author truebrain
Wed, 26 Mar 2008 15:17:40 +0000
changeset 9823 0b7f816cf46f
parent 9814 be51ea0adc29
child 9833 89a64246458f
permissions -rw-r--r--
(svn r12431) [NoAI] -Add: added AIEventSubsidiaryOffer, which keeps you informed about new Subsidiaries
/* $Id$ */

/** @file ai_town.cpp handles the town-related functions of the AITown class */

#include "ai_town.hpp"
#include "ai_map.hpp"
#include "../../town.h"
#include "../../strings_func.h"
#include "../../town_type.h"
#include "../../core/alloc_func.hpp"
#include "table/strings.h"

/* static */ TownID AITown::GetMaxTownID()
	return ::GetMaxTownIndex();

/* static */ int32 AITown::GetTownCount()
	return ::GetNumTowns();

/* static */ bool AITown::IsValidTown(TownID town_id)
	return ::IsValidTownID(town_id);

/* static */ char *AITown::GetName(TownID town_id)
	if (!IsValidTown(town_id)) return NULL;
	static const int len = 64;
	char *town_name = MallocT<char>(len);

	::SetDParam(0, town_id);
	::GetString(town_name, STR_TOWN, &town_name[len - 1]);

	return town_name;

/* static */ int32 AITown::GetPopulation(TownID town_id)
	if (!IsValidTown(town_id)) return 0;
	const Town *t = ::GetTown(town_id);
	return t->population;

/* static */ TileIndex AITown::GetLocation(TownID town_id)
	if (!IsValidTown(town_id)) return INVALID_TILE;
	const Town *t = ::GetTown(town_id);
	return t->xy;

/* static */ int32 AITown::GetDistanceManhattanToTile(TownID town_id, TileIndex tile)
	return AIMap::DistanceManhattan(tile, GetLocation(town_id));

/* static */ int32 AITown::GetDistanceSquareToTile(TownID town_id, TileIndex tile)
	return AIMap::DistanceSquare(tile, GetLocation(town_id));