author KUDr
Sun, 31 Dec 2006 23:48:04 +0000
changeset 5618 a7db50b9f817
parent 5616 0570ae953222
child 5621 6ce400c0a2f4
permissions -rw-r--r--
(svn r7710) [cbh] - Fix: [YAPF] one more assert fixed. Call from the TrainController() added by (r7705) has broken YAPF because it was called when vehicle was already on the next tile (with cbh choice). Before it was always called before the train entered tile with choice.
/* $Id$ */


template <class Types>
class CYapfCostRailT
	: public CYapfCostBase
	, public CostRailSettings
	typedef typename Types::Tpf Tpf;              ///< the pathfinder class (derived from THIS class)
	typedef typename Types::TrackFollower TrackFollower;
	typedef typename Types::NodeList::Titem Node; ///< this will be our node type
	typedef typename Node::Key Key;               ///< key to hash tables
	typedef typename Node::CachedData CachedData;

	int           m_max_cost;
	CBlobT<int>   m_sig_look_ahead_costs;

	static const int s_max_segment_cost = 10000;

	CYapfCostRailT() : m_max_cost(0)
		// pre-compute look-ahead penalties into array
		int p0 = Yapf().PfGetSettings().rail_look_ahead_signal_p0;
		int p1 = Yapf().PfGetSettings().rail_look_ahead_signal_p1;
		int p2 = Yapf().PfGetSettings().rail_look_ahead_signal_p2;
		int *pen = m_sig_look_ahead_costs.GrowSizeNC(Yapf().PfGetSettings().rail_look_ahead_max_signals);
		for (uint i = 0; i < Yapf().PfGetSettings().rail_look_ahead_max_signals; i++)
			pen[i] = p0 + i * (p1 + i * p2);

	/// to access inherited path finder
	Tpf& Yapf() {return *static_cast<Tpf*>(this);}

	FORCEINLINE int SlopeCost(TileIndex tile, Trackdir td)
		CPerfStart perf_cost(Yapf().m_perf_slope_cost);
		if (!stSlopeCost(tile, td)) return 0;
		return Yapf().PfGetSettings().rail_slope_penalty;

	FORCEINLINE int CurveCost(Trackdir td1, Trackdir td2)
		int cost = 0;
		if (TrackFollower::Allow90degTurns()
				&& ((TrackdirToTrackdirBits(td2) & (TrackdirBits)TrackdirCrossesTrackdirs(td1)) != 0)) {
			// 90-deg curve penalty
			cost += Yapf().PfGetSettings().rail_curve90_penalty;
		} else if (td2 != NextTrackdir(td1)) {
			// 45-deg curve penalty
			cost += Yapf().PfGetSettings().rail_curve45_penalty;
		return cost;

	/** return one tile cost. If tile is a tunnel entry, it is moved to the end of tunnel */
	FORCEINLINE int OneTileCost(TileIndex& tile, Trackdir trackdir)
		int cost = 0;
		// set base cost
		if (IsDiagonalTrackdir(trackdir)) {
			cost += YAPF_TILE_LENGTH;
			switch (GetTileType(tile)) {
				case MP_STREET:
					/* Increase the cost for level crossings */
					if (IsLevelCrossing(tile))
						cost += Yapf().PfGetSettings().rail_crossing_penalty;

				case MP_STATION:
					// penalty for passing station tiles
					cost += Yapf().PfGetSettings().rail_station_penalty;

		} else {
			// non-diagonal trackdir
		return cost;

	int SignalCost(Node& n, TileIndex tile, Trackdir trackdir)
		int cost = 0;
		// if there is one-way signal in the opposite direction, then it is not our way
		CPerfStart perf_cost(Yapf().m_perf_other_cost);
		if (IsTileType(tile, MP_RAILWAY)) {
			bool has_signal_against = HasSignalOnTrackdir(tile, ReverseTrackdir(trackdir));
			bool has_signal_along = HasSignalOnTrackdir(tile, trackdir);
			if (has_signal_against && !has_signal_along) {
				// one-way signal in opposite direction
				n.m_segment->flags_u.flags_s.m_end_of_line = true;
			} else if (has_signal_along) {
				SignalState sig_state = GetSignalStateByTrackdir(tile, trackdir);
				// cache the look-ahead polynomial constant only if we didn't pass more signals than the look-ahead limit is
				int look_ahead_cost = (n.m_num_signals_passed < m_sig_look_ahead_costs.Size()) ? m_sig_look_ahead_costs.Data()[n.m_num_signals_passed] : 0;
				if (sig_state != SIGNAL_STATE_RED) {
					// green signal
					n.flags_u.flags_s.m_last_signal_was_red = false;
					// negative look-ahead red-signal penalties would cause problems later, so use them as positive penalties for green signal
					if (look_ahead_cost < 0) {
						// add its negation to the cost
						cost -= look_ahead_cost;
				} else {
					// we have a red signal in our direction
					// was it first signal which is two-way?
					if (Yapf().TreatFirstRedTwoWaySignalAsEOL() && n.flags_u.flags_s.m_choice_seen && has_signal_against && n.m_num_signals_passed == 0) {
						// yes, the first signal is two-way red signal => DEAD END
						n.m_segment->flags_u.flags_s.m_end_of_line = true;
						return -1;
					SignalType sig_type = GetSignalType(tile);
					n.m_last_red_signal_type = sig_type;
					n.flags_u.flags_s.m_last_signal_was_red = true;

					// look-ahead signal penalty
					if (look_ahead_cost > 0) {
						// add the look ahead penalty only if it is positive
						cost += look_ahead_cost;

					// special signal penalties
					if (n.m_num_signals_passed == 0) {
						switch (sig_type) {
							case SIGTYPE_COMBO:
							case SIGTYPE_EXIT:   cost += Yapf().PfGetSettings().rail_firstred_exit_penalty; break; // first signal is red pre-signal-exit
							case SIGTYPE_NORMAL:
							case SIGTYPE_ENTRY:  cost += Yapf().PfGetSettings().rail_firstred_penalty; break;
				n.m_segment->m_last_signal_tile = tile;
				n.m_segment->m_last_signal_td = trackdir;
		return cost;

	FORCEINLINE int PlatformLengthPenalty(int platform_length)
		int cost = 0;
		const Vehicle* v = Yapf().GetVehicle();
		assert(v != NULL);
		assert(v->type == VEH_Train);
		assert(v->u.rail.cached_total_length != 0);
		int needed_platform_length = (v->u.rail.cached_total_length + TILE_SIZE - 1) / TILE_SIZE;
		if (platform_length > needed_platform_length) {
			// apply penalty for longer platform than needed
			cost += Yapf().PfGetSettings().rail_longer_platform_penalty;
		} else if (needed_platform_length > platform_length) {
			// apply penalty for shorter platform than needed
			cost += Yapf().PfGetSettings().rail_shorter_platform_penalty;
		return cost;

	FORCEINLINE void SetMaxCost(int max_cost) {m_max_cost = max_cost;}

	/** Called by YAPF to calculate the cost from the origin to the given node.
	 *  Calculates only the cost of given node, adds it to the parent node cost
	 *  and stores the result into Node::m_cost member */
	FORCEINLINE bool PfCalcCost(Node& n)
		CPerfStart perf_cost(Yapf().m_perf_cost);
		int parent_cost = (n.m_parent != NULL) ? n.m_parent->m_cost : 0;
		int first_tile_cost = 0;
		int segment_cost = 0;
		int extra_cost = 0;
		const Vehicle* v = Yapf().GetVehicle();

		// start at n.m_key.m_tile / n.m_key.m_td and walk to the end of segment
		TileIndex prev_tile      = (n.m_parent != NULL) ? n.m_parent->GetLastTile() : INVALID_TILE;
		Trackdir  prev_trackdir  = (n.m_parent != NULL) ? n.m_parent->GetLastTrackdir() : INVALID_TRACKDIR;
		TileType  prev_tile_type = (n.m_parent != NULL) ? GetTileType(n.m_parent->GetLastTile()) : MP_VOID;

		TileIndex tile = n.m_key.m_tile;
		Trackdir trackdir = n.m_key.m_td;
		TileType tile_type = GetTileType(tile);

		DEBUG(yapf, 3, "PfCalcCost(Node:tile=%04X td=%s; Parent:tile=%04X td=%s)", tile, GetTrackdirName(trackdir), prev_tile, GetTrackdirName(prev_trackdir));

		RailType rail_type = GetTileRailType(tile, trackdir);

		// detect exit from bridge wormhole
		Trackdir intermediate_trackdir = INVALID_TRACKDIR;
		if (IsBridgeTile(tile) && TrackdirToExitdir(ReverseTrackdir(trackdir)) == GetBridgeRampDirection(tile)) {
			// we are jumping over bridge (possible now with custom bridge heads) we must add the cost of skipped tiles
			int skipped_tiles = DistanceManhattan(prev_tile, tile) - 1;
			if (skipped_tiles > 0) {
				segment_cost += skipped_tiles * YAPF_TILE_LENGTH;
				DEBUG(yapf, 6, "    Cost: skipped=%d", skipped_tiles * YAPF_TILE_LENGTH);
				intermediate_trackdir = DiagdirToDiagTrackdir(ReverseDiagDir(GetBridgeRampDirection(tile)));

		bool target_seen = Yapf().PfDetectDestination(tile, trackdir);

		while (true) {
			int tile_cost = Yapf().OneTileCost(tile, trackdir);
			int curve_cost;
			if (intermediate_trackdir == INVALID_TRACKDIR) {
				curve_cost = Yapf().CurveCost(prev_trackdir, trackdir);
			} else {
				curve_cost = Yapf().CurveCost(prev_trackdir, intermediate_trackdir) + Yapf().CurveCost(intermediate_trackdir, trackdir);
				intermediate_trackdir = INVALID_TRACKDIR;
			int slope_cost = Yapf().SlopeCost(tile, trackdir);
			int signal_cost = Yapf().SignalCost(n, tile, trackdir);
			DEBUG(yapf, 6, "    Cost: tile=%d, curve=%d, slope=%d, signal=%d", tile_cost, curve_cost, slope_cost, signal_cost);
			segment_cost += tile_cost + curve_cost + slope_cost + signal_cost;
			if (n.m_segment->flags_u.flags_s.m_end_of_line) {
				DEBUG(yapf, 4, "  end: EOL (signal)");

			// finish if we have reached the destination
			if (target_seen) {
				DEBUG(yapf, 4, "  end: target_seen");

			// finish on first station tile - segment should end here to avoid target skipping
			// when cached segments are used
			if (tile_type == MP_STATION && prev_tile_type != MP_STATION) {
				DEBUG(yapf, 4, "  end: first station tile");

			// finish also on waypoint - same workaround as for first station tile
			if (tile_type == MP_RAILWAY && IsRailWaypoint(tile)) {
				DEBUG(yapf, 4, "  end: waypoint");

			// if there are no reachable trackdirs on the next tile, we have end of road
			TrackFollower F(v, &Yapf().m_perf_ts_cost);
			if (!F.Follow(tile, trackdir)) {
				// we can't continue?
				// n.m_segment->flags_u.flags_s.m_end_of_line = true;
				DEBUG(yapf, 4, "  end: can't foolow (dead end?)");
			if (F.m_is_bridge && F.m_tiles_skipped > 0) intermediate_trackdir = F.m_intermediate_trackdir;
			DEBUG(yapf, 4, " next: tile=%04X td=%s", F.m_new_tile, GetTrackdirBitsName(F.m_new_td_bits).Data());

			// if there are more trackdirs available & reachable, we are at the end of segment
			if (KillFirstBit2x64(F.m_new_td_bits) != 0) {
				DEBUG(yapf, 4, "  end: choice");

			Trackdir new_td = (Trackdir)FindFirstBit2x64(F.m_new_td_bits);

				// end segment if train is about to enter simple loop with no junctions
				// so next time it should stop on the next if
				if (segment_cost > s_max_segment_cost && IsTileType(F.m_new_tile, MP_RAILWAY)) {
					DEBUG(yapf, 4, "  end: loop fuse");

				// stop if train is on simple loop with no junctions
				if (F.m_new_tile == n.m_key.m_tile && new_td == n.m_key.m_td) {
					DEBUG(yapf, 4, "  end: loop detected");
					return false;

			// if rail type changes, finish segment (cached segment can't contain more rail types)
				RailType new_rail_type = GetTileRailType(F.m_new_tile, (Trackdir)FindFirstBit2x64(F.m_new_td_bits));
				if (new_rail_type != rail_type) {
					DEBUG(yapf, 4, "  end: rail type changes");
				rail_type = new_rail_type;

			// move to the next tile
			prev_tile = tile;
			prev_trackdir = trackdir;
			prev_tile_type = tile_type;

			tile = F.m_new_tile;
			trackdir = new_td;
			tile_type = GetTileType(tile);

			target_seen = Yapf().PfDetectDestination(tile, trackdir);

			// reversing in depot penalty
			if (tile == prev_tile) {
				int reverse_in_depot_cost = Yapf().PfGetSettings().rail_depot_reverse_penalty;
				segment_cost += reverse_in_depot_cost;
				DEBUG(yapf, 4, "  end: reversing in depot (cost=%d)", reverse_in_depot_cost);

			// if we skipped some tunnel tiles, add their cost
			segment_cost += YAPF_TILE_LENGTH * F.m_tiles_skipped;
			DEBUG(yapf, 6, "    Cost: wormhole=%d", YAPF_TILE_LENGTH * F.m_tiles_skipped);

			// add penalty for skipped station tiles
			if (F.m_is_station)
				if (target_seen) {
					// it is our destination station
					uint platform_length = F.m_tiles_skipped + 1;
					int platform_length_cost = PlatformLengthPenalty(platform_length);
					segment_cost += platform_length_cost;
					DEBUG(yapf, 6, "    Cost: platform=%d", platform_length_cost);
				} else {
					// station is not our destination station, apply penalty for skipped platform tiles
					int station_cost = Yapf().PfGetSettings().rail_station_penalty * F.m_tiles_skipped;
					segment_cost += station_cost;
					DEBUG(yapf, 6, "    Cost: station=%d", station_cost);

			// add min/max speed penalties
			int min_speed = 0;
			int max_speed = F.GetSpeedLimit(&min_speed);
			if (max_speed < v->max_speed)
				segment_cost += YAPF_TILE_LENGTH * (v->max_speed - max_speed) / v->max_speed;
			if (min_speed > v->max_speed)
				segment_cost += YAPF_TILE_LENGTH * (min_speed - v->max_speed);

			// finish if we already exceeded the maximum cost
			if (m_max_cost > 0 && (parent_cost + first_tile_cost + segment_cost) > m_max_cost) {
				DEBUG(yapf, 4, "  abort: maximum cost reached");
				return false;

			if (first_tile_cost == 0) {
				// we just have done first tile
				first_tile_cost = segment_cost;
				segment_cost = 0;
				DEBUG(yapf, 5, "    TotalCost: first_tile=%d", first_tile_cost);

				// look if we can reuse existing (cached) segment cost
				if (n.m_segment->m_cost >= 0) {
					// reuse the cached segment cost
					DEBUG(yapf, 4, "  end: reusing the cached segment cost");
			// segment cost was not filled yes, we have not cached it yet
			n.SetLastTileTrackdir(tile, trackdir);

		} // while (true)

		if (first_tile_cost == 0) {
			// we have just finished first tile
			first_tile_cost = segment_cost;
			segment_cost = 0;
			DEBUG(yapf, 5, "    TotalCost: first_tile=%d", first_tile_cost);

		// do we have cached segment cost?
		if (n.m_segment->m_cost >= 0) {
			// reuse the cached segment cost
			segment_cost = n.m_segment->m_cost;
			DEBUG(yapf, 5, "    TotalCost: cached_segment=%d", segment_cost);
		} else {
			// save segment cost
			n.m_segment->m_cost = segment_cost;
			DEBUG(yapf, 5, "    TotalCost: segment=%d", segment_cost);

			// save end of segment back to the node
			n.SetLastTileTrackdir(tile, trackdir);

		// special costs for the case we have reached our target
		if (target_seen) {
			n.flags_u.flags_s.m_targed_seen = true;
			if (n.flags_u.flags_s.m_last_signal_was_red) {
				if (n.m_last_red_signal_type == SIGTYPE_EXIT) {
					// last signal was red pre-signal-exit
					extra_cost += Yapf().PfGetSettings().rail_lastred_exit_penalty;
				} else {
					// last signal was red, but not exit
					extra_cost += Yapf().PfGetSettings().rail_lastred_penalty;
		DEBUG(yapf, 5, "    TotalCost: extra=%d", extra_cost);

		// total node cost
		n.m_cost = parent_cost + first_tile_cost + segment_cost + extra_cost;
		DEBUG(yapf, 3, "  leaving: last_tile=%04X, last_td=%s, cost=%d", n.m_segment->m_last_tile, GetTrackdirName(n.m_segment->m_last_td), n.m_cost);
		DEBUG(yapf, 3, " returning %s", n.m_segment->flags_u.flags_s.m_end_of_line ? "false" : "true");
		return !n.m_segment->flags_u.flags_s.m_end_of_line;

	FORCEINLINE bool CanUseGlobalCache(Node& n) const
		return (n.m_parent != NULL)
			&& (n.m_parent->m_num_signals_passed >= m_sig_look_ahead_costs.Size());

	FORCEINLINE void ConnectNodeToCachedData(Node& n, CachedData& ci)
		n.m_segment = &ci;
		if (n.m_segment->m_cost < 0) {
			n.m_segment->m_last_tile = n.m_key.m_tile;
			n.m_segment->m_last_td = n.m_key.m_td;


#endif /* YAPF_COSTRAIL_HPP */