author rubidium
Wed, 23 Apr 2008 20:56:08 +0000
changeset 10314 9cfcdd5b5ddb
parent 10268 434c8d706e7e
child 10429 1b99254f9607
permissions -rw-r--r--
(svn r12855) -Codechange: do not use autoptr's for testing whether certain objects can be build, but check it directly in the pool so we do not have to call destructors in the testing phase. Stations still use the autoptr though.
/* $Id$ */

/** @file texteff.cpp */

#include "stdafx.h"
#include "openttd.h"
#include "landscape.h"
#include "gfx_func.h"
#include "console.h"
#include "variables.h"
#include "blitter/factory.hpp"
#include "texteff.hpp"
#include "video/video_driver.hpp"
#include "transparency.h"
#include "strings_func.h"
#include "core/alloc_func.hpp"
#include "date_func.h"
#include "functions.h"
#include "viewport_func.h"
#include "settings_type.h"

#include "table/sprites.h"

#include <stdarg.h> /* va_list */

enum {
	MAX_CHAT_MESSAGES      =  10,

struct TextEffect {
	StringID string_id;
	int32 x;
	int32 y;
	int32 right;
	int32 bottom;
	uint16 duration;
	uint64 params_1;
	uint64 params_2;
	TextEffectMode mode;

struct ChatMessage {
	uint16 color;
	Date end_date;

/* used for text effects */
static TextEffect *_text_effect_list = NULL;
static uint16 _num_text_effects = INIT_NUM_TEXT_MESSAGES;

/* used for chat window */
static ChatMessage _chatmsg_list[MAX_CHAT_MESSAGES];
static bool _chatmessage_dirty = false;
static bool _chatmessage_visible = false;

/* The chatbox grows from the bottom so the coordinates are pixels from
 * the left and pixels from the bottom. The height is the maximum height */
static const PointDimension _chatmsg_box = {10, 30, 500, 150};
static uint8 _chatmessage_backup[150 * 500 * 6]; // (height * width)

static inline uint GetChatMessageCount()
	uint i;

	for (i = 0; i < MAX_CHAT_MESSAGES; i++) {
		if (_chatmsg_list[i].message[0] == '\0') break;

	return i;

/* Add a text message to the 'chat window' to be shown
 * @param color The colour this message is to be shown in
 * @param duration The duration of the chat message in game-days
 * @param message message itself in printf() style */
void CDECL AddChatMessage(uint16 color, uint8 duration, const char *message, ...)
	const char *bufp;
	va_list va;
	uint msg_count;
	uint16 lines;

	va_start(va, message);
	vsnprintf(buf, lengthof(buf), message, va);


	/* Force linebreaks for strings that are too long */
	lines = GB(FormatStringLinebreaks(buf, _chatmsg_box.width - 8), 0, 16) + 1;
	if (lines >= MAX_CHAT_MESSAGES) return;

	msg_count = GetChatMessageCount();
	/* We want to add more chat messages than there is free space for, remove 'old' */
	if (lines > MAX_CHAT_MESSAGES - msg_count) {
		int i = lines - (MAX_CHAT_MESSAGES - msg_count);
		memmove(&_chatmsg_list[0], &_chatmsg_list[i], sizeof(_chatmsg_list[0]) * (msg_count - i));
		msg_count = MAX_CHAT_MESSAGES - lines;

	for (bufp = buf; lines != 0; lines--) {
		ChatMessage *cmsg = &_chatmsg_list[msg_count++];
		ttd_strlcpy(cmsg->message, bufp, sizeof(cmsg->message));

		/* The default colour for a message is player colour. Replace this with
		 * white for any additional lines */
		cmsg->color = (bufp == buf && color & IS_PALETTE_COLOR) ? color : (0x1D - 15) | IS_PALETTE_COLOR;
		cmsg->end_date = _date + duration;

		bufp += strlen(bufp) + 1; // jump to 'next line' in the formatted string

	_chatmessage_dirty = true;

void InitChatMessage()
	uint i;

	for (i = 0; i < MAX_CHAT_MESSAGES; i++) {
		_chatmsg_list[i].message[0] = '\0';

/** Hide the chatbox */
void UndrawChatMessage()
	if (_chatmessage_visible) {
		Blitter *blitter = BlitterFactoryBase::GetCurrentBlitter();
		/* Sometimes we also need to hide the cursor
		 *   This is because both textmessage and the cursor take a shot of the
		 *   screen before drawing.
		 *   Now the textmessage takes his shot and paints his data before the cursor
		 *   does, so in the shot of the cursor is the screen-data of the textmessage
		 *   included when the cursor hangs somewhere over the textmessage. To
		 *   avoid wrong repaints, we undraw the cursor in that case, and everything
		 *   looks nicely ;)
		 * (and now hope this story above makes sense to you ;))

		if (_cursor.visible) {
			if (_cursor.draw_pos.x + _cursor.draw_size.x >= _chatmsg_box.x &&
				_cursor.draw_pos.x <= _chatmsg_box.x + _chatmsg_box.width &&
				_cursor.draw_pos.y + _cursor.draw_size.y >= _screen.height - _chatmsg_box.y - _chatmsg_box.height &&
				_cursor.draw_pos.y <= _screen.height - _chatmsg_box.y) {

		int x      = _chatmsg_box.x;
		int y      = _screen.height - _chatmsg_box.y - _chatmsg_box.height;
		int width  = _chatmsg_box.width;
		int height = _chatmsg_box.height;
		if (y < 0) {
			height = max(height + y, min(_chatmsg_box.height, _screen.height));
			y = 0;
		if (x + width >= _screen.width) {
			width = _screen.width - x;
		if (width <= 0 || height <= 0) return;

		_chatmessage_visible = false;
		/* Put our 'shot' back to the screen */
		blitter->CopyFromBuffer(blitter->MoveTo(_screen.dst_ptr, x, y), _chatmessage_backup, width, height);
		/* And make sure it is updated next time */
		_video_driver->MakeDirty(x, y, width, height);

		_chatmessage_dirty = true;

/** Check if a message is expired every day */
void ChatMessageDailyLoop()
	uint i;

	for (i = 0; i < MAX_CHAT_MESSAGES; i++) {
		ChatMessage *cmsg = &_chatmsg_list[i];
		if (cmsg->message[0] == '\0') continue;

		/* Message has expired, remove from the list */
		if (cmsg->end_date < _date) {
			/* Move the remaining messages over the current message */
			if (i != MAX_CHAT_MESSAGES - 1) memmove(cmsg, cmsg + 1, sizeof(*cmsg) * (MAX_CHAT_MESSAGES - i - 1));

			/* Mark the last item as empty */
			_chatmsg_list[MAX_CHAT_MESSAGES - 1].message[0] = '\0';
			_chatmessage_dirty = true;

			/* Go one item back, because we moved the array 1 to the left */

/** Draw the chat message-box */
void DrawChatMessage()
	Blitter *blitter = BlitterFactoryBase::GetCurrentBlitter();
	if (!_chatmessage_dirty) return;

	/* First undraw if needed */

	if (_iconsole_mode == ICONSOLE_FULL) return;

	/* Check if we have anything to draw at all */
	uint count = GetChatMessageCount();
	if (count == 0) return;

	int x      = _chatmsg_box.x;
	int y      = _screen.height - _chatmsg_box.y - _chatmsg_box.height;
	int width  = _chatmsg_box.width;
	int height = _chatmsg_box.height;
	if (y < 0) {
		height = max(height + y, min(_chatmsg_box.height, _screen.height));
		y = 0;
	if (x + width >= _screen.width) {
		width = _screen.width - x;
	if (width <= 0 || height <= 0) return;

	assert(blitter->BufferSize(width, height) < (int)sizeof(_chatmessage_backup));

	/* Make a copy of the screen as it is before painting (for undraw) */
	blitter->CopyToBuffer(blitter->MoveTo(_screen.dst_ptr, x, y), _chatmessage_backup, width, height);

	_cur_dpi = &_screen; // switch to _screen painting

	/* Paint a half-transparent box behind the chat messages */
			_screen.height - _chatmsg_box.y - count * 13 - 2,
			_chatmsg_box.x + _chatmsg_box.width - 1,
			_screen.height - _chatmsg_box.y - 2,
			PALETTE_TO_TRANSPARENT | (1 << USE_COLORTABLE) // black, but with some alpha for background

	/* Paint the chat messages starting with the lowest at the bottom */
	for (uint y = 13; count-- != 0; y += 13) {
		DoDrawString(_chatmsg_list[count].message, _chatmsg_box.x + 3, _screen.height - _chatmsg_box.y - y + 1, _chatmsg_list[count].color);

	/* Make sure the data is updated next flush */
	_video_driver->MakeDirty(x, y, width, height);

	_chatmessage_visible = true;
	_chatmessage_dirty = false;

/* Text Effects */
 * Mark the area of the text effect as dirty.
 * This function marks the area of a text effect as dirty for repaint.
 * @param te The TextEffect to mark the area dirty
 * @ingroup dirty
static void MarkTextEffectAreaDirty(TextEffect *te)
	/* Width and height of the text effect are doubled, so they are correct in both zoom out levels 1x and 2x. */
		te->y - 1,
		(te->right - te->x)*2 + te->x + 1,
		(te->bottom - (te->y - 1)) * 2 + (te->y - 1) + 1

TextEffectID AddTextEffect(StringID msg, int x, int y, uint16 duration, TextEffectMode mode)
	TextEffect *te;
	int w;
	char buffer[100];
	TextEffectID i;

	if (_game_mode == GM_MENU) return INVALID_TE_ID;

	/* Look for a free spot in the text effect array */
	for (i = 0; i < _num_text_effects; i++) {
		if (_text_effect_list[i].string_id == INVALID_STRING_ID) break;

	/* If there is none found, we grow the array */
	if (i == _num_text_effects) {
		_num_text_effects += 25;
		_text_effect_list = ReallocT<TextEffect>(_text_effect_list, _num_text_effects);
		for (; i < _num_text_effects; i++) _text_effect_list[i].string_id = INVALID_STRING_ID;
		i = _num_text_effects - 1;

	te = &_text_effect_list[i];

	/* Start defining this object */
	te->string_id = msg;
	te->duration = duration;
	te->y = y - 5;
	te->bottom = y + 5;
	te->params_1 = GetDParam(0);
	te->params_2 = GetDParam(4);
	te->mode = mode;

	GetString(buffer, msg, lastof(buffer));
	w = GetStringBoundingBox(buffer).width;

	te->x = x - (w >> 1);
	te->right = x + (w >> 1) - 1;

	return i;

void UpdateTextEffect(TextEffectID te_id, StringID msg)
	assert(te_id < _num_text_effects);
	TextEffect *te;

	/* Update details */
	te = &_text_effect_list[te_id];
	te->string_id = msg;
	te->params_1 = GetDParam(0);
	te->params_2 = GetDParam(4);

	/* Update width of text effect */
	char buffer[100];
	GetString(buffer, msg, lastof(buffer));
	int w = GetStringBoundingBox(buffer).width;

	/* Only allow to make it broader, so it completely covers the old text. That avoids remnants of the old text. */
	int right_new = te->x + w;
	if (te->right < right_new) te->right = right_new;


void RemoveTextEffect(TextEffectID te_id)
	assert(te_id < _num_text_effects);
	TextEffect *te;

	te = &_text_effect_list[te_id];
	te->string_id = INVALID_STRING_ID;

static void MoveTextEffect(TextEffect *te)
	/* Never expire for duration of 0xFFFF */
	if (te->duration == 0xFFFF) return;
	if (te->duration < 8) {
		te->string_id = INVALID_STRING_ID;
	} else {
		te->duration -= 8;

void MoveAllTextEffects()
	for (TextEffectID i = 0; i < _num_text_effects; i++) {
		TextEffect *te = &_text_effect_list[i];
		if (te->string_id != INVALID_STRING_ID && te->mode == TE_RISING) MoveTextEffect(te);

void InitTextEffects()
	if (_text_effect_list == NULL) _text_effect_list = MallocT<TextEffect>(_num_text_effects);

	for (TextEffectID i = 0; i < _num_text_effects; i++) _text_effect_list[i].string_id = INVALID_STRING_ID;

void DrawTextEffects(DrawPixelInfo *dpi)
	switch (dpi->zoom) {
			for (TextEffectID i = 0; i < _num_text_effects; i++) {
				TextEffect *te = &_text_effect_list[i];
				if (te->string_id != INVALID_STRING_ID &&
						dpi->left <= te->right &&
						dpi->top  <= te->bottom &&
						dpi->left + dpi->width  > te->x &&
						dpi->top  + dpi->height > te->y) {
					if (te->mode == TE_RISING || (_patches.loading_indicators && !IsTransparencySet(TO_LOADING))) {
						AddStringToDraw(te->x, te->y, te->string_id, te->params_1, te->params_2);

		case ZOOM_LVL_OUT_2X:
			for (TextEffectID i = 0; i < _num_text_effects; i++) {
				TextEffect *te = &_text_effect_list[i];
				if (te->string_id != INVALID_STRING_ID &&
						dpi->left <= te->right  * 2 - te->x &&
						dpi->top  <= te->bottom * 2 - te->y &&
						dpi->left + dpi->width  > te->x &&
						dpi->top  + dpi->height > te->y) {
					if (te->mode == TE_RISING || (_patches.loading_indicators && !IsTransparencySet(TO_LOADING))) {
						AddStringToDraw(te->x, te->y, (StringID)(te->string_id - 1), te->params_1, te->params_2);

		case ZOOM_LVL_OUT_4X:
		case ZOOM_LVL_OUT_8X:

		default: NOT_REACHED();