author darkvater
Mon, 06 Sep 2004 18:15:13 +0000
changeset 164 0cbdf3c9bde1
parent 0 29654efe3188
child 176 84990c4b9212
permissions -rw-r--r--
(svn r165) -Feature: Option to sort vehicles in vehicle-list window by different criteria. Total independent sort for all types and players. Periodic resort of list every 10 TTD days. Thank you for your graphical inspiration follow and buxo (since none of you provided any code).
-Fix: Sorter icon pointing down 'v' sorts in every window lowest value first, '^' highest value first
-CodeChange: move Dropdownlist from settings_gui.c to widget.c. More in place there.
#include "stdafx.h"
#include "ttd.h"
#include "window.h"
#include "gfx.h"
#include "viewport.h"

static Point HandleScrollbarHittest(Scrollbar *sb, int top, int bottom)
	Point pt;
	int height, count, pos, cap;

	top += 10;
	bottom -= 9;
	height = (bottom - top);

	pos = sb->pos;
	count = sb->count;
	cap = sb->cap;

	if (count != 0)	top += height * pos / count;
	if (cap > count) cap = count;
	if (count != 0)
		bottom -= (count - pos - cap) * height / count;

	pt.x = top;
	pt.y = bottom - 1;
	return pt;

 * Special handling for the scrollbar widget type.
 * Handles the special scrolling buttons and other
 * scrolling.
 * Parameters:
 *   w   - Window.
 *   wi  - Pointer to the scrollbar widget.
 *   x   - The X coordinate of the mouse click.
 *   y   - The Y coordinate of the mouse click.

void ScrollbarClickHandler(Window *w, const Widget *wi, int x, int y)
	int mi, ma, pos;
	Scrollbar *sb;

	if (wi->type == WWT_SCROLLBAR) {
		// vertical scroller
		w->flags4 &= ~WF_HSCROLL;
		mi = wi->top;
		ma = wi->bottom;
		pos = y;
		sb = &w->vscroll;
	} else {
		// horizontal scroller
		assert(wi->type == WWT_HSCROLLBAR);
		w->flags4 |= WF_HSCROLL;
		mi = wi->left;
		ma = wi->right;
		pos = x;
		sb = &w->hscroll;
	if (pos <= mi+9) {
		// Pressing the upper button?
		if (!_demo_mode) {
			w->flags4 |= WF_SCROLL_UP;
			if (_scroller_click_timeout == 0) {
				_scroller_click_timeout = 6;
				if (sb->pos != 0) sb->pos--;
			_left_button_clicked = false;
	} else if (pos >= ma-10) {
		// Pressing the lower button?
		if (!_demo_mode) {
			w->flags4 |= WF_SCROLL_DOWN;
			if (_scroller_click_timeout == 0) {
				_scroller_click_timeout = 6;
				if ((byte)(sb->pos + sb->cap) < sb->count)
			_left_button_clicked = false;
	} else {
		Point pt = HandleScrollbarHittest(sb, mi, ma);

		if (pos < pt.x) {
			sb->pos = max(sb->pos - sb->cap, 0);
		} else if (pos > pt.y) {
			sb->pos = min(
				sb->pos + sb->cap, 
				max(sb->count - sb->cap, 0)
		} else {
			_scrollbar_start_pos = pt.x - mi - 9;
			_scrollbar_size = ma - mi - 23;
			w->flags4 |= WF_SCROLL_MIDDLE;
			_scrolling_scrollbar = true;
			_cursorpos_drag_start = _cursor.pos;


 * Returns the index for the widget located at the given
 * position relative to the window.
 * Parameters:
 *   w   - Window
 *   x/y - Window client coordinates
 * Returns:
 *   A widget index, or -1 if no widget was found.
int GetWidgetFromPos(Window *w, int x, int y)
	const Widget *wi;
	int index, found_index = -1;

	// Go through the widgets and check if we find the widget that the coordinate is
	// inside.
	for(index=0,wi=w->widget; wi->type != WWT_LAST; index++, wi++) {
		if (wi->type == WWT_EMPTY || wi->type == WWT_FRAME)

		if (x >= wi->left &&
		    x < wi->right &&
				y >= wi->top &&
				y < wi->bottom && !HASBIT(w->hidden_state,index)) {
				found_index = index;

	// Return the index
	return found_index;

void DrawWindowWidgets(Window *w)
	const Widget *wi;
	DrawPixelInfo *dpi = _cur_dpi;
	Rect r;
	uint32 dparam_backup[10];
	uint32 cur_click, cur_disabled, cur_hidden;
	if (w->desc_flags & WDF_RESTORE_DPARAM)	COPY_OUT_DPARAM(dparam_backup, 0, lengthof(dparam_backup));
	wi = w->widget;

	cur_click = w->click_state;
	cur_disabled = w->disabled_state;
	cur_hidden = w->hidden_state;

	do {
		if (dpi->left > (r.right=/*w->left + */wi->right) ||
		    dpi->left + dpi->width <= (r.left=wi->left/* + w->left*/) ||
				dpi->top > (r.bottom=/*w->top +*/ wi->bottom) ||
				dpi->top + dpi->height <= (r.top = /*w->top +*/ wi->top) ||

		switch(wi->type&WWT_MASK) {
		case WWT_PANEL:
		case WWT_PANEL_2: {
			int img;

			DrawFrameRect(r.left, r.top, r.right, r.bottom, wi->color,
				(cur_click & 1) ? 0x20 : 0);

			if ((img=wi->unkA) != 0) {
				if ((wi->type&WWT_MASK) == WWT_PANEL_2 && (cur_click&1)) img++;
				DrawSprite(img, r.left+1, r.top+1);
			goto draw_default;

		case WWT_4: {
			DrawFrameRect(r.left, r.top, r.right, r.bottom, wi->color,
					(cur_click & 1) ? 0x20 : 0);
		/* fall through */

		case WWT_5: {
			StringID str = wi->unkA;

			if ((wi->type&WWT_MASK) == WWT_4 && (cur_click&1)) str++;
			DrawStringCentered((r.left + r.right+1)>>1, ((r.top+r.bottom + 1)>>1) - 5, str, 0);
			goto restore_dparam;

		case WWT_6: {
			StringID str;
			DrawFrameRect(r.left, r.top, r.right, r.bottom, wi->color, 0x60);

			if ((str = wi->unkA) != 0) {
				DrawString(r.left+2, r.top+1, str, 0);
				goto restore_dparam;
			goto draw_default;

		case WWT_MATRIX: {
			int c, d, ctr;	
			int x, amt1, amt2;
			int color;
			DrawFrameRect(r.left, r.top, r.right, r.bottom, wi->color,
					(cur_click & 1) ? 0x20 : 0);
			c = (wi->unkA&0xFF);
			amt1 = (wi->right - wi->left + 1) / c;

			d = (wi->unkA >> 8);
			amt2 = (wi->bottom - wi->top + 1) / d;

			color = _color_list[wi->color&0xF].window_color_bgb;
			x = r.left;
			for(ctr=c; --ctr; ) {
				x += amt1;
				GfxFillRect(x, r.top+1, x, r.bottom-1, color);

			x = r.top;
			for(ctr=d; --ctr; ) {
				x += amt2;
				GfxFillRect(r.left+1, x, r.right-1, x, color);

			color = _color_list[wi->color&0xF].window_color_1b;

			x = r.left-1;
			for(ctr=c; --ctr; ) {
				x += amt1;
				GfxFillRect(x, r.top+1, x, r.bottom-1, color);

			x = r.top-1;
			for(ctr=d; --ctr; ) {
				x += amt2;
				GfxFillRect(r.left+1, x, r.right-1, x, color);

			goto draw_default;			

		// vertical scrollbar
			Point pt;
			int c1,c2;

			// draw up/down buttons
			DrawFrameRect(r.left, r.top, r.right, r.top+9, wi->color, (w->flags4 & (WF_SCROLL_UP | WF_HSCROLL)) == WF_SCROLL_UP ? 0x20 : 0);
			DrawFrameRect(r.left, r.bottom-9, r.right, r.bottom, wi->color, (w->flags4 & (WF_SCROLL_DOWN | WF_HSCROLL)) == WF_SCROLL_DOWN ? 0x20 : 0);

			// draw icons in up/down buttons
			DoDrawString("\xA0", r.left+2, r.top, 0x10);
			DoDrawString("\xAA", r.left+2, r.bottom-9, 0x10);

			c1 = _color_list[wi->color&0xF].window_color_1a;
			c2 = _color_list[wi->color&0xF].window_color_2;

			// draw "shaded" background
			GfxFillRect(r.left, r.top+10, r.right, r.bottom-10, c2);
			GfxFillRect(r.left, r.top+10, r.right, r.bottom-10, c1 | 0x8000);

			// draw shaded lines
			GfxFillRect(r.left+2, r.top+10, r.left+2, r.bottom-10, c1);
			GfxFillRect(r.left+3, r.top+10, r.left+3, r.bottom-10, c2);
			GfxFillRect(r.left+7, r.top+10, r.left+7, r.bottom-10, c1);
			GfxFillRect(r.left+8, r.top+10, r.left+8, r.bottom-10, c2);
			pt = HandleScrollbarHittest(&w->vscroll, r.top, r.bottom);
			DrawFrameRect(r.left, pt.x, r.right, pt.y, wi->color, (w->flags4 & (WF_SCROLL_MIDDLE | WF_HSCROLL)) == WF_SCROLL_MIDDLE ? 0x20 : 0);

		// horizontal scrollbar
			Point pt;
			int c1,c2;

			DrawFrameRect(r.left, r.top, r.left + 9, r.bottom, wi->color, (w->flags4 & (WF_SCROLL_UP | WF_HSCROLL)) == (WF_SCROLL_UP | WF_HSCROLL) ? 0x20 : 0);
			DrawFrameRect(r.right-9, r.top, r.right, r.bottom, wi->color, (w->flags4 & (WF_SCROLL_DOWN | WF_HSCROLL)) == (WF_SCROLL_DOWN | WF_HSCROLL) ? 0x20 : 0);

			// draw icons in up/down buttons
			DoDrawString("\xA0", r.left+1, r.top+1, 0x10);
			DoDrawString("\xAA", r.right-8, r.top+1, 0x10);

			c1 = _color_list[wi->color&0xF].window_color_1a;
			c2 = _color_list[wi->color&0xF].window_color_2;

			// draw "shaded" background
			GfxFillRect(r.left+10, r.top, r.right-10, r.bottom, c2);
			GfxFillRect(r.left+10, r.top, r.right-10, r.bottom, c1 | 0x8000);

			// draw shaded lines
			GfxFillRect(r.left+10, r.top+2, r.right-10, r.top+2, c1);
			GfxFillRect(r.left+10, r.top+3, r.right-10, r.top+3, c2);
			GfxFillRect(r.left+10, r.top+7, r.right-10, r.top+7, c1);
			GfxFillRect(r.left+10, r.top+8, r.right-10, r.top+8, c2);

			// draw actual scrollbar
			pt = HandleScrollbarHittest(&w->hscroll, r.left, r.right);
			DrawFrameRect(pt.x, r.top, pt.y, r.bottom, wi->color, (w->flags4 & (WF_SCROLL_MIDDLE | WF_HSCROLL)) == (WF_SCROLL_MIDDLE | WF_HSCROLL) ? 0x20 : 0);


		case WWT_FRAME: {
			int c1,c2;
			int x2 = 0;

			if (wi->unkA != 0) {
				x2 = DrawString(r.left+6, r.top, wi->unkA, 0);

			c1 = _color_list[wi->color].window_color_1a;
			c2 = _color_list[wi->color].window_color_2;

			//Line from upper left corner to start of text
			GfxFillRect(r.left, r.top+4, r.left+4,r.top+4, c1);
			GfxFillRect(r.left+1, r.top+5, r.left+4,r.top+5, c2);

			// Line from end of text to upper right corner
			GfxFillRect(x2, r.top+4, r.right-1,r.top+4,c1);
			GfxFillRect(x2, r.top+5, r.right-2,r.top+5,c2);

			// Line from upper left corner to bottom left corner
			GfxFillRect(r.left, r.top+5, r.left, r.bottom-1, c1);
			GfxFillRect(r.left+1, r.top+6, r.left+1, r.bottom-2, c2);

			//Line from upper right corner to bottom right corner
			GfxFillRect(r.right-1, r.top+5, r.right-1, r.bottom-2, c1);
			GfxFillRect(r.right, r.top+4, r.right, r.bottom-1, c2);

			GfxFillRect(r.left+1, r.bottom-1, r.right-1, r.bottom-1, c1);
			GfxFillRect(r.left, r.bottom, r.right, r.bottom, c2);

			goto restore_dparam;

		case WWT_CAPTION: {
			DrawFrameRect(r.left, r.top, r.right, r.bottom, wi->color, 0x10);
			DrawFrameRect(r.left+1, r.top+1, r.right-1, r.bottom-1, wi->color, (w->caption_color == 0xFF) ? 0x60 : 0x70);
			if (w->caption_color != 0xFF) {
				GfxFillRect(r.left+2, r.top+2, r.right-2, r.bottom-2, _color_list[_player_colors[w->caption_color]].window_color_1b);

			DrawStringCentered( (r.left+r.right+1)>>1, r.top+2, wi->unkA, 0x84);
			if (w->desc_flags & WDF_RESTORE_DPARAM)	COPY_IN_DPARAM(0, dparam_backup, lengthof(dparam_backup));
			if (cur_disabled & 1) {
				GfxFillRect(r.left+1, r.top+1, r.right-1, r.bottom-1, _color_list[wi->color&0xF].unk2 | 0x8000);
	} while (cur_click>>=1, cur_disabled>>=1, cur_hidden >>= 1, (++wi)->type != WWT_LAST);

	if (w->flags4 & WF_WHITE_BORDER_MASK) {
		//DrawFrameRect(w->left, w->top, w->left + w->width-1, w->top+w->height-1, 0xF, 0x10);
		DrawFrameRect(0, 0, w->width-1, w->height-1, 0xF, 0x10);


static uint _dropdown_item_count;
static uint32 _dropdown_disabled;
static const StringID *_dropdown_items;
static int _dropdown_selindex;
static byte _dropdown_button;
static WindowClass _dropdown_windowclass;
static WindowNumber _dropdown_windownum;
static byte _dropdown_var1;
static byte _dropdown_var2;

static Widget _dropdown_menu_widgets[] = {
{     WWT_IMGBTN,     0,     0, 0,     0, 0, 0x0},
{      WWT_LAST},

static int GetDropdownItem(Window *w)
	uint item;
	int y;

	if (GetWidgetFromPos(w, _cursor.pos.x - w->left, _cursor.pos.y - w->top) < 0)
		return -1;
	y = _cursor.pos.y - w->top - 2;

	if (y < 0)
		return - 1;

	item = y / 10;
	if (item >= _dropdown_item_count || HASBIT(_dropdown_disabled,item) || _dropdown_items[item] == 0)
		return - 1;

	return item;

void DropdownMenuWndProc(Window *w, WindowEvent *e)
	int item;

	switch(e->event) {
	case WE_PAINT: {
		int x,y,i,sel;
		uint32 dis;


		x = 1;
		y = 2;
		sel = _dropdown_selindex;
		dis = _dropdown_disabled;

		for(i=0; _dropdown_items[i] != INVALID_STRING_ID; i++) {
			if (_dropdown_items[i] != 0) {
				if (sel == 0) {
					GfxFillRect(x+1, y, x+w->width-4, y + 9, 0);
				DrawString(x+2, y, _dropdown_items[i], sel==0 ? 12 : 16);

				if (dis & 1) {
					GfxFillRect(x, y, x+w->width-3, y + 9, 0x8000 + 
			} else {
				int color_1 = _color_list[_dropdown_menu_widgets[0].color].window_color_1a;
				int color_2 = _color_list[_dropdown_menu_widgets[0].color].window_color_2;
				GfxFillRect(x+1, y+3, x+w->width-5, y+3, color_1);
				GfxFillRect(x+1, y+4, x+w->width-5, y+4, color_2);
			y += 10;
	} break;

	case WE_CLICK: {
		item = GetDropdownItem(w);
		if (item >= 0) {
			_dropdown_var1 = 4;
			_dropdown_selindex = item;
	} break;

		Window *w2 = FindWindowById(_dropdown_windowclass, _dropdown_windownum);
		if (w2 == NULL) {

		if (_dropdown_var1 != 0 && --_dropdown_var1 == 0) {
			WindowEvent e;
			e.event = WE_DROPDOWN_SELECT;
			e.dropdown.button = _dropdown_button;
			e.dropdown.index = _dropdown_selindex;
			w2->wndproc(w2, &e);

		if (_dropdown_var2 != 0) {
			item = GetDropdownItem(w);

			if (!_left_button_clicked) {
				_dropdown_var2 = 0;
				if (item < 0)
				_dropdown_var1 = 2;
			} else {
				if (item < 0)

			_dropdown_selindex = item;
	} break;
	case WE_DESTROY: {
		Window *w2 = FindWindowById(_dropdown_windowclass, _dropdown_windownum);
		if (w2 != NULL) {
			CLRBIT(w2->click_state, _dropdown_button);
			InvalidateWidget(w2, _dropdown_button);
	} break;

void ShowDropDownMenu(Window *w, const StringID *strings, int selected, int button, uint32 disabled_mask)
	WindowNumber num;
	WindowClass cls;
	int i,t1,t2;
	const Widget *wi;
	Window *w2;
	uint32 old_click_state = w->click_state;
	_dropdown_disabled = disabled_mask;

	cls = w->window_class;
	num = w->window_number;
	DeleteWindowById(WC_DROPDOWN_MENU, 0);
	w = FindWindowById(cls, num);

	if (HASBIT(old_click_state, button))

	SETBIT(w->click_state, button);

	InvalidateWidget(w, button);
	for(i=0;strings[i] != INVALID_STRING_ID;i++);
	if (i == 0)

	_dropdown_items = strings;
	_dropdown_item_count = i;
	_dropdown_selindex = selected;
	_dropdown_windowclass = w->window_class;
	_dropdown_windownum = w->window_number;
	_dropdown_button = button;
	_dropdown_var1 = 0;
	_dropdown_var2 = 1;

	wi = &w->widget[button];

	_dropdown_menu_widgets[0].color = wi->color;

	w2 = AllocateWindow(
		w->left + wi[-1].left + 1,
		w->top + wi->bottom + 2,
		(_dropdown_menu_widgets[0].right=t1=wi->right - wi[-1].left, t1 + 1), 
		(_dropdown_menu_widgets[0].bottom=t2=i*10+3, t2+1), 

	w2->flags4 &= ~WF_WHITE_BORDER_MASK;