changeset 7674 09417b5dfad1
parent 7660 cbf9a5a3c704
child 7697 4c1503ef5511
--- a/src/lang/american.txt	Fri Jul 06 07:24:10 2007 +0000
+++ b/src/lang/american.txt	Fri Jul 06 07:29:04 2007 +0000
@@ -1034,7 +1034,6 @@
 STR_CONFIG_PATCHES_SELECTGOODS                                  :{LTBLUE}Deliver cargo to a station only when there is a demand: {ORANGE}{STRING}
 STR_CONFIG_PATCHES_LONGBRIDGES                                  :{LTBLUE}Allow building very long bridges: {ORANGE}{STRING}
 STR_CONFIG_PATCHES_GOTODEPOT                                    :{LTBLUE}Allow goto depot orders: {ORANGE}{STRING}
-STR_CONFIG_PATCHES_BUILDXTRAIND                                 :{LTBLUE}Allow constructing raw material producing industries: {ORANGE}{STRING}
 STR_CONFIG_PATCHES_MULTIPINDTOWN                                :{LTBLUE}Allow multiple similar industries per town: {ORANGE}{STRING}
 STR_CONFIG_PATCHES_SAMEINDCLOSE                                 :{LTBLUE}Industries of the same type can be built close to each other: {ORANGE}{STRING}
 STR_CONFIG_PATCHES_LONGDATE                                     :{LTBLUE}Always show long date in the status bar: {ORANGE}{STRING}