author KUDr
Sun, 31 Dec 2006 23:48:04 +0000
changeset 5618 a7db50b9f817
parent 5339 7573f179efe8
child 5429 a1f3d6573141
permissions -rw-r--r--
(svn r7710) [cbh] - Fix: [YAPF] one more assert fixed. Call from the TrainController() added by (r7705) has broken YAPF because it was called when vehicle was already on the next tile (with cbh choice). Before it was always called before the train entered tile with choice.
/* $Id$ */

#ifndef NETWORK_H
#define NETWORK_H

#define NOREV_STRING "norev000"


#include "player.h"

// If this line is enable, every frame will have a sync test
//  this is not needed in normal games. Normal is like 1 sync in 100
//  frames. You can enable this if you have a lot of desyncs on a certain
//  game.
// Remember: both client and server have to be compiled with this
//  option enabled to make it to work. If one of the two has it disabled
//  nothing will happen.

// In theory sending 1 of the 2 seeds is enough to check for desyncs
//   so in theory, this next define can be left off.

// How many clients can we have? Like.. MAX_PLAYERS - 1 is the amount of
//  players that can really play.. so.. a max of 4 spectators.. gives us..

// Do not change this next line. It should _ALWAYS_ be MAX_CLIENTS + 1

/* Stuff for the master-server */



// How many vehicle/station types we put over the network

enum {
	NETWORK_NAME_LENGTH        =  80,

	NETWORK_GRF_NAME_LENGTH    =  80, ///< Maximum length of the name of a GRF
	/* Maximum number of GRFs that can be sent.
	 * This value is related to number of handles (files) OpenTTD can open.
	 * This is currently 64 and about 10 are currently used when OpenTTD loads
	 * without any NewGRFs. Therefore one can only load about 55 NewGRFs, so
	 * this is not a limit, but rather a way to easily check whether the limit
	 * imposed by the handle count is reached. Secondly it isn't possible to
	 * send much more GRF IDs + MD5sums in the PACKET_UDP_SERVER_RESPONSE, due
	 * to the limited size of UDP packets. */


// This is the struct used by both client and server
//  some fields will be empty on the client (like game_password) by default
//  and only filled with data a player enters.
typedef struct NetworkGameInfo {
	char server_name[NETWORK_NAME_LENGTH];          // Server name
	char hostname[NETWORK_HOSTNAME_LENGTH];         // Hostname of the server (if any)
	char server_revision[NETWORK_REVISION_LENGTH];  // The SVN version number the server is using (e.g.: 'r304')
	                                                //  It even shows a SVN version in release-version, so
	                                                //  it is easy to compare if a server is of the correct version
	bool version_compatible;                        // Can we connect to this server or not? (based on server_revision)
	bool compatible;                                // Can we connect to this server or not? (based on server_revision _and_ grf_match
	byte server_lang;                               // Language of the server (we should make a nice table for this)
	byte use_password;                              // Is set to != 0 if it uses a password
	char server_password[NETWORK_PASSWORD_LENGTH];  // On the server: the game password, on the client: != "" if server has password
	byte clients_max;                               // Max clients allowed on server
	byte clients_on;                                // Current count of clients on server
	byte companies_max;                             // Max companies allowed on server
	byte companies_on;                              // How many started companies do we have (XXX - disabled for server atm, use ActivePlayerCount())
	byte spectators_max;                            // Max spectators allowed on server
	byte spectators_on;                             // How many spectators do we have? (XXX - disabled for server atm, use NetworkSpectatorCount())
	Date game_date;                                 // Current date
	Date start_date;                                // When the game started
	char map_name[NETWORK_NAME_LENGTH];             // Map which is played ["random" for a randomized map]
	uint16 map_width;                               // Map width
	uint16 map_height;                              // Map height
	byte map_set;                                   // Graphical set
	bool dedicated;                                 // Is this a dedicated server?
	char rcon_password[NETWORK_PASSWORD_LENGTH];    // RCon password for the server. "" if rcon is disabled
	struct GRFConfig *grfconfig;                    // List of NewGRF files required
} NetworkGameInfo;

typedef struct NetworkPlayerInfo {
	char company_name[NETWORK_NAME_LENGTH];         // Company name
	char password[NETWORK_PASSWORD_LENGTH];         // The password for the player
	Year inaugurated_year;                          // What year the company started in
	int64 company_value;                            // The company value
	int64 money;                                    // The amount of money the company has
	int64 income;                                   // How much did the company earned last year
	uint16 performance;                             // What was his performance last month?
	byte use_password;                              // 0: No password 1: There is a password
	uint16 num_vehicle[NETWORK_VEHICLE_TYPES];      // How many vehicles are there of this type?
	uint16 num_station[NETWORK_STATION_TYPES];      // How many stations are there of this type?
	char players[NETWORK_PLAYERS_LENGTH];           // The players that control this company (Name1, name2, ..)
	uint16 months_empty;                            // How many months the company is empty
} NetworkPlayerInfo;

typedef struct NetworkClientInfo {
	uint16 client_index;                            // Index of the client (same as ClientState->index)
	char client_name[NETWORK_CLIENT_NAME_LENGTH];   // Name of the client
	byte client_lang;                               // The language of the client
	byte client_playas;                             // As which player is this client playing (PlayerID)
	uint32 client_ip;                               // IP-address of the client (so he can be banned)
	Date join_date;                                 // Gamedate the player has joined
	char unique_id[NETWORK_NAME_LENGTH];            // Every play sends an unique id so we can indentify him
} NetworkClientInfo;

typedef struct NetworkGameList {
	NetworkGameInfo info;
	uint32 ip;
	uint16 port;
	bool online;                                    // False if the server did not respond (default status)
	bool manually;                                  // True if the server was added manually
	struct NetworkGameList *next;
} NetworkGameList;

typedef enum {

} NetworkJoinStatus;

// language ids for server_lang and client_lang
typedef enum {
	NETLANG_ANY     = 0,
} NetworkLanguage;

VARDEF NetworkGameList *_network_game_list;

VARDEF NetworkGameInfo _network_game_info;
VARDEF NetworkPlayerInfo _network_player_info[MAX_PLAYERS];
VARDEF NetworkClientInfo _network_client_info[MAX_CLIENT_INFO];

VARDEF char _network_player_name[NETWORK_CLIENT_NAME_LENGTH];
VARDEF char _network_default_ip[NETWORK_HOSTNAME_LENGTH];

VARDEF uint16 _network_own_client_index;
VARDEF char _network_unique_id[NETWORK_NAME_LENGTH]; // Our own unique ID

VARDEF uint32 _frame_counter_server; // The frame_counter of the server, if in network-mode
VARDEF uint32 _frame_counter_max; // To where we may go with our clients

VARDEF uint32 _last_sync_frame; // Used in the server to store the last time a sync packet was sent to clients.

// networking settings
VARDEF uint32 _broadcast_list[MAX_INTERFACES + 1];

VARDEF uint16 _network_server_port;
/* We use bind_ip and bind_ip_host, where bind_ip_host is the readable form of
    bind_ip_host, and bind_ip the numeric value, because we want a nice number
    in the openttd.cfg, but we wants to use the uint32 internally.. */
VARDEF uint32 _network_server_bind_ip;
VARDEF char _network_server_bind_ip_host[NETWORK_HOSTNAME_LENGTH];
VARDEF bool _is_network_server; // Does this client wants to be a network-server?
VARDEF char _network_server_name[NETWORK_NAME_LENGTH];
VARDEF char _network_server_password[NETWORK_PASSWORD_LENGTH];
VARDEF char _network_rcon_password[NETWORK_PASSWORD_LENGTH];

VARDEF uint16 _network_max_join_time;             ///< Time a client can max take to join
VARDEF bool _network_pause_on_join;               ///< Pause the game when a client tries to join (more chance of succeeding join)

VARDEF uint16 _redirect_console_to_client;

VARDEF uint16 _network_sync_freq;
VARDEF uint8 _network_frame_freq;

VARDEF uint32 _sync_seed_1, _sync_seed_2;
VARDEF uint32 _sync_frame;
VARDEF bool _network_first_time;
// Vars needed for the join-GUI
VARDEF NetworkJoinStatus _network_join_status;
VARDEF uint8 _network_join_waiting;
VARDEF uint16 _network_join_kbytes;
VARDEF uint16 _network_join_kbytes_total;

VARDEF char _network_last_host[NETWORK_HOSTNAME_LENGTH];
VARDEF short _network_last_port;
VARDEF uint32 _network_last_host_ip;
VARDEF uint8 _network_reconnect;

VARDEF bool _network_udp_server;
VARDEF uint16 _network_udp_broadcast;

VARDEF byte _network_lan_internet;

VARDEF bool _network_need_advertise;
VARDEF uint32 _network_last_advertise_frame;
VARDEF uint8 _network_advertise_retries;

VARDEF bool _network_autoclean_companies;
VARDEF uint8 _network_autoclean_unprotected; // Remove a company after X months
VARDEF uint8 _network_autoclean_protected;   // Unprotect a company after X months

VARDEF Year _network_restart_game_year;      // If this year is reached, the server automaticly restarts
VARDEF uint8 _network_min_players;           // Minimum number of players for game to unpause

NetworkGameList *NetworkQueryServer(const char* host, unsigned short port, bool game_info);

byte NetworkSpectatorCount(void);

VARDEF char *_network_host_list[10];
VARDEF char *_network_ban_list[25];

void ParseConnectionString(const char **player, const char **port, char *connection_string);
void NetworkUpdateClientInfo(uint16 client_index);
void NetworkAddServer(const char *b);
void NetworkRebuildHostList(void);
bool NetworkChangeCompanyPassword(byte argc, char *argv[]);
void NetworkPopulateCompanyInfo(void);
void UpdateNetworkGameWindow(bool unselect);
void CheckMinPlayers(void);

void NetworkStartUp(void);
void NetworkUDPClose(void);
void NetworkShutDown(void);
void NetworkGameLoop(void);
void NetworkUDPGameLoop(void);
bool NetworkServerStart(void);
bool NetworkClientConnectGame(const char *host, uint16 port);
void NetworkReboot(void);
void NetworkDisconnect(void);

VARDEF bool _networking;         ///< are we in networking mode?
VARDEF bool _network_server;     ///< network-server is active
VARDEF bool _network_available;  ///< is network mode available?

#else /* ENABLE_NETWORK */
/* Network function stubs when networking is disabled */

static inline void NetworkStartUp(void) {}
static inline void NetworkShutDown(void) {}

#define _networking 0
#define _network_server 0
#define _network_available 0

#endif /* ENABLE_NETWORK */

/* These variables must always be registered! */
VARDEF bool _network_dedicated;  ///< are we a dedicated server?
VARDEF bool _network_advertise;  ///< is the server advertising to the master server?
VARDEF PlayerID _network_playas; ///< an id to play as.. (see players.h:Players)

#endif /* NETWORK_H */