changeset 8026 269979f5319d
parent 7988 6075538f6111
child 8149 eb78fb69096f
--- a/src/roadveh_gui.cpp	Wed Sep 05 21:05:12 2007 +0000
+++ b/src/roadveh_gui.cpp	Wed Sep 05 23:26:45 2007 +0000
@@ -19,6 +19,82 @@
 #include "vehicle_gui.h"
 #include "newgrf_engine.h"
+void DrawRoadVehDetails(const Vehicle *v, int x, int y)
+	uint y_offset = RoadVehHasArticPart(v) ? 15 :0;
+	StringID str;
+	SetDParam(0, v->engine_type);
+	SetDParam(1, v->build_year);
+	SetDParam(2, v->value);
+	DrawString(x, y + y_offset, STR_9011_BUILT_VALUE, 0);
+	if (RoadVehHasArticPart(v)) {
+		AcceptedCargo max_cargo;
+		char capacity[512];
+		memset(max_cargo, 0, sizeof(max_cargo));
+		for (const Vehicle *u = v; u != NULL; u = u->Next()) {
+			max_cargo[u->cargo_type] += u->cargo_cap;
+		}
+		GetString(capacity, STR_ARTICULATED_RV_CAPACITY, lastof(capacity));
+		bool first = true;
+		for (CargoID i = 0; i < NUM_CARGO; i++) {
+			if (max_cargo[i] > 0) {
+				char buffer[128];
+				SetDParam(0, i);
+				SetDParam(1, max_cargo[i]);
+				GetString(buffer, STR_BARE_CARGO, lastof(buffer));
+				if (!first) strecat(capacity, ", ", lastof(capacity));
+				strecat(capacity, buffer, lastof(capacity));
+				first = false;
+			}
+		}
+		SetDParamStr(0, capacity);
+		DrawStringTruncated(x, y + 10 + y_offset, STR_JUST_STRING, 0, 380 - x);
+		for (const Vehicle *u = v; u != NULL; u = u->Next()) {
+			str = STR_8812_EMPTY;
+			if (!u->cargo.Empty()) {
+				SetDParam(0, u->cargo_type);
+				SetDParam(1, u->cargo.Count());
+				SetDParam(2, u->cargo.Source());
+				str = STR_8813_FROM;
+			}
+			DrawString(x, y + 21 + y_offset, str, 0);
+			y_offset += 11;
+		}
+		y_offset -= 11;
+	} else {
+		SetDParam(0, v->cargo_type);
+		SetDParam(1, v->cargo_cap);
+		DrawString(x, y + 10 + y_offset, STR_9012_CAPACITY, 0);
+		str = STR_8812_EMPTY;
+		if (!v->cargo.Empty()) {
+			SetDParam(0, v->cargo_type);
+			SetDParam(1, v->cargo.Count());
+			SetDParam(2, v->cargo.Source());
+			str = STR_8813_FROM;
+		}
+		DrawString(x, y + 21 + y_offset, str, 0);
+	}
+	/* Draw Transfer credits text */
+	SetDParam(0, v->cargo.FeederShare());
+	DrawString(x, y + 33 + y_offset, STR_FEEDER_CARGO_VALUE, 0);
 static inline int RoadVehLengthToPixels(int length)
 	return (length * 28) / 8;
@@ -26,17 +102,13 @@
 void DrawRoadVehImage(const Vehicle *v, int x, int y, int count, VehicleID selection)
-	int dx = 0;
 	/* Road vehicle lengths are measured in eighths of the standard length, so
 	 * count is the number of standard vehicles that should be drawn. If it is
 	 * 0, we draw enough vehicles for 10 standard vehicle lengths. */
 	int max_length = (count == 0) ? 80 : count * 8;
-	do {
-		int length = v->u.road.cached_veh_length;
-		if (dx + length > 0 && dx <= max_length) {
+	for (int dx = 0 ; v != NULL && dx < max_length ; dx += v->u.road.cached_veh_length, v = v->Next()) {
+		if (dx + v->u.road.cached_veh_length > 0 && dx <= max_length) {
 			SpriteID pal = (v->vehstatus & VS_CRASHED) ? PALETTE_CRASH : GetVehiclePalette(v);
 			DrawSprite(v->GetImage(DIR_W), pal, x + 14 + RoadVehLengthToPixels(dx), y + 6);
@@ -44,226 +116,9 @@
 				DrawFrameRect(x - 1, y - 1, x + 28, y + 12, 15, FR_BORDERONLY);
-		dx += length;
-		v = v->Next();
-	} while (v != NULL && dx < max_length);
-static void RoadVehDetailsWndProc(Window *w, WindowEvent *e)
-	switch (e->event) {
-	case WE_CREATE: {
-		const Vehicle *v = GetVehicle(w->window_number);
-		if (!RoadVehHasArticPart(v)) break;
-		/* Draw the text under the vehicle instead of next to it, minus the
-		 * height already allocated for the cargo of the first vehicle. */
-		uint height_extension = 15 - 11;
-		/* Add space for the cargo amount for each part. */
-		do {
-			height_extension += 11;
-		} while ((v = v->Next()) != NULL);
-		ResizeWindow(w, 0, height_extension);
-	} break;
-	case WE_PAINT: {
-		const Vehicle *v = GetVehicle(w->window_number);
-		StringID str;
-		uint y_offset = RoadVehHasArticPart(v) ? 15 :0;
-		SetWindowWidgetDisabledState(w, 2, v->owner != _local_player);
-		/* disable service-scroller when interval is set to disabled */
-		SetWindowWidgetDisabledState(w, 5, !_patches.servint_roadveh);
-		SetWindowWidgetDisabledState(w, 6, !_patches.servint_roadveh);
-		SetDParam(0, v->index);
-		DrawWindowWidgets(w);
-		/* Draw running cost */
-		{
-			int year = v->age / 366;
-			SetDParam(1, year);
-			SetDParam(0, (v->age + 365 < v->max_age) ? STR_AGE : STR_AGE_RED);
-			SetDParam(2, v->max_age / 366);
-			SetDParam(3, v->GetDisplayRunningCost());
-			DrawString(2, 15, STR_900D_AGE_RUNNING_COST_YR, 0);
-		}
-		/* Draw max speed */
-		{
-			SetDParam(0, v->GetDisplayMaxSpeed());
-			DrawString(2, 25, STR_900E_MAX_SPEED, 0);
-		}
-		/* Draw profit */
-		{
-			SetDParam(0, v->profit_this_year);
-			SetDParam(1, v->profit_last_year);
-			DrawString(2, 35, STR_900F_PROFIT_THIS_YEAR_LAST_YEAR, 0);
-		}
-		/* Draw breakdown & reliability */
-		{
-			SetDParam(0, v->reliability * 100 >> 16);
-			SetDParam(1, v->breakdowns_since_last_service);
-			DrawString(2, 45, STR_9010_RELIABILITY_BREAKDOWNS, 0);
-		}
-		DrawRoadVehImage(v, 3, 57, 0, INVALID_VEHICLE);
-		SetDParam(0, v->engine_type);
-		SetDParam(1, v->build_year);
-		SetDParam(2, v->value);
-		DrawString(34, 57 + y_offset, STR_9011_BUILT_VALUE, 0);
-		if (RoadVehHasArticPart(v)) {
-			AcceptedCargo max_cargo;
-			char capacity[512];
-			memset(max_cargo, 0, sizeof(max_cargo));
-			for (const Vehicle *u = v; u != NULL; u = u->Next()) {
-				max_cargo[u->cargo_type] += u->cargo_cap;
-			}
-			GetString(capacity, STR_ARTICULATED_RV_CAPACITY, lastof(capacity));
-			bool first = true;
-			for (CargoID i = 0; i < NUM_CARGO; i++) {
-				if (max_cargo[i] > 0) {
-					char buffer[128];
-					SetDParam(0, i);
-					SetDParam(1, max_cargo[i]);
-					GetString(buffer, STR_BARE_CARGO, lastof(buffer));
-					if (!first) strecat(capacity, ", ", lastof(capacity));
-					strecat(capacity, buffer, lastof(capacity));
-					first = false;
-				}
-			}
-			SetDParamStr(0, capacity);
-			DrawStringTruncated(34, 67 + y_offset, STR_JUST_STRING, 0, w->width - 34);
-			for (const Vehicle *u = v; u != NULL; u = u->Next()) {
-				str = STR_8812_EMPTY;
-				if (!u->cargo.Empty()) {
-					SetDParam(0, u->cargo_type);
-					SetDParam(1, u->cargo.Count());
-					SetDParam(2, u->cargo.Source());
-					str = STR_8813_FROM;
-				}
-				DrawString(34, 78 + y_offset, str, 0);
-				y_offset += 11;
-			}
-			y_offset -= 11;
-		} else {
-			SetDParam(0, v->cargo_type);
-			SetDParam(1, v->cargo_cap);
-			DrawString(34, 67 + y_offset, STR_9012_CAPACITY, 0);
-			str = STR_8812_EMPTY;
-			if (!v->cargo.Empty()) {
-				SetDParam(0, v->cargo_type);
-				SetDParam(1, v->cargo.Count());
-				SetDParam(2, v->cargo.Source());
-				str = STR_8813_FROM;
-			}
-			DrawString(34, 78 + y_offset, str, 0);
-		}
-		/* Draw Transfer credits text */
-		SetDParam(0, v->cargo.FeederShare());
-		DrawString(34, 90 + y_offset, STR_FEEDER_CARGO_VALUE, 0);
-		/* Draw service interval text */
-		{
-			SetDParam(0, v->service_interval);
-			SetDParam(1, v->date_of_last_service);
-			DrawString(13, 102 + y_offset, _patches.servint_ispercent ? STR_SERVICING_INTERVAL_PERCENT : STR_883C_SERVICING_INTERVAL_DAYS, 0);
-		}
-	} break;
-	case WE_CLICK: {
-		int mod;
-		const Vehicle *v;
-		switch (e-> {
-		case 2: /* rename */
-			v = GetVehicle(w->window_number);
-			SetDParam(0, v->index);
-			break;
-		case 5: /* increase int */
-			mod = _ctrl_pressed? 5 : 10;
-			goto do_change_service_int;
-		case 6: /* decrease int */
-			mod = _ctrl_pressed? -5 : -10;
-			v = GetVehicle(w->window_number);
-			mod = GetServiceIntervalClamped(mod + v->service_interval);
-			if (mod == v->service_interval) return;
-			DoCommandP(v->tile, v->index, mod, NULL, CMD_CHANGE_SERVICE_INT | CMD_MSG(STR_018A_CAN_T_CHANGE_SERVICING));
-			break;
-		}
-	} break;
-	case WE_ON_EDIT_TEXT: {
-		if (e->we.edittext.str[0] != '\0') {
-			_cmd_text = e->we.edittext.str;
-			DoCommandP(0, w->window_number, 0, NULL,
-		}
-	} break;
-static const Widget _roadveh_details_widgets[] = {
-{   WWT_CLOSEBOX,   RESIZE_NONE,    14,     0,    10,     0,    13, STR_00C5,         STR_018B_CLOSE_WINDOW},
-{    WWT_CAPTION,   RESIZE_NONE,    14,    11,   339,     0,    13, STR_900C_DETAILS, STR_018C_WINDOW_TITLE_DRAG_THIS},
-{ WWT_PUSHTXTBTN,   RESIZE_NONE,    14,   340,   379,     0,    13, STR_01AA_NAME,    STR_902E_NAME_ROAD_VEHICLE},
-{      WWT_PANEL,   RESIZE_NONE,    14,     0,   379,    14,    55, 0x0,              STR_NULL},
-{      WWT_PANEL,   RESIZE_BOTTOM,  14,     0,   379,    56,   100, 0x0,              STR_NULL},
-{ WWT_PUSHTXTBTN,   RESIZE_TB,      14,     0,    10,   101,   106, STR_0188,         STR_884D_INCREASE_SERVICING_INTERVAL},
-{ WWT_PUSHTXTBTN,   RESIZE_TB,      14,     0,    10,   107,   112, STR_0189,         STR_884E_DECREASE_SERVICING_INTERVAL},
-{      WWT_PANEL,   RESIZE_TB,      14,    11,   379,   101,   112, 0x0,              STR_NULL},
-static const WindowDesc _roadveh_details_desc = {
-	WDP_AUTO, WDP_AUTO, 380, 113, 380, 113,
-	_roadveh_details_widgets,
-	RoadVehDetailsWndProc
-void ShowRoadVehDetailsWindow(const Vehicle *v)
-	Window *w;
-	VehicleID veh = v->index;
-	DeleteWindowById(WC_VEHICLE_ORDERS, veh);
-	DeleteWindowById(WC_VEHICLE_DETAILS, veh);
-	w = AllocateWindowDescFront(&_roadveh_details_desc, veh);
-	w->caption_color = v->owner;
 void CcBuildRoadVeh(bool success, TileIndex tile, uint32 p1, uint32 p2)
 	const Vehicle *v;