changeset 0 29654efe3188
child 22 fe6f35cc987b
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/pathfind.c	Mon Aug 09 17:04:08 2004 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,722 @@
+#include "stdafx.h"
+#include "ttd.h"
+#include "pathfind.h"
+// remember which tiles we have already visited so we don't visit them again.
+static bool TPFSetTileBit(TrackPathFinder *tpf, uint tile, int dir)
+	uint hash, val, offs;
+	TrackPathFinderLink *link, *new_link;
+	uint bits = 1 << dir;
+	if (tpf->disable_tile_hash)
+		return true;
+	hash = PATHFIND_HASH_TILE(tile);
+	val = tpf->hash_head[hash];
+	if (val == 0) {
+		/* unused hash entry, set the appropriate bit in it and return true
+		 * to indicate that a bit was set. */
+		tpf->hash_head[hash] = bits;
+		tpf->hash_tile[hash] = (TileIndex)tile;
+		return true;
+	} else if (!(val & 0x8000)) {
+		/* single tile */
+		if ( (TileIndex)tile == tpf->hash_tile[hash] ) {
+			/* found another bit for the same tile,
+			 * check if this bit is already set, if so, return false */
+			if (val & bits)
+				return false;
+			/* otherwise set the bit and return true to indicate that the bit
+			 * was set */
+			tpf->hash_head[hash] = val | bits;
+			return true;
+		} else {
+			/* two tiles with the same hash, need to make a link */
+			/* allocate a link. if out of links, handle this by returning
+			 * that a tile was already visisted. */
+			if (tpf->num_links_left == 0)
+				return false;
+			tpf->num_links_left--;
+			link = tpf->new_link++;
+			/* move the data that was previously in the hash_??? variables
+			 * to the link struct, and let the hash variables point to the link */
+			link->tile = tpf->hash_tile[hash];
+			tpf->hash_tile[hash] = PATHFIND_GET_LINK_OFFS(tpf, link);
+			link->flags = tpf->hash_head[hash];
+			tpf->hash_head[hash] = 0xFFFF; /* multi link */ 
+			link->next = 0xFFFF;
+		}
+	} else {
+		/* a linked list of many tiles,
+		 * find the one corresponding to the tile, if it exists.
+		 * otherwise make a new link */
+		offs = tpf->hash_tile[hash];
+		do {
+			link = PATHFIND_GET_LINK_PTR(tpf, offs);
+			if ( (TileIndex)tile == link->tile) {
+				/* found the tile in the link list,
+				 * check if the bit was alrady set, if so return false to indicate that the
+				 * bit was already set */
+				if (link->flags & bits)
+					return false;
+				link->flags |= bits;
+				return true;
+			}
+		} while ((offs=link->next) != 0xFFFF);
+	}
+	/* get here if we need to add a new link to link,
+	 * first, allocate a new link, in the same way as before */
+	if (tpf->num_links_left == 0)
+			return false;
+	tpf->num_links_left--;
+	new_link = tpf->new_link++;
+	/* then fill the link with the new info, and establish a ptr from the old
+	 * link to the new one */
+	new_link->tile = (TileIndex)tile;
+	new_link->flags = bits;
+	new_link->next = 0xFFFF;
+	link->next = PATHFIND_GET_LINK_OFFS(tpf, new_link);
+	return true;
+static const byte _bits_mask[4] = {
+	0x19,
+	0x16,
+	0x25,
+	0x2A,
+static const byte _tpf_new_direction[14] = {
+	0,1,0,1,2,1, 0,0,
+	2,3,3,2,3,0,
+static const byte _tpf_prev_direction[14] = {
+	0,1,1,0,1,2, 0,0,
+	2,3,2,3,0,3,
+static const byte _otherdir_mask[4] = {
+	0x10,
+	0,
+	0x5,
+	0x2A,
+extern void dbg_push_tile(uint tile, int track);
+extern void dbg_pop_tile();
+void TPFMode2(TrackPathFinder *tpf, uint tile, int direction)
+	uint bits;
+	int i;
+	RememberData rd;
+	// This addition will sometimes overflow by a single tile.
+	// The use of TILE_MASK here makes sure that we still point at a valid
+	// tile, and then this tile will be in the sentinel row/col, so GetTileTrackStatus will fail. 
+	tile = TILE_MASK(tile + _tileoffs_by_dir[direction]);
+	if (++tpf->rd.cur_length > 50)
+		return;
+	bits = GetTileTrackStatus(tile, tpf->tracktype);
+	bits = (byte)((bits | (bits >> 8)) & _bits_mask[direction]);
+	if (bits == 0)
+		return;
+	assert(GET_TILE_X(tile) != 255 && GET_TILE_Y(tile) != 255);
+	if ( (bits & (bits - 1)) == 0 ) {
+		/* only one direction */
+		i = 0;
+		while (!(bits&1))
+			i++, bits>>=1;
+		rd = tpf->rd;
+		goto continue_here;
+	}
+	/* several directions */
+	i=0;
+	do {
+		if (!(bits & 1)) continue;
+		rd = tpf->rd;
+		// Change direction 4 times only
+		if ((byte)i != tpf->rd.pft_var6) {
+			if(++tpf->rd.depth > 4) {
+				tpf->rd = rd;		
+				return;
+			}
+			tpf->rd.pft_var6 = (byte)i;
+		}
+		tpf->the_dir = HASBIT(_otherdir_mask[direction],i) ? (i+8) : i;
+		dbg_push_tile(tile, tpf->the_dir);
+		if (!tpf->enum_proc(tile, tpf->userdata, tpf->the_dir, tpf->rd.cur_length, NULL)) {
+			TPFMode2(tpf, tile, _tpf_new_direction[tpf->the_dir]);
+		}
+		dbg_pop_tile();
+		tpf->rd = rd;
+	} while (++i, bits>>=1);
+static const int8 _get_tunlen_inc[5] = { -16, 0, 16, 0, -16 };
+FindLengthOfTunnelResult FindLengthOfTunnel(uint tile, int direction, byte type)
+	FindLengthOfTunnelResult flotr;
+	int x,y;
+	byte z;
+	flotr.length = 0;
+	x = GET_TILE_X(tile) * 16;
+	y = GET_TILE_Y(tile) * 16;
+	z = GetSlopeZ(x+8, y+8);
+	for(;;) {
+		flotr.length++;
+		x += _get_tunlen_inc[direction];
+		y += _get_tunlen_inc[direction+1];
+		tile = TILE_FROM_XY(x,y);
+				(_map5[tile] & 0xF0) == 0 &&
+				((_map5[tile]>>1)&6) == type &&
+				((_map5[tile] & 3)^2) == direction &&
+				GetSlopeZ(x+8, y+8) == z)
+					break;
+	}
+	flotr.tile = tile;
+	return flotr;
+static const uint16 _tpfmode1_and[4] = { 0x1009, 0x16, 0x520, 0x2A00 };
+static uint SkipToEndOfTunnel(TrackPathFinder *tpf, uint tile, int direction) {
+	FindLengthOfTunnelResult flotr;
+	TPFSetTileBit(tpf, tile, 14);
+	flotr = FindLengthOfTunnel(tile, direction, tpf->tracktype);
+	tpf->rd.cur_length += flotr.length;
+	TPFSetTileBit(tpf, flotr.tile, 14);
+	return flotr.tile;
+const byte _ffb_64[128] = {
+void TPFMode1(TrackPathFinder *tpf, uint tile, int direction)
+	uint bits;
+	int i;
+	RememberData rd;
+	uint tile_org = tile;
+	if (IS_TILETYPE(tile, MP_TUNNELBRIDGE) && (_map5[tile] & 0xF0)==0) {
+		if ((_map5[tile] & 3) != direction || ((_map5[tile]>>1)&6) != tpf->tracktype)
+			return;
+		tile = SkipToEndOfTunnel(tpf, tile, direction);		
+	}
+	tile += _tileoffs_by_dir[direction];
+	tpf->rd.cur_length++;
+	bits = GetTileTrackStatus(tile, tpf->tracktype);
+	if ((byte)bits != tpf->var2) {
+		bits &= _tpfmode1_and[direction];
+		bits = bits | (bits>>8);
+	}
+	bits &= 0xBF;
+	if (bits != 0) {
+		if (!tpf->disable_tile_hash || (tpf->rd.cur_length <= 64 && (KILL_FIRST_BIT(bits) == 0 || ++tpf->rd.depth <= 7))) {
+			do {
+				i = FIND_FIRST_BIT(bits);
+				bits = KILL_FIRST_BIT(bits);
+				tpf->the_dir = (_otherdir_mask[direction] & (byte)(1 << i)) ? (i+8) : i;
+				rd = tpf->rd;
+		dbg_push_tile(tile, tpf->the_dir);
+				if (TPFSetTileBit(tpf, tile, tpf->the_dir) &&
+						!tpf->enum_proc(tile, tpf->userdata, tpf->the_dir, tpf->rd.cur_length, &tpf->rd.pft_var6) ) {
+					TPFMode1(tpf, tile, _tpf_new_direction[tpf->the_dir]);
+				}
+		dbg_pop_tile();
+				tpf->rd = rd;
+			} while (bits != 0);
+		}
+	}
+	/* the next is only used when signals are checked.
+	 * seems to go in 2 directions simultaneously */
+	/* if i can get rid of this, tail end recursion can be used to minimize
+	 * stack space dramatically. */	
+	if (tpf->hasbit_13)
+		return;
+	tile = tile_org;
+	direction ^= 2;
+	bits = GetTileTrackStatus(tile, tpf->tracktype);
+	bits |= (bits >> 8);
+	if ( (byte)bits != tpf->var2) {
+		bits &= _bits_mask[direction];
+	}
+	bits &= 0xBF;
+	if (bits == 0)
+		return;
+	do {
+		i = FIND_FIRST_BIT(bits);
+		bits = KILL_FIRST_BIT(bits);
+		tpf->the_dir = (_otherdir_mask[direction] & (byte)(1 << i)) ? (i+8) : i;
+		rd = tpf->rd;
+		if (TPFSetTileBit(tpf, tile, tpf->the_dir) &&
+				!tpf->enum_proc(tile, tpf->userdata, tpf->the_dir, tpf->rd.cur_length, &tpf->rd.pft_var6) ) {
+			TPFMode1(tpf, tile, _tpf_new_direction[tpf->the_dir]);
+		}
+		tpf->rd = rd;
+	} while (bits != 0);
+void FollowTrack(uint tile, uint16 flags, byte direction, TPFEnumProc *enum_proc, TPFAfterProc *after_proc, void *data)
+	TrackPathFinder *tpf = alloca(sizeof(TrackPathFinder));
+	assert(direction < 4);
+	/* initialize path finder variables */	
+	tpf->userdata = data;
+	tpf->enum_proc = enum_proc;	
+	tpf->new_link = tpf->links;
+	tpf->num_links_left = 0x400;
+	tpf->rd.cur_length = 0;
+	tpf->rd.depth = 0;
+	tpf->rd.pft_var6 = 0;
+	tpf->var2 = HASBIT(flags, 15) ? 0x43 : 0xFF; /* 0x8000 */
+	tpf->disable_tile_hash = HASBIT(flags, 12) != 0;     /* 0x1000 */
+	tpf->hasbit_13 = HASBIT(flags, 13) != 0;		 /* 0x2000 */
+	tpf->tracktype = (byte)flags;
+	if (HASBIT(flags, 11)) {	
+		tpf->rd.pft_var6 = 0xFF;
+		tpf->enum_proc(tile, data, 0, 0, 0);
+		TPFMode2(tpf, tile, direction);	
+	} else {
+		/* clear the hash_heads */
+		memset(tpf->hash_head, 0, sizeof(tpf->hash_head));
+		TPFMode1(tpf, tile, direction);
+	}
+	if (after_proc != NULL)
+		after_proc(tpf);	
+typedef struct {
+	TileIndex tile;
+	uint16 cur_length;
+	byte track;
+	byte depth;
+	byte state;
+	byte first_track;
+} StackedItem;
+static const byte _new_dir[6][4] = {
+static const byte _new_track[6][4] = {
+typedef struct HashLink {
+	TileIndex tile;
+	uint16 typelength;
+	uint16 next;
+} HashLink;
+typedef struct {
+	TPFEnumProc *enum_proc;
+	void *userdata;
+	byte tracktype;
+	uint maxlength;
+	HashLink *new_link;
+	uint num_links_left;
+	int nstack;
+	StackedItem stack[256]; // priority queue of stacked items
+	uint16 hash_head[0x400]; // hash heads. 0 means unused. 0xFFC0 = length, 0x3F = type
+	TileIndex hash_tile[0x400]; // tiles. or links.
+	HashLink links[0x400]; // hash links
+} NewTrackPathFinder;
+#define NTP_GET_LINK_OFFS(tpf, link) ((byte*)(link) - (byte*)tpf->links)
+#define NTP_GET_LINK_PTR(tpf, link_offs) (HashLink*)((byte*)tpf->links + (link_offs))
+#define ARR(i) tpf->stack[(i)-1]
+// called after a new element was added in the queue at the last index.
+// move it down to the proper position
+static void INLINE HeapifyUp(NewTrackPathFinder *tpf)
+	StackedItem si;
+	int i = ++tpf->nstack;
+	while (i != 1 && ARR(i).cur_length < ARR(i>>1).cur_length) {
+		// the child element is larger than the parent item.
+		// swap the child item and the parent item. 
+		si = ARR(i); ARR(i) = ARR(i>>1); ARR(i>>1) = si;
+		i>>=1;
+	}
+// called after the element 0 was eaten. fill it with a new element
+static void INLINE HeapifyDown(NewTrackPathFinder *tpf)
+	StackedItem si;
+	int i = 1, j;
+	int n = --tpf->nstack;
+	if (n == 0) return; // heap is empty so nothing to do?
+	// copy the last item to index 0. we use it as base for heapify.
+	ARR(1) = ARR(n+1);
+	while ((j=i*2) <= n) {
+		// figure out which is smaller of the children.
+		if (j != n && ARR(j).cur_length > ARR(j+1).cur_length) 
+			j++; // right item is smaller
+		assert(i <= n && j <= n);
+		if (ARR(i).cur_length <= ARR(j).cur_length)
+			break; // base elem smaller than smallest, done!
+		// swap parent with the child
+		si = ARR(i); ARR(i) = ARR(j); ARR(j) = si;
+		i = j;
+	}
+// mark a tile as visited and store the length of the path.
+// if we already had a better path to this tile, return false.
+// otherwise return true.
+static bool NtpVisit(NewTrackPathFinder *tpf, uint tile, uint dir, uint length)
+	uint hash,head;
+	HashLink *link, *new_link;
+	assert(length < 1024);
+	hash = PATHFIND_HASH_TILE(tile);
+	// never visited before?
+	if ((head=tpf->hash_head[hash]) == 0) {
+		tpf->hash_tile[hash] = tile;
+		tpf->hash_head[hash] = dir | (length << 2);
+		return true;
+	}
+	if (head != 0xffff) {
+		if ( (TileIndex)tile == tpf->hash_tile[hash] && (head & 0x3) == dir ) {
+			// longer length
+			if (length >= (head >> 2)) return false;
+			tpf->hash_head[hash] = dir | (length << 2);
+			return true;
+		}
+		// two tiles with the same hash, need to make a link
+		// allocate a link. if out of links, handle this by returning
+		// that a tile was already visisted.
+		if (tpf->num_links_left == 0)
+			return false;
+		tpf->num_links_left--;
+		link = tpf->new_link++;
+		/* move the data that was previously in the hash_??? variables
+		 * to the link struct, and let the hash variables point to the link */
+		link->tile = tpf->hash_tile[hash];
+		tpf->hash_tile[hash] = NTP_GET_LINK_OFFS(tpf, link);
+		link->typelength = tpf->hash_head[hash];
+		tpf->hash_head[hash] = 0xFFFF; /* multi link */ 
+		link->next = 0xFFFF;
+	} else {
+		// a linked list of many tiles,
+		// find the one corresponding to the tile, if it exists.
+		// otherwise make a new link
+		uint offs = tpf->hash_tile[hash];
+		do {
+			link = NTP_GET_LINK_PTR(tpf, offs);
+			if ( (TileIndex)tile == link->tile && (uint)(link->typelength & 0x3) == dir) {
+				if (length >= (uint)(link->typelength >> 2)) return false;
+				link->typelength = dir | (length << 2);
+				return true;
+			}
+		} while ((offs=link->next) != 0xFFFF);
+	}
+	/* get here if we need to add a new link to link,
+	 * first, allocate a new link, in the same way as before */
+	if (tpf->num_links_left == 0)
+			return false;
+	tpf->num_links_left--;
+	new_link = tpf->new_link++;
+	/* then fill the link with the new info, and establish a ptr from the old
+	 * link to the new one */
+	new_link->tile = (TileIndex)tile;
+	new_link->typelength = dir | (length << 2);
+	new_link->next = 0xFFFF;
+	link->next = NTP_GET_LINK_OFFS(tpf, new_link);
+	return true;
+static bool NtpCheck(NewTrackPathFinder *tpf, uint tile, uint dir, uint length)
+	uint hash,head,offs;
+	HashLink *link;
+	hash = PATHFIND_HASH_TILE(tile);
+	head=tpf->hash_head[hash];
+	assert(head);
+	if (head != 0xffff) {
+		assert( tpf->hash_tile[hash] == tile && (head & 3) == dir);
+		assert( (head >> 2) <= length);
+		return length == (head >> 2);
+	}
+	// else it's a linked list of many tiles
+	offs = tpf->hash_tile[hash];
+	for(;;) {
+		link = NTP_GET_LINK_PTR(tpf, offs);
+		if ( (TileIndex)tile == link->tile && (uint)(link->typelength & 0x3) == dir) {
+			assert( (uint)(link->typelength >> 2) <= length);
+			return length == (uint)(link->typelength >> 2);
+		}
+		offs = link->next;
+		assert(offs != 0xffff);
+	}
+// new more optimized pathfinder for trains...
+void NTPEnum(NewTrackPathFinder *tpf, uint tile, uint direction)
+	uint bits, tile_org;
+	int i;
+	StackedItem si;
+	FindLengthOfTunnelResult flotr;
+	si.cur_length = 0;
+	si.depth = 0;
+	si.state = 0;
+	if (IS_TILETYPE(tile, MP_TUNNELBRIDGE) && (_map5[tile] & 0xF0)==0) {
+		if ( (uint)(_map5[tile] & 3) != direction || ((_map5[tile]>>1)&6) != tpf->tracktype)
+				goto popnext;
+		flotr = FindLengthOfTunnel(tile, direction, tpf->tracktype);
+		si.cur_length += flotr.length;
+		tile = flotr.tile;
+	}
+	// remember the start tile so we know if we're in an inf loop.
+	tile_org = tile;
+	for(;;) {
+		tile += _tileoffs_by_dir[direction];
+		// too long search length? bail out.
+		if (++si.cur_length >= tpf->maxlength)
+			goto popnext;
+		// not a regular rail tile?
+		if (!IS_TILETYPE(tile, MP_RAILWAY) || (bits = _map5[tile]) & 0xC0) {
+			bits = GetTileTrackStatus(tile, 0) & _tpfmode1_and[direction];
+			bits = (bits | (bits >> 8)) & 0x3F;
+			break;
+		}
+		// regular rail tile, determine the tracks that are actually reachable.
+		bits &= _bits_mask[direction];
+		if (bits == 0) goto popnext; // no tracks there? stop searching.
+		// complex tile?, let the generic handler handle that..
+		if (KILL_FIRST_BIT(bits) != 0) break;
+		// don't bother calling the callback when we have regular tracks only.
+		// it's usually not needed anyway. that will speed up things.
+		direction = _new_dir[FIND_FIRST_BIT(bits)][direction];
+		assert(direction != 0xFF);
+		if (tile == tile_org) goto popnext; // detect infinite loop..
+	}
+	if (!bits) goto popnext;
+	// if only one reachable track, use tail recursion optimization.
+	if (KILL_FIRST_BIT(bits) == 0) {
+		i = _new_track[FIND_FIRST_BIT(bits)][direction];
+		// call the callback
+		if (tpf->enum_proc(tile, tpf->userdata, i, si.cur_length, &si.state))
+			goto popnext; // we should stop searching in this direction.
+		// we should continue searching. determine new direction.
+		direction = _tpf_new_direction[i];
+		goto restart; // use tail recursion optimization.
+	}
+	// too high recursion depth.. bail out..
+	if (si.depth >= _patches.pf_maxdepth)
+		goto popnext;
+	si.depth++; // increase recursion depth.
+	// see if this tile was already visited..?
+	if (NtpVisit(tpf, tile, direction, si.cur_length)) {
+		// push all possible alternatives	
+		si.tile = tile;
+		do {
+			si.track = _new_track[FIND_FIRST_BIT(bits)][direction];
+			// out of stack items, bail out?
+			if (tpf->nstack >= lengthof(tpf->stack))
+				break;
+			tpf->stack[tpf->nstack] = si;
+			HeapifyUp(tpf);
+		} while ((bits = KILL_FIRST_BIT(bits)) != 0);
+		// if this is the first recursion step, we need to fill the first_track member.
+		// so the code outside knows which path is better.
+		// also randomize the order in which we search through them.
+		if (si.depth == 1) {
+			uint32 r = Random();
+			assert(tpf->nstack == 2 || tpf->nstack == 3);			
+			if (r&1) swap_byte(&tpf->stack[0].track, &tpf->stack[1].track);	
+			if (tpf->nstack != 2) {
+				byte t = tpf->stack[2].track;
+				if (r&2) swap_byte(&tpf->stack[0].track, &t);	
+				if (r&4) swap_byte(&tpf->stack[1].track, &t);
+				tpf->stack[2].first_track = tpf->stack[2].track = t;
+			}
+			tpf->stack[0].first_track = tpf->stack[0].track;
+			tpf->stack[1].first_track = tpf->stack[1].track;
+		}
+	}
+	// where to continue.
+	do {
+		if (tpf->nstack == 0) return; // nothing left?
+		si = tpf->stack[0];
+		tile = si.tile;
+		HeapifyDown(tpf);
+	} while (
+		!NtpCheck(tpf, tile, _tpf_prev_direction[si.track], si.cur_length) || // already have better path to that tile?
+		tpf->enum_proc(tile, tpf->userdata, si.track, si.cur_length, &si.state)
+	);
+	direction = _tpf_new_direction[si.track];
+	goto restart;
+// new pathfinder for trains. better and faster.
+void NewTrainPathfind(uint tile, byte direction, TPFEnumProc *enum_proc, void *data, byte *cache)
+	if (!_patches.new_pathfinding) {
+		FollowTrack(tile, 0x3000, direction, enum_proc, NULL, data);
+	} else {
+		NewTrackPathFinder *tpf;
+		tpf  = alloca(sizeof(NewTrackPathFinder));
+		tpf->userdata = data;
+		tpf->enum_proc = enum_proc;	
+		tpf->tracktype = 0;
+		tpf->maxlength = _patches.pf_maxlength;
+		tpf->nstack = 0;
+		tpf->new_link = tpf->links;
+		tpf->num_links_left = 0x400;
+		memset(tpf->hash_head, 0, sizeof(tpf->hash_head));
+		NTPEnum(tpf, tile, direction);
+	}