGS_ETC			:{BLACK}Demolish buildings etc. on a square of land
   401 STR_018E_LOWER_A_CORNER_OF_LAND			:{BLACK}Lower a corner of land
   402 STR_018F_RAISE_A_CORNER_OF_LAND			:{BLACK}Raise a corner of land
   403 STR_0190_SCROLL_BAR_SCROLLS_LIST		:{BLACK}Scroll bar - scrolls list up/down
   404 STR_0191_SHOW_LAND_CONTOURS_ON_MAP		:{BLACK}Show land contours on map
   405 STR_0192_SHOW_VEHICLES_ON_MAP			:{BLACK}Show vehicles on map
   406 STR_0193_SHOW_INDUSTRIES_ON_MAP			:{BLACK}Show industries on map
   407 STR_0194_SHOW_TRANSPORT_ROUTES_ON		:{BLACK}Show transport routes on map
   408 STR_0195_SHOW_VEGETATION_ON_MAP			:{BLACK}Show vegetation on map
   409 STR_0196_SHOW_LAND_OWNERS_ON_MAP		:{BLACK}Show land owners on map
   410 STR_0197_TOGGLE_TOWN_NAMES_ON_OFF		:{BLACK}Toggle town names on/off on map
   411 STR_0198_PROFIT_THIS_YEAR_LAST_YEAR		:{TINYFONT}{BLACK}Profit this year: {CURRENCY} (last year: {CURRENCY})
   413 ############ range for service numbers starts
   414 STR_0199_YEAR							:{COMMA16} year ({COMMA16})
   415 STR_019A_YEARS							:{COMMA16} years ({COMMA16})
   416 STR_019B_YEARS							:{RED}{COMMA16} years ({COMMA16})
   417 ############ range for service numbers ends
   419 STR_019C_ROAD_VEHICLE					:Road vehicle
   420 STR_019D_AIRCRAFT						:Aircraft
   421 STR_019E_SHIP							:Ship
   422 STR_019F_TRAIN							:Train
   423 STR_01A0_IS_GETTING_OLD					:{WHITE}{STRING} {COMMA16} is getting old
   424 STR_01A1_IS_GETTING_VERY_OLD			:{WHITE}{STRING} {COMMA16} is getting very old
   425 STR_01A2_IS_GETTING_VERY_OLD_AND		:{WHITE}{STRING} {COMMA16} is getting very old and urgently needs replacing
   426 STR_01A3_LAND_AREA_INFORMATION			:{WHITE}Land Area Information
   427 STR_01A4_COST_TO_CLEAR_N_A				:{BLACK}Cost to clear: {LTBLUE}N/A
   428 STR_01A5_COST_TO_CLEAR					:{BLACK}Cost to clear: {LTBLUE}{CURRENCY}
   429 STR_01A6_N_A							:N/A
   430 STR_01A7_OWNER							:{BLACK}Owner: {LTBLUE}{STRING}
   431 STR_01A8_LOCAL_AUTHORITY				:{BLACK}Local authority: {LTBLUE}{STRING}
   432 STR_01A9_NONE							:None
   433 STR_01AA_NAME							:{BLACK}Name
   434 STR_01AB								:{BLACK}{TINYFONT}{STRING}
   436 ############ range for days	starts
   437 STR_01AC_1ST							:1st
   438 STR_01AD_2ND							:2nd
   439 STR_01AE_3RD							:3rd
   440 STR_01AF_4TH							:4th
   441 STR_01B0_5TH							:5th
   442 STR_01B1_6TH							:6th
   443 STR_01B2_7TH							:7th
   444 STR_01B3_8TH							:8th
   445 STR_01B4_9TH							:9th
   446 STR_01B5_10TH							:10th
   447 STR_01B6_11TH							:11th
   448 STR_01B7_12TH							:12th
   449 STR_01B8_13TH							:13th
   450 STR_01B9_14TH							:14th
   451 STR_01BA_15TH							:15th
   452 STR_01BB_16TH							:16th
   453 STR_01BC_17TH							:17th
   454 STR_01BD_18TH							:18th
   455 STR_01BE_19TH							:19th
   456 STR_01BF_20TH							:20th
   457 STR_01C0_21ST							:21st
   458 STR_01C1_22ND							:22nd
   459 STR_01C2_23RD							:23rd
   460 STR_01C3_24TH							:24th
   461 STR_01C4_25TH							:25th
   462 STR_01C5_26TH							:26th
   463 STR_01C6_27TH							:27th
   464 STR_01C7_28TH							:28th
   465 STR_01C8_29TH							:29th
   466 STR_01C9_30TH							:30th
   467 STR_01CA_31ST							:31st
   468 ############ range for days	ends
   470 STR_01CB								:{TINYFONT}{COMMA16}
   471 STR_01CC_TOGGLE_LARGE_SMALL_MAP			:{BLACK}Toggle large/small map size
   472 STR_01CD_SELECT_TUTORIAL_DEMONSTRATION	:{WHITE}Select Tutorial/Demonstration
   474 ############ range for cargo acecpted starts
   475 STR_01CE_CARGO_ACCEPTED					:{BLACK}Cargo accepted: {LTBLUE}{STRING}
   476 STR_01CF_CARGO_ACCEPTED					:{BLACK}Cargo accepted: {LTBLUE}{STRING}, {STRING}
   477 STR_01D0_CARGO_ACCEPTED					:{BLACK}Cargo accepted: {LTBLUE}{STRING}, {STRING}, {STRING}
   478 ############ range for cargo acecpted ends
   480 STR_01D1_8								:({COMMA8}/8 {STRING})
   481 STR_01D2_JAZZ_JUKEBOX					:{WHITE}Jazz Jukebox
   482 STR_01D3_SOUND_MUSIC					:Sound/music
   483 STR_01D4_SHOW_SOUND_MUSIC_WINDOW		:{BLACK}Show sound/music window
   484 STR_01D5_ALL							:{TINYFONT}All
   485 STR_01D6_OLD_STYLE						:{TINYFONT}Old Style
   486 STR_01D7_NEW_STYLE						:{TINYFONT}New Style
   487 STR_01D8_EZY_STREET						:{TINYFONT}Ezy Street
   488 STR_01D9_CUSTOM_1						:{TINYFONT}Custom 1
   489 STR_01DA_CUSTOM_2						:{TINYFONT}Custom 2
   490 STR_01DB_MUSIC_VOLUME					:{BLACK}{TINYFONT}Music Volume
   491 STR_01DC_EFFECTS_VOLUME					:{BLACK}{TINYFONT}Effects Volume
   492 STR_01DD_MIN_MAX						:{BLACK}{TINYFONT}MIN  '  '  ' '  '  '  MAX
   493 STR_01DE_SKIP_TO_PREVIOUS_TRACK			:{BLACK}Skip to previous track in selection
   494 STR_01DF_SKIP_TO_NEXT_TRACK_IN_SELECTION:{BLACK}Skip to next track in selection
   495 STR_01E0_STOP_PLAYING_MUSIC				:{BLACK}Stop playing music
   496 STR_01E1_START_PLAYING_MUSIC			:{BLACK}Start playing music
   497 STR_01E2_DRAG_SLIDERS_TO_SET_MUSIC		:{BLACK}Drag sliders to set music and sound effect volumes
   498 STR_01E3								:{DKGREEN}{TINYFONT}--
   499 STR_01E4_0								:{DKGREEN}{TINYFONT}0{COMMA8}
   500 STR_01E5								:{DKGREEN}{TINYFONT}{COMMA8}
   501 STR_01E6								:{DKGREEN}{TINYFONT}------
   502 STR_01E7								:{DKGREEN}{TINYFONT}"{STRING}"
   503 STR_01E8_TRACK_XTITLE					:{BLACK}{TINYFONT}Track{SETX 88}Title
   504 STR_01E9_SHUFFLE						:{TINYFONT}Shuffle
   505 STR_01EA_PROGRAM						:{TINYFONT}{BLACK}Program
   506 STR_01EB_MUSIC_PROGRAM_SELECTION		:{WHITE}Music Program Selection
   507 STR_01EC_0								:{TINYFONT}{LTBLUE}0{COMMA16} "{STRING}"
   508 STR_01ED								:{TINYFONT}{LTBLUE}{COMMA16}   "{STRING}"
   509 STR_01EE_TRACK_INDEX					:{TINYFONT}{BLACK}Track Index
   510 STR_01EF_PROGRAM						:{TINYFONT}{BLACK}Program - '{STRING}'
   511 STR_01F0_CLEAR							:{TINYFONT}{BLACK}Clear
   512 STR_01F1_SAVE							:{TINYFONT}{BLACK}Save
   513 STR_01F2_CURRENT_PROGRAM_OF_MUSIC		:{BLACK}Current program of music tracks
   514 STR_01F3_SELECT_ALL_TRACKS_PROGRAM		:{BLACK}Select 'all tracks' program
   515 STR_01F4_SELECT_OLD_STYLE_MUSIC			:{BLACK}Select 'old style music' program
   516 STR_01F5_SELECT_NEW_STYLE_MUSIC			:{BLACK}Select 'new style music' program
   517 STR_01F6_SELECT_CUSTOM_1_USER_DEFINED	:{BLACK}Select 'Custom 1' (user-defined) program
   518 STR_01F7_SELECT_CUSTOM_2_USER_DEFINED	:{BLACK}Select 'Custom 2' (user-defined) program
   519 STR_01F8_CLEAR_CURRENT_PROGRAM_CUSTOM1	:{BLACK}Clear current program (Custom1 or Custom2 only)
   520 STR_01F9_SAVE_MUSIC_SETTINGS_TO			:{BLACK}Save music settings to disk
   521 STR_01FA_CLICK_ON_MUSIC_TRACK_TO		:{BLACK}Click on music track to add to current program (Custom1 or Custom2 only)
   522 STR_01FB_TOGGLE_PROGRAM_SHUFFLE			:{BLACK}Toggle program shuffle on/off
   523 STR_01FC_SHOW_MUSIC_TRACK_SELECTION		:{BLACK}Show music track selection window
   524 STR_01FD_CLICK_ON_SERVICE_TO_CENTER		:{BLACK}Click on service to center view on industry/town
   525 STR_01FE_DIFFICULTY						:{BLACK}Difficulty ({STRING})
   526 STR_01FF								:{TINYFONT}{BLACK}{DATE_LONG}
   527 STR_0200_LAST_MESSAGE_NEWS_REPORT		:Last message/news report
   528 STR_0201_MESSAGE_SETTINGS				:Message settings
   529 STR_MESSAGE_HISTORY_MENU				:Message History
   530 STR_0202_SEND_MESSAGE					:Send message
   531 STR_0203_SHOW_LAST_MESSAGE_NEWS			:{BLACK}Show last message/news report, show message options
   532 STR_0204_MESSAGE_OPTIONS				:{WHITE}Message Options
   533 STR_0205_MESSAGE_TYPES					:{BLACK}Message types:-
   534 STR_0206_ARRIVAL_OF_FIRST_VEHICLE		:{YELLOW}Arrival of first vehicle at player's station
   535 STR_0207_ARRIVAL_OF_FIRST_VEHICLE		:{YELLOW}Arrival of first vehicle at competitor's station
   536 STR_0208_ACCIDENTS_DISASTERS			:{YELLOW}Accidents / disasters
   537 STR_0209_COMPANY_INFORMATION			:{YELLOW}Company information
   538 STR_020A_ECONOMY_CHANGES				:{YELLOW}Economy changes
   539 STR_020B_ADVICE_INFORMATION_ON_PLAYER	:{YELLOW}Advice / information on player's vehicles
   540 STR_020C_NEW_VEHICLES					:{YELLOW}New vehicles
   541 STR_020D_CHANGES_OF_CARGO_ACCEPTANCE	:{YELLOW}Changes of cargo acceptance
   542 STR_020E_SUBSIDIES						:{YELLOW}Subsidies
   543 STR_020F_GENERAL_INFORMATION			:{YELLOW}General information
   544 STR_0210_TOO_FAR_FROM_PREVIOUS_DESTINATIO:{WHITE}...too far from previous destination
   545 STR_0211_TOP_COMPANIES_WHO_REACHED		:{BIGFONT}{BLACK}Top companies who reached 2050{}({STRING} Level)
   546 STR_0212								:{BIGFONT}{COMMA16}.
   547 STR_0213_BUSINESSMAN					:Businessman
   548 STR_0214_ENTREPRENEUR					:Entrepreneur
   549 STR_0215_INDUSTRIALIST					:Industrialist
   550 STR_0216_CAPITALIST						:Capitalist
   551 STR_0217_MAGNATE						:Magnate
   552 STR_0218_MOGUL							:Mogul
   553 STR_0219_TYCOON_OF_THE_CENTURY			:Tycoon of the Century
   554 STR_021A								:{BIGFONT}'{STRING}'   ({COMMA16})
   555 STR_021B_ACHIEVES_STATUS				:{BIGFONT}{STRING}{STRING} achieves '{STRING}' status!
   556 STR_021C_OF_ACHIEVES_STATUS				:{BIGFONT}{STRING}{STRING} of {STRING} achieves '{STRING}' status!
   557 STR_021D								:{BLACK}
   558 STR_021E								:{WHITE}
   559 STR_021F								:{BLUE}{COMMA16}
   560 STR_0220_CREATE_SCENARIO				:{BLACK}Create Scenario
   562 STR_0222_SCENARIO_EDITOR				:{YELLOW}Scenario Editor
   563 STR_0223_LAND_GENERATION				:{WHITE}Land Generation
   564 STR_0224								:{BLACK}{UPARROW}
   565 STR_0225								:{BLACK}{DOWNARROW}
   566 STR_0226_RANDOM_LAND					:{BLACK}Random Land
   567 STR_0227_RESET_LAND						:{BLACK}Reset Land
   568 STR_0228_INCREASE_SIZE_OF_LAND_AREA		:{BLACK}Increase size of land area to lower/raise
   569 STR_0229_DECREASE_SIZE_OF_LAND_AREA		:{BLACK}Decrease size of land area to lower/raise
   570 STR_022A_GENERATE_RANDOM_LAND			:{BLACK}Generate random land
   571 STR_022B_RESET_LANDSCAPE				:{BLACK}Reset landscape
   572 STR_022C_RESET_LANDSCAPE				:{WHITE}Reset Landscape
   573 STR_022D_ARE_YOU_SURE_YOU_WANT_TO		:{WHITE}Are you sure you want to reset the landscape?
   574 STR_022E_LANDSCAPE_GENERATION			:{BLACK}Landscape generation
   575 STR_022F_TOWN_GENERATION				:{BLACK}Town generation
   576 STR_0230_INDUSTRY_GENERATION			:{BLACK}Industry generation
   577 STR_0231_ROAD_CONSTRUCTION				:{BLACK}Road construction
   578 STR_0232_VEGETATION_AND_OTHER_OBJECTS	:{BLACK}Vegetation and other objects
   579 STR_0233_TOWN_GENERATION				:{WHITE}Town Generation
   580 STR_0234_NEW_TOWN						:{BLACK}New Town
   581 STR_0235_CONSTRUCT_NEW_TOWN				:{BLACK}Construct new town
   582 STR_0236_CAN_T_BUILD_TOWN_HERE			:{WHITE}Can't build town here...
   583 STR_0237_TOO_CLOSE_TO_EDGE_OF_MAP		:{WHITE}...too close to edge of map
   584 STR_0238_TOO_CLOSE_TO_ANOTHER_TOWN		:{WHITE}...too close to another town
   585 STR_0239_SITE_UNSUITABLE				:{WHITE} unsuitable
   586 STR_023A_TOO_MANY_TOWNS					:{WHITE}...too many towns
   587 STR_023B_INCREASE_SIZE_OF_TOWN			:{BLACK}Increase size of town
   588 STR_023C_EXPAND							:{BLACK}Expand
   589 STR_023D_RANDOM_TOWN					:{BLACK}Random Town
   590 STR_023E_BUILD_TOWN_IN_RANDOM_LOCATION	:{BLACK}Build town in random location
   591 STR_023F_INDUSTRY_GENERATION			:{WHITE}Industry Generation
   592 STR_0240_COAL_MINE						:{BLACK}Coal Mine
   593 STR_0241_POWER_STATION					:{BLACK}Power Station
   594 STR_0242_SAWMILL						:{BLACK}Sawmill
   595 STR_0243_FOREST							:{BLACK}Forest
   596 STR_0244_OIL_REFINERY					:{BLACK}Oil Refinery
   597 STR_0245_OIL_RIG						:{BLACK}Oil Rig
   598 STR_0246_FACTORY						:{BLACK}Factory
   599 STR_0247_STEEL_MILL						:{BLACK}Steel Mill
   600 STR_0248_FARM							:{BLACK}Farm
   601 STR_0249_IRON_ORE_MINE					:{BLACK}Iron Ore Mine
   602 STR_024A_OIL_WELLS						:{BLACK}Oil Wells
   603 STR_024B_BANK							:{BLACK}Bank
   604 STR_024C_PAPER_MILL						:{BLACK}Paper Mill
   605 STR_024D_FOOD_PROCESSING_PLANT			:{BLACK}Food Processing Plant
   606 STR_024E_PRINTING_WORKS					:{BLACK}Printing Works
   607 STR_024F_GOLD_MINE						:{BLACK}Gold Mine
   608 STR_0250_LUMBER_MILL					:{BLACK}Lumber Mill
   609 STR_0251_FRUIT_PLANTATION				:{BLACK}Fruit Plantation
   610 STR_0252_RUBBER_PLANTATION				:{BLACK}Rubber Plantation
   611 STR_0253_WATER_SUPPLY					:{BLACK}Water Supply
   612 STR_0254_WATER_TOWER					:{BLACK}Water Tower
   613 STR_0255_DIAMOND_MINE					:{BLACK}Diamond Mine
   614 STR_0256_COPPER_ORE_MINE				:{BLACK}Copper Ore Mine
   615 STR_0257_COTTON_CANDY_FOREST			:{BLACK}Cotton Candy Forest
   616 STR_0258_CANDY_FACTORY					:{BLACK}Candy Factory
   617 STR_0259_BATTERY_FARM					:{BLACK}Battery Farm
   618 STR_025A_COLA_WELLS						:{BLACK}Cola Wells
   619 STR_025B_TOY_SHOP						:{BLACK}Toy Shop
   620 STR_025C_TOY_FACTORY					:{BLACK}Toy Factory
   621 STR_025D_PLASTIC_FOUNTAINS				:{BLACK}Plastic Fountains
   622 STR_025E_FIZZY_DRINK_FACTORY			:{BLACK}Fizzy Drink Factory
   623 STR_025F_BUBBLE_GENERATOR				:{BLACK}Bubble Generator
   624 STR_0260_TOFFEE_QUARRY					:{BLACK}Toffee Quarry
   625 STR_0261_SUGAR_MINE						:{BLACK}Sugar Mine
   626 STR_0262_CONSTRUCT_COAL_MINE			:{BLACK}Construct Coal Mine
   627 STR_0263_CONSTRUCT_POWER_STATION		:{BLACK}Construct Power Station
   628 STR_0264_CONSTRUCT_SAWMILL				:{BLACK}Construct Sawmill
   629 STR_0265_PLANT_FOREST					:{BLACK}Plant Forest
   630 STR_0266_CONSTRUCT_OIL_REFINERY			:{BLACK}Construct Oil Refinery
   631 STR_0267_CONSTRUCT_OIL_RIG_CAN_ONLY		:{BLACK}Construct Oil Rig (Can only be built near the edges of the map)
   632 STR_0268_CONSTRUCT_FACTORY				:{BLACK}Construct Factory
   633 STR_0269_CONSTRUCT_STEEL_MILL			:{BLACK}Construct Steel Mill
   634 STR_026A_CONSTRUCT_FARM					:{BLACK}Construct Farm
   635 STR_026B_CONSTRUCT_IRON_ORE_MINE		:{BLACK}Construct Iron Ore Mine
   636 STR_026C_CONSTRUCT_OIL_WELLS			:{BLACK}Construct Oil Wells
   637 STR_026D_CONSTRUCT_BANK_CAN_ONLY		:{BLACK}Construct Bank (Can only be built in towns with a population greater than 1200)
   638 STR_026E_CONSTRUCT_PAPER_MILL			:{BLACK}Construct Paper Mill
   639 STR_026F_CONSTRUCT_FOOD_PROCESSING		:{BLACK}Construct Food Processing Plant
   640 STR_0270_CONSTRUCT_PRINTING_WORKS		:{BLACK}Construct Printing Works
   641 STR_0271_CONSTRUCT_GOLD_MINE			:{BLACK}Construct Gold Mine
   642 STR_0272_CONSTRUCT_BANK_CAN_ONLY		:{BLACK}Construct Bank (Can only be built in towns)
   643 STR_0273_CONSTRUCT_LUMBER_MILL_TO		:{BLACK}Construct Lumber Mill (to clear rainforest and produce Wood)
   644 STR_0274_PLANT_FRUIT_PLANTATION			:{BLACK}Plant Fruit Plantation
   645 STR_0275_PLANT_RUBBER_PLANTATION		:{BLACK}Plant Rubber Plantation
   646 STR_0276_CONSTRUCT_WATER_SUPPLY			:{BLACK}Construct Water Supply
   647 STR_0277_CONSTRUCT_WATER_TOWER_CAN		:{BLACK}Construct Water Tower (Can only be built in towns)
   648 STR_0278_CONSTRUCT_DIAMOND_MINE			:{BLACK}Construct Diamond Mine
   649 STR_0279_CONSTRUCT_COPPER_ORE_MINE		:{BLACK}Construct Copper Ore Mine
   650 STR_027A_PLANT_COTTON_CANDY_FOREST		:{BLACK}Plant Cotton Candy Forest
   651 STR_027B_CONSTRUCT_CANDY_FACTORY		:{BLACK}Construct Candy Factory
   652 STR_027C_CONSTRUCT_BATTERY_FARM			:{BLACK}Construct Battery Farm
   653 STR_027D_CONSTRUCT_COLA_WELLS			:{BLACK}Construct Cola Wells
   654 STR_027E_CONSTRUCT_TOY_SHOP				:{BLACK}Construct Toy Shop
   655 STR_027F_CONSTRUCT_TOY_FACTORY			:{BLACK}Construct Toy Factory
   656 STR_0280_CONSTRUCT_PLASTIC_FOUNTAINS	:{BLACK}Construct Plastic Fountains
   657 STR_0281_CONSTRUCT_FIZZY_DRINK_FACTORY	:{BLACK}Construct Fizzy Drink Factory
   658 STR_0282_CONSTRUCT_BUBBLE_GENERATOR		:{BLACK}Construct Bubble Generator
   659 STR_0283_CONSTRUCT_TOFFEE_QUARRY		:{BLACK}Construct Toffee Quarry
   660 STR_0284_CONSTRUCT_SUGAR_MINE			:{BLACK}Construct Sugar Mine
   661 STR_0285_CAN_T_BUILD_HERE				:{WHITE}Can't build {STRING} here...
   662 STR_0286_MUST_BUILD_TOWN_FIRST			:{WHITE}...must build town first
   663 STR_0287_ONLY_ONE_ALLOWED_PER_TOWN		:{WHITE}...only one allowed per town
   664 STR_0288_PLANT_TREES					:{BLACK}Plant trees
   665 STR_0289_PLACE_SIGN						:{BLACK}Place sign
   666 STR_028A_RANDOM_TREES					:{BLACK}Random Trees
   667 STR_028B_PLANT_TREES_RANDOMLY_OVER		:{BLACK}Plant trees randomly over landscape
   668 STR_028C_PLACE_ROCKY_AREAS_ON_LANDSCAPE	:{BLACK}Place rocky areas on landscape
   669 STR_028D_PLACE_LIGHTHOUSE				:{BLACK}Place lighthouse
   670 STR_028E_PLACE_TRANSMITTER				:{BLACK}Place transmitter
   671 STR_028F_DEFINE_DESERT_AREA				:{BLACK}Define desert area
   672 STR_0290_DELETE							:{BLACK}Delete
   673 STR_0291_DELETE_THIS_TOWN_COMPLETELY	:{BLACK}Delete this town completely
   674 STR_0292_SAVE_SCENARIO					:Save scenario
   675 STR_0293_LOAD_SCENARIO					:Load scenario
   676 STR_0294_QUIT_EDITOR					:Quit editor
   677 STR_0295								:
   678 STR_0296_QUIT							:Quit
   679 STR_0297_SAVE_SCENARIO_LOAD_SCENARIO	:{BLACK}Save scenario, load scenario, abandon scenario editor, quit
   680 STR_0298_LOAD_SCENARIO					:{WHITE}Load Scenario
   681 STR_0299_SAVE_SCENARIO					:{WHITE}Save Scenario
   682 STR_029A_PLAY_SCENARIO					:{BLACK}Play Scenario
   683 STR_029B_ARE_YOU_SURE_YOU_WANT_TO		:{YELLOW}Are you sure you want to quit this scenario ?
   684 STR_029C_QUIT_EDITOR					:{WHITE}Quit Editor
   685 STR_029D_CAN_ONLY_BE_BUILT_IN_TOWNS		:{WHITE}...can only be built in towns with a population of at least 1200
   686 STR_029E_MOVE_THE_STARTING_DATE			:{BLACK}Move the starting date backward 1 year
   687 STR_029F_MOVE_THE_STARTING_DATE			:{BLACK}Move the starting date forward 1 year
   688 STR_02A0_ENDS_OF_BRIDGE_MUST_BOTH		:{WHITE}...ends of bridge must both be on land
   689 STR_02A1_SMALL							:{BLACK}Small
   690 STR_02A2_MEDIUM							:{BLACK}Medium
   691 STR_02A3_LARGE							:{BLACK}Large
   692 STR_02A4_SELECT_TOWN_SIZE				:{BLACK}Select town size
   693 STR_02A5_TOWN_SIZE						:{YELLOW}Town size:
   695 STR_02B6								:{STRING}  -  {STRING}
   696 STR_02B7_SHOW_LAST_MESSAGE_OR_NEWS		:{BLACK}Show last message or news report
   697 STR_02B8_SUMMARY						:{BLACK}Summary
   698 STR_02B9_FULL							:{BLACK}Full
   699 STR_02BA								:{SILVER}- -  {STRING}  - -
   700 STR_02BB_TOWN_DIRECTORY					:Town directory
   701 STR_02BC_VEHICLE_DESIGN_NAMES			:{BLACK}Vehicle design names
   702 STR_02BD								:{BLACK}{STRING}
   703 STR_02BE_DEFAULT						:Default
   704 STR_02BF_CUSTOM							:Custom
   705 STR_02C0_SAVE_CUSTOM_NAMES_TO_DISK		:{BLACK}Save custom names to disk
   706 STR_02C1_VEHICLE_DESIGN_NAMES_SELECTION	:{BLACK}Vehicle design names selection
   707 STR_02C2_SAVE_CUSTOMIZED_VEHICLE		:{BLACK}Save customized vehicle design names to disk
   709 ############ range for menu	starts
   710 STR_02C3_GAME_OPTIONS					:Game options
   711 STR_02C4_GAME_OPTIONS					:Game options
   712 STR_02C5_DIFFICULTY_SETTINGS			:Difficulty settings
   713 STR_02C6_DIFFICULTY_SETTINGS			:Difficulty settings
   714 STR_02C7_CONFIG_PATCHES					:Configure patches
   715 STR_02C8_CONFIG_PATCHES					:Configure patches
   716 STR_GAMEOPTMENU_0A						:
   717 STR_GAMEOPTMENU_0B						:
   718 STR_02C9_TOWN_NAMES_DISPLAYED			:{CHECKMARK}{SETX 12}Town names displayed
   719 STR_02CA_TOWN_NAMES_DISPLAYED			:{SETX 12}Town names displayed
   720 STR_02CB_STATION_NAMES_DISPLAYED		:{CHECKMARK}{SETX 12}Station names displayed
   721 STR_02CC_STATION_NAMES_DISPLAYED		:{SETX 12}Station names displayed
   722 STR_02CD_SIGNS_DISPLAYED				:{CHECKMARK}{SETX 12}Signs displayed
   723 STR_02CE_SIGNS_DISPLAYED				:{SETX 12}Signs displayed
   724 STR_CHECKPOINTS_DISPLAYED				:{CHECKMARK}{SETX 12}Checkpoints displayed
   725 STR_CHECKPOINTS_DISPLAYED2				:{SETX 12}Checkpoints displayed
   726 STR_02CF_FULL_ANIMATION					:{CHECKMARK}{SETX 12}Full animation
   727 STR_02D0_FULL_ANIMATION					:{SETX 12}Full animation
   728 STR_02D1_FULL_DETAIL					:{CHECKMARK}{SETX 12}Full detail
   729 STR_02D2_FULL_DETAIL					:{SETX 12}Full detail
   730 STR_02D3_TRANSPARENT_BUILDINGS			:{CHECKMARK}{SETX 12}Transparent buildings
   731 STR_02D4_TRANSPARENT_BUILDINGS			:{SETX 12}Transparent buildings
   732 ############ range ends	here
   734 ############ range for menu	starts
   735 STR_02D5_LAND_BLOCK_INFO				:Land area information
   736 STR_02D6								:
   737 STR_02D7_SCREENSHOT_CTRL_S				:Screenshot (Ctrl-S)
   738 STR_02D8_GIANT_SCREENSHOT_CTRL_G		:Giant Screenshot (Ctrl-G)
   740 ############ range ends	here
   742 STR_02DA_ON								:{BLACK}On
   743 STR_02DB_OFF							:{BLACK}Off
   744 STR_02DC_DISPLAY_SUBSIDIES				:{BLACK}Display subsidies
   745 STR_02DD_SUBSIDIES						:Subsidies
   746 STR_02DE_MAP_OF_WORLD					:Map of world
   747 STR_02DF_TOWN_DIRECTORY					:Town directory
   748 STR_02E0_CURRENCY_UNITS					:{BLACK}Currency units
   749 STR_02E1								:{BLACK}{SKIP}{STRING}
   750 STR_02E2_CURRENCY_UNITS_SELECTION		:{BLACK}Currency units selection
   751 STR_02E3_DISTANCE_UNITS					:{BLACK}Distance units
   752 STR_02E4								:{BLACK}{SKIP}{SKIP}{STRING}
   753 STR_02E5_DISTANCE_UNITS_SELECTION		:{BLACK}Distance units selection
   754 STR_02E6_ROAD_VEHICLES					:{BLACK}Road vehicles
   755 STR_02E7								:{BLACK}{SKIP}{SKIP}{SKIP}{STRING}
   756 STR_02E8_SELECT_SIDE_OF_ROAD_FOR		:{BLACK}Select side of road for vehicles to drive on
   757 STR_02E9_DRIVE_ON_LEFT					:Drive on left
   758 STR_02EA_DRIVE_ON_RIGHT					:Drive on right
   759 STR_02EB_TOWN_NAMES						:{BLACK}Town names
   761 STR_02ED_SELECT_STYLE_OF_TOWN_NAMES		:{BLACK}Select style of town names
   763 STR_02F4_AUTOSAVE						:{BLACK}Autosave
   765 STR_02F6_SELECT_INTERVAL_BETWEEN		:{BLACK}Select interval between automatic game saves
   766 STR_02F7_OFF							:Off
   767 STR_02F8_EVERY_3_MONTHS					:Every 3 months
   768 STR_02F9_EVERY_6_MONTHS					:Every 6 months
   769 STR_02FA_EVERY_12_MONTHS				:Every 12 months
   770 STR_02FB_START_A_NEW_GAME				:{BLACK}Start a new game
   771 STR_02FC_LOAD_A_SAVED_GAME_FROM			:{BLACK}Load a saved game from disk
   772 STR_02FD_VIEW_DEMONSTRATIONS_TUTORIALS	:{BLACK}View demonstrations/tutorials
   773 STR_02FE_CREATE_A_CUSTOMIZED_GAME		:{BLACK}Create a customized game world/scenario
   774 STR_02FF_SELECT_SINGLE_PLAYER_GAME		:{BLACK}Select single-player game
   775 STR_0300_SELECT_TWO_PLAYER_GAME			:{BLACK}Select two-player game
   776 STR_0301_DISPLAY_GAME_OPTIONS			:{BLACK}Display game options
   777 STR_0302_DISPLAY_DIFFICULTY_OPTIONS		:{BLACK}Display difficulty options
   778 STR_0303_START_A_NEW_GAME_USING			:{BLACK}Start a new game, using a customized scenario
   779 STR_0304_QUIT							:{BLACK}Quit
   780 STR_0305_LEAVE_TRANSPORT_TYCOON			:{BLACK}Leave 'OpenTTD', and quit
   781 STR_0306_VIEW_DEMONSTRATION_TUTORIAL	:{BLACK}View demonstration/tutorial
   783 STR_030D_CAN_ONLY_BE_BUILT_IN_TOWNS		:{WHITE}...can only be built in towns
   784 STR_030E_SELECT_TEMPERATE_LANDSCAPE		:{BLACK}Select 'temperate' landscape style
   785 STR_030F_SELECT_SUB_ARCTIC_LANDSCAPE	:{BLACK}Select 'sub-arctic' landscape style
   786 STR_0310_SELECT_SUB_TROPICAL_LANDSCAPE	:{BLACK}Select 'sub-tropical' landscape style
   787 STR_0311_SELECT_TOYLAND_LANDSCAPE		:{BLACK}Select 'toyland' landscape style
   788 STR_0312_FUND_CONSTRUCTION_OF_NEW		:{BLACK}Fund construction of new industry
   790 ############ range for menu	starts
   791 STR_0313_FUND_NEW_INDUSTRY				:Fund new industry
   792 STR_INDUSTRY_DIR						:Industry Directory
   793 ############ range ends here
   795 STR_0314_FUND_NEW_INDUSTRY				:{WHITE}Fund new industry
   796 STR_0315								:{STRING}
   797 STR_0316_CAN_ONLY_BE_BUILT_IN_TOWNS		:{WHITE}...can only be built in towns
   798 STR_0317_CAN_ONLY_BE_BUILT_IN_RAINFOREST:{WHITE}...can only be built in rainforest areas
   799 STR_0318_CAN_ONLY_BE_BUILT_IN_DESERT	:{WHITE}...can only be built in desert areas
   800 STR_0319_PAUSED							:{YELLOW}* *  PAUSED  *  *
   802 STR_031B_SCREENSHOT_SUCCESSFULLY		:{WHITE}Screenshot successfully saved to disk as '{STRING}'
   803 STR_031C_SCREENSHOT_FAILED				:{WHITE}Screenshot failed!
   805 STR_0329_PURCHASE_LAND_FOR_FUTURE		:{BLACK}Purchase land for future use
   806 STR_032A_1_ROAD_VEHICLE_SERVICE			:{BLACK}1: Road vehicle service
   807 STR_032B_2_RAILROAD_SERVICE				:{BLACK}2: Railroad service
   808 STR_032C_3_AIR_SERVICE					:{BLACK}3: Air service
   809 STR_032D_4_SHIP_SERVICE					:{BLACK}4: Ship service
   810 STR_032E_5_RAILROAD_SERVICE_ADVANCED	:{BLACK}5: Railroad service (advanced)
   812 STR_0330_SELECT_EZY_STREET_STYLE		:{BLACK}Select 'Ezy Street style music' program
   814 STR_0335_6								:{BLACK}6
   815 STR_0336_7								:{BLACK}7
   817 ############ start of townname region
   818 STR_TOWNNAME_ENGLISH					:English
   819 STR_TOWNNAME_FRENCH						:French
   820 STR_TOWNNAME_GERMAN						:German
   821 STR_TOWNNAME_AMERICAN					:American
   822 STR_TOWNNAME_LATIN_AMERICAN				:Latin-American
   823 STR_TOWNNAME_SILLY						:Silly
   824 STR_TOWNNAME_SWEDISH					:Swedish
   825 STR_TOWNNAME_DUTCH						:Dutch
   826 STR_TOWNNAME_FINNISH					:Finnish
   827 STR_TOWNNAME_POLISH						:Polish
   828 STR_TOWNNAME_SLOVAKISH					:Slovakish
   829 STR_TOWNNAME_HUNGARIAN					:Hungarian
   830 STR_TOWNNAME_AUSTRIAN					:Austrian
   831 ############ end of	townname region
   833 STR_CURR_POUNDS							:Pounds ({POUNDSIGN})
   834 STR_CURR_DOLLARS						:Dollars ($)
   835 STR_CURR_FF								:Franc (FF)
   836 STR_CURR_DM								:Deutschmark (DM)
   837 STR_CURR_YEN							:Yen ({YENSIGN})
   838 STR_CURR_PT								:Peseta (Pt)
   839 STR_CURR_FT								:Hungarian Forint (Ft)
   840 STR_CURR_ZL								:Polish Zloty (zl)
   841 STR_CURR_ATS							:Austrian Shilling (ATS)
   842 STR_CURR_BEF							:Belgian Franc (BEF)
   843 STR_CURR_DKK							:Danish Krone (DKK)
   844 STR_CURR_FIM							:Finnish Markka (FIM)
   845 STR_CURR_GRD							:Greek Drachma (GRD)
   846 STR_CURR_CHF							:Swiss Franc (CHF)
   847 STR_CURR_NLG							:Dutch Guilder (NLG)
   848 STR_CURR_ITL							:Italian Lira (ITL)
   849 STR_CURR_SEK							:Swedish Krona (SEK)
   850 STR_CURR_RUR							:Russian Rubel (rur)
   851 STR_CURR_CZK							:Czech Koruna (CZK)
   852 STR_CURR_ISK							:Icelandic Krona (ISK)
   853 STR_CURR_NOK							:Norwegian Krone (NOK)
   854 STR_CURR_EUR							:Euro (€)
   856 STR_OPTIONS_LANG						:{BLACK}Language
   858 STR_OPTIONS_LANG_TIP					:{BLACK}Select the interface language to use
   860 STR_OPTIONS_RES							:{BLACK}Screen resolution
   862 STR_OPTIONS_RES_TIP						:{BLACK}Select the screen resolution to use
   864 STR_OPTIONS_SCREENSHOT_FORMAT			:{BLACK}Screenshot format
   866 STR_OPTIONS_SCREENSHOT_FORMAT_TIP		:{BLACK}Select the screenshot format to use
   868 STR_AUTOSAVE_1_MONTH					:Every month
   869 STR_AUTOSAVE_FAILED						:{WHITE}Autosave failed
   871 STR_MONTH_JAN							:January
   872 STR_MONTH_FEB							:February
   873 STR_MONTH_MAR							:March
   874 STR_MONTH_APR							:April
   875 STR_MONTH_MAY							:May
   876 STR_MONTH_JUN							:June
   877 STR_MONTH_JUL							:July
   878 STR_MONTH_AUG							:August
   879 STR_MONTH_SEP							:September
   880 STR_MONTH_OCT							:October
   881 STR_MONTH_NOV							:November
   882 STR_MONTH_DEC							:December
   886 STR_NO_ORDERS							:{LTBLUE}No orders
   887 STR_NO_ORDERS_VEL						:{LTBLUE}No orders, {VELOCITY}
   889 STR_PASSENGERS						:passengers
   890 STR_BAGS									:bags
   891 STR_TONS									:tons
   892 STR_LITERS								:liters
   893 STR_ITEMS									:items
   894 STR_CRATES								:crates
   895 STR_RES_OTHER							:other
   896 STR_NOTHING								:
   898 STR_CANT_SHARE_ORDER_LIST				:{WHITE}Can't share order list...
   899 STR_CANT_COPY_ORDER_LIST				:{WHITE}Can't copy order list...
   900 STR_END_OF_SHARED_ORDERS				:{SETX 10}- - End of Shared Orders - -
   902 STR_TRAIN_IS_LOST						:{WHITE}Train {COMMA16} is lost.
   903 STR_TRAIN_IS_UNPROFITABLE				:{WHITE}Train {COMMA16}'s profit last year was {CURRENCY}
   905 STR_CONFIG_PATCHES						:{BLACK}Configure Patches
   906 STR_CONFIG_PATCHES_TIP					:{BLACK}Configure the patches
   907 STR_CONFIG_PATCHES_CAPTION				:{WHITE}Configure Patches
   911 STR_CONFIG_PATCHES_VEHICLESPEED			:{LTBLUE}Show vehicle speed in status bar: {ORANGE}{STRING}
   912 STR_CONFIG_PATCHES_BUILDONSLOPES		:{LTBLUE}Allow building on slopes and coasts: {ORANGE}{STRING}
   913 STR_CONFIG_PATCHES_EXTRADYNAMITE		:{LTBLUE}Allow removal of more town-owned roads, bridges, tunnels, etc: {ORANGE}{STRING}
   914 STR_CONFIG_PATCHES_MAMMOTHTRAINS		:{LTBLUE}Enable building very long trains: {ORANGE}{STRING}
   915 STR_CONFIG_PATCHES_REALISTICACCEL		:{LTBLUE}Enable realistic acceleration for trains: {ORANGE}{STRING}
   916 STR_CONFIG_PATCHES_JOINSTATIONS			:{LTBLUE}Join train stations built next to each other: {ORANGE}{STRING}
   917 STR_CONFIG_PATCHES_FULLLOADANY			:{LTBLUE}Leave station when any cargo is full, if 'full load': {ORANGE}{STRING}
   920 STR_CONFIG_PATCHES_SELECTGOODS			:{LTBLUE}Deliver cargo to a station only when there is a demand: {ORANGE}{STRING}
   921 STR_CONFIG_PATCHES_LONGBRIDGES			:{LTBLUE}Allow building very long bridges: {ORANGE}{STRING}
   922 STR_CONFIG_PATCHES_GOTODEPOT			:{LTBLUE}Allow goto depot orders: {ORANGE}{STRING}
   923 STR_CONFIG_PATCHES_BUILDXTRAIND			:{LTBLUE}Allow constructing raw material producing industries: {ORANGE}{STRING}
   924 STR_CONFIG_PATCHES_MULTIPINDTOWN		:{LTBLUE}Allow multiple similar industries per town: {ORANGE}{STRING}
   925 STR_CONFIG_PATCHES_SAMEINDCLOSE			:{LTBLUE}Industries of the same type can be built close to each other: {ORANGE}{STRING}
   926 STR_CONFIG_PATCHES_LONGDATE				:{LTBLUE}Always show long date in the status bar: {ORANGE}{STRING}
   927 STR_CONFIG_PATCHES_SIGNALSIDE			:{LTBLUE}Show signals on the drive side: {ORANGE}{STRING}
   928 STR_CONFIG_PATCHES_SHOWFINANCES			:{LTBLUE}Show finances window at the end of the year: {ORANGE}{STRING}
   929 STR_CONFIG_PATCHES_NEW_NONSTOP			:{LTBLUE}TTDPatch compatible nonstop handling: {ORANGE}{STRING}
   930 STR_CONFIG_PATCHES_ROADVEH_QUEUE		:{LTBLUE}Road vehicle queueing (with quantum effects): {ORANGE}{STRING}
   931 STR_CONFIG_PATCHES_AUTOSCROLL			:{LTBLUE}Pan window when mouse is at the edge: {ORANGE}{STRING}
   932 STR_CONFIG_PATCHES_BRIBE				:{LTBLUE}Allow bribing the local authority: {ORANGE}{STRING}
   935 STR_CONFIG_PATCHES_NEW_TRAIN_PATHFIND	:{LTBLUE}New algorithm for train pathfinding: {ORANGE}{STRING}
   936 STR_CONFIG_PATCHES_BUILD_IN_PAUSE		:{LTBLUE}Build while in pause mode: {ORANGE}{STRING}
   937 STR_CONFIG_PATCHES_SMALL_AIRPORTS		:{LTBLUE}Always allow small airports: {ORANGE}{STRING}
   939 STR_CONFIG_PATCHES_LOST_TRAIN_DAYS		:{LTBLUE}A train is lost if no progress is made for: {ORANGE}{STRING} days
   940 STR_CONFIG_PATCHES_WARN_INCOME_LESS		:{LTBLUE}Warn if a train's income is negative: {ORANGE}{STRING}
   942 STR_CONFIG_AUTORENEW_VEHICLE			:{LTBLUE}Autorenew vehicle when it gets old
   946 STR_CONFIG_PATCHES_SERVICEATHELIPAD	:{LTBLUE}Service helicopters at helipads automatically: {ORANGE}{STRING}
   949 STR_CONFIG_PATCHES_MAX_ROADVEH			:{LTBLUE}Max road vehicles per player: {ORANGE}{STRING}
   953 STR_CONFIG_PATCHES_AI_BUILDS_TRAINS		:{LTBLUE}Disable trains for computer: {ORANGE}{STRING}
   954 STR_CONFIG_PATCHES_AI_BUILDS_ROADVEH	:{LTBLUE}Disable road vehicles for computer: {ORANGE}{STRING}
   956 STR_CONFIG_PATCHES_AI_BUILDS_SHIPS		:{LTBLUE}Disable ships for computer: {ORANGE}{STRING}
   958 STR_CONFIG_PATCHES_SERVINT_TRAINS		:{LTBLUE}Default service interval for trains: {ORANGE}{STRING} days
   959 STR_CONFIG_PATCHES_SERVINT_ROADVEH		:{LTBLUE}Default service interval for road vehicles: {ORANGE}{STRING} days
   960 STR_CONFIG_PATCHES_SERVINT_AIRCRAFT		:{LTBLUE}Default service interval for aircraft: {ORANGE}{STRING} days
   961 STR_CONFIG_PATCHES_SERVINT_SHIPS		:{LTBLUE}Default service interval for ships: {ORANGE}{STRING} days
   965 STR_CONFIG_PATCHES_SMOOTH_ECONOMY		:{LTBLUE}Enable smooth economy (more, smaller changes)
   967 STR_CONFIG_PATCHES_GUI					:{BLACK}Interface
   976 STR_CONFIG_PATCHES_QUERY_CAPT			:{WHITE}Change setting value
   979 STR_CHEATS										:{WHITE}Cheats
   980 STR_CHEATS_TIP								:{BLACK}Checkboxes indicate if you have used this cheat before
   981 STR_CHEATS_WARNING						:{BLACK}Warning! You are about to betray your fellow competitors. Keep in mind that such a disgrace will be remembered for eternity.
   982 STR_CHEAT_MONEY								:{LTBLUE}Increase money by {CURRENCY64}
   983 STR_CHEAT_CHANGE_PLAYER				:{LTBLUE}Playing as player: {ORANGE}{COMMA16}
   984 STR_CHEAT_EXTRA_DYNAMITE			:{LTBLUE}Magic bulldozer (remove industries, unmovables): {ORANGE}{STRING}
   985 STR_CHEAT_CROSSINGTUNNELS			:{LTBLUE}Tunnels may cross each other: {ORANGE}{STRING}
   987 STR_SORT_BY_POPULATION					:{BLACK}Population
   994 STR_CHECKPOINTNAME_CITY					:Checkpoint {TOWN}
   996 STR_LANDINFO_CHECKPOINT					:Checkpoint
  1001 STR_EDIT_CHECKPOINT_NAME				:{WHITE}Edit checkpoint name
  1003 STR_CANT_CHANGE_CHECKPOINT_NAME			:{WHITE}Can't change checkpoint name...
  1004 STR_CONVERT_RAIL_TO_CHECKPOINT_TIP		:{BLACK}Convert rail to checkpoint
  1005 STR_CANT_BUILD_TRAIN_CHECKPOINT			:{WHITE}Can't build train checkpoint here...
  1006 STR_CANT_REMOVE_TRAIN_CHECKPOINT		:{WHITE}Can't remove train checkpoint here...
  1008 STR_BUILD_AUTORAIL_TIP					:{BLACK}Build railroad track using the Autorail mode
  1010 STR_NO_TOWN_IN_SCENARIO					:{WHITE}...there is no town in this scenario
  1012 STR_GENERATE_RANDOM_LANDSCAPE		:{WHITE}Are you sure you want to create a random landscape?
  1013 STR_MANY_RANDOM_TOWNS						:{BLACK}Many random towns
  1014 STR_RANDOM_TOWNS_TIP						:{BLACK}Cover the map with randomly placed towns
  1015 STR_MANY_RANDOM_INDUSTRIES			:{BLACK}Many random industries
  1016 STR_RANDOM_INDUSTRIES_TIP				:{BLACK}Cover the map with randomly placed industries
  1017 STR_CAN_T_GENERATE_INDUSTRIES		:{WHITE}Can't generate industries...
  1019 STR_LANDSCAPING_TOOLBAR					:{WHITE}Landscaping
  1020 STR_LEVEL_LAND_TOOLTIP					:{BLACK}Level land
  1023 STR_TREES_RANDOM_TYPE					:{BLACK}Trees of random type
  1024 STR_TREES_RANDOM_TYPE_TIP				:{BLACK}Place trees of random type
  1026 STR_CANT_BUILD_CANALS							:{WHITE}Can't build canals here...
  1027 STR_BUILD_CANALS_TIP							:{BLACK}Build canals
  1028 STR_LANDINFO_CANAL								:Canal
  1030 STR_CANT_BUILD_LOCKS							:{WHITE}Can't build locks here...
  1031 STR_BUILD_LOCKS_TIP								:{BLACK}Build locks
  1032 STR_LANDINFO_LOCK									:Lock
  1034 STR_LANDINFO_COORDS						:{BLACK}Coordinates: {LTBLUE}{NUMU16}x{NUMU16} ({STRING})
  1036 STR_CANT_REMOVE_PART_OF_STATION			:{WHITE}Can't remove part of station...
  1037 STR_CANT_CONVERT_RAIL					:{WHITE}Can't convert railtype here...
  1038 STR_CONVERT_RAIL_TIP					:{BLACK}Convert/Upgrade the type of the rail
  1040 STR_DRAG_WHOLE_TRAIN_TO_SELL_TIP		:{BLACK}Drag train engine here to sell the whole train
  1042 STR_DRAG_DROP							:{BLACK}Drag & Drop
  1043 STR_STATION_DRAG_DROP					:{BLACK}Build a station with drag & drop
  1045 STR_FAST_FORWARD						:{BLACK}Fast forward the game
  1046 STR_MESSAGE_HISTORY					:{WHITE}Message History
  1047 STR_MESSAGE_HISTORY_TIP			:{BLACK}A list of the recent news messages
  1051 STR_CONSTRUCT_COAL_MINE_TIP				:{BLACK}Construct Coal Mine
  1053 STR_CONSTRUCT_OIL_RIG_TIP				:{BLACK}Construct Oil Rig
  1055 STR_CONSTRUCT_COPPER_ORE_MINE_TIP		:{BLACK}Construct Copper Ore Mine
  1057 STR_CONSTRUCT_GOLD_MINE_TIP				:{BLACK}Construct Gold Mine
  1058 STR_CONSTRUCT_DIAMOND_MINE_TIP			:{BLACK}Construct Diamond Mine
  1059 STR_CONSTRUCT_IRON_ORE_MINE_TIP			:{BLACK}Construct Iron Ore Mine
  1063 STR_CONSTRUCT_COTTON_CANDY_TIP			:{BLACK}Plant Cotton Candy Forest
  1067 STR_CONSTRUCT_BUBBLE_GENERATOR_TIP		:{BLACK}Construct Bubble Generator
  1069 STR_CONSTRUCT_SUGAR_MINE_TIP			:{BLACK}Construct Sugar Mine
  1071 STR_SORT_BY_PRODUCTION				:{BLACK}Production
  1072 STR_SORT_BY_TYPE					:{BLACK}Type
  1073 STR_SORT_BY_TRANSPORTED				:{BLACK}Transported
  1079 STR_INDUSTRY_TOO_CLOSE				:{WHITE}...too close to another industry
  1081 STR_RAIL_REFIT_VEHICLE_TO_CARRY			:{BLACK}Refit train to carry a different cargo type
  1082 STR_RAIL_REFIT							:{WHITE}{STRING} (Refit)
  1083 STR_RAIL_REFIT_VEHICLE					:{BLACK}Refit train
  1084 STR_RAIL_SELECT_TYPE_OF_CARGO_FOR		:{BLACK}Select type of cargo for train to carry
  1085 STR_RAIL_REFIT_TO_CARRY_HIGHLIGHTED		:{BLACK}Refit train to carry highlighted cargo type
  1086 STR_RAIL_CAN_T_REFIT_VEHICLE			:{WHITE}Can't refit train...
  1089 ############ network gui strings
  1091 TEMP_STRING_NO_NETWORK						:{WHITE}Network interface is not working yet!
  1093 STR_NETWORK_MULTIPLAYER						:{WHITE}Multiplayer
  1095 STR_NETWORK_FIND_SERVER						:{BLACK}Find server
  1096 STR_NETWORK_FIND_SERVER_TIP				:{BLACK}Search network for a server
  1097 STR_NETWORK_DIRECT_CONNECT				:{BLACK}Direct connect
  1098 STR_NETWORK_ENTER_IP							:{BLACK}Enter the IP address of the server
  1099 STR_NETWORK_DIRECT_CONNECT_TIP		:{BLACK}Connect to a known IP
  1100 STR_NETWORK_START_SERVER					:{BLACK}Start server
  1101 STR_NETWORK_START_SERVER_TIP			:{BLACK}Start an own server
  1103 STR_NETWORK_PLAYER_NAME						:{BLACK}Player name:
  1104 STR_NETWORK_ENTER_NAME_TIP				:{BLACK}This is the name other players will identify you by
  1106 STR_NETWORK_SELECT_CONNECTION			:{BLACK}Select connection type:
  1107 STR_NETWORK_CONNECTION_TYPE_TIP		:{BLACK}Chose between an internet game or a local area nework game
  1109 STR_NETWORK_LAN										:{BLACK}LAN
  1110 STR_NETWORK_INTERNET							:{BLACK}Internet
  1113 STR_NETWORK_GAME_NAME_TIP					:{BLACK}Name of the game
  1114 STR_NETWORK_PLAYERS								:{BLACK}#/#
  1115 STR_NETWORK_PLAYERS_TIP						:{BLACK}Players currently in this game / Maximum number of players
  1116 STR_NETWORK_MAP_SIZE							:{BLACK}Size
  1117 STR_NETWORK_MAP_SIZE_TIP					:{BLACK}Size of the map
  1118 STR_NETWORK_INFO_ICONS_TIP				:{BLACK}Language, server version, etc.
  1119 STR_NETWORK_CLICK_GAME_TO_SELECT	:{BLACK}Click a game from the list to select it
  1121 STR_NETWORK_JOIN_GAME							:{BLACK}Join game
  1126 STR_NETWORK_NEW_GAME_NAME					:{BLACK}Game name:
  1127 STR_NETWORK_NEW_GAME_NAME_TIP			:{BLACK}The game name will be displayed to other players in the multiplayer game selection menu
  1128 STR_NETWORK_PASSWORD							:{BLACK}Password:
  1129 STR_NETWORK_PASSWORD_TIP					:{BLACK}Protect your game with a password if you don't want other people to join it
  1130 STR_NETWORK_SELECT_MAP						:{BLACK}Select a map:
  1131 STR_NETWORK_SELECT_MAP_TIP				:{BLACK}Which map do you want to play?
  1132 STR_NETWORK_NUMBER_OF_PLAYERS			:{BLACK}Number of players:
  1133 STR_NETWORK_NUMBER_OF_PLAYERS_TIP	:{BLACK}Chose a maximum number of players. Not all slots need to be filled.
  1135 STR_NETWORK_2_PLAYERS							:{BLACK}2 players
  1136 STR_NETWORK_3_PLAYERS							:{BLACK}3 players
  1137 STR_NETWORK_4_PLAYERS							:{BLACK}4 players
  1138 STR_NETWORK_5_PLAYERS							:{BLACK}5 players
  1139 STR_NETWORK_6_PLAYERS							:{BLACK}6 players
  1140 STR_NETWORK_7_PLAYERS							:{BLACK}7 players
  1141 STR_NETWORK_8_PLAYERS							:{BLACK}8 players
  1142 STR_NETWORK_START_GAME						:{BLACK}Start Game
  1145 STR_NETWORK_GAME_LOBBY						:{WHITE}Multiplayer game lobby
  1147 STR_NETWORK_SEND									:{BLACK}Send
  1148 STR_NETWORK_SEND_TIP							:{BLACK}Send a message to the other players
  1149 STR_NETWORK_COMPANY_NAME					:{BLACK}Company name:
  1150 STR_NETWORK_COMPANY_NAME_TIP			:{BLACK}Change the name of your company. Hit enter to apply changes
  1151 STR_NETWORK_SPECTATE_GAME					:{BLACK}Spectate game
  1152 STR_NETWORK_SPECTATE_GAME_TIP			:{BLACK}Watch the game as a spectator
  1153 STR_NETWORK_NEW_COMPANY						:{BLACK}New company
  1154 STR_NETWORK_NEW_COMPANY_TIP				:{BLACK}Open a new company
  1155 STR_NETWORK_READY									:{BLACK}Ready
  1158 ############ end network gui strings
  1161 ##id 0x0800
  1162 STR_0800_COST							:{TINYFONT}{RED}Cost: {CURRENCY}
  1163 STR_0801_COST							:{RED}Cost: {CURRENCY}
  1164 STR_0802_INCOME							:{TINYFONT}{GREEN}Income: {CURRENCY}
  1165 STR_0803_INCOME							:{GREEN}Income: {CURRENCY}
  1166 STR_0804_ESTIMATED_COST					:{TINYFONT}{WHITE}Estimated Cost: {CURRENCY}
  1167 STR_0805_ESTIMATED_COST					:{WHITE}Estimated Cost: {CURRENCY}
  1168 STR_0806_ESTIMATED_INCOME				:{TINYFONT}{WHITE}Estimated Income: {CURRENCY}
  1169 STR_0807_ESTIMATED_INCOME				:{WHITE}Estimated Income: {CURRENCY}
  1170 STR_0808_CAN_T_RAISE_LAND_HERE			:{WHITE}Can't raise land here...
  1171 STR_0809_CAN_T_LOWER_LAND_HERE			:{WHITE}Can't lower land here...
  1172 STR_080A_ROCKS							:Rocks
  1173 STR_080B_ROUGH_LAND						:Rough land
  1174 STR_080C_BARE_LAND						:Bare land
  1175 STR_080D_GRASS							:Grass
  1176 STR_080E_FIELDS							:Fields
  1177 STR_080F_SNOW_COVERED_LAND				:Snow-covered land
  1178 STR_0810_DESERT							:Desert
  1180 ##id 0x1000
  1181 STR_1000_LAND_SLOPED_IN_WRONG_DIRECTION	:{WHITE}Land sloped in wrong direction
  1182 STR_1001_IMPOSSIBLE_TRACK_COMBINATION	:{WHITE}Impossible track combination
  1183 STR_1002_EXCAVATION_WOULD_DAMAGE		:{WHITE}Excavation would damage tunnel
  1184 STR_1003_ALREADY_AT_SEA_LEVEL			:{WHITE}Already at sea-level
  1185 STR_1004_TOO_HIGH						:{WHITE}Too high
  1186 STR_1005_NO_SUITABLE_RAILROAD_TRACK		:{WHITE}No suitable railroad track
  1187 STR_1006_TRAIN_INSIDE_DEPOT				:{WHITE}Train inside depot
  1188 STR_1007_ALREADY_BUILT					:{WHITE}...already built
  1189 STR_1008_MUST_REMOVE_RAILROAD_TRACK		:{WHITE}Must remove railroad track first
  1190 STR_1009_TOO_MANY_DEPOTS				:{WHITE}Too many depots
  1191 STR_100A_RAILROAD_CONSTRUCTION			:{WHITE}Railroad Construction
  1192 STR_100B_MONORAIL_CONSTRUCTION			:{WHITE}Monorail Construction
  1193 STR_100C_MAGLEV_CONSTRUCTION			:{WHITE}MagLev Construction
  1194 STR_100D_SELECT_RAIL_BRIDGE				:{WHITE}Select Rail Bridge
  1195 STR_100E_CAN_T_BUILD_TRAIN_DEPOT		:{WHITE}Can't build train depot here...
  1196 STR_100F_CAN_T_BUILD_RAILROAD_STATION	:{WHITE}Can't build railroad station here...
  1197 STR_1010_CAN_T_BUILD_SIGNALS_HERE		:{WHITE}Can't build signals here...
  1198 STR_1011_CAN_T_BUILD_RAILROAD_TRACK		:{WHITE}Can't build railroad track here...
  1199 STR_1012_CAN_T_REMOVE_RAILROAD_TRACK	:{WHITE}Can't remove railroad track from here...
  1200 STR_1013_CAN_T_REMOVE_SIGNALS_FROM		:{WHITE}Can't remove signals from here...
  1201 STR_1014_TRAIN_DEPOT_ORIENTATION		:{WHITE}Train Depot Orientation
  1202 STR_1015_RAILROAD_CONSTRUCTION			:Railroad construction
  1203 STR_1016_MONORAIL_CONSTRUCTION			:Monorail construction
  1204 STR_1017_MAGLEV_CONSTRUCTION			:MagLev construction
  1205 STR_1018_BUILD_RAILROAD_TRACK			:{BLACK}Build railroad track
  1206 STR_1019_BUILD_TRAIN_DEPOT_FOR_BUILDING	:{BLACK}Build train depot (for building and servicing trains)
  1207 STR_101A_BUILD_RAILROAD_STATION			:{BLACK}Build railroad station
  1208 STR_101B_BUILD_RAILROAD_SIGNALS			:{BLACK}Build railroad signals
  1209 STR_101C_BUILD_RAILROAD_BRIDGE			:{BLACK}Build railroad bridge
  1210 STR_101D_BUILD_RAILROAD_TUNNEL			:{BLACK}Build railroad tunnel
  1211 STR_101E_TOGGLE_BUILD_REMOVE_FOR		:{BLACK}Toggle build/remove for railroad track and signals
  1212 STR_101F_BRIDGE_SELECTION_CLICK			:{BLACK}Bridge selection - click on selected bridge to build it
  1213 STR_1020_SELECT_RAILROAD_DEPOT_ORIENTATIO:{BLACK}Select railroad depot orientation
  1214 STR_1021_RAILROAD_TRACK					:Railroad track
  1215 STR_1022_RAILROAD_TRACK_WITH_SIGNALS	:Railroad track with signals
  1216 STR_1023_RAILROAD_TRAIN_DEPOT			:Railroad train depot
  1217 STR_1024_AREA_IS_OWNED_BY_ANOTHER		:{WHITE}...area is owned by another company
  1218 STR_RAILROAD_TRACK_WITH_NORMAL_SIGNALS	:Railroad track with normal signals
  1219 STR_RAILROAD_TRACK_WITH_PRESIGNALS	:Railroad track with pre-signals
  1220 STR_RAILROAD_TRACK_WITH_EXITSIGNALS	:Railroad track with exit-signals
  1221 STR_RAILROAD_TRACK_WITH_COMBOSIGNALS	:Railroad track with combo-signals
  1225 ##id 0x1800
  1226 STR_1800_LAND_SLOPED_IN_WRONG_DIRECTION	:{WHITE}Land sloped in wrong direction for road
  1227 STR_1801_MUST_REMOVE_ROAD_FIRST			:{WHITE}Must remove road first
  1228 STR_1802_ROAD_CONSTRUCTION				:{WHITE}Road Construction
  1229 STR_1803_SELECT_ROAD_BRIDGE				:{WHITE}Select Road Bridge
  1230 STR_1804_CAN_T_BUILD_ROAD_HERE			:{WHITE}Can't build road here...
  1231 STR_1805_CAN_T_REMOVE_ROAD_FROM			:{WHITE}Can't remove road from here...
  1232 STR_1806_ROAD_DEPOT_ORIENTATION			:{WHITE}Road Depot Orientation
  1233 STR_1807_CAN_T_BUILD_ROAD_VEHICLE		:{WHITE}Can't build road vehicle depot here...
  1234 STR_1808_CAN_T_BUILD_BUS_STATION		:{WHITE}Can't build bus station...
  1235 STR_1809_CAN_T_BUILD_TRUCK_STATION		:{WHITE}Can't build truck station...
  1236 STR_180A_ROAD_CONSTRUCTION				:Road construction
  1237 STR_180B_BUILD_ROAD_SECTION				:{BLACK}Build road section
  1238 STR_180C_BUILD_ROAD_VEHICLE_DEPOT		:{BLACK}Build road vehicle depot (for building and servicing vehicles)
  1239 STR_180D_BUILD_BUS_STATION				:{BLACK}Build bus station
  1240 STR_180E_BUILD_TRUCK_LOADING_BAY		:{BLACK}Build truck loading bay
  1241 STR_180F_BUILD_ROAD_BRIDGE				:{BLACK}Build road bridge
  1242 STR_1810_BUILD_ROAD_TUNNEL				:{BLACK}Build road tunnel
  1243 STR_1811_TOGGLE_BUILD_REMOVE_FOR		:{BLACK}Toggle build/remove for road construction
  1244 STR_1812_BRIDGE_SELECTION_CLICK			:{BLACK}Bridge selection - click on selected bridge to build it
  1245 STR_1813_SELECT_ROAD_VEHICLE_DEPOT		:{BLACK}Select road vehicle depot orientation
  1246 STR_1814_ROAD							:Road
  1247 STR_1815_ROAD_WITH_STREETLIGHTS			:Road with streetlights
  1248 STR_1816_TREE_LINED_ROAD				:Tree-lined road
  1249 STR_1817_ROAD_VEHICLE_DEPOT				:Road vehicle depot
  1250 STR_1818_ROAD_RAIL_LEVEL_CROSSING		:Road/rail level crossing
  1252 ##id 0x2000
  1253 STR_2000_TOWNS							:{WHITE}Towns
  1254 STR_2001								:{WHITE}{STRING}
  1255 STR_2002								:{TINYFONT}{BLACK}{STRING}
  1256 STR_2003								:{TINYFONT}{WHITE}{STRING}
  1257 STR_2004_BUILDING_MUST_BE_DEMOLISHED	:{WHITE}Building must be demolished first
  1258 STR_2005								:{WHITE}{TOWN}
  1259 STR_2006_POPULATION						:{BLACK}Population: {ORANGE}{COMMA32}{BLACK}  Houses: {ORANGE}{COMMA32}
  1260 STR_2007_RENAME_TOWN					:Rename Town
  1261 STR_2008_CAN_T_RENAME_TOWN				:{WHITE}Can't rename town...
  1262 STR_2009_LOCAL_AUTHORITY_REFUSES		:{WHITE}{TOWN} local authority refuses to allow this
  1263 STR_200A_TOWN_NAMES_CLICK_ON_NAME		:{BLACK}Town names - click on name to center main view on town
  1264 STR_200B_CENTER_THE_MAIN_VIEW_ON		:{BLACK}Center the main view on town location
  1265 STR_200C_CHANGE_TOWN_NAME				:{BLACK}Change town name
  1266 STR_200D_PASSENGERS_LAST_MONTH_MAX		:{BLACK}Passengers last month: {ORANGE}{COMMA16}{BLACK}  max: {ORANGE}{COMMA16}
  1267 STR_200E_MAIL_LAST_MONTH_MAX			:{BLACK}Mail last month: {ORANGE}{COMMA16}{BLACK}  max: {ORANGE}{COMMA16}
  1268 STR_200F_TALL_OFFICE_BLOCK				:Tall office block
  1269 STR_2010_OFFICE_BLOCK					:Office block
  1270 STR_2011_SMALL_BLOCK_OF_FLATS			:Small block of flats
  1271 STR_2012_CHURCH							:Church
  1272 STR_2013_LARGE_OFFICE_BLOCK				:Large office block
  1273 STR_2014_TOWN_HOUSES					:Town houses
  1274 STR_2015_HOTEL							:Hotel
  1275 STR_2016_STATUE							:Statue
  1276 STR_2017_FOUNTAIN						:Fountain
  1277 STR_2018_PARK							:Park
  1278 STR_2019_OFFICE_BLOCK					:Office block
  1279 STR_201A_SHOPS_AND_OFFICES				:Shops and offices
  1280 STR_201B_MODERN_OFFICE_BUILDING			:Modern office building
  1281 STR_201C_WAREHOUSE						:Warehouse
  1282 STR_201D_OFFICE_BLOCK					:Office block
  1283 STR_201E_STADIUM						:Stadium
  1284 STR_201F_OLD_HOUSES						:Old houses
  1285 STR_2020_LOCAL_AUTHORITY				:{BLACK}Local authority
  1286 STR_2021_SHOW_INFORMATION_ON_LOCAL		:{BLACK}Show information on local authority
  1287 STR_2022_LOCAL_AUTHORITY				:{WHITE}{TOWN} local authority
  1288 STR_2023_TRANSPORT_COMPANY_RATINGS		:{BLACK}Transport company ratings:
  1289 STR_2024								:{YELLOW}{STRING}{STRING}: {ORANGE}{STRING}
  1290 STR_2025_SUBSIDIES						:{WHITE}Subsidies
  1291 STR_2026_SUBSIDIES_ON_OFFER_FOR			:{BLACK}Subsidies on offer for services taking:-
  1292 STR_2027_FROM_TO						:{ORANGE}{STRING} from {STRING} to {STRING}
  1293 STR_2028_BY								:{YELLOW} (by {DATE_SHORT})
  1294 STR_2029								:{STRING} {STRING}
  1295 STR_202A_NONE							:{ORANGE}None
  1296 STR_202B_SERVICES_ALREADY_SUBSIDISED	:{BLACK}Services already subsidised:-
  1298 STR_202D_UNTIL							:{YELLOW}, until {DATE_SHORT})
  1299 STR_202E_OFFER_OF_SUBSIDY_EXPIRED		:{BLACK}{BIGFONT}Offer of subsidy expired:{}{}{STRING} from {STRING} to {STRING} will now not attract a subsidy.
  1300 STR_202F_SUBSIDY_WITHDRAWN_SERVICE		:{BLACK}{BIGFONT}Subsidy withdrawn:{}{}{STRING} service from {STATION} to {STATION} is no longer subsidised.
  1301 STR_2030_SERVICE_SUBSIDY_OFFERED		:{BLACK}{BIGFONT}Service subsidy offered:{}{}First {STRING} service from {STRING} to {STRING} will attract a year's subsidy from the local authority!
  1302 STR_2031_SERVICE_SUBSIDY_AWARDED		:{BLACK}{BIGFONT}Service subsidy awarded to {STRING}!{}{}{STRING} service from {STATION} to {STATION} will pay 50% extra for the next year!
  1303 STR_2032_SERVICE_SUBSIDY_AWARDED		:{BLACK}{BIGFONT}Service subsidy awarded to {STRING}!{}{}{STRING} service from {STATION} to {STATION} will pay double rates for the next year!
  1304 STR_2033_SERVICE_SUBSIDY_AWARDED		:{BLACK}{BIGFONT}Service subsidy awarded to {STRING}!{}{}{STRING} service from {STATION} to {STATION} will pay triple rates for the next year!
  1305 STR_2034_SERVICE_SUBSIDY_AWARDED		:{BLACK}{BIGFONT}Service subsidy awarded to {STRING}!{}{}{STRING} service from {STATION} to {STATION} will pay quadruple rates for the next year!
  1306 STR_2035_LOCAL_AUTHORITY_REFUSES		:{WHITE}{TOWN} local authority refuses to allow another airport to be built in this town
  1307 STR_2036_COTTAGES						:Cottages
  1308 STR_2037_HOUSES							:Houses
  1309 STR_2038_FLATS							:Flats
  1310 STR_2039_TALL_OFFICE_BLOCK				:Tall office block
  1311 STR_203A_SHOPS_AND_OFFICES				:Shops and offices
  1312 STR_203B_SHOPS_AND_OFFICES				:Shops and offices
  1313 STR_203C_THEATER						:Theater
  1314 STR_203D_STADIUM						:Stadium
  1315 STR_203E_OFFICES						:Offices
  1316 STR_203F_HOUSES							:Houses
  1317 STR_2040_CINEMA							:Cinema
  1318 STR_2041_SHOPPING_MALL					:Shopping mall
  1319 STR_2042_DO_IT							:{BLACK}Do it
  1320 STR_2043_LIST_OF_THINGS_TO_DO_AT		:{BLACK}List of things to do at this town - click on item for more details
  1321 STR_2044_CARRY_OUT_THE_HIGHLIGHTED		:{BLACK}Carry out the highlighted action in the list above
  1322 STR_2045_ACTIONS_AVAILABLE				:{BLACK}Actions available:
  1323 STR_2046_SMALL_ADVERTISING_CAMPAIGN		:Small advertising campaign
  1324 STR_2047_MEDIUM_ADVERTISING_CAMPAIGN	:Medium advertising campaign
  1325 STR_2048_LARGE_ADVERTISING_CAMPAIGN		:Large advertising campaign
  1326 STR_2049_FUND_LOCAL_ROAD_RECONSTRUCTION	:Fund local road reconstruction
  1327 STR_204A_BUILD_STATUE_OF_COMPANY		:Build statue of company owner
  1328 STR_204B_FUND_NEW_BUILDINGS				:Fund new buildings
  1329 STR_204C_BUY_EXCLUSIVE_TRANSPORT		:Buy exclusive transport rights
  1330 STR_TOWN_BRIBE_THE_LOCAL_AUTHORITY		:Bribe the local authority
  1331 STR_204D_INITIATE_A_SMALL_LOCAL			:{WHITE}{STRING}{}{YELLOW} Initiate a small local advertising campaign, to attract more passengers and cargo to your transport services.{}  Cost: {CURRENCY}
  1332 STR_204E_INITIATE_A_MEDIUM_LOCAL		:{WHITE}{STRING}{}{YELLOW} Initiate a medium local advertising campaign, to attract more passengers and cargo to your transport services.{}  Cost: {CURRENCY}
  1333 STR_204F_INITIATE_A_LARGE_LOCAL			:{WHITE}{STRING}{}{YELLOW} Initiate a large local advertising campaign, to attract more passengers and cargo to your transport services.{}  Cost: {CURRENCY}
  1334 STR_2050_FUND_THE_RECONSTRUCTION		:{WHITE}{STRING}{}{YELLOW} Fund the reconstruction of the urban road network. Causes considerable disruption to road traffic for up to 6 months.{}  Cost: {CURRENCY}
  1335 STR_2051_BUILD_A_STATUE_IN_HONOR		:{WHITE}{STRING}{}{YELLOW} Build a statue in honor of your company.{} Cost: {CURRENCY}
  1336 STR_2052_FUND_THE_CONSTRUCTION_OF		:{WHITE}{STRING}{}{YELLOW} Fund the construction of new commercial buildings in the town.{}  Cost: {CURRENCY}
  1337 STR_2053_BUY_1_YEAR_S_EXCLUSIVE			:{WHITE}{STRING}{}{YELLOW} Buy 1 year's exclusive transport rights in town. Town authority will only allow passengers and cargo to use your company's stations.{} Cost: {CURRENCY}
  1338 STR_TOWN_BRIBE_THE_LOCAL_AUTHORITY_DESC		:{WHITE}{STRING}{}{YELLOW} Bribe the local authority to increase your rating, at the risk of a severe penalty if caught.{}  Cost: {CURRENCY}
  1339 STR_2054_CAN_T_DO_THIS					:{WHITE}Can't do this...
  1340 STR_2055_TRAFFIC_CHAOS_IN_ROAD_REBUILDING:{BIGFONT}{BLACK}Traffic chaos in {TOWN}!{}{}Road rebuilding programme funded by {STRING} brings 6 months of misery to motorists!
  1341 STR_2056								:{TINYFONT}{WHITE}{TOWN}
  1342 STR_2057								:{ORANGE}{TOWN}{BLACK} ({COMMA32})
  1343 STR_2058_UNDER_CONSTRUCTION				:{STRING} (under construction)
  1344 STR_2059_IGLOO							:Igloo
  1345 STR_205A_TEPEES							:Tepees
  1346 STR_205B_TEAPOT_HOUSE					:Teapot-House
  1347 STR_205C_PIGGY_BANK						:Piggy-Bank
  1349 ##id 0x2800
  1350 STR_LANDSCAPING								:Landscaping
  1351 STR_2800_PLANT_TREES					:Plant trees
  1352 STR_2801_PLACE_SIGN						:Place sign
  1353 STR_2802_TREES							:{WHITE}Trees
  1354 STR_2803_TREE_ALREADY_HERE				:{WHITE}...tree already here
  1355 STR_2804_SITE_UNSUITABLE				:{WHITE} unsuitable
  1356 STR_2805_CAN_T_PLANT_TREE_HERE			:{WHITE}Can't plant tree here...
  1357 STR_2806								:{WHITE}{STRING}
  1358 STR_2807								:{TINYFONT}{WHITE}{STRING}
  1359 STR_2808_TOO_MANY_SIGNS					:{WHITE}...too many signs
  1360 STR_2809_CAN_T_PLACE_SIGN_HERE			:{WHITE}Can't place sign here...
  1361 STR_280A_SIGN							:Sign
  1362 STR_280B_EDIT_SIGN_TEXT					:{WHITE}Edit sign text
  1363 STR_280C_CAN_T_CHANGE_SIGN_NAME			:{WHITE}Can't change sign name...
  1364 STR_280D_SELECT_TREE_TYPE_TO_PLANT		:{BLACK}Select tree type to plant
  1365 STR_280E_TREES							:Trees
  1366 STR_280F_RAINFOREST						:Rainforest
  1367 STR_2810_CACTUS_PLANTS					:Cactus Plants
  1369 ##id 0x3000
  1370 STR_3000_RAIL_STATION_SELECTION			:{WHITE}Rail Station Selection
  1371 STR_3001_AIRPORT_SELECTION				:{WHITE}Airport Selection
  1372 STR_3002_ORIENTATION					:{BLACK}Orientation
  1373 STR_3003_NUMBER_OF_TRACKS				:{BLACK}Number of tracks
  1374 STR_3004_PLATFORM_LENGTH				:{BLACK}Platform length
  1375 STR_3005_TOO_CLOSE_TO_ANOTHER_RAILROAD	:{WHITE}Too close to another railroad station
  1376 STR_3006_ADJOINS_MORE_THAN_ONE_EXISTING	:{WHITE}Adjoins more than one existing station/loading area
  1377 STR_3007_TOO_MANY_STATIONS_LOADING		:{WHITE}Too many stations/loading areas in this town
  1378 STR_3008_TOO_MANY_STATIONS_LOADING		:{WHITE}Too many stations/loading areas
  1379 STR_3009_TOO_CLOSE_TO_ANOTHER_STATION	:{WHITE}Too close to another station/loading area
  1380 STR_300A_0								:{WHITE}{STATION} {STRINL 0x30D1}
  1381 STR_300B_MUST_DEMOLISH_RAILROAD			:{WHITE}Must demolish railroad station first
  1382 STR_300D_TOO_CLOSE_TO_ANOTHER_AIRPORT	:{WHITE}Too close to another airport
  1383 STR_300E_MUST_DEMOLISH_AIRPORT_FIRST	:{WHITE}Must demolish airport first
  1385 STR_3030_RENAME_STATION_LOADING			:Rename station/loading area
  1386 STR_3031_CAN_T_RENAME_STATION			:{WHITE}Can't rename station...
  1387 STR_3032_RATINGS						:{BLACK}Ratings
  1388 STR_3033_ACCEPTS						:{BLACK}Accepts
  1389 STR_3034_LOCAL_RATING_OF_TRANSPORT		:{BLACK}Local rating of transport service:
  1391 ############ range for rating starts
  1392 STR_3035_APPALLING						:Appalling
  1393 STR_3036_VERY_POOR						:Very Poor
  1394 STR_3037_POOR							:Poor
  1395 STR_3038_MEDIOCRE						:Mediocre
  1396 STR_3039_GOOD							:Good
  1397 STR_303A_VERY_GOOD						:Very Good
  1398 STR_303B_EXCELLENT						:Excellent
  1399 STR_303C_OUTSTANDING					:Outstanding
  1400 ############ range for rating ends
  1402 STR_303D								:{WHITE}{STRING}: {YELLOW}{STRING} ({COMMA8}%)
  1403 STR_303E_NO_LONGER_ACCEPTS				:{WHITE}{STATION} no longer accepts {STRING}
  1404 STR_303F_NO_LONGER_ACCEPTS_OR			:{WHITE}{STATION} no longer accepts {STRING} or {STRING}
  1405 STR_3040_NOW_ACCEPTS					:{WHITE}{STATION} now accepts {STRING}
  1406 STR_3041_NOW_ACCEPTS_AND				:{WHITE}{STATION} now accepts {STRING} and {STRING}
  1407 STR_3042_BUS_STATION_ORIENTATION		:{WHITE}Bus Station Orientation
  1408 STR_3043_TRUCK_STATION_ORIENT			:{WHITE}Truck Station Orient.
  1409 STR_3044_TOO_CLOSE_TO_ANOTHER_BUS		:{WHITE}Too close to another bus station
  1410 STR_3045_TOO_CLOSE_TO_ANOTHER_TRUCK		:{WHITE}Too close to another truck station
  1411 STR_3046_MUST_DEMOLISH_BUS_STATION		:{WHITE}Must demolish bus station first
  1412 STR_3047_MUST_DEMOLISH_TRUCK_STATION	:{WHITE}Must demolish truck station first
  1413 STR_3048_STATIONS						:{WHITE}{STRING} - {COMMA16} Stations
  1414 STR_3049_0								:{YELLOW}{STATION} {STRINL 0x30D1}
  1415 STR_304A_NONE							:{YELLOW}- None -
  1416 STR_304B_SITE_UNSUITABLE				:{WHITE} unsuitable
  1417 STR_304C_TOO_CLOSE_TO_ANOTHER_DOCK		:{WHITE}Too close to another dock
  1418 STR_304D_MUST_DEMOLISH_DOCK_FIRST		:{WHITE}Must demolish dock first
  1419 STR_304E_SELECT_RAILROAD_STATION		:{BLACK}Select railroad station orientation
  1420 STR_304F_SELECT_NUMBER_OF_PLATFORMS		:{BLACK}Select number of platforms for railroad station
  1421 STR_3050_SELECT_LENGTH_OF_RAILROAD		:{BLACK}Select length of railroad station
  1422 STR_3051_SELECT_BUS_STATION_ORIENTATION	:{BLACK}Select bus station orientation
  1423 STR_3052_SELECT_TRUCK_LOADING_BAY		:{BLACK}Select truck loading bay orientation
  1424 STR_3053_CENTER_MAIN_VIEW_ON_STATION	:{BLACK}Center main view on station location
  1425 STR_3054_SHOW_STATION_RATINGS			:{BLACK}Show station ratings
  1426 STR_3055_CHANGE_NAME_OF_STATION			:{BLACK}Change name of station
  1427 STR_3056_SHOW_LIST_OF_ACCEPTED_CARGO	:{BLACK}Show list of accepted cargo
  1428 STR_3057_STATION_NAMES_CLICK_ON			:{BLACK}Station names - click on name to center main view on station
  1429 STR_3058_SELECT_SIZE_TYPE_OF_AIRPORT	:{BLACK}Select size/type of airport
  1430 STR_3059_SMALL							:{BLACK}Small
  1431 STR_305A_LARGE							:{BLACK}City
  1432 STR_305AA_LARGE             :{BLACK}Metropolitan airport
  1433 STR_305AB_LARGE             :{BLACK}International airport
  1434 STR_305B_SIZE							:{BLACK}Size
  1435 STR_305C_0								:{STATION} {STRINL 0x30D1}
  1436 STR_305D_0								:{TINYFONT}{BLACK}{STATION} {STRINL 0x30D1}
  1437 STR_305E_RAILROAD_STATION				:Railroad station
  1438 STR_305F_AIRCRAFT_HANGAR				:Aircraft hangar
  1439 STR_3060_AIRPORT						:Airport
  1440 STR_3061_TRUCK_LOADING_AREA				:Truck loading area
  1441 STR_3062_BUS_STATION					:Bus station
  1442 STR_3063_SHIP_DOCK						:Ship dock
  1443 STR_3064_HIGHLIGHT_COVERAGE_AREA		:{BLACK}Highlight coverage area of proposed site
  1444 STR_3065_DON_T_HIGHLIGHT_COVERAGE		:{BLACK}Don't highlight coverage area of proposed site
  1445 STR_3066_COVERAGE_AREA_HIGHLIGHT		:{BLACK}Coverage area highlight
  1446 STR_3067_MONORAIL_STATION_SELECT		:{WHITE}Monorail Station Select.
  1447 STR_3068_DOCK							:{WHITE}Dock
  1448 STR_3069_BUOY							:Buoy
  1449 STR_306A_BUOY_IN_THE_WAY				:{WHITE}...buoy in the way
  1450 STR_306B_HELIPORT						:{BLACK}Heliport
  1451 STR_306C_STATION_TOO_SPREAD_OUT			:{WHITE}...station too spread out
  1453 ##id 0x3800
  1454 STR_3800_SHIP_DEPOT_ORIENTATION			:{WHITE}Ship Depot Orientation
  1455 STR_3801_MUST_BE_BUILT_ON_WATER			:{WHITE}...must be built on water
  1456 STR_3802_CAN_T_BUILD_SHIP_DEPOT			:{WHITE}Can't build ship depot here...
  1457 STR_3803_SELECT_SHIP_DEPOT_ORIENTATION	:{BLACK}Select ship depot orientation
  1458 STR_3804_WATER							:Water
  1459 STR_3805_COAST_OR_RIVERBANK				:Coast or riverbank
  1460 STR_3806_SHIP_DEPOT						:Ship depot
  1461 STR_3807_CAN_T_BUILD_ON_WATER			:{WHITE}...Can't build on water
  1463 ##id 0x4000
  1464 STR_4000_SAVE_GAME						:{WHITE}Save Game
  1465 STR_4001_LOAD_GAME						:{WHITE}Load Game
  1466 STR_4002_SAVE							:{BLACK}Save
  1467 STR_4003_DELETE							:{BLACK}Delete
  1468 STR_4004								:{STRING}, {DATE_LONG}
  1469 STR_4005_BYTES_FREE						:{BLACK}{COMMA32} megabytes free
  1470 STR_4006_UNABLE_TO_READ_DRIVE			:{BLACK}Unable to read drive
  1471 STR_4007_GAME_SAVE_FAILED				:{WHITE}Game Save Failed
  1472 STR_4008_UNABLE_TO_DELETE_FILE			:{WHITE}Unable to delete file
  1473 STR_4009_GAME_LOAD_FAILED				:{WHITE}Game Load Failed
  1474 STR_400A_LIST_OF_DRIVES_DIRECTORIES		:{BLACK}List of drives, directories and saved-game files
  1475 STR_400B_CURRENTLY_SELECTED_NAME		:{BLACK}Currently selected name for saved-game
  1476 STR_400C_DELETE_THE_CURRENTLY_SELECTED	:{BLACK}Delete the currently selected saved-game
  1477 STR_400D_SAVE_THE_CURRENT_GAME_USING	:{BLACK}Save the current game, using the selected name
  1478 STR_400E_SELECT_NEW_GAME_TYPE			:{WHITE}Select New Game Type
  1479 STR_400F_SELECT_SCENARIO_GREEN_PRE		:{BLACK}Select scenario (green), pre-set game (blue), or random new game
  1480 STR_4010_GENERATE_RANDOM_NEW_GAME		:Generate random new game
  1482 ##id 0x4800
  1483 STR_4800_IN_THE_WAY						:{WHITE}{STRING} in the way
  1484 STR_4801								:{WHITE}{TOWN} {STRING}
  1485 STR_4802_COAL_MINE						:Coal Mine
  1486 STR_4803_POWER_STATION					:Power Station
  1487 STR_4804_SAWMILL						:Sawmill
  1488 STR_4805_FOREST							:Forest
  1489 STR_4806_OIL_REFINERY					:Oil Refinery
  1490 STR_4807_OIL_RIG						:Oil Rig
  1491 STR_4808_FACTORY						:Factory
  1492 STR_4809_PRINTING_WORKS					:Printing Works
  1493 STR_480A_STEEL_MILL						:Steel Mill
  1494 STR_480B_FARM							:Farm
  1495 STR_480C_COPPER_ORE_MINE				:Copper Ore Mine
  1496 STR_480D_OIL_WELLS						:Oil Wells
  1497 STR_480E_BANK							:Bank
  1498 STR_480F_FOOD_PROCESSING_PLANT			:Food Processing Plant
  1499 STR_4810_PAPER_MILL						:Paper Mill
  1500 STR_4811_GOLD_MINE						:Gold Mine
  1501 STR_4812_BANK							:Bank
  1502 STR_4813_DIAMOND_MINE					:Diamond Mine
  1503 STR_4814_IRON_ORE_MINE					:Iron Ore Mine
  1504 STR_4815_FRUIT_PLANTATION				:Fruit Plantation
  1505 STR_4816_RUBBER_PLANTATION				:Rubber Plantation
  1506 STR_4817_WATER_SUPPLY					:Water Supply
  1507 STR_4818_WATER_TOWER					:Water Tower
  1508 STR_4819_FACTORY						:Factory
  1509 STR_481A_FARM							:Farm
  1510 STR_481B_LUMBER_MILL					:Lumber Mill
  1511 STR_481C_COTTON_CANDY_FOREST			:Cotton Candy Forest
  1512 STR_481D_CANDY_FACTORY					:Candy Factory
  1513 STR_481E_BATTERY_FARM					:Battery Farm
  1514 STR_481F_COLA_WELLS						:Cola Wells
  1515 STR_4820_TOY_SHOP						:Toy Shop
  1516 STR_4821_TOY_FACTORY					:Toy Factory
  1517 STR_4822_PLASTIC_FOUNTAINS				:Plastic Fountains
  1518 STR_4823_FIZZY_DRINK_FACTORY			:Fizzy Drink Factory
  1519 STR_4824_BUBBLE_GENERATOR				:Bubble Generator
  1520 STR_4825_TOFFEE_QUARRY					:Toffee Quarry
  1521 STR_4826_SUGAR_MINE						:Sugar Mine
  1523 ############ range for requires	starts
  1524 STR_4827_REQUIRES						:{BLACK}Requires: {YELLOW}{STRING}
  1525 STR_4828_REQUIRES						:{BLACK}Requires: {YELLOW}{STRING}, {STRING}
  1526 STR_4829_REQUIRES						:{BLACK}Requires: {YELLOW}{STRING}, {STRING}, {STRING}
  1527 ############ range for requires	ends
  1529 STR_482A_PRODUCTION_LAST_MONTH			:{BLACK}Production last month:
  1530 STR_482B_TRANSPORTED					:{YELLOW}{STRING}{BLACK} ({COMMA16}% transported)
  1531 STR_482C_CENTER_THE_MAIN_VIEW_ON		:{BLACK}Center the main view on industry location
  1532 STR_482D_NEW_UNDER_CONSTRUCTION			:{BLACK}{BIGFONT}New {STRING} under construction near {TOWN}!
  1533 STR_482E_NEW_BEING_PLANTED_NEAR			:{BLACK}{BIGFONT}New {STRING} being planted near {TOWN}!
  1534 STR_482F_COST							:{BLACK}Cost: {YELLOW}{CURRENCY}
  1535 STR_4830_CAN_T_CONSTRUCT_THIS_INDUSTRY	:{WHITE}Can't construct this industry type here...
  1536 STR_4831_FOREST_CAN_ONLY_BE_PLANTED		:{WHITE}...forest can only be planted above snow-line
  1537 STR_4832_ANNOUNCES_IMMINENT_CLOSURE		:{BLACK}{BIGFONT}{TOWN} {STRING} announces imminent closure!
  1538 STR_4833_SUPPLY_PROBLEMS_CAUSE_TO		:{BLACK}{BIGFONT}Supply problems cause {TOWN} {STRING} to announce imminent closure!
  1539 STR_4834_LACK_OF_NEARBY_TREES_CAUSES	:{BLACK}{BIGFONT}Lack of nearby trees causes {TOWN} {STRING} to announce imminent closure!
  1540 STR_4835_INCREASES_PRODUCTION			:{BLACK}{BIGFONT}{TOWN} {STRING} increases production!
  1541 STR_4836_NEW_COAL_SEAM_FOUND_AT			:{BLACK}{BIGFONT}New coal seam found at {TOWN} {STRING}!{}Production is expected to double!
  1542 STR_4837_NEW_OIL_RESERVES_FOUND			:{BLACK}{BIGFONT}New oil reserves found at {TOWN} {STRING}!{}Production is expected to double!
  1543 STR_4838_IMPROVED_FARMING_METHODS		:{BLACK}{BIGFONT}Improved farming methods at {TOWN} {STRING} are expected to double production!
  1544 STR_4839_PRODUCTION_DOWN_BY_50			:{BLACK}{BIGFONT}{TOWN} {STRING} production down by 50%
  1545 STR_483A_INSECT_INFESTATION_CAUSES		:{BLACK}{BIGFONT}Insect infestation causes havoc at {TOWN} {STRING}!{}Production down by 50%
  1546 STR_483B_CAN_ONLY_BE_POSITIONED			:{WHITE}...can only be positioned near edges of map
  1547 STR_INDUSTRY_PROD_GOUP					:{BLACK}{BIGFONT}{STRING} production at {TOWN} {STRING} goes up by {COMMA16}%!
  1548 STR_INDUSTRY_PROD_GODOWN				:{BLACK}{BIGFONT}{STRING} production at {TOWN} {STRING} goes down by {COMMA16}%!
  1550 ##id 0x5000
  1551 STR_5000_TRAIN_IN_TUNNEL				:{WHITE}Train in tunnel
  1552 STR_5001_ROAD_VEHICLE_IN_TUNNEL			:{WHITE}Road vehicle in tunnel
  1553 STR_5002								:
  1554 STR_5003_ANOTHER_TUNNEL_IN_THE_WAY		:{WHITE}Another tunnel in the way
  1555 STR_5004								:
  1556 STR_5005_UNABLE_TO_EXCAVATE_LAND		:{WHITE}Unable to excavate land for other end of tunnel
  1557 STR_5006_MUST_DEMOLISH_TUNNEL_FIRST		:{WHITE}Must demolish tunnel first
  1558 STR_5007_MUST_DEMOLISH_BRIDGE_FIRST		:{WHITE}Must demolish bridge first
  1559 STR_5008_CANNOT_START_AND_END_ON		:{WHITE}Cannot start and end on same position
  1560 STR_5009_LEVEL_LAND_OR_WATER_REQUIRED	:{WHITE}Level land or water required under bridge
  1561 STR_500A_START_AND_END_MUST_BE_IN		:{WHITE}Start and end must be in line
  1562 STR_500B_SITE_UNSUITABLE_FOR_TUNNEL		:{WHITE}Site unsuitable for tunnel entrance
  1563 STR_500C								:
  1564 STR_500D								:{GOLD}{STRING},{} {VELOCITY} {WHITE}{CURRENCY}
  1565 STR_500E_SUSPENSION_STEEL				:Suspension, Steel
  1566 STR_500F_GIRDER_STEEL					:Girder, Steel
  1567 STR_5010_CANTILEVER_STEEL				:Cantilever, Steel
  1568 STR_5011_SUSPENSION_CONCRETE			:Suspension, Concrete
  1569 STR_5012_WOODEN							:Wooden
  1570 STR_5013_CONCRETE						:Concrete
  1571 STR_5014_TUBULAR_STEEL					:Tubular, Steel
  1572 STR_BRIDGE_TUBULAR_SILICON				:Tubular, Silicon
  1573 STR_5015_CAN_T_BUILD_BRIDGE_HERE		:{WHITE}Can't build bridge here...
  1574 STR_5016_CAN_T_BUILD_TUNNEL_HERE		:{WHITE}Can't build tunnel here...
  1575 STR_5017_RAILROAD_TUNNEL				:Railroad tunnel
  1576 STR_5018_ROAD_TUNNEL					:Road tunnel
  1577 STR_5019								:
  1578 STR_501A								:
  1579 STR_501B_STEEL_SUSPENSION_RAIL_BRIDGE	:Steel suspension rail bridge
  1580 STR_501C_STEEL_GIRDER_RAIL_BRIDGE		:Steel girder rail bridge
  1581 STR_501D_STEEL_CANTILEVER_RAIL_BRIDGE	:Steel cantilever rail bridge
  1582 STR_501E_REINFORCED_CONCRETE_SUSPENSION	:Reinforced concrete suspension rail bridge
  1583 STR_501F_WOODEN_RAIL_BRIDGE				:Wooden rail bridge
  1584 STR_5020_CONCRETE_RAIL_BRIDGE			:Concrete rail bridge
  1585 STR_5021_STEEL_SUSPENSION_ROAD_BRIDGE	:Steel suspension road bridge
  1586 STR_5022_STEEL_GIRDER_ROAD_BRIDGE		:Steel girder road bridge
  1587 STR_5023_STEEL_CANTILEVER_ROAD_BRIDGE	:Steel cantilever road bridge
  1588 STR_5024_REINFORCED_CONCRETE_SUSPENSION	:Reinforced concrete suspension road bridge
  1589 STR_5025_WOODEN_ROAD_BRIDGE				:Wooden road bridge
  1590 STR_5026_CONCRETE_ROAD_BRIDGE			:Concrete road bridge
  1591 STR_5027_TUBULAR_RAIL_BRIDGE			:Tubular rail bridge
  1592 STR_5028_TUBULAR_ROAD_BRIDGE			:Tubular road bridge
  1593 STR_5029_STEEL							:Steel
  1595 ##id 0x5800
  1596 STR_5800_OBJECT_IN_THE_WAY				:{WHITE}Object in the way
  1597 STR_5801_TRANSMITTER					:Transmitter
  1598 STR_5802_LIGHTHOUSE						:Lighthouse
  1599 STR_5803_COMPANY_HEADQUARTERS			:Company Headquarters
  1600 STR_5804_COMPANY_HEADQUARTERS_IN		:{WHITE} headquarters in the way
  1601 STR_5805_COMPANY_OWNED_LAND				:Company-owned land
  1602 STR_5806_CAN_T_PURCHASE_THIS_LAND		:{WHITE}Can't purchase this land area...
  1603 STR_5807_YOU_ALREADY_OWN_IT				:{WHITE} already own it!
  1606 ############ WARNING, using	range 0x6000 for strings that are stored in	the	savegame
  1607 ############ These strings may never get a new id, or savegames	will break!
  1608 ##id 0x6000
  1609 STR_SV_EMPTY							:
  1610 STR_SV_UNNAMED							:Unnamed{SKIP}
  1611 STR_SV_TRAIN_NAME						:Train {COMMA16}
  1612 STR_SV_ROADVEH_NAME						:Road Vehicle {COMMA16}
  1613 STR_SV_SHIP_NAME						:Ship {COMMA16}
  1614 STR_SV_AIRCRAFT_NAME					:Aircraft {COMMA16}
  1616 STR_SV_STNAME							:{STRING}
  1617 STR_SV_STNAME_NORTH						:{STRING} North
  1618 STR_SV_STNAME_SOUTH						:{STRING} South
  1619 STR_SV_STNAME_EAST						:{STRING} East
  1620 STR_SV_STNAME_WEST						:{STRING} West
  1621 STR_SV_STNAME_CENTRAL					:{STRING} Central
  1622 STR_SV_STNAME_TRANSFER					:{STRING} Transfer
  1623 STR_SV_STNAME_HALT						:{STRING} Halt
  1624 STR_SV_STNAME_VALLEY					:{STRING} Valley
  1625 STR_SV_STNAME_HEIGHTS					:{STRING} Heights
  1626 STR_SV_STNAME_WOODS						:{STRING} Woods
  1627 STR_SV_STNAME_LAKESIDE					:{STRING} Lakeside
  1628 STR_SV_STNAME_EXCHANGE					:{STRING} Exchange
  1629 STR_SV_STNAME_AIRPORT					:{STRING} Airport
  1630 STR_SV_STNAME_OILFIELD					:{STRING} Oilfield
  1631 STR_SV_STNAME_MINES						:{STRING} Mines
  1632 STR_SV_STNAME_DOCKS						:{STRING} Docks
  1633 STR_SV_STNAME_BUOY_1					:{STRING} Buoy 1
  1634 STR_SV_STNAME_BUOY_2					:{STRING} Buoy 2
  1635 STR_SV_STNAME_BUOY_3					:{STRING} Buoy 3
  1636 STR_SV_STNAME_BUOY_4					:{STRING} Buoy 4
  1637 STR_SV_STNAME_BUOY_5					:{STRING} Buoy 5
  1638 STR_SV_STNAME_BUOY_6					:{STRING} Buoy 6
  1639 STR_SV_STNAME_BUOY_7					:{STRING} Buoy 7
  1640 STR_SV_STNAME_BUOY_8					:{STRING} Buoy 8
  1641 STR_SV_STNAME_BUOY_9					:{STRING} Buoy 9
  1642 STR_SV_STNAME_ANNEXE					:{STRING} Annexe
  1643 STR_SV_STNAME_SIDINGS					:{STRING} Sidings
  1644 STR_SV_STNAME_BRANCH					:{STRING} Branch
  1645 STR_SV_STNAME_UPPER						:Upper {STRING}
  1646 STR_SV_STNAME_LOWER						:Lower {STRING}
  1647 STR_SV_STNAME_HELIPORT					:{STRING} Heliport
  1648 STR_SV_STNAME_FOREST					:{STRING} Forest
  1650 ############ end of	savegame specific region!
  1652 ##id 0x6800
  1653 STR_6800_DIFFICULTY_LEVEL				:{WHITE}Difficulty Level
  1656 ############ range for difficulty levels starts
  1657 STR_6801_EASY							:{BLACK}Easy
  1658 STR_6802_MEDIUM							:{BLACK}Medium
  1659 STR_6803_HARD							:{BLACK}Hard
  1660 STR_6804_CUSTOM							:{BLACK}Custom
  1661 ############ range for difficulty levels ends
  1663 ############ range for difficulty settings starts
  1664 STR_6805_MAXIMUM_NO_COMPETITORS			:{LTBLUE}Maximum no. competitors: {ORANGE}{COMMA16}
  1665 STR_6806_COMPETITOR_START_TIME			:{LTBLUE}Competitor start time: {ORANGE}{STRING}
  1666 STR_6807_NO_OF_TOWNS					:{LTBLUE}No. of towns: {ORANGE}{STRING}
  1667 STR_6808_NO_OF_INDUSTRIES				:{LTBLUE}No. of industries: {ORANGE}{STRING}
  1668 STR_6809_MAXIMUM_INITIAL_LOAN_000		:{LTBLUE}Maximum initial loan: {ORANGE}{CURRENCY}
  1669 STR_680A_INITIAL_INTEREST_RATE			:{LTBLUE}Initial interest rate: {ORANGE}{COMMA16}%
  1670 STR_680B_VEHICLE_RUNNING_COSTS			:{LTBLUE}Vehicle running costs: {ORANGE}{STRING}
  1671 STR_680C_CONSTRUCTION_SPEED_OF_COMPETITOR:{LTBLUE}Construction speed of competitors: {ORANGE}{STRING}
  1672 STR_680D_INTELLIGENCE_OF_COMPETITORS	:{LTBLUE}Intelligence of competitors: {ORANGE}{STRING}
  1673 STR_680E_VEHICLE_BREAKDOWNS				:{LTBLUE}Vehicle breakdowns: {ORANGE}{STRING}
  1674 STR_680F_SUBSIDY_MULTIPLIER				:{LTBLUE}Subsidy multiplier: {ORANGE}{STRING}
  1675 STR_6810_COST_OF_CONSTRUCTION			:{LTBLUE}Cost of construction: {ORANGE}{STRING}
  1676 STR_6811_TERRAIN_TYPE					:{LTBLUE}Terrain type: {ORANGE}{STRING}
  1677 STR_6812_QUANTITY_OF_SEA_LAKES			:{LTBLUE}Quantity of sea/lakes: {ORANGE}{STRING}
  1678 STR_6813_ECONOMY						:{LTBLUE}Economy: {ORANGE}{STRING}
  1679 STR_6814_TRAIN_REVERSING				:{LTBLUE}Train reversing: {ORANGE}{STRING}
  1680 STR_6815_DISASTERS						:{LTBLUE}Disasters: {ORANGE}{STRING}
  1681 STR_16816_CITY_APPROVAL				:{LTBLUE}City council's attitude towards area restructuring: {ORANGE}{STRING}
  1682 ############ range for difficulty settings ends
  1684 STR_6816_LOW							:Low
  1685 STR_6817_NORMAL							:Normal
  1686 STR_6818_HIGH							:High
  1687 STR_6819								:{BLACK}<
  1688 STR_681A								:{BLACK}>
  1689 STR_681B_VERY_SLOW						:Very Slow
  1690 STR_681C_SLOW							:Slow
  1691 STR_681D_MEDIUM							:Medium
  1692 STR_681E_FAST							:Fast
  1693 STR_681F_VERY_FAST						:Very Fast
  1694 STR_VERY_LOW							:Very Low
  1695 STR_6820_LOW							:Low
  1696 STR_6821_MEDIUM							:Medium
  1697 STR_6822_HIGH							:High
  1698 STR_6823_NONE							:None
  1699 STR_6824_REDUCED						:Reduced
  1700 STR_6825_NORMAL							:Normal
  1701 STR_6826_X1_5							:x1.5
  1702 STR_6827_X2								:x2
  1703 STR_6828_X3								:x3
  1704 STR_6829_X4								:x4
  1705 STR_682A_VERY_FLAT						:Very Flat
  1706 STR_682B_FLAT							:Flat
  1707 STR_682C_HILLY							:Hilly
  1708 STR_682D_MOUNTAINOUS					:Mountainous
  1709 STR_682E_STEADY							:Steady
  1710 STR_682F_FLUCTUATING					:Fluctuating
  1711 STR_6830_IMMEDIATE						:Immediate
  1712 STR_6831_3_MONTHS_AFTER_PLAYER			:3 months after player
  1713 STR_6832_6_MONTHS_AFTER_PLAYER			:6 months after player
  1714 STR_6833_9_MONTHS_AFTER_PLAYER			:9 months after player
  1715 STR_6834_AT_END_OF_LINE_AND_AT_STATIONS	:At end of line, and at stations
  1716 STR_6835_AT_END_OF_LINE_ONLY			:At end of line only
  1717 STR_6836_OFF							:Off
  1718 STR_6837_ON								:On
  1719 STR_6838_SHOW_HI_SCORE_CHART			:{BLACK}Show hi-score chart
  1720 STR_6839_PERMISSIVE		:Permissive
  1721 STR_683A_TOLERANT			:Tolerant
  1722 STR_683B_HOSTILE			:Hostile
  1724 ##id 0x7000
  1725 STR_7000								:
  1726 STR_7001								:{WHITE}{STRING}{BLACK}{STRING}
  1727 STR_7002_PLAYER_1						: (Player 1)
  1728 STR_7003_PLAYER_2						: (Player 2)
  1729 STR_7004_NEW_FACE						:{BLACK}New Face
  1730 STR_7005_COLOR_SCHEME					:{BLACK}Color Scheme
  1731 STR_7006_COLOR_SCHEME					:{GOLD}Color Scheme:
  1732 STR_7007_NEW_COLOR_SCHEME				:{WHITE}New Color Scheme
  1733 STR_7008_COMPANY_NAME					:{BLACK}Company Name
  1734 STR_7009_PRESIDENT_NAME					:{BLACK}President Name
  1735 STR_700A_COMPANY_NAME					:Company Name
  1736 STR_700B_PRESIDENT_S_NAME				:President's Name
  1737 STR_700C_CAN_T_CHANGE_COMPANY_NAME		:{WHITE}Can't change company name...
  1738 STR_700D_CAN_T_CHANGE_PRESIDENT			:{WHITE}Can't change president's name...
  1739 STR_700E_FINANCES						:{WHITE}{STRING} Finances{BLACK}{STRING}
  1740 STR_700F_EXPENDITURE_INCOME				:{WHITE}Expenditure/Income
  1741 STR_7010								:{WHITE}{NUMU16}
  1742 STR_7011_CONSTRUCTION					:{GOLD}Construction
  1743 STR_7012_NEW_VEHICLES					:{GOLD}New Vehicles
  1744 STR_7013_TRAIN_RUNNING_COSTS			:{GOLD}Train Running Costs
  1745 STR_7014_ROAD_VEH_RUNNING_COSTS			:{GOLD}Road Veh. Running Costs
  1746 STR_7015_AIRCRAFT_RUNNING_COSTS			:{GOLD}Aircraft Running Costs
  1747 STR_7016_SHIP_RUNNING_COSTS				:{GOLD}Ship Running Costs
  1748 STR_7017_PROPERTY_MAINTENANCE			:{GOLD}Property Maintenance
  1749 STR_7018_TRAIN_INCOME					:{GOLD}Train Income
  1750 STR_7019_ROAD_VEHICLES_INCOME			:{GOLD}Road Vehicles Income
  1751 STR_701A_AIRCRAFT_INCOME				:{GOLD}Aircraft Income
  1752 STR_701B_SHIP_INCOME					:{GOLD}Ship Income
  1753 STR_701C_LOAN_INTEREST					:{GOLD}Loan Interest
  1754 STR_701D_OTHER							:{GOLD}Other
  1755 STR_701E								:{BLACK}-{CURRENCY64}
  1756 STR_701F								:{BLACK}+{CURRENCY64}
  1757 STR_7020_TOTAL							:{WHITE}Total:
  1758 STR_7021								:{STRING}{STRING}
  1759 STR_7022_INCOME_GRAPH					:{WHITE}Income Graph
  1760 STR_7023								:{CURRCOMPACT}
  1761 STR_7024								:{COMMA32}
  1762 STR_7025_OPERATING_PROFIT_GRAPH			:{WHITE}Operating Profit Graph
  1763 STR_7026_BANK_BALANCE					:{WHITE}Bank Balance
  1764 STR_7027_LOAN							:{WHITE}Loan
  1765 STR_7028								:{BLACK}{CURRENCY64}
  1766 STR_7029_BORROW							:{BLACK}Borrow {SKIP}{SKIP}{SKIP}{CURRENCY}
  1767 STR_702A_REPAY							:{BLACK}Repay {SKIP}{SKIP}{SKIP}{CURRENCY}
  1768 STR_702B_MAXIMUM_PERMITTED_LOAN			:{WHITE}...maximum permitted loan size is {CURRENCY}
  1769 STR_702C_CAN_T_BORROW_ANY_MORE_MONEY	:{WHITE}Can't borrow any more money...
  1770 STR_702D_LOAN_ALREADY_REPAYED			:{WHITE} loan to repay
  1771 STR_702E_REQUIRED						:{WHITE}...{CURRENCY} required
  1772 STR_702F_CAN_T_REPAY_LOAN				:{WHITE}Can't repay loan...
  1773 STR_7030_SELECT_NEW_FACE_FOR_PRESIDENT	:{BLACK}Select new face for president
  1774 STR_7031_CHANGE_THE_COMPANY_VEHICLE		:{BLACK}Change the company vehicle livery
  1775 STR_7032_CHANGE_THE_PRESIDENT_S			:{BLACK}Change the president's name
  1776 STR_7033_CHANGE_THE_COMPANY_NAME		:{BLACK}Change the company name
  1777 STR_7034_CLICK_ON_SELECTED_NEW_COLOR	:{BLACK}Click on selected new color scheme
  1778 STR_7035_INCREASE_SIZE_OF_LOAN			:{BLACK}Increase size of loan
  1779 STR_7036_REPAY_PART_OF_LOAN				:{BLACK}Repay part of loan
  1780 STR_7037_PRESIDENT						:{WHITE}{STRING}{}{GOLD}(President)
  1781 STR_7038_INAUGURATED					:{GOLD}Inaugurated: {WHITE}{NUMU16}
  1782 STR_7039_VEHICLES						:{GOLD}Vehicles: 
  1783 STR_703A_TRAIN							:{WHITE}{COMMA16} train
  1784 STR_703B_TRAINS							:{WHITE}{COMMA16} trains
  1785 STR_703C_ROAD_VEHICLE					:{WHITE}{COMMA16} road vehicle
  1786 STR_703D_ROAD_VEHICLES					:{WHITE}{COMMA16} road vehicles
  1787 STR_703E_AIRCRAFT						:{WHITE}{COMMA16} aircraft
  1788 STR_703F_AIRCRAFT						:{WHITE}{COMMA16} aircraft
  1789 STR_7040_SHIP							:{WHITE}{COMMA16} ship
  1790 STR_7041_SHIPS							:{WHITE}{COMMA16} ships
  1791 STR_7042_NONE							:{WHITE}None
  1792 STR_7043_FACE_SELECTION					:{WHITE}Face Selection
  1793 STR_7044_MALE							:{BLACK}Male
  1794 STR_7045_FEMALE							:{BLACK}Female
  1795 STR_7046_NEW_FACE						:{BLACK}New Face
  1796 STR_7047_CANCEL_NEW_FACE_SELECTION		:{BLACK}Cancel new face selection
  1797 STR_7048_ACCEPT_NEW_FACE_SELECTION		:{BLACK}Accept new face selection
  1798 STR_7049_SELECT_MALE_FACES				:{BLACK}Select male faces
  1799 STR_704A_SELECT_FEMALE_FACES			:{BLACK}Select female faces
  1800 STR_704B_GENERATE_RANDOM_NEW_FACE		:{BLACK}Generate random new face
  1801 STR_704C_KEY							:{BLACK}Key
  1802 STR_704D_SHOW_KEY_TO_GRAPHS				:{BLACK}Show key to graphs
  1803 STR_704E_KEY_TO_COMPANY_GRAPHS			:{WHITE}Key to company graphs
  1804 STR_704F_CLICK_HERE_TO_TOGGLE_COMPANY	:{BLACK}Click here to toggle company's entry on graph on/off
  1805 STR_7050_UNITS_OF_CARGO_DELIVERED		:{WHITE}Units of cargo delivered
  1806 STR_7051_COMPANY_PERFORMANCE_RATINGS	:{WHITE}Company performance ratings (maximum rating=1000)
  1807 STR_7052_COMPANY_VALUES					:{WHITE}Company values
  1808 STR_7053_COMPANY_LEAGUE_TABLE			:{WHITE}Company League Table
  1811 STR_7056_TRANSPORT_COMPANY_IN_TROUBLE	:{BLACK}{BIGFONT}Transport company in trouble!
  1812 STR_7057_WILL_BE_SOLD_OFF_OR_DECLARED	:{BLACK}{BIGFONT}{STRING} will be sold off or declared bankrupt unless performance increases soon!
  1813 STR_7058_PRESIDENT						:{BLACK}{STRING}{}(President)
  1814 STR_7059_TRANSPORT_COMPANY_MERGER		:{BLACK}{BIGFONT}Transport company merger!
  1815 STR_705A_HAS_BEEN_SOLD_TO_FOR			:{BLACK}{BIGFONT}{STRING} has been sold to {STRING} for {CURRENCY}!
  1816 STR_705B_WE_ARE_LOOKING_FOR_A_TRANSPORT	:{WHITE}We are looking for a transport company to take-over our company{}{}Do you want to purchase {STRING} for {CURRENCY}?
  1817 STR_705C_BANKRUPT						:{BLACK}{BIGFONT}Bankrupt!
  1818 STR_705D_HAS_BEEN_CLOSED_DOWN_BY		:{BLACK}{BIGFONT}{STRING} has been closed down by creditors and all assets sold off!
  1819 STR_705E_NEW_TRANSPORT_COMPANY_LAUNCHED	:{BLACK}{BIGFONT}New transport company launched!
  1820 STR_705F_STARTS_CONSTRUCTION_NEAR		:{BLACK}{BIGFONT}{STRING} starts construction near {TOWN}!
  1821 STR_7060_CAN_T_BUY_COMPANY				:{WHITE}Can't buy company...
  1822 STR_7061_CARGO_PAYMENT_RATES			:{WHITE}Cargo Payment Rates
  1823 STR_7062_DAYS_IN_TRANSIT				:{BLACK}{TINYFONT}Days in transit
  1824 STR_7063_PAYMENT_FOR_DELIVERING			:{BLACK}{TINYFONT}Payment for delivering 10 units (or 10,000 litres) of cargo a distance of 20 squares
  1825 STR_7064_TOGGLE_GRAPH_FOR_CARGO			:{BLACK}Toggle graph for cargo type on/off
  1826 STR_7065								:{BLACK}{TINYFONT}{STRING}
  1827 STR_7066_ENGINEER						:Engineer
  1828 STR_7067_TRAFFIC_MANAGER				:Traffic Manager
  1829 STR_7068_TRANSPORT_COORDINATOR			:Transport Coordinator
  1830 STR_7069_ROUTE_SUPERVISOR				:Route Supervisor
  1831 STR_706A_DIRECTOR						:Director
  1832 STR_706B_CHIEF_EXECUTIVE				:Chief Executive
  1833 STR_706C_CHAIRMAN						:Chairman
  1834 STR_706D_PRESIDENT						:President
  1835 STR_706E_TYCOON							:Tycoon
  1836 STR_706F_BUILD_HQ						:{BLACK}Build HQ
  1837 STR_7070_BUILD_COMPANY_HEADQUARTERS		:{BLACK}Build company headquarters / view company headquarters
  1838 STR_7071_CAN_T_BUILD_COMPANY_HEADQUARTERS:{WHITE}Can't build company headquarters...
  1839 STR_7072_VIEW_HQ						:{BLACK}View HQ
  1840 STR_7073_WORLD_RECESSION_FINANCIAL		:{BIGFONT}{BLACK}World Recession!{}{}Financial experts fear worst as economy slumps!
  1841 STR_7074_RECESSION_OVER_UPTURN_IN		:{BIGFONT}{BLACK}Recession Over!{}{}Upturn in trade gives confidence to industries as economy strengthens!
  1842 STR_7075_TOGGLE_LARGE_SMALL_WINDOW		:{BLACK}Toggle large/small window size
  1843 STR_7076_COMPANY_VALUE					:{GOLD}Company value: {WHITE}{CURRENCY}
  1844 STR_7077_BUY_25_SHARE_IN_COMPANY		:{BLACK}Buy 25% share in company
  1845 STR_7078_SELL_25_SHARE_IN_COMPANY		:{BLACK}Sell 25% share in company
  1846 STR_7079_BUY_25_SHARE_IN_THIS_COMPANY	:{BLACK}Buy 25% share in this company
  1847 STR_707A_SELL_25_SHARE_IN_THIS_COMPANY	:{BLACK}Sell 25% share in this company
  1848 STR_707B_CAN_T_BUY_25_SHARE_IN_THIS		:{WHITE}Can't buy 25% share in this company...
  1849 STR_707C_CAN_T_SELL_25_SHARE_IN			:{WHITE}Can't sell 25% share in this company...
  1850 STR_707D_OWNED_BY						:{WHITE}({COMMA16}% owned by {STRING})
  1851 STR_707E_OWNED_BY_OWNED_BY				:{WHITE}({COMMA16}% owned by {STRING}{}   {COMMA16}% owned by {STRING})
  1852 STR_707F_HAS_BEEN_TAKEN_OVER_BY			:{BLACK}{BIGFONT}{STRING} has been taken over by {STRING}!
  1854 ##id 0x8000
  1855 STR_8000_KIRBY_PAUL_TANK_STEAM			:Kirby Paul Tank (Steam)
  1856 STR_8001_MJS_250_DIESEL					:MJS 250 (Diesel)
  1857 STR_8002_PLODDYPHUT_CHOO_CHOO			:Ploddyphut Choo-Choo
  1858 STR_8003_POWERNAUT_CHOO_CHOO			:Powernaut Choo-Choo
  1859 STR_8004_MIGHTYMOVER_CHOO_CHOO			:Mightymover Choo-Choo
  1860 STR_8005_PLODDYPHUT_DIESEL				:Ploddyphut Diesel
  1861 STR_8006_POWERNAUT_DIESEL				:Powernaut Diesel
  1862 STR_8007_WILLS_2_8_0_STEAM				:Wills 2-8-0 (Steam)
  1863 STR_8008_CHANEY_JUBILEE_STEAM			:Chaney 'Jubilee' (Steam)
  1864 STR_8009_GINZU_A4_STEAM					:Ginzu 'A4' (Steam)
  1865 STR_800A_SH_8P_STEAM					:SH '8P' (Steam)
  1866 STR_800B_MANLEY_MOREL_DMU_DIESEL		:Manley-Morel DMU (Diesel)
  1867 STR_800C_DASH_DIESEL					:'Dash' (Diesel)
  1868 STR_800D_SH_HENDRY_25_DIESEL			:SH/Hendry '25' (Diesel)
  1869 STR_800E_UU_37_DIESEL					:UU '37' (Diesel)
  1870 STR_800F_FLOSS_47_DIESEL				:Floss '47' (Diesel)
  1871 STR_8010_CS_4000_DIESEL					:CS 4000 (Diesel)
  1872 STR_8011_CS_2400_DIESEL					:CS 2400 (Diesel)
  1873 STR_8012_CENTENNIAL_DIESEL				:Centennial (Diesel)
  1874 STR_8013_KELLING_3100_DIESEL			:Kelling 3100 (Diesel)
  1875 STR_8014_TURNER_TURBO_DIESEL			:Turner Turbo (Diesel)
  1876 STR_8015_MJS_1000_DIESEL				:MJS 1000 (Diesel)
  1877 STR_8016_SH_125_DIESEL					:SH '125' (Diesel)
  1878 STR_8017_SH_30_ELECTRIC					:SH '30' (Electric)
  1879 STR_8018_SH_40_ELECTRIC					:SH '40' (Electric)
  1880 STR_8019_T_I_M_ELECTRIC					:'T.I.M.' (Electric)
  1881 STR_801A_ASIASTAR_ELECTRIC				:'AsiaStar' (Electric)
  1882 STR_801B_PASSENGER_CAR					:Passenger Car
  1883 STR_801C_MAIL_VAN						:Mail Van
  1884 STR_801D_COAL_CAR						:Coal Car
  1885 STR_801E_OIL_TANKER						:Oil Tanker
  1886 STR_801F_LIVESTOCK_VAN					:Livestock Van
  1887 STR_8020_GOODS_VAN						:Goods Van
  1888 STR_8021_GRAIN_HOPPER					:Grain Hopper
  1889 STR_8022_WOOD_TRUCK						:Wood Truck
  1890 STR_8023_IRON_ORE_HOPPER				:Iron Ore Hopper
  1891 STR_8024_STEEL_TRUCK					:Steel Truck
  1892 STR_8025_ARMORED_VAN					:Armored Van
  1893 STR_8026_FOOD_VAN						:Food Van
  1894 STR_8027_PAPER_TRUCK					:Paper Truck
  1895 STR_8028_COPPER_ORE_HOPPER				:Copper Ore Hopper
  1896 STR_8029_WATER_TANKER					:Water Tanker
  1897 STR_802A_FRUIT_TRUCK					:Fruit Truck
  1898 STR_802B_RUBBER_TRUCK					:Rubber Truck
  1899 STR_802C_SUGAR_TRUCK					:Sugar Truck
  1900 STR_802D_COTTON_CANDY_HOPPER			:Cotton Candy Hopper
  1901 STR_802E_TOFFEE_HOPPER					:Toffee Hopper
  1902 STR_802F_BUBBLE_VAN						:Bubble Van
  1903 STR_8030_COLA_TANKER					:Cola Tanker
  1904 STR_8031_CANDY_VAN						:Candy Van
  1905 STR_8032_TOY_VAN						:Toy Van
  1906 STR_8033_BATTERY_TRUCK					:Battery Truck
  1907 STR_8034_FIZZY_DRINK_TRUCK				:Fizzy Drink Truck
  1908 STR_8035_PLASTIC_TRUCK					:Plastic Truck
  1909 STR_8036_X2001_ELECTRIC					:'X2001' (Electric)
  1910 STR_8037_MILLENNIUM_Z1_ELECTRIC			:'Millennium Z1' (Electric)
  1911 STR_8038_WIZZOWOW_Z99					:Wizzowow Z99
  1912 STR_8039_PASSENGER_CAR					:Passenger Car
  1913 STR_803A_MAIL_VAN						:Mail Van
  1914 STR_803B_COAL_CAR						:Coal Car
  1915 STR_803C_OIL_TANKER						:Oil Tanker
  1916 STR_803D_LIVESTOCK_VAN					:Livestock Van
  1917 STR_803E_GOODS_VAN						:Goods Van
  1918 STR_803F_GRAIN_HOPPER					:Grain Hopper
  1919 STR_8040_WOOD_TRUCK						:Wood Truck
  1920 STR_8041_IRON_ORE_HOPPER				:Iron Ore Hopper
  1921 STR_8042_STEEL_TRUCK					:Steel Truck
  1922 STR_8043_ARMORED_VAN					:Armored Van
  1923 STR_8044_FOOD_VAN						:Food Van
  1924 STR_8045_PAPER_TRUCK					:Paper Truck
  1925 STR_8046_COPPER_ORE_HOPPER				:Copper Ore Hopper
  1926 STR_8047_WATER_TANKER					:Water Tanker
  1927 STR_8048_FRUIT_TRUCK					:Fruit Truck
  1928 STR_8049_RUBBER_TRUCK					:Rubber Truck
  1929 STR_804A_SUGAR_TRUCK					:Sugar Truck
  1930 STR_804B_COTTON_CANDY_HOPPER			:Cotton Candy Hopper
  1931 STR_804C_TOFFEE_HOPPER					:Toffee Hopper
  1932 STR_804D_BUBBLE_VAN						:Bubble Van
  1933 STR_804E_COLA_TANKER					:Cola Tanker
  1934 STR_804F_CANDY_VAN						:Candy Van
  1935 STR_8050_TOY_VAN						:Toy Van
  1936 STR_8051_BATTERY_TRUCK					:Battery Truck
  1937 STR_8052_FIZZY_DRINK_TRUCK				:Fizzy Drink Truck
  1938 STR_8053_PLASTIC_TRUCK					:Plastic Truck
  1939 STR_8054_LEV1_LEVIATHAN_ELECTRIC		:Lev1 'Leviathan' (Electric)
  1940 STR_8055_LEV2_CYCLOPS_ELECTRIC			:Lev2 'Cyclops' (Electric)
  1941 STR_8056_LEV3_PEGASUS_ELECTRIC			:Lev3 'Pegasus' (Electric)
  1942 STR_8057_LEV4_CHIMAERA_ELECTRIC			:Lev4 'Chimaera' (Electric)
  1943 STR_8058_WIZZOWOW_ROCKETEER				:Wizzowow Rocketeer
  1944 STR_8059_PASSENGER_CAR					:Passenger Car
  1945 STR_805A_MAIL_VAN						:Mail Van
  1946 STR_805B_COAL_CAR						:Coal Car
  1947 STR_805C_OIL_TANKER						:Oil Tanker
  1948 STR_805D_LIVESTOCK_VAN					:Livestock Van
  1949 STR_805E_GOODS_VAN						:Goods Van
  1950 STR_805F_GRAIN_HOPPER					:Grain Hopper
  1951 STR_8060_WOOD_TRUCK						:Wood Truck
  1952 STR_8061_IRON_ORE_HOPPER				:Iron Ore Hopper
  1953 STR_8062_STEEL_TRUCK					:Steel Truck
  1954 STR_8063_ARMORED_VAN					:Armored Van
  1955 STR_8064_FOOD_VAN						:Food Van
  1956 STR_8065_PAPER_TRUCK					:Paper Truck
  1957 STR_8066_COPPER_ORE_HOPPER				:Copper Ore Hopper
  1958 STR_8067_WATER_TANKER					:Water Tanker
  1959 STR_8068_FRUIT_TRUCK					:Fruit Truck
  1960 STR_8069_RUBBER_TRUCK					:Rubber Truck
  1961 STR_806A_SUGAR_TRUCK					:Sugar Truck
  1962 STR_806B_COTTON_CANDY_HOPPER			:Cotton Candy Hopper
  1963 STR_806C_TOFFEE_HOPPER					:Toffee Hopper
  1964 STR_806D_BUBBLE_VAN						:Bubble Van
  1965 STR_806E_COLA_TANKER					:Cola Tanker
  1966 STR_806F_CANDY_VAN						:Candy Van
  1967 STR_8070_TOY_VAN						:Toy Van
  1968 STR_8071_BATTERY_TRUCK					:Battery Truck
  1969 STR_8072_FIZZY_DRINK_TRUCK				:Fizzy Drink Truck
  1970 STR_8073_PLASTIC_TRUCK					:Plastic Truck
  1971 STR_8074_MPS_REGAL_BUS					:MPS Regal Bus
  1972 STR_8075_HEREFORD_LEOPARD_BUS			:Hereford Leopard Bus
  1973 STR_8076_FOSTER_BUS						:Foster Bus
  1974 STR_8077_FOSTER_MKII_SUPERBUS			:Foster MkII Superbus
  1975 STR_8078_PLODDYPHUT_MKI_BUS				:Ploddyphut MkI Bus
  1976 STR_8079_PLODDYPHUT_MKII_BUS			:Ploddyphut MkII Bus
  1977 STR_807A_PLODDYPHUT_MKIII_BUS			:Ploddyphut MkIII Bus
  1978 STR_807B_BALOGH_COAL_TRUCK				:Balogh Coal Truck
  1979 STR_807C_UHL_COAL_TRUCK					:Uhl Coal Truck
  1980 STR_807D_DW_COAL_TRUCK					:DW Coal Truck
  1981 STR_807E_MPS_MAIL_TRUCK					:MPS Mail Truck
  1982 STR_807F_REYNARD_MAIL_TRUCK				:Reynard Mail Truck
  1983 STR_8080_PERRY_MAIL_TRUCK				:Perry Mail Truck
  1984 STR_8081_MIGHTYMOVER_MAIL_TRUCK			:MightyMover Mail Truck
  1985 STR_8082_POWERNAUGHT_MAIL_TRUCK			:Powernaught Mail Truck
  1986 STR_8083_WIZZOWOW_MAIL_TRUCK			:Wizzowow Mail Truck
  1987 STR_8084_WITCOMBE_OIL_TANKER			:Witcombe Oil Tanker
  1988 STR_8085_FOSTER_OIL_TANKER				:Foster Oil Tanker
  1989 STR_8086_PERRY_OIL_TANKER				:Perry Oil Tanker
  1990 STR_8087_TALBOTT_LIVESTOCK_VAN			:Talbott Livestock Van
  1991 STR_8088_UHL_LIVESTOCK_VAN				:Uhl Livestock Van
  1992 STR_8089_FOSTER_LIVESTOCK_VAN			:Foster Livestock Van
  1993 STR_808A_BALOGH_GOODS_TRUCK				:Balogh Goods Truck
  1994 STR_808B_CRAIGHEAD_GOODS_TRUCK			:Craighead Goods Truck
  1995 STR_808C_GOSS_GOODS_TRUCK				:Goss Goods Truck
  1996 STR_808D_HEREFORD_GRAIN_TRUCK			:Hereford Grain Truck
  1997 STR_808E_THOMAS_GRAIN_TRUCK				:Thomas Grain Truck
  1998 STR_808F_GOSS_GRAIN_TRUCK				:Goss Grain Truck
  1999 STR_8090_WITCOMBE_WOOD_TRUCK			:Witcombe Wood Truck
  2000 STR_8091_FOSTER_WOOD_TRUCK				:Foster Wood Truck
  2001 STR_8092_MORELAND_WOOD_TRUCK			:Moreland Wood Truck
  2002 STR_8093_MPS_IRON_ORE_TRUCK				:MPS Iron Ore Truck
  2003 STR_8094_UHL_IRON_ORE_TRUCK				:Uhl Iron Ore Truck
  2004 STR_8095_CHIPPY_IRON_ORE_TRUCK			:Chippy Iron Ore Truck
  2005 STR_8096_BALOGH_STEEL_TRUCK				:Balogh Steel Truck
  2006 STR_8097_UHL_STEEL_TRUCK				:Uhl Steel Truck
  2007 STR_8098_KELLING_STEEL_TRUCK			:Kelling Steel Truck
  2008 STR_8099_BALOGH_ARMORED_TRUCK			:Balogh Armored Truck
  2009 STR_809A_UHL_ARMORED_TRUCK				:Uhl Armored Truck
  2010 STR_809B_FOSTER_ARMORED_TRUCK			:Foster Armored Truck
  2011 STR_809C_FOSTER_FOOD_VAN				:Foster Food Van
  2012 STR_809D_PERRY_FOOD_VAN					:Perry Food Van
  2013 STR_809E_CHIPPY_FOOD_VAN				:Chippy Food Van
  2014 STR_809F_UHL_PAPER_TRUCK				:Uhl Paper Truck
  2015 STR_80A0_BALOGH_PAPER_TRUCK				:Balogh Paper Truck
  2016 STR_80A1_MPS_PAPER_TRUCK				:MPS Paper Truck
  2017 STR_80A2_MPS_COPPER_ORE_TRUCK			:MPS Copper Ore Truck
  2018 STR_80A3_UHL_COPPER_ORE_TRUCK			:Uhl Copper Ore Truck
  2019 STR_80A4_GOSS_COPPER_ORE_TRUCK			:Goss Copper Ore Truck
  2020 STR_80A5_UHL_WATER_TANKER				:Uhl Water Tanker
  2021 STR_80A6_BALOGH_WATER_TANKER			:Balogh Water Tanker
  2022 STR_80A7_MPS_WATER_TANKER				:MPS Water Tanker
  2023 STR_80A8_BALOGH_FRUIT_TRUCK				:Balogh Fruit Truck
  2024 STR_80A9_UHL_FRUIT_TRUCK				:Uhl Fruit Truck
  2025 STR_80AA_KELLING_FRUIT_TRUCK			:Kelling Fruit Truck
  2026 STR_80AB_BALOGH_RUBBER_TRUCK			:Balogh Rubber Truck
  2027 STR_80AC_UHL_RUBBER_TRUCK				:Uhl Rubber Truck
  2028 STR_80AD_RMT_RUBBER_TRUCK				:RMT Rubber Truck
  2029 STR_80AE_MIGHTYMOVER_SUGAR_TRUCK		:MightyMover Sugar Truck
  2030 STR_80AF_POWERNAUGHT_SUGAR_TRUCK		:Powernaught Sugar Truck
  2031 STR_80B0_WIZZOWOW_SUGAR_TRUCK			:Wizzowow Sugar Truck
  2032 STR_80B1_MIGHTYMOVER_COLA_TRUCK			:MightyMover Cola Truck
  2033 STR_80B2_POWERNAUGHT_COLA_TRUCK			:Powernaught Cola Truck
  2034 STR_80B3_WIZZOWOW_COLA_TRUCK			:Wizzowow Cola Truck
  2035 STR_80B4_MIGHTYMOVER_COTTON_CANDY		:MightyMover Cotton Candy Truck
  2036 STR_80B5_POWERNAUGHT_COTTON_CANDY		:Powernaught Cotton Candy Truck
  2037 STR_80B6_WIZZOWOW_COTTON_CANDY_TRUCK	:Wizzowow Cotton Candy Truck
  2038 STR_80B7_MIGHTYMOVER_TOFFEE_TRUCK		:MightyMover Toffee Truck
  2039 STR_80B8_POWERNAUGHT_TOFFEE_TRUCK		:Powernaught Toffee Truck
  2040 STR_80B9_WIZZOWOW_TOFFEE_TRUCK			:Wizzowow Toffee Truck
  2041 STR_80BA_MIGHTYMOVER_TOY_VAN			:MightyMover Toy Van
  2042 STR_80BB_POWERNAUGHT_TOY_VAN			:Powernaught Toy Van
  2043 STR_80BC_WIZZOWOW_TOY_VAN				:Wizzowow Toy Van
  2044 STR_80BD_MIGHTYMOVER_CANDY_TRUCK		:MightyMover Candy Truck
  2045 STR_80BE_POWERNAUGHT_CANDY_TRUCK		:Powernaught Candy Truck
  2046 STR_80BF_WIZZOWOW_CANDY_TRUCK			:Wizzowow Candy Truck
  2047 STR_80C0_MIGHTYMOVER_BATTERY_TRUCK		:MightyMover Battery Truck
  2048 STR_80C1_POWERNAUGHT_BATTERY_TRUCK		:Powernaught Battery Truck
  2049 STR_80C2_WIZZOWOW_BATTERY_TRUCK			:Wizzowow Battery Truck
  2050 STR_80C3_MIGHTYMOVER_FIZZY_DRINK		:MightyMover Fizzy Drink Truck
  2051 STR_80C4_POWERNAUGHT_FIZZY_DRINK		:Powernaught Fizzy Drink Truck
  2052 STR_80C5_WIZZOWOW_FIZZY_DRINK_TRUCK		:Wizzowow Fizzy Drink Truck
  2053 STR_80C6_MIGHTYMOVER_PLASTIC_TRUCK		:MightyMover Plastic Truck
  2054 STR_80C7_POWERNAUGHT_PLASTIC_TRUCK		:Powernaught Plastic Truck
  2055 STR_80C8_WIZZOWOW_PLASTIC_TRUCK			:Wizzowow Plastic Truck
  2056 STR_80C9_MIGHTYMOVER_BUBBLE_TRUCK		:MightyMover Bubble Truck
  2057 STR_80CA_POWERNAUGHT_BUBBLE_TRUCK		:Powernaught Bubble Truck
  2058 STR_80CB_WIZZOWOW_BUBBLE_TRUCK			:Wizzowow Bubble Truck
  2059 STR_80CC_MPS_OIL_TANKER					:MPS Oil Tanker
  2060 STR_80CD_CS_INC_OIL_TANKER				:CS-Inc. Oil Tanker
  2061 STR_80CE_MPS_PASSENGER_FERRY			:MPS Passenger Ferry
  2062 STR_80CF_FFP_PASSENGER_FERRY			:FFP Passenger Ferry
  2063 STR_80D0_BAKEWELL_300_HOVERCRAFT		:Bakewell 300 Hovercraft
  2064 STR_80D1_CHUGGER_CHUG_PASSENGER			:Chugger-Chug Passenger Ferry
  2065 STR_80D2_SHIVERSHAKE_PASSENGER_FERRY	:Shivershake Passenger Ferry
  2066 STR_80D3_YATE_CARGO_SHIP				:Yate Cargo ship
  2067 STR_80D4_BAKEWELL_CARGO_SHIP			:Bakewell Cargo ship
  2068 STR_80D5_MIGHTYMOVER_CARGO_SHIP			:Mightymover Cargo ship
  2069 STR_80D6_POWERNAUT_CARGO_SHIP			:Powernaut Cargo ship
  2070 STR_80D7_SAMPSON_U52					:Sampson U52
  2071 STR_80D8_COLEMAN_COUNT					:Coleman Count
  2072 STR_80D9_FFP_DART						:FFP Dart
  2073 STR_80DA_YATE_HAUGAN					:Yate Haugan
  2074 STR_80DB_BAKEWELL_COTSWALD_LB_3			:Bakewell Cotswald LB-3
  2075 STR_80DC_BAKEWELL_LUCKETT_LB_8			:Bakewell Luckett LB-8
  2076 STR_80DD_BAKEWELL_LUCKETT_LB_9			:Bakewell Luckett LB-9
  2077 STR_80DE_BAKEWELL_LUCKETT_LB80			:Bakewell Luckett LB80
  2078 STR_80DF_BAKEWELL_LUCKETT_LB_10			:Bakewell Luckett LB-10
  2079 STR_80E0_BAKEWELL_LUCKETT_LB_11			:Bakewell Luckett LB-11
  2080 STR_80E1_YATE_AEROSPACE_YAC_1_11		:Yate Aerospace YAC 1-11
  2081 STR_80E2_DARWIN_100						:Darwin 100
  2082 STR_80E3_DARWIN_200						:Darwin 200
  2083 STR_80E4_DARWIN_300						:Darwin 300
  2084 STR_80E5_DARWIN_400						:Darwin 400
  2085 STR_80E6_DARWIN_500						:Darwin 500
  2086 STR_80E7_DARWIN_600						:Darwin 600
  2087 STR_80E8_GURU_GALAXY					:Guru Galaxy
  2088 STR_80E9_AIRTAXI_A21					:Airtaxi A21
  2089 STR_80EA_AIRTAXI_A31					:Airtaxi A31
  2090 STR_80EB_AIRTAXI_A32					:Airtaxi A32
  2091 STR_80EC_AIRTAXI_A33					:Airtaxi A33
  2092 STR_80ED_YATE_AEROSPACE_YAE46			:Yate Aerospace YAe46
  2093 STR_80EE_DINGER_100						:Dinger 100
  2094 STR_80EF_AIRTAXI_A34_1000				:AirTaxi A34-1000
  2095 STR_80F0_YATE_Z_SHUTTLE					:Yate Z-Shuttle
  2096 STR_80F1_KELLING_K1						:Kelling K1
  2097 STR_80F2_KELLING_K6						:Kelling K6
  2098 STR_80F3_KELLING_K7						:Kelling K7
  2099 STR_80F4_DARWIN_700						:Darwin 700
  2100 STR_80F5_FFP_HYPERDART_2				:FFP Hyperdart 2
  2101 STR_80F6_DINGER_200						:Dinger 200
  2102 STR_80F7_DINGER_1000					:Dinger 1000
  2103 STR_80F8_PLODDYPHUT_100					:Ploddyphut 100
  2104 STR_80F9_PLODDYPHUT_500					:Ploddyphut 500
  2105 STR_80FA_FLASHBANG_X1					:Flashbang X1
  2106 STR_80FB_JUGGERPLANE_M1					:Juggerplane M1
  2107 STR_80FC_FLASHBANG_WIZZER				:Flashbang Wizzer
  2108 STR_80FD_TRICARIO_HELICOPTER			:Tricario Helicopter
  2109 STR_80FE_GURU_X2_HELICOPTER				:Guru X2 Helicopter
  2110 STR_80FF_POWERNAUT_HELICOPTER			:Powernaut Helicopter
  2111 STR_8100_MESSAGE_FROM_VEHICLE_MANUFACTURE:{WHITE}Message from vehicle manufacturer
  2112 STR_8101_WE_HAVE_JUST_DESIGNED_A		:{GOLD}We have just designed a new {STRING} - would you be interested in a year's exclusive use of this vehicle, so we can see how it performs before making it universally available ?
  2113 STR_8102_RAILROAD_LOCOMOTIVE			:railroad locomotive
  2114 STR_8103_ROAD_VEHICLE					:road vehicle
  2115 STR_8104_AIRCRAFT						:aircraft
  2116 STR_8105_SHIP							:ship
  2117 STR_8106_MONORAIL_LOCOMOTIVE			:monorail locomotive
  2118 STR_8107_MAGLEV_LOCOMOTIVE				:maglev locomotive
  2120 ##id 0x8800
  2121 STR_8800_TRAIN_DEPOT					:{WHITE}{TOWN} Train Depot
  2122 STR_8801_CITIZENS_CELEBRATE_FIRST		:{BLACK}{BIGFONT}Citizens celebrate . . .{}First train arrives at {STATION}!
  2123 STR_8802_DETAILS						:{WHITE}{STRING} (Details)
  2124 STR_8803_TRAIN_IN_THE_WAY				:{WHITE}Train in the way
  2125 STR_8804								:{SETX 10}{COMMA8}: {STRING}
  2126 STR_8805								:{RIGHTARROW}{SETX 10}{COMMA8}: {STRING}
  2127 STR_8806_GO_TO							:Go to {STATION}
  2128 STR_8807_GO_TO_UNLOAD					:Go to {STATION} (Unload)
  2129 STR_8808_GO_TO_LOAD						:Go to {STATION} (Load)
  2130 STR_8809								:
  2131 STR_880A_GO_NON_STOP_TO					:Go non-stop to {STATION}
  2132 STR_880B_GO_NON_STOP_TO_UNLOAD			:Go non-stop to {STATION} (Unload)
  2133 STR_880C_GO_NON_STOP_TO_LOAD			:Go non-stop to {STATION} (Load)
  2134 STR_880D								:
  2135 STR_880E_GO_TO_TRAIN_DEPOT				:Go to {TOWN} Train Depot
  2136 STR_SERVICE_AT_TRAIN_DEPOT				:Service at {TOWN} Train Depot
  2137 STR_880F_GO_NON_STOP_TO_TRAIN_DEPOT		:Go non-stop to {TOWN} Train Depot
  2138 STR_SERVICE_NON_STOP_AT_TRAIN_DEPOT		:Service non-stop at {TOWN} Train Depot
  2140 STR_HEADING_FOR_TRAIN_DEPOT				:{LTBLUE}Heading for {TOWN} Train Depot
  2143 STR_8812_EMPTY							:{LTBLUE}Empty
  2144 STR_8813_FROM							:{LTBLUE}{CARGO} from {STATION}
  2145 STR_8814_TRAIN_IS_WAITING_IN_DEPOT		:{WHITE}Train {COMMA16} is waiting in depot
  2146 STR_8815_NEW_VEHICLES					:{BLACK}New Vehicles
  2147 STR_8816								:{BLACK}-
  2148 STR_8817_COST_WEIGHT_T_SPEED_POWER		:{BLACK}Cost: {GOLD}{CURRENCY}{BLACK} Weight: {GOLD}{COMMA16}t{}{BLACK}Speed: {GOLD}{VELOCITY}{BLACK}   Power: {GOLD}{COMMA16}hp{}{BLACK}Running Cost: {GOLD}{CURRENCY}/yr{}{BLACK}Capacity: {GOLD}{STRING}{}{BLACK}Designed: {GOLD}{NUMU16}{BLACK} Life: {GOLD}{COMMA16} years{}{BLACK}Max. Reliability: {GOLD}{COMMA8}%
  2149 STR_8818_INFORMATION					:{BLACK}Information
  2150 STR_8819_TRAIN_TOO_LONG					:{WHITE}Train too long
  2151 STR_881A_TRAINS_CAN_ONLY_BE_ALTERED		:{WHITE}Trains can only be altered when stopped inside a depot
  2152 STR_881B_TRAINS							:{WHITE}{STRING} - Trains
  2153 STR_881C_NEW_RAIL_VEHICLES				:{WHITE}New Rail Vehicles
  2154 STR_881D_NEW_MONORAIL_VEHICLES			:{WHITE}New Monorail Vehicles
  2155 STR_881E_NEW_MAGLEV_VEHICLES			:{WHITE}New Maglev Vehicles
  2156 STR_881F_BUILD_VEHICLE					:{BLACK}Build Vehicle
  2157 STR_8820_RENAME							:{BLACK}Rename
  2159 STR_8823_SKIP							:{BLACK}Skip
  2160 STR_8824_DELETE							:{BLACK}Delete
  2161 STR_8825_NON_STOP						:{BLACK}Non-Stop
  2162 STR_8826_GO_TO							:{BLACK}Go To
  2163 STR_8827_FULL_LOAD						:{BLACK}Full Load
  2164 STR_8828_UNLOAD							:{BLACK}Unload
  2165 STR_8829_ORDERS							:{WHITE}{STRING} (Orders)
  2166 STR_882A_END_OF_ORDERS					:{SETX 10}- - End of Orders - -
  2168 STR_SERVICE								:{BLACK}Service
  2169 STR_882B_CAN_T_BUILD_RAILROAD_VEHICLE	:{WHITE}Can't build railroad vehicle...
  2172 STR_882E								:{WHITE}{STRING}
  2173 STR_882F_LOADING_UNLOADING				:{LTBLUE}Loading / Unloading
  2174 STR_8830_CAN_T_SEND_TRAIN_TO_DEPOT		:{WHITE}Can't send train to depot...
  2175 STR_8831_NO_MORE_SPACE_FOR_ORDERS		:{WHITE}No more space for orders
  2176 STR_8832_TOO_MANY_ORDERS				:{WHITE}Too many orders
  2177 STR_8833_CAN_T_INSERT_NEW_ORDER			:{WHITE}Can't insert new order...
  2178 STR_8834_CAN_T_DELETE_THIS_ORDER		:{WHITE}Can't delete this order...
  2179 STR_8835_CAN_T_MODIFY_THIS_ORDER		:{WHITE}Can't modify this order...
  2180 STR_8836_MUST_BUILD_TRAIN_DEPOT			:{WHITE}Must build train depot first
  2181 STR_8837_CAN_T_MOVE_VEHICLE				:{WHITE}Can't move vehicle...
  2182 STR_8838_N_A							:N/A{SKIP}
  2183 STR_8839_CAN_T_SELL_RAILROAD_VEHICLE	:{WHITE}Can't sell railroad vehicle...
  2184 STR_883A_UNABLE_TO_FIND_ROUTE_TO		:{WHITE}Unable to find route to local depot
  2185 STR_883B_CAN_T_STOP_START_TRAIN			:{WHITE}Can't stop/start train...
  2186 STR_883C_SERVICING_INTERVAL_DAYS		:{BLACK}Servicing interval: {LTBLUE}{COMMA16}days{BLACK}   Last service: {LTBLUE}{DATE_LONG}
  2187 STR_883D_TRAINS_CLICK_ON_TRAIN_FOR		:{BLACK}Trains - click on train for information
  2188 STR_883E_BUILD_NEW_TRAINS_REQUIRES		:{BLACK}Build new trains (requires train depot)
  2189 STR_883F_TRAINS_CLICK_ON_TRAIN_FOR		:{BLACK}Trains - click on train for info., drag vehicle to add/remove from train
  2190 STR_8840_BUILD_NEW_TRAIN_VEHICLE		:{BLACK}Build new train vehicle
  2191 STR_8841_DRAG_TRAIN_VEHICLE_TO_HERE		:{BLACK}Drag train vehicle to here to sell it
  2192 STR_8842_CENTER_MAIN_VIEW_ON_TRAIN		:{BLACK}Center main view on train depot location
  2193 STR_8843_TRAIN_VEHICLE_SELECTION		:{BLACK}Train vehicle selection list - click on vehicle for information
  2194 STR_8844_BUILD_THE_HIGHLIGHTED_TRAIN	:{BLACK}Build the highlighted train vehicle
  2195 STR_8845_RENAME_TRAIN_VEHICLE_TYPE		:{BLACK}Rename train vehicle type
  2196 STR_8846_CURRENT_TRAIN_ACTION_CLICK		:{BLACK}Current train action - click here to stop/start train
  2197 STR_8847_SHOW_TRAIN_S_ORDERS			:{BLACK}Show train's orders
  2198 STR_8848_CENTER_MAIN_VIEW_ON_TRAIN		:{BLACK}Center main view on train's location
  2199 STR_8849_SEND_TRAIN_TO_DEPOT			:{BLACK}Send train to depot
  2200 STR_884A_FORCE_TRAIN_TO_PROCEED			:{BLACK}Force train to proceed without waiting for signal to clear
  2201 STR_884B_REVERSE_DIRECTION_OF_TRAIN		:{BLACK}Reverse direction of train
  2202 STR_884C_SHOW_TRAIN_DETAILS				:{BLACK}Show train details
  2203 STR_884D_INCREASE_SERVICING_INTERVAL	:{BLACK}Increase servicing interval
  2204 STR_884E_DECREASE_SERVICING_INTERVAL	:{BLACK}Decrease servicing interval
  2205 STR_884F_SHOW_DETAILS_OF_CARGO_CARRIED	:{BLACK}Show details of cargo carried
  2206 STR_8850_SHOW_DETAILS_OF_TRAIN_VEHICLES	:{BLACK}Show details of train vehicles
  2207 STR_8851_SHOW_CAPACITIES_OF_EACH		:{BLACK}Show capacities of each vehicle
  2208 STR_8852_SHOW_TOTAL_CARGO						:{BLACK}Show total capacity of train, split by cargo type
  2209 STR_8852_ORDERS_LIST_CLICK_ON_ORDER		:{BLACK}Orders list - click on order to highlight it
  2210 STR_8853_SKIP_THE_CURRENT_ORDER			:{BLACK}Skip the current order, and start the next
  2211 STR_8854_DELETE_THE_HIGHLIGHTED			:{BLACK}Delete the highlighted order
  2212 STR_8855_MAKE_THE_HIGHLIGHTED_ORDER		:{BLACK}Make the highlighted order non-stop
  2213 STR_8856_INSERT_A_NEW_ORDER_BEFORE		:{BLACK}Insert a new order before the highlighted order, or add to end of list
  2214 STR_8857_MAKE_THE_HIGHLIGHTED_ORDER		:{BLACK}Make the highlighted order force the vehicle to wait for a full load
  2215 STR_8858_MAKE_THE_HIGHLIGHTED_ORDER		:{BLACK}Make the highlighted order force the vehicle to unload
  2216 STR_SERVICE_HINT						:{BLACK}Skip this order unless a service is needed
  2217 STR_8859_NEW_NOW_AVAILABLE				:{BLACK}{BIGFONT}New {STRING} now available!
  2218 STR_885A								:{BLACK}{BIGFONT}{STRING}
  2219 STR_885B_COST_WEIGHT_T_SPEED_POWER		:{BLACK}Cost: {CURRENCY} Weight: {COMMA16}t{}Speed: {VELOCITY}  Power: {COMMA16}hp{}Running Cost: {CURRENCY}/yr{}Capacity: {STRING}
  2220 STR_885C_BROKEN_DOWN					:{RED}Broken down
  2223 STR_885F_PROFIT_THIS_YEAR_LAST_YEAR		:{BLACK}Profit this year: {LTBLUE}{CURRENCY}  (last year: {CURRENCY})
  2224 STR_8860_RELIABILITY_BREAKDOWNS			:{BLACK}Reliability: {LTBLUE}{COMMA8}%  {BLACK}Breakdowns since last service: {LTBLUE}{COMMA16}
  2225 STR_8861_STOPPED						:{RED}Stopped
  2226 STR_8862_CAN_T_MAKE_TRAIN_PASS_SIGNAL	:{WHITE}Can't make train pass signal at danger...
  2227 STR_8863_CRASHED						:{RED}Crashed!
  2229 STR_8865_NAME_TRAIN						:{WHITE}Name train
  2230 STR_8866_CAN_T_NAME_TRAIN				:{WHITE}Can't name train...
  2231 STR_8867_NAME_TRAIN						:{BLACK}Name train
  2232 STR_8868_TRAIN_CRASH_DIE_IN_FIREBALL	:{BLACK}{BIGFONT}Train Crash!{}{COMMA16} die in fireball after collision
  2233 STR_8869_CAN_T_REVERSE_DIRECTION		:{WHITE}Can't reverse direction of train...
  2234 STR_886A_RENAME_TRAIN_VEHICLE_TYPE		:{WHITE}Rename train vehicle type
  2235 STR_886B_CAN_T_RENAME_TRAIN_VEHICLE		:{WHITE}Can't rename train vehicle type...
  2237 STR_TRAIN_STOPPING						:{RED}Stopping
  2240 ##id 0x9000
  2241 STR_9000_ROAD_VEHICLE_IN_THE_WAY		:{WHITE}Road vehicle in the way
  2242 STR_9001_ROAD_VEHICLES					:{WHITE}{STRING} - Road Vehicles
  2243 STR_9002								:{WHITE}{STRING}
  2244 STR_9003_ROAD_VEHICLE_DEPOT				:{WHITE}{TOWN} Road Vehicle Depot
  2245 STR_9004_NEW_VEHICLES					:{BLACK}New Vehicles
  2246 STR_9005_INFORMATION					:{BLACK}Information
  2247 STR_9006_NEW_ROAD_VEHICLES				:{WHITE}New Road Vehicles
  2248 STR_9007_BUILD_VEHICLE					:{BLACK}Build Vehicle
  2249 STR_9008_COST_SPEED_RUNNING_COST		:{BLACK}Cost: {GOLD}{CURRENCY}{BLACK} Speed: {GOLD}{VELOCITY}{}{BLACK}Running Cost: {GOLD}{CURRENCY}/yr{}{BLACK}Capacity: {GOLD}{STRING}{}{BLACK}Designed: {GOLD}{NUMU16}{BLACK}  Life: {GOLD}{COMMA16} years{}{BLACK}Max. Reliability: {GOLD}{COMMA8}%
  2250 STR_9009_CAN_T_BUILD_ROAD_VEHICLE		:{WHITE}Can't build road vehicle...
  2251 STR_900A_MUST_BUILD_ROAD_VEHICLE		:{WHITE}Must build road vehicle depot first
  2252 STR_900B_ORDERS							:{WHITE}{STRING} (Orders)
  2253 STR_900C_DETAILS						:{WHITE}{STRING} (Details)
  2255 STR_900E_MAX_SPEED						:{BLACK}Max. speed: {LTBLUE}{VELOCITY}
  2256 STR_900F_PROFIT_THIS_YEAR_LAST_YEAR		:{BLACK}Profit this year: {LTBLUE}{CURRENCY}  (last year: {CURRENCY})
  2257 STR_9010_RELIABILITY_BREAKDOWNS			:{BLACK}Reliability: {LTBLUE}{COMMA8}%  {BLACK}Breakdowns since last service: {LTBLUE}{COMMA16}
  2259 STR_9012_CAPACITY						:{BLACK}Capacity: {LTBLUE}{STRING}
  2260 STR_9013_MUST_BE_STOPPED_INSIDE			:{WHITE}...must be stopped inside a road vehicle depot
  2261 STR_9014_CAN_T_SELL_ROAD_VEHICLE		:{WHITE}Can't sell road vehicle...
  2262 STR_9015_CAN_T_STOP_START_ROAD_VEHICLE	:{WHITE}Can't stop/start road vehicle...
  2263 STR_9016_ROAD_VEHICLE_IS_WAITING		:{WHITE}Road Vehicle {COMMA16} is waiting in depot
  2264 STR_HEADING_FOR_ROAD_DEPOT				:{LTBLUE}Heading for {TOWN} Road Depot
  2266 STR_9018_CAN_T_SEND_VEHICLE_TO_DEPOT	:{WHITE}Can't send vehicle to depot...
  2267 STR_9019_UNABLE_TO_FIND_LOCAL_DEPOT		:{WHITE}Unable to find local depot
  2268 STR_901A_ROAD_VEHICLES_CLICK_ON			:{BLACK}Road vehicles - click on vehicle for information
  2269 STR_901B_BUILD_NEW_ROAD_VEHICLES		:{BLACK}Build new road vehicles (requires road vehicle depot)
  2270 STR_901C_CURRENT_VEHICLE_ACTION			:{BLACK}Current vehicle action - click here to stop/start vehicle
  2271 STR_901D_SHOW_VEHICLE_S_ORDERS			:{BLACK}Show vehicle's orders
  2272 STR_901E_CENTER_MAIN_VIEW_ON_VEHICLE	:{BLACK}Center main view on vehicle's location
  2273 STR_901F_SEND_VEHICLE_TO_DEPOT			:{BLACK}Send vehicle to depot
  2274 STR_9020_FORCE_VEHICLE_TO_TURN_AROUND	:{BLACK}Force vehicle to turn around
  2275 STR_9021_SHOW_ROAD_VEHICLE_DETAILS		:{BLACK}Show road vehicle details
  2276 STR_9022_VEHICLES_CLICK_ON_VEHICLE		:{BLACK}Vehicles - click on vehicle for information
  2277 STR_9023_BUILD_NEW_ROAD_VEHICLE			:{BLACK}Build new road vehicle
  2278 STR_9024_DRAG_ROAD_VEHICLE_TO_HERE		:{BLACK}Drag road vehicle to here to sell it
  2279 STR_9025_CENTER_MAIN_VIEW_ON_ROAD		:{BLACK}Center main view on road vehicle depot location
  2280 STR_9026_ROAD_VEHICLE_SELECTION			:{BLACK}Road vehicle selection list - click on vehicle for information
  2281 STR_9027_BUILD_THE_HIGHLIGHTED_ROAD		:{BLACK}Build the highlighted road vehicle
  2282 STR_9028_NEW_ROAD_VEHICLE_NOW_AVAILABLE	:{BLACK}{BIGFONT}New road vehicle now available!
  2283 STR_9029								:{BLACK}{BIGFONT}{STRING}
  2284 STR_902A_COST_SPEED_RUNNING_COST		:{BLACK}Cost: {CURRENCY}{}Speed: {VELOCITY}{}Running Cost: {CURRENCY}/yr{}Capacity: {STRING}
  2286 STR_902C_NAME_ROAD_VEHICLE				:{WHITE}Name road vehicle
  2287 STR_902D_CAN_T_NAME_ROAD_VEHICLE		:{WHITE}Can't name road vehicle...
  2288 STR_902E_NAME_ROAD_VEHICLE				:{BLACK}Name road vehicle
  2289 STR_902F_CITIZENS_CELEBRATE_FIRST		:{BLACK}{BIGFONT}Citizens celebrate . . .{}First bus arrives at {STATION}!
  2290 STR_9030_CITIZENS_CELEBRATE_FIRST		:{BLACK}{BIGFONT}Citizens celebrate . . .{}First truck arrives at {STATION}!
  2291 STR_9031_ROAD_VEHICLE_CRASH_DRIVER		:{BLACK}{BIGFONT}Road Vehicle Crash!{}Driver dies in fireball after collision with train
  2292 STR_9032_ROAD_VEHICLE_CRASH_DIE			:{BLACK}{BIGFONT}Road Vehicle Crash!{}{COMMA16} die in fireball after collision with train
  2293 STR_9033_CAN_T_MAKE_VEHICLE_TURN		:{WHITE}Can't make vehicle turn around...
  2294 STR_9034_RENAME							:{BLACK}Rename
  2295 STR_9035_RENAME_ROAD_VEHICLE_TYPE		:{BLACK}Rename road vehicle type
  2296 STR_9036_RENAME_ROAD_VEHICLE_TYPE		:{WHITE}Rename road vehicle type
  2297 STR_9037_CAN_T_RENAME_ROAD_VEHICLE		:{WHITE}Can't rename road vehicle type...
  2298 STR_9038_GO_TO_ROADVEH_DEPOT			:Go to {TOWN} Road Vehicle Depot
  2299 STR_SERVICE_AT_ROADVEH_DEPOT			:Service at {TOWN} Road Vehicle Depot
  2301 ##id 0x9800
  2302 STR_9800_DOCK_CONSTRUCTION				:Dock construction
  2303 STR_9801_DOCK_CONSTRUCTION				:{WHITE}Dock construction
  2304 STR_9802_CAN_T_BUILD_DOCK_HERE			:{WHITE}Can't build dock here...
  2305 STR_9803_SHIP_DEPOT						:{WHITE}{TOWN} Ship Depot
  2306 STR_9804_NEW_SHIPS						:{BLACK}New Ships
  2307 STR_9805_SHIPS							:{WHITE}{STRING} - Ships
  2308 STR_9806_CAN_T_BUILD_SHIPS				:{WHITE}Can't build ships...
  2309 STR_9807_MUST_BUILD_SHIP_DEPOT_FIRST	:{WHITE}Must build ship depot first
  2310 STR_9808_NEW_SHIPS						:{WHITE}New Ships
  2311 STR_9809_BUILD_SHIP						:{BLACK}Build Ship
  2312 STR_980A_COST_SPEED_CAPACITY_RUNNING	:{BLACK}Cost: {GOLD}{CURRENCY}{BLACK} Speed: {GOLD}{VELOCITY}{}{BLACK}Capacity: {GOLD}{STRING} {STRING}{}{BLACK}Running Cost: {GOLD}{CURRENCY}/yr{}{BLACK}Designed: {GOLD}{NUMU16}{BLACK}   Life: {GOLD}{COMMA16} years{}{BLACK}Max. Reliability: {GOLD}{COMMA8}%
  2313 STR_980B_SHIP_MUST_BE_STOPPED_IN		:{WHITE}Ship must be stopped in depot
  2314 STR_980C_CAN_T_SELL_SHIP				:{WHITE}Can't sell ship...
  2315 STR_980D_CAN_T_BUILD_SHIP				:{WHITE}Can't build ship...
  2316 STR_980E_SHIP_IN_THE_WAY				:{WHITE}Ship in the way
  2317 STR_980F								:{WHITE}{STRING}
  2318 STR_9810_ORDERS							:{WHITE}{STRING} (Orders)
  2319 STR_9811_DETAILS						:{WHITE}{STRING} (Details)
  2321 STR_9813_MAX_SPEED						:{BLACK}Max. speed: {LTBLUE}{VELOCITY}
  2322 STR_9814_PROFIT_THIS_YEAR_LAST_YEAR		:{BLACK}Profit this year: {LTBLUE}{CURRENCY}  (last year: {CURRENCY})
  2323 STR_9815_RELIABILITY_BREAKDOWNS			:{BLACK}Reliability: {LTBLUE}{COMMA8}%  {BLACK}Breakdowns since last service: {LTBLUE}{COMMA16}
  2325 STR_9817_CAPACITY						:{BLACK}Capacity: {LTBLUE}{STRING}
  2326 STR_9818_CAN_T_STOP_START_SHIP			:{WHITE}Can't stop/start ship...
  2327 STR_9819_CAN_T_SEND_SHIP_TO_DEPOT		:{WHITE}Can't send ship to depot...
  2328 STR_981A_UNABLE_TO_FIND_LOCAL_DEPOT		:{WHITE}Unable to find local depot
  2329 STR_HEADING_FOR_SHIP_DEPOT				:{LTBLUE}Heading for {TOWN} Ship Depot
  2331 STR_981C_SHIP_IS_WAITING_IN_DEPOT		:{WHITE}Ship {COMMA16} is waiting in depot
  2332 STR_981D_BUILD_SHIP_DOCK				:{BLACK}Build ship dock
  2333 STR_981E_BUILD_SHIP_DEPOT_FOR_BUILDING	:{BLACK}Build ship depot (for building and servicing ships)
  2334 STR_981F_SHIPS_CLICK_ON_SHIP_FOR		:{BLACK}Ships - click on ship for information
  2335 STR_9820_BUILD_NEW_SHIP					:{BLACK}Build new ship
  2336 STR_9821_DRAG_SHIP_TO_HERE_TO_SELL		:{BLACK}Drag ship to here to sell it
  2337 STR_9822_CENTER_MAIN_VIEW_ON_SHIP		:{BLACK}Center main view on ship depot location
  2338 STR_9823_SHIPS_CLICK_ON_SHIP_FOR		:{BLACK}Ships - click on ship for information
  2339 STR_9824_BUILD_NEW_SHIPS_REQUIRES		:{BLACK}Build new ships (requires ship depot)
  2340 STR_9825_SHIP_SELECTION_LIST_CLICK		:{BLACK}Ship selection list - click on ship for information
  2341 STR_9826_BUILD_THE_HIGHLIGHTED_SHIP		:{BLACK}Build the highlighted ship
  2342 STR_9827_CURRENT_SHIP_ACTION_CLICK		:{BLACK}Current ship action - click here to stop/start ship
  2343 STR_9828_SHOW_SHIP_S_ORDERS				:{BLACK}Show ship's orders
  2344 STR_9829_CENTER_MAIN_VIEW_ON_SHIP		:{BLACK}Center main view on ship's location
  2345 STR_982A_SEND_SHIP_TO_DEPOT				:{BLACK}Send ship to depot
  2346 STR_982B_SHOW_SHIP_DETAILS				:{BLACK}Show ship details
  2347 STR_982C_NEW_SHIP_NOW_AVAILABLE			:{BLACK}{BIGFONT}New ship now available!
  2348 STR_982D								:{BLACK}{BIGFONT}{STRING}
  2349 STR_982E_COST_MAX_SPEED_CAPACITY		:{BLACK}Cost: {CURRENCY} Max. Speed: {VELOCITY}{}Capacity: {STRING}{}Running Cost: {CURRENCY}/yr
  2350 STR_982F_NAME_SHIP						:{BLACK}Name ship
  2352 STR_9831_NAME_SHIP						:{WHITE}Name ship
  2353 STR_9832_CAN_T_NAME_SHIP				:{WHITE}Can't name ship...
  2354 STR_9833_CITIZENS_CELEBRATE_FIRST		:{BLACK}{BIGFONT}Citizens celebrate . . .{}First ship arrives at {STATION}!
  2355 STR_9834_POSITION_BUOY_WHICH_CAN		:{BLACK}Position buoy, which can be used for additional way points
  2356 STR_9835_CAN_T_POSITION_BUOY_HERE		:{WHITE}Can't position buoy here...
  2357 STR_9836_RENAME							:{BLACK}Rename
  2358 STR_9837_RENAME_SHIP_TYPE				:{BLACK}Rename ship type
  2359 STR_9838_RENAME_SHIP_TYPE				:{WHITE}Rename ship type
  2360 STR_9839_CAN_T_RENAME_SHIP_TYPE			:{WHITE}Can't rename ship type...
  2361 STR_983A_REFIT_CARGO_SHIP_TO_CARRY		:{BLACK}Refit cargo ship to carry a different cargo type
  2362 STR_983B_REFIT							:{WHITE}{STRING} (Refit)
  2363 STR_983C_REFIT_SHIP						:{BLACK}Refit ship
  2364 STR_983D_SELECT_TYPE_OF_CARGO_FOR		:{BLACK}Select type of cargo for ship to carry
  2365 STR_983E_REFIT_SHIP_TO_CARRY_HIGHLIGHTED:{BLACK}Refit ship to carry highlighted cargo type
  2366 STR_983F_SELECT_CARGO_TYPE_TO_CARRY		:{GOLD}Select cargo type to carry:-
  2367 STR_9840_NEW_CAPACITY_COST_OF_REFIT		:{BLACK}New capacity: {GOLD}{STRING}{}{BLACK}Cost of refit: {GOLD}{CURRENCY}
  2368 STR_9841_CAN_T_REFIT_SHIP				:{WHITE}Can't refit ship...
  2369 STR_9842_REFITTABLE						:(refittable)
  2370 STR_GO_TO_SHIP_DEPOT					:Go to {TOWN} Ship Depot
  2371 SERVICE_AT_SHIP_DEPOT					:Service at {TOWN} Ship Depot
  2373 ##id 0xA000
  2374 STR_A000_AIRPORT_CONSTRUCT				:{WHITE}Airport Construct.
  2375 STR_A001_CAN_T_BUILD_AIRPORT_HERE		:{WHITE}Can't build airport here...
  2376 STR_A002_AIRCRAFT_HANGAR				:{WHITE}{STATION} Aircraft Hangar
  2377 STR_A003_NEW_AIRCRAFT					:{BLACK}New Aircraft
  2378 STR_A004_INFORMATION					:{BLACK}Information
  2379 STR_A005_NEW_AIRCRAFT					:{WHITE}New Aircraft
  2380 STR_A006_BUILD_AIRCRAFT					:{BLACK}Build Aircraft
  2381 STR_A007_COST_SPEED_CAPACITY_PASSENGERS	:{BLACK}Cost: {GOLD}{CURRENCY}{BLACK} Speed: {GOLD}{VELOCITY}{}{BLACK}Capacity: {GOLD}{COMMA16} passengers, {COMMA16} bags of mail{}{BLACK}Running Cost: {GOLD}{CURRENCY}/yr{}{BLACK}Designed: {GOLD}{NUMU16}{BLACK}  Life: {GOLD}{COMMA16} years{}{BLACK}Max. Reliability: {GOLD}{COMMA8}%
  2382 STR_A008_CAN_T_BUILD_AIRCRAFT			:{WHITE}Can't build aircraft...
  2383 STR_A009_AIRCRAFT						:{WHITE}{STRING} - Aircraft
  2384 STR_A00A								:{WHITE}{STRING}
  2385 STR_A00B_ORDERS							:{WHITE}{STRING} (Orders)
  2386 STR_A00C_DETAILS						:{WHITE}{STRING} (Details)
  2388 STR_A00E_MAX_SPEED						:{BLACK}Max. speed: {LTBLUE}{VELOCITY}
  2389 STR_A00F_PROFIT_THIS_YEAR_LAST_YEAR		:{BLACK}Profit this year: {LTBLUE}{CURRENCY}  (last year: {CURRENCY})
  2390 STR_A010_RELIABILITY_BREAKDOWNS			:{BLACK}Reliability: {LTBLUE}{COMMA8}%  {BLACK}Breakdowns since last service: {LTBLUE}{COMMA16}
  2392 STR_A012_CAN_T_SEND_AIRCRAFT_TO			:{WHITE}Can't send aircraft to hangar...
  2393 STR_HEADING_FOR_HANGAR					:{LTBLUE}Heading for {STATION} Hangar
  2395 STR_A014_AIRCRAFT_IS_WAITING_IN			:{WHITE}Aircraft {COMMA16} is waiting in the aircraft hangar
  2396 STR_A015_AIRCRAFT_IN_THE_WAY			:{WHITE}Aircraft in the way
  2397 STR_A016_CAN_T_STOP_START_AIRCRAFT		:{WHITE}Can't stop/start aircraft...
  2398 STR_A017_AIRCRAFT_IS_IN_FLIGHT			:{WHITE}Aircraft is in flight
  2399 STR_A018_MUST_BUILD_AIRPORT_FIRST		:{WHITE}Must build airport first
  2400 STR_A019_CAPACITY						:{BLACK}Capacity: {LTBLUE}{STRING}, {STRING}
  2401 STR_A01A_CAPACITY						:{BLACK}Capacity: {LTBLUE}{STRING}
  2402 STR_A01B_AIRCRAFT_MUST_BE_STOPPED		:{WHITE}Aircraft must be stopped in hangar
  2403 STR_A01C_CAN_T_SELL_AIRCRAFT			:{WHITE}Can't sell aircraft...
  2404 STR_A01D_AIRPORT_CONSTRUCTION			:Airport construction
  2405 STR_A01E_BUILD_AIRPORT					:{BLACK}Build airport
  2406 STR_A01F_AIRCRAFT_CLICK_ON_AIRCRAFT		:{BLACK}Aircraft - click on aircraft for information
  2407 STR_A020_BUILD_NEW_AIRCRAFT_REQUIRES	:{BLACK}Build new aircraft (requires airport with hangar)
  2408 STR_A021_AIRCRAFT_CLICK_ON_AIRCRAFT		:{BLACK}Aircraft - click on aircraft for information
  2409 STR_A022_BUILD_NEW_AIRCRAFT				:{BLACK}Build new aircraft
  2410 STR_A023_DRAG_AIRCRAFT_TO_HERE_TO		:{BLACK}Drag aircraft to here to sell it
  2411 STR_A024_CENTER_MAIN_VIEW_ON_HANGAR		:{BLACK}Center main view on hangar location
  2412 STR_A025_AIRCRAFT_SELECTION_LIST		:{BLACK}Aircraft selection list - click on aircraft for information
  2413 STR_A026_BUILD_THE_HIGHLIGHTED_AIRCRAFT	:{BLACK}Build the highlighted aircraft
  2414 STR_A027_CURRENT_AIRCRAFT_ACTION		:{BLACK}Current aircraft action - click here to stop/start aircraft
  2415 STR_A028_SHOW_AIRCRAFT_S_ORDERS			:{BLACK}Show aircraft's orders
  2416 STR_A029_CENTER_MAIN_VIEW_ON_AIRCRAFT	:{BLACK}Center main view on aircraft's location
  2417 STR_A02A_SEND_AIRCRAFT_TO_HANGAR		:{BLACK}Send aircraft to hangar
  2418 STR_A02B_SHOW_AIRCRAFT_DETAILS			:{BLACK}Show aircraft details
  2419 STR_A02C_NEW_AIRCRAFT_NOW_AVAILABLE		:{BLACK}{BIGFONT}New aircraft now available!
  2420 STR_A02D								:{BLACK}{BIGFONT}{STRING}
  2421 STR_A02E_COST_MAX_SPEED_CAPACITY		:{BLACK}Cost: {CURRENCY} Max. Speed: {VELOCITY}{}Capacity: {COMMA16} passengers, {COMMA16} bags of mail{}Running Cost: {CURRENCY}/yr
  2423 STR_A030_NAME_AIRCRAFT					:{WHITE}Name aircraft
  2424 STR_A031_CAN_T_NAME_AIRCRAFT			:{WHITE}Can't name aircraft...
  2425 STR_A032_NAME_AIRCRAFT					:{BLACK}Name aircraft
  2426 STR_A033_CITIZENS_CELEBRATE_FIRST		:{BLACK}{BIGFONT}Citizens celebrate . . .{}First aircraft arrives at {STATION}!
  2427 STR_A034_PLANE_CRASH_DIE_IN_FIREBALL	:{BLACK}{BIGFONT}Plane Crash!{}{COMMA16} die in fireball at {STATION}
  2428 STR_A035_DESTINATIONS					:{TINYFONT}{BLACK}Destinations: 
  2429 STR_A036								:{TINYFONT}{BLACK}{STATION}
  2430 STR_A037_RENAME							:{BLACK}Rename
  2431 STR_A038_RENAME_AIRCRAFT_TYPE			:{BLACK}Rename aircraft type
  2432 STR_A039_RENAME_AIRCRAFT_TYPE			:{WHITE}Rename aircraft type
  2433 STR_A03A_CAN_T_RENAME_AIRCRAFT_TYPE		:{WHITE}Can't rename aircraft type...
  2434 STR_A03B_REFIT_AIRCRAFT_TO_CARRY		:{BLACK}Refit aircraft to carry a different cargo type
  2435 STR_A03C_REFIT							:{WHITE}{STRING} (Refit)
  2436 STR_A03D_REFIT_AIRCRAFT					:{BLACK}Refit aircraft
  2437 STR_A03E_SELECT_TYPE_OF_CARGO_FOR		:{BLACK}Select type of cargo for aircraft to carry
  2438 STR_A03F_REFIT_AIRCRAFT_TO_CARRY		:{BLACK}Refit aircraft to carry highlighted cargo type
  2439 STR_A040_SELECT_CARGO_TYPE_TO_CARRY		:{GOLD}Select cargo type to carry:-
  2440 STR_A041_NEW_CAPACITY_COST_OF_REFIT		:{BLACK}New capacity: {GOLD}{STRING}{}{BLACK}Cost of refit: {GOLD}{CURRENCY}
  2441 STR_A042_CAN_T_REFIT_AIRCRAFT			:{WHITE}Can't refit aircraft...
  2442 STR_A043_REFITTABLE						:(refittable)
  2443 STR_GO_TO_AIRPORT_HANGAR				:Go to {STATION} Hangar
  2444 SERVICE_AT_AIRPORT_HANGAR				:Service at {STATION} Hangar
  2446 ##id 0xB000
  2447 STR_B000_ZEPPELIN_DISASTER_AT			:{BLACK}{BIGFONT}Zeppelin disaster at {STATION}!
  2448 STR_B001_ROAD_VEHICLE_DESTROYED			:{BLACK}{BIGFONT}Road vehicle destroyed in 'UFO' collision!
  2449 STR_B002_OIL_REFINERY_EXPLOSION			:{BLACK}{BIGFONT}Oil refinery explosion near {TOWN}!
  2450 STR_B003_FACTORY_DESTROYED_IN_SUSPICIOUS:{BLACK}{BIGFONT}Factory destroyed in suspicious circumstances near {TOWN}!
  2451 STR_B004_UFO_LANDS_NEAR					:{BLACK}{BIGFONT}'UFO' lands near {TOWN}!
  2452 STR_B005_COAL_MINE_SUBSIDENCE_LEAVES	:{BLACK}{BIGFONT}Coal mine subsidence leaves trail of destruction near {TOWN}!
  2454 STR_BRIBE_FAILED					:{WHITE}Your attempted bribery has been
  2455 STR_BRIBE_FAILED_2				:{WHITE}discovered by a regional investigator