author KUDr
Sat, 30 Dec 2006 18:25:01 +0000
changeset 5609 ec38986d2c8e
parent 4842 0757e12896c5
permissions -rw-r--r--
(svn r7655) [cbh] - Fix: [YAPF] another assert (on opposite cbh when it contained choice). Now it is possible to reach choice when exiting wormhole. So the wormhole cost must be taken into consideration when starting new YAPF node.
/* $Id$ */

#ifndef AIRPORT_H
#define AIRPORT_H

enum {MAX_TERMINALS =  10};
enum {MAX_HELIPADS  =   4};
enum {MAX_ELEMENTS  = 255};
enum {MAX_HEADINGS  =  22};

// Airport types
enum {
	AT_SMALL         =  0,
	AT_LARGE         =  1,
	AT_HELIPORT      =  2,
	AT_COMMUTER      =  5,
	AT_HELIDEPOT     =  6,
	AT_INTERCON      =  7,
	AT_OILRIG        = 15

// do not change unless you change v->subtype too. This aligns perfectly with its current setting
enum {
	ALL              = 1,

enum {
	AMED_TAKEOFF    = 1 << 1,
	AMED_SLOWTURN   = 1 << 2,
	AMED_LAND       = 1 << 3,
	AMED_EXACTPOS   = 1 << 4,
	AMED_BRAKE      = 1 << 5,
	AMED_HELI_RAISE = 1 << 6,
	AMED_HELI_LOWER = 1 << 7,

/* Movement States on Airports (headings target) */
enum {
	TO_ALL         =  0,
	HANGAR         =  1,
	TERM1          =  2,
	TERM2          =  3,
	TERM3          =  4,
	TERM4          =  5,
	TERM5          =  6,
	TERM6          =  7,
	HELIPAD1       =  8,
	HELIPAD2       =  9,
	TAKEOFF        = 10,
	ENDTAKEOFF     = 12,
	FLYING         = 14,
	LANDING        = 15,
	ENDLANDING     = 16,
	TERM7          = 19,
	TERM8          = 20,
	HELIPAD3       = 21,
	HELIPAD4       = 22

// this maps the terminal to its corresponding state and block flag
// currently set for 10 terms, 4 helipads
static const byte _airport_terminal_state[] = {2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 19, 20, 0, 0, 8, 9, 21, 22};
static const byte _airport_terminal_flag[] =  {0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 22, 23, 0, 0, 6, 7, 24, 25};

/* Movement Blocks on Airports */
// blocks (eg_airport_flags)
enum {
	TERM1_block              = 1 <<  0,
	TERM2_block              = 1 <<  1,
	TERM3_block              = 1 <<  2,
	TERM4_block              = 1 <<  3,
	TERM5_block              = 1 <<  4,
	TERM6_block              = 1 <<  5,
	HELIPAD1_block           = 1 <<  6,
	HELIPAD2_block           = 1 <<  7,
	RUNWAY_IN_OUT_block      = 1 <<  8,
	RUNWAY_IN_block          = 1 <<  8,
	AIRPORT_BUSY_block       = 1 <<  8,
	RUNWAY_OUT_block         = 1 <<  9,
	TAXIWAY_BUSY_block       = 1 << 10,
	OUT_WAY_block            = 1 << 11,
	IN_WAY_block             = 1 << 12,
	AIRPORT_ENTRANCE_block   = 1 << 13,
	TERM_GROUP1_block        = 1 << 14,
	TERM_GROUP2_block        = 1 << 15,
	HANGAR2_AREA_block       = 1 << 16,
	TERM_GROUP2_ENTER1_block = 1 << 17,
	TERM_GROUP2_ENTER2_block = 1 << 18,
	TERM_GROUP2_EXIT1_block  = 1 << 19,
	TERM_GROUP2_EXIT2_block  = 1 << 20,
	PRE_HELIPAD_block        = 1 << 21,

// blocks for new airports
	TERM7_block              = 1 << 22,
	TERM8_block              = 1 << 23,
	TERM9_block              = 1 << 24,
	HELIPAD3_block           = 1 << 24,
	TERM10_block             = 1 << 25,
	HELIPAD4_block           = 1 << 25,
	HANGAR1_AREA_block       = 1 << 26,
	OUT_WAY2_block           = 1 << 27,
	IN_WAY2_block            = 1 << 28,
	RUNWAY_IN2_block         = 1 << 29,
	RUNWAY_OUT2_block        = 1 << 10,   // note re-uses TAXIWAY_BUSY
	HELIPAD_GROUP_block      = 1 << 13,   // note re-uses AIRPORT_ENTRANCE
	OUT_WAY_block2           = 1 << 31,
// end of new blocks

	NOTHING_block            = 1 << 30

typedef struct AirportMovingData {
	int x,y;
	byte flag;
	byte direction;
} AirportMovingData;

// Finite sTate mAchine --> FTA
typedef struct AirportFTAClass {
	byte nofelements;                     // number of positions the airport consists of
	const byte *terminals;
	const byte *helipads;
	byte entry_point;                     // when an airplane arrives at this airport, enter it at position entry_point
	byte acc_planes;                      // accept airplanes or helicopters or both
	const TileIndexDiffC *airport_depots; // gives the position of the depots on the airports
	byte nof_depots;                      // number of depots this airport has
	struct AirportFTA *layout;            // state machine for airport
	byte size_x;
	byte size_y;
} AirportFTAClass;

// internal structure used in openttd - Finite sTate mAchine --> FTA
typedef struct AirportFTA {
	byte position;           // the position that an airplane is at
	byte next_position;      // next position from this position
	uint32 block;            // 32 bit blocks (st->airport_flags), should be enough for the most complex airports
	byte heading;            // heading (current orders), guiding an airplane to its target on an airport
	struct AirportFTA *next; // possible extra movement choices from this position
} AirportFTA;

void InitializeAirports(void);
void UnInitializeAirports(void);
const AirportFTAClass *GetAirport(const byte airport_type);
const AirportMovingData *GetAirportMovingData(byte airport_type, byte position);

/** Get buildable airport bitmask.
 * @return get all buildable airports at this given time, bitmasked.
 * Bit 0 means the small airport is buildable, etc.
 * @todo set availability of airports by year, instead of airplane
uint32 GetValidAirports(void);

#endif /* AIRPORT_H */