author rubidium
Fri, 10 Aug 2007 17:53:12 +0000
changeset 5530 15f701e93291
parent 3882 86380e989bad
permissions -rw-r--r--
(svn r10841) [0.5] -Backport from trunk (r10835, r10593, r10500, r10497, r10410, r10357, r10199):
- Fix: [Windows] Do not try to minimise or restore the window when closing OpenTTD [FS#998] (r10835)
- Fix: One could not remove locks that were build in a (very) old version of OpenTTD [FS#1038] (r10593)
- Fix: One cannot navigate using arrow keys in the game name text box [FS#1038] (r10500)
- Fix: Ship's maximum speed wrongly shown [FS#1013] (r10497)
- Fix: [OSX] Of the resolution is changed to something that is too high for the monitor, then it is reduced to fit the monitor size, solving several crashes and graphical glitches [FS#458] (r10410)
- Fix: NPF was leaking memory each time it got initialized, except for the first time (r10357)
- Fix: [YAPF] 'target_seen' flag that is set prematurely in some cases (1 tile long cached segment followed by target station) which caused asserts to trigger [FS#884] (r10199)
/* $Id$ */

#include "stdafx.h"
#include "openttd.h"
#include "station_map.h"

StationType GetStationType(TileIndex t)
	assert(IsTileType(t, MP_STATION));
	if (IsRailwayStation(t)) return STATION_RAIL;
	if (IsAirport(t)) return STATION_AIRPORT;
	if (IsTruckStop(t)) return STATION_TRUCK;
	if (IsBusStop(t)) return STATION_BUS;
	if (IsOilRig(t)) return STATION_OILRIG;
	if (IsDock(t)) return STATION_DOCK;