author KUDr
Sat, 30 Dec 2006 18:25:01 +0000
changeset 5609 ec38986d2c8e
parent 5568 75f13d7bfaed
permissions -rw-r--r--
(svn r7655) [cbh] - Fix: [YAPF] another assert (on opposite cbh when it contained choice). Now it is possible to reach choice when exiting wormhole. So the wormhole cost must be taken into consideration when starting new YAPF node.
/* $Id$ */


#include "stdafx.h"
#include "debug.h"
#include "string.h"
#include "network_data.h"
#include "date.h"
#include "map.h"
#include "network_gamelist.h"
#include "network_udp.h"
#include "variables.h"
#include "newgrf_config.h"

// This file handles all the LAN-stuff
// Stuff like:
//   - UDP search over the network

typedef enum {
	PACKET_UDP_SERVER_DETAIL_INFO,   // Is not used in OpenTTD itself, only for external querying
	PACKET_UDP_SERVER_REGISTER,      // Packet to register itself to the master server
	PACKET_UDP_MASTER_ACK_REGISTER,  // Packet indicating registration has succedeed
	PACKET_UDP_CLIENT_GET_LIST,      // Request for serverlist from master server
	PACKET_UDP_MASTER_RESPONSE_LIST, // Response from master server with server ip's + port's
	PACKET_UDP_SERVER_UNREGISTER,    // Request to be removed from the server-list
	PACKET_UDP_CLIENT_GET_NEWGRFS,   // Requests the name for a list of GRFs (GRF_ID and MD5)
	PACKET_UDP_SERVER_NEWGRFS,       // Sends the list of NewGRF's requested.
} PacketUDPType;

enum {
	ADVERTISE_NORMAL_INTERVAL = 30000, // interval between advertising in ticks (15 minutes)
	ADVERTISE_RETRY_INTERVAL  =   300, // readvertise when no response after this many ticks (9 seconds)
	ADVERTISE_RETRY_TIMES     =     3  // give up readvertising after this much failed retries

#define DEF_UDP_RECEIVE_COMMAND(type) void NetworkPacketReceive_ ## type ## _command(Packet *p, struct sockaddr_in *client_addr)
static void NetworkSendUDP_Packet(SOCKET udp, Packet* p, struct sockaddr_in* recv);

static NetworkClientState _udp_cs;

 * Serializes the GRFIdentifier (GRF ID and MD5 checksum) to the packet
 * @param p the packet to write the data to
 * @param c the configuration to write the GRF ID and MD5 checksum from
static void NetworkSend_GRFIdentifier(Packet *p, const GRFConfig *c)
	uint j;
	NetworkSend_uint32(p, c->grfid);
	for (j = 0; j < sizeof(c->md5sum); j++) {
		NetworkSend_uint8 (p, c->md5sum[j]);

 * Deserializes the GRFIdentifier (GRF ID and MD5 checksum) from the packet
 * @param p the packet to read the data from
 * @param c the configuration to write the GRF ID and MD5 checksum to
static void NetworkRecv_GRFIdentifier(Packet *p, GRFConfig *c)
	uint j;
	c->grfid = NetworkRecv_uint32(&_udp_cs, p);
	for (j = 0; j < sizeof(c->md5sum); j++) {
		c->md5sum[j] = NetworkRecv_uint8(&_udp_cs, p);

	Packet *packet;
	// Just a fail-safe.. should never happen
	if (!_network_udp_server)

	packet = NetworkSend_Init(PACKET_UDP_SERVER_RESPONSE);

	// Update some game_info
	_network_game_info.game_date = _date;
	_network_game_info.map_width = MapSizeX();
	_network_game_info.map_height = MapSizeY();
	_network_game_info.map_set = _opt.landscape;

	NetworkSend_uint8 (packet, NETWORK_GAME_INFO_VERSION);

		/* Only send the GRF Identification (GRF_ID and MD5 checksum) of
		 * the GRFs that are needed, i.e. the ones that the server has
		 * selected in the NewGRF GUI and not the ones that are used due
		 * to the fact that they are in [newgrf-static] in openttd.cfg */
		const GRFConfig *c;
		uint i = 0;

		/* Count number of GRFs to send information about */
		for (c = _grfconfig; c != NULL; c = c->next) {
			if (!HASBIT(c->flags, GCF_STATIC)) i++;
		NetworkSend_uint8 (packet, i); // Send number of GRFs

		/* Send actual GRF Identifications */
		for (c = _grfconfig; c != NULL; c = c->next) {
			if (!HASBIT(c->flags, GCF_STATIC)) NetworkSend_GRFIdentifier(packet, c);

	NetworkSend_uint32(packet, _network_game_info.game_date);
	NetworkSend_uint32(packet, _network_game_info.start_date);

	NetworkSend_uint8 (packet, _network_game_info.companies_max);
	NetworkSend_uint8 (packet, ActivePlayerCount());
	NetworkSend_uint8 (packet, _network_game_info.spectators_max);

	NetworkSend_string(packet, _network_game_info.server_name);
	NetworkSend_string(packet, _network_game_info.server_revision);
	NetworkSend_uint8 (packet, _network_game_info.server_lang);
	NetworkSend_uint8 (packet, _network_game_info.use_password);
	NetworkSend_uint8 (packet, _network_game_info.clients_max);
	NetworkSend_uint8 (packet, _network_game_info.clients_on);
	NetworkSend_uint8 (packet, NetworkSpectatorCount());
	NetworkSend_string(packet, _network_game_info.map_name);
	NetworkSend_uint16(packet, _network_game_info.map_width);
	NetworkSend_uint16(packet, _network_game_info.map_height);
	NetworkSend_uint8 (packet, _network_game_info.map_set);
	NetworkSend_uint8 (packet, _network_game_info.dedicated);

	// Let the client know that we are here
	NetworkSendUDP_Packet(_udp_server_socket, packet, client_addr);


	DEBUG(net, 2, "[udp] queried from '%s'", inet_ntoa(client_addr->sin_addr));

	extern const char _openttd_revision[];
	NetworkGameList *item;
	byte game_info_version;

	// Just a fail-safe.. should never happen
	if (_network_udp_server)

	game_info_version = NetworkRecv_uint8(&_udp_cs, p);

	if (_udp_cs.has_quit) return;

	DEBUG(net, 4, "[udp] server response from %s:%d", inet_ntoa(client_addr->sin_addr),ntohs(client_addr->sin_port));

	// Find next item
	item = NetworkGameListAddItem(inet_addr(inet_ntoa(client_addr->sin_addr)), ntohs(client_addr->sin_port));

	item->info.compatible = true;
	/* Please observer the order. In the order in which packets are sent
	 * they are to be received */
	switch (game_info_version) {
		case 4: {
			GRFConfig *c, **dst = &item->info.grfconfig;
			const GRFConfig *f;
			uint i;
			uint num_grfs = NetworkRecv_uint8(&_udp_cs, p);

			for (i = 0; i < num_grfs; i++) {
				c = calloc(1, sizeof(*c));
				NetworkRecv_GRFIdentifier(p, c);

				/* Find the matching GRF file */
				f = FindGRFConfig(c->grfid, c->md5sum);
				if (f == NULL) {
					/* Don't know the GRF, so mark game incompatible and the (possibly)
					 * already resolved name for this GRF (another server has sent the
					 * name of the GRF already */
					item->info.compatible = false;
					c->name     = FindUnknownGRFName(c->grfid, c->md5sum, true);
					SETBIT(c->flags, GCF_NOT_FOUND);
				} else {
					c->filename = f->filename;
					c->name     = f->name;
					c->info     = f->info;
				SETBIT(c->flags, GCF_COPY);

				/* Append GRFConfig to the list */
				*dst = c;
				dst = &c->next;
		} /* Fallthrough */
		case 3:
			item->info.game_date     = NetworkRecv_uint32(&_udp_cs, p);
			item->info.start_date    = NetworkRecv_uint32(&_udp_cs, p);
			/* Fallthrough */
		case 2:
			item->info.companies_max = NetworkRecv_uint8(&_udp_cs, p);
			item->info.companies_on = NetworkRecv_uint8(&_udp_cs, p);
			item->info.spectators_max = NetworkRecv_uint8(&_udp_cs, p);
			/* Fallthrough */
		case 1:
			NetworkRecv_string(&_udp_cs, p, item->info.server_name, sizeof(item->info.server_name));
			NetworkRecv_string(&_udp_cs, p, item->info.server_revision, sizeof(item->info.server_revision));
			item->info.server_lang   = NetworkRecv_uint8(&_udp_cs, p);
			item->info.use_password  = NetworkRecv_uint8(&_udp_cs, p);
			item->info.clients_max   = NetworkRecv_uint8(&_udp_cs, p);
			item->info.clients_on    = NetworkRecv_uint8(&_udp_cs, p);
			item->info.spectators_on = NetworkRecv_uint8(&_udp_cs, p);
			if (game_info_version < 3) { // 16 bits dates got scrapped and are read earlier
				item->info.game_date     = NetworkRecv_uint16(&_udp_cs, p) + DAYS_TILL_ORIGINAL_BASE_YEAR;
				item->info.start_date    = NetworkRecv_uint16(&_udp_cs, p) + DAYS_TILL_ORIGINAL_BASE_YEAR;
			NetworkRecv_string(&_udp_cs, p, item->info.map_name, sizeof(item->info.map_name));
			item->info.map_width     = NetworkRecv_uint16(&_udp_cs, p);
			item->info.map_height    = NetworkRecv_uint16(&_udp_cs, p);
			item->info.map_set       = NetworkRecv_uint8(&_udp_cs, p);
			item->info.dedicated     = NetworkRecv_uint8(&_udp_cs, p);

			if (item->info.server_lang >= NETWORK_NUM_LANGUAGES) item->info.server_lang = 0;
			if (item->info.map_set >= NUM_LANDSCAPE ) item->info.map_set = 0;

			if (item->info.hostname[0] == '\0')
				snprintf(item->info.hostname, sizeof(item->info.hostname), "%s", inet_ntoa(client_addr->sin_addr));

			/* Check if we are allowed on this server based on the revision-match */
			item->info.version_compatible =
				strcmp(item->info.server_revision, _openttd_revision) == 0 ||
				strcmp(item->info.server_revision, NOREV_STRING) == 0;
			item->info.compatible &= item->info.version_compatible; // Already contains match for GRFs

		/* Checks whether there needs to be a request for names of GRFs and makes
		 * the request if necessary. GRFs that need to be requested are the GRFs
		 * that do not exist on the clients system and we do not have the name
		 * resolved of, i.e. the name is still UNKNOWN_GRF_NAME_PLACEHOLDER.
		 * The in_request array and in_request_count are used so there is no need
		 * to do a second loop over the GRF list, which can be relatively expensive
		 * due to the string comparisons. */
		const GRFConfig *in_request[NETWORK_MAX_GRF_COUNT];
		const GRFConfig *c;
		uint in_request_count = 0;
		struct sockaddr_in out_addr;

		for (c = item->info.grfconfig; c != NULL; c = c->next) {
			if (!HASBIT(c->flags, GCF_NOT_FOUND) || strcmp(c->name, UNKNOWN_GRF_NAME_PLACEHOLDER) != 0) continue;
			in_request[in_request_count] = c;

		if (in_request_count > 0) {
			/* There are 'unknown' GRFs, now send a request for them */
			uint i;
			Packet *packet = NetworkSend_Init(PACKET_UDP_CLIENT_GET_NEWGRFS);

			NetworkSend_uint8 (packet, in_request_count);
			for (i = 0; i < in_request_count; i++) {
				NetworkSend_GRFIdentifier(packet, in_request[i]);

			out_addr.sin_family      = AF_INET;
			out_addr.sin_port        = htons(item->port);
			out_addr.sin_addr.s_addr = item->ip;
			NetworkSendUDP_Packet(_udp_client_socket, packet, &out_addr);

	item->online = true;


	NetworkClientState *cs;
	NetworkClientInfo *ci;
	Packet *packet;
	Player *player;
	byte current = 0;
	int i;

	// Just a fail-safe.. should never happen
	if (!_network_udp_server) return;

	packet = NetworkSend_Init(PACKET_UDP_SERVER_DETAIL_INFO);

	/* Send the amount of active companies */
	NetworkSend_uint8 (packet, NETWORK_COMPANY_INFO_VERSION);
	NetworkSend_uint8 (packet, ActivePlayerCount());

	/* Fetch the latest version of everything */

	/* Go through all the players */
	FOR_ALL_PLAYERS(player) {
		/* Skip non-active players */
		if (!player->is_active) continue;


		/* Send the information */
		NetworkSend_uint8(packet, current);

		NetworkSend_string(packet, _network_player_info[player->index].company_name);
		NetworkSend_uint32(packet, _network_player_info[player->index].inaugurated_year);
		NetworkSend_uint64(packet, _network_player_info[player->index].company_value);
		NetworkSend_uint64(packet, _network_player_info[player->index].money);
		NetworkSend_uint64(packet, _network_player_info[player->index].income);
		NetworkSend_uint16(packet, _network_player_info[player->index].performance);

		/* Send 1 if there is a passord for the company else send 0 */
		if (_network_player_info[player->index].password[0] != '\0') {
			NetworkSend_uint8(packet, 1);
		} else {
			NetworkSend_uint8(packet, 0);

		for (i = 0; i < NETWORK_VEHICLE_TYPES; i++)
			NetworkSend_uint16(packet, _network_player_info[player->index].num_vehicle[i]);

		for (i = 0; i < NETWORK_STATION_TYPES; i++)
			NetworkSend_uint16(packet, _network_player_info[player->index].num_station[i]);

		/* Find the clients that are connected to this player */
			ci = DEREF_CLIENT_INFO(cs);
			if (ci->client_playas == player->index) {
				/* The uint8 == 1 indicates that a client is following */
				NetworkSend_uint8(packet, 1);
				NetworkSend_string(packet, ci->client_name);
				NetworkSend_string(packet, ci->unique_id);
				NetworkSend_uint32(packet, ci->join_date);
		/* Also check for the server itself */
		ci = NetworkFindClientInfoFromIndex(NETWORK_SERVER_INDEX);
		if (ci->client_playas == player->index) {
			/* The uint8 == 1 indicates that a client is following */
			NetworkSend_uint8(packet, 1);
			NetworkSend_string(packet, ci->client_name);
			NetworkSend_string(packet, ci->unique_id);
			NetworkSend_uint32(packet, ci->join_date);

		/* Indicates end of client list */
		NetworkSend_uint8(packet, 0);

	/* And check if we have any spectators */
		if (!IsValidPlayer(ci->client_playas)) {
			/* The uint8 == 1 indicates that a client is following */
			NetworkSend_uint8(packet, 1);
			NetworkSend_string(packet, ci->client_name);
			NetworkSend_string(packet, ci->unique_id);
			NetworkSend_uint32(packet, ci->join_date);

	/* Also check for the server itself */
	ci = NetworkFindClientInfoFromIndex(NETWORK_SERVER_INDEX);
	if (!IsValidPlayer(ci->client_playas)) {
		/* The uint8 == 1 indicates that a client is following */
		NetworkSend_uint8(packet, 1);
		NetworkSend_string(packet, ci->client_name);
		NetworkSend_string(packet, ci->unique_id);
		NetworkSend_uint32(packet, ci->join_date);

	/* Indicates end of client list */
	NetworkSend_uint8(packet, 0);

	NetworkSendUDP_Packet(_udp_server_socket, packet, client_addr);


	int i;
	struct in_addr ip;
	uint16 port;
	uint8 ver;

	/* packet begins with the protocol version (uint8)
	 * then an uint16 which indicates how many
	 * ip:port pairs are in this packet, after that
	 * an uint32 (ip) and an uint16 (port) for each pair

	ver = NetworkRecv_uint8(&_udp_cs, p);

	if (_udp_cs.has_quit) return;

	if (ver == 1) {
		for (i = NetworkRecv_uint16(&_udp_cs, p); i != 0 ; i--) {
			ip.s_addr = TO_LE32(NetworkRecv_uint32(&_udp_cs, p));
			port = NetworkRecv_uint16(&_udp_cs, p);
			NetworkUDPQueryServer(inet_ntoa(ip), port);

	_network_advertise_retries = 0;
	DEBUG(net, 2, "[udp] advertising on master server successfull");

	/* We are advertised, but we don't want to! */
	if (!_network_advertise) NetworkUDPRemoveAdvertise();

 * A client has requested the names of some NewGRFs.
 * Replying this can be tricky as we have a limit of SEND_MTU bytes
 * in the reply packet and we can send up to 100 bytes per NewGRF
 * (GRF ID, MD5sum and NETWORK_GRF_NAME_LENGTH bytes for the name).
 * As SEND_MTU is _much_ less than 100 * NETWORK_MAX_GRF_COUNT, it
 * could be that a packet overflows. To stop this we only reply
 * with the first N NewGRFs so that if the first N + 1 NewGRFs
 * would be sent, the packet overflows.
 * in_reply and in_reply_count are used to keep a list of GRFs to
 * send in the reply.
	uint8 num_grfs;
	uint i;

	const GRFConfig *in_reply[NETWORK_MAX_GRF_COUNT];
	Packet *packet;
	uint8 in_reply_count = 0;
	uint packet_len = 0;

	/* Just a fail-safe.. should never happen */
	if (_udp_cs.has_quit) return;

	DEBUG(net, 6, "[udp] newgrf data request from %s:%d", inet_ntoa(client_addr->sin_addr), ntohs(client_addr->sin_port));

	num_grfs = NetworkRecv_uint8 (&_udp_cs, p);
	if (num_grfs > NETWORK_MAX_GRF_COUNT) return;

	for (i = 0; i < num_grfs; i++) {
		GRFConfig c;
		const GRFConfig *f;

		NetworkRecv_GRFIdentifier(p, &c);

		/* Find the matching GRF file */
		f = FindGRFConfig(c.grfid, c.md5sum);
		if (f == NULL) continue; // The GRF is unknown to this server

		/* If the reply might exceed the size of the packet, only reply
		 * the current list and do not send the other data.
		 * The name could be an empty string, if so take the filename. */
		packet_len += sizeof(c.grfid) + sizeof(c.md5sum) +
				min(strlen((f->name != NULL && strlen(f->name) > 0) ? f->name : f->filename) + 1, NETWORK_GRF_NAME_LENGTH);
		if (packet_len > SEND_MTU - 4) { // 4 is 3 byte header + grf count in reply
		in_reply[in_reply_count] = f;

	if (in_reply_count == 0) return;

	packet = NetworkSend_Init(PACKET_UDP_SERVER_NEWGRFS);
	NetworkSend_uint8 (packet, in_reply_count);
	for (i = 0; i < in_reply_count; i++) {

		/* The name could be an empty string, if so take the filename */
		ttd_strlcpy(name, (in_reply[i]->name != NULL && strlen(in_reply[i]->name) > 0) ?
				in_reply[i]->name : in_reply[i]->filename, sizeof(name));
	 	NetworkSend_GRFIdentifier(packet, in_reply[i]);
		NetworkSend_string(packet, name);

	NetworkSendUDP_Packet(_udp_server_socket, packet, client_addr);

/** The return of the client's request of the names of some NewGRFs */
	uint8 num_grfs;
	uint i;

	/* Just a fail-safe.. should never happen */
	if (_udp_cs.has_quit) return;

	DEBUG(net, 6, "[udp] newgrf data reply from %s:%d", inet_ntoa(client_addr->sin_addr),ntohs(client_addr->sin_port));

	num_grfs = NetworkRecv_uint8 (&_udp_cs, p);
	if (num_grfs > NETWORK_MAX_GRF_COUNT) return;

	for (i = 0; i < num_grfs; i++) {
		char *unknown_name;
		GRFConfig c;

		NetworkRecv_GRFIdentifier(p, &c);
		NetworkRecv_string(&_udp_cs, p, name, sizeof(name));

		/* An empty name is not possible under normal circumstances
		 * and causes problems when showing the NewGRF list. */
		if (strlen(name) == 0) continue;

		/* Finds the fake GRFConfig for the just read GRF ID and MD5sum tuple.
		 * If it exists and not resolved yet, then name of the fake GRF is
		 * overwritten with the name from the reply. */
		unknown_name = FindUnknownGRFName(c.grfid, c.md5sum, false);
		if (unknown_name != NULL && strcmp(unknown_name, UNKNOWN_GRF_NAME_PLACEHOLDER) == 0) {
			ttd_strlcpy(unknown_name, name, NETWORK_GRF_NAME_LENGTH);

// The layout for the receive-functions by UDP
typedef void NetworkUDPPacket(Packet *p, struct sockaddr_in *client_addr);

static NetworkUDPPacket* const _network_udp_packet[] = {

// If this fails, check the array above with network_data.h
assert_compile(lengthof(_network_udp_packet) == PACKET_UDP_END);

static void NetworkHandleUDPPacket(Packet* p, struct sockaddr_in* client_addr)
	byte type;

	/* Fake a client, so we can see when there is an illegal packet */
	_udp_cs.socket = INVALID_SOCKET;
	_udp_cs.has_quit = false;

	type = NetworkRecv_uint8(&_udp_cs, p);

	if (type < PACKET_UDP_END && _network_udp_packet[type] != NULL && !_udp_cs.has_quit) {
		_network_udp_packet[type](p, client_addr);
	} else {
		if (!_udp_cs.has_quit) {
			DEBUG(net, 0, "[udp] received invalid packet type %d", type);
		} else {
			DEBUG(net, 0, "[udp] received illegal packet");

// Send a packet over UDP
static void NetworkSendUDP_Packet(SOCKET udp, Packet* p, struct sockaddr_in* recv)
	int res;

	// Put the length in the buffer
	p->buffer[0] = p->size & 0xFF;
	p->buffer[1] = p->size >> 8;

	// Send the buffer
	res = sendto(udp, p->buffer, p->size, 0, (struct sockaddr *)recv, sizeof(*recv));

	// Check for any errors, but ignore it otherwise
	if (res == -1) DEBUG(net, 1, "[udp] sendto failed with: %i", GET_LAST_ERROR());

// Start UDP listener
bool NetworkUDPListen(SOCKET *udp, uint32 host, uint16 port, bool broadcast)
	struct sockaddr_in sin;

	// Make sure socket is closed

	if (*udp == INVALID_SOCKET) {
		DEBUG(net, 0, "[udp] failed to start UDP listener");
		return false;

	// set nonblocking mode for socket
		unsigned long blocking = 1;
		ioctlsocket(*udp, FIONBIO, &blocking);
		setsockopt(*udp, SOL_SOCKET, SO_NONBLOCK, &blocking, NULL);

	sin.sin_family = AF_INET;
	// Listen on all IPs
	sin.sin_addr.s_addr = host;
	sin.sin_port = htons(port);

	if (bind(*udp, (struct sockaddr*)&sin, sizeof(sin)) != 0) {
		DEBUG(net, 0, "[udp] bind failed on %s:%i", inet_ntoa(*(struct in_addr *)&host), port);
		return false;

	if (broadcast) {
		/* Enable broadcast */
		unsigned long val = 1;
#ifndef BEOS_NET_SERVER // will work around this, some day; maybe.
		setsockopt(*udp, SOL_SOCKET, SO_BROADCAST, (char *) &val , sizeof(val));

	DEBUG(net, 1, "[udp] listening on port %s:%d", inet_ntoa(*(struct in_addr *)&host), port);

	return true;

// Close UDP connection
void NetworkUDPClose(void)
	DEBUG(net, 1, "[udp] closed listeners");

	if (_network_udp_server) {
		if (_udp_server_socket != INVALID_SOCKET) {
			_udp_server_socket = INVALID_SOCKET;

		if (_udp_master_socket != INVALID_SOCKET) {
			_udp_master_socket = INVALID_SOCKET;

		_network_udp_server = false;
		_network_udp_broadcast = 0;
	} else {
		if (_udp_client_socket != INVALID_SOCKET) {
			_udp_client_socket = INVALID_SOCKET;
		_network_udp_broadcast = 0;

// Receive something on UDP level
void NetworkUDPReceive(SOCKET udp)
	struct sockaddr_in client_addr;
	socklen_t client_len;
	int nbytes;
	static Packet *p = NULL;
	int packet_len;

	// If p is NULL, malloc him.. this prevents unneeded mallocs
	if (p == NULL) p = malloc(sizeof(*p));

	packet_len = sizeof(p->buffer);
	client_len = sizeof(client_addr);

	// Try to receive anything
	nbytes = recvfrom(udp, p->buffer, packet_len, 0, (struct sockaddr *)&client_addr, &client_len);

	// We got some bytes.. just asume we receive the whole packet
	if (nbytes > 0) {
		// Get the size of the buffer
		p->size = (uint16)p->buffer[0];
		p->size += (uint16)p->buffer[1] << 8;
		// Put the position on the right place
		p->pos = 2;
		p->next = NULL;

		// Handle the packet
		NetworkHandleUDPPacket(p, &client_addr);

		// Free the packet
		p = NULL;

// Broadcast to all ips
static void NetworkUDPBroadCast(SOCKET udp)
	Packet* p = NetworkSend_Init(PACKET_UDP_CLIENT_FIND_SERVER);
	uint i;

	for (i = 0; _broadcast_list[i] != 0; i++) {
		struct sockaddr_in out_addr;

		out_addr.sin_family = AF_INET;
		out_addr.sin_port = htons(_network_server_port);
		out_addr.sin_addr.s_addr = _broadcast_list[i];

		DEBUG(net, 4, "[udp] broadcasting to %s", inet_ntoa(out_addr.sin_addr));

		NetworkSendUDP_Packet(udp, p, &out_addr);


// Request the the server-list from the master server
void NetworkUDPQueryMasterServer(void)
	struct sockaddr_in out_addr;
	Packet *p;

	if (_udp_client_socket == INVALID_SOCKET)
		if (!NetworkUDPListen(&_udp_client_socket, 0, 0, true))

	p = NetworkSend_Init(PACKET_UDP_CLIENT_GET_LIST);

	out_addr.sin_family = AF_INET;
	out_addr.sin_port = htons(NETWORK_MASTER_SERVER_PORT);
	out_addr.sin_addr.s_addr = NetworkResolveHost(NETWORK_MASTER_SERVER_HOST);

	// packet only contains protocol version

	NetworkSendUDP_Packet(_udp_client_socket, p, &out_addr);

	DEBUG(net, 2, "[udp] master server queried at %s:%d", inet_ntoa(out_addr.sin_addr),ntohs(out_addr.sin_port));


// Find all servers
void NetworkUDPSearchGame(void)
	// We are still searching..
	if (_network_udp_broadcast > 0) return;

	// No UDP-socket yet..
	if (_udp_client_socket == INVALID_SOCKET)
		if (!NetworkUDPListen(&_udp_client_socket, 0, 0, true))

	DEBUG(net, 0, "[udp] searching server");

	_network_udp_broadcast = 300; // Stay searching for 300 ticks

NetworkGameList *NetworkUDPQueryServer(const char* host, unsigned short port)
	struct sockaddr_in out_addr;
	Packet *p;
	NetworkGameList *item;

	// No UDP-socket yet..
	if (_udp_client_socket == INVALID_SOCKET)
		if (!NetworkUDPListen(&_udp_client_socket, 0, 0, true))
			return NULL;

	out_addr.sin_family = AF_INET;
	out_addr.sin_port = htons(port);
	out_addr.sin_addr.s_addr = NetworkResolveHost(host);

	// Clear item in gamelist
	item = NetworkGameListAddItem(inet_addr(inet_ntoa(out_addr.sin_addr)), ntohs(out_addr.sin_port));
	memset(&item->info, 0, sizeof(item->info));
	ttd_strlcpy(item->info.server_name, host, lengthof(item->info.server_name));
	ttd_strlcpy(item->info.hostname, host, lengthof(item->info.hostname));
	item->online = false;

	// Init the packet

	NetworkSendUDP_Packet(_udp_client_socket, p, &out_addr);


	return item;

/* Remove our advertise from the master-server */
void NetworkUDPRemoveAdvertise(void)
	struct sockaddr_in out_addr;
	Packet *p;

	/* Check if we are advertising */
	if (!_networking || !_network_server || !_network_udp_server) return;

	/* check for socket */
	if (_udp_master_socket == INVALID_SOCKET)
		if (!NetworkUDPListen(&_udp_master_socket, _network_server_bind_ip, 0, false))

	DEBUG(net, 1, "[udp] removing advertise from master server");

	/* Find somewhere to send */
	out_addr.sin_family = AF_INET;
	out_addr.sin_port = htons(NETWORK_MASTER_SERVER_PORT);
	out_addr.sin_addr.s_addr = NetworkResolveHost(NETWORK_MASTER_SERVER_HOST);

	/* Send the packet */
	/* Packet is: Version, server_port */
	NetworkSend_uint16(p, _network_server_port);
	NetworkSendUDP_Packet(_udp_master_socket, p, &out_addr);


/* Register us to the master server
     This function checks if it needs to send an advertise */
void NetworkUDPAdvertise(void)
	struct sockaddr_in out_addr;
	Packet *p;

	/* Check if we should send an advertise */
	if (!_networking || !_network_server || !_network_udp_server || !_network_advertise)

	/* check for socket */
	if (_udp_master_socket == INVALID_SOCKET)
		if (!NetworkUDPListen(&_udp_master_socket, _network_server_bind_ip, 0, false))

	if (_network_need_advertise) {
		_network_need_advertise = false;
		_network_advertise_retries = ADVERTISE_RETRY_TIMES;
	} else {
		/* Only send once every ADVERTISE_NORMAL_INTERVAL ticks */
		if (_network_advertise_retries == 0) {
			if ((_network_last_advertise_frame + ADVERTISE_NORMAL_INTERVAL) > _frame_counter)
			_network_advertise_retries = ADVERTISE_RETRY_TIMES;

		if ((_network_last_advertise_frame + ADVERTISE_RETRY_INTERVAL) > _frame_counter)

	_network_last_advertise_frame = _frame_counter;

	/* Find somewhere to send */
	out_addr.sin_family = AF_INET;
	out_addr.sin_port = htons(NETWORK_MASTER_SERVER_PORT);
	out_addr.sin_addr.s_addr = NetworkResolveHost(NETWORK_MASTER_SERVER_HOST);

	DEBUG(net, 1, "[udp] advertising to master server");

	/* Send the packet */
	/* Packet is: WELCOME_MESSAGE, Version, server_port */
	NetworkSend_uint16(p, _network_server_port);
	NetworkSendUDP_Packet(_udp_master_socket, p, &out_addr);


void NetworkUDPInitialize(void)
	_udp_client_socket = INVALID_SOCKET;
	_udp_server_socket = INVALID_SOCKET;
	_udp_master_socket = INVALID_SOCKET;

	_network_udp_server = false;
	_network_udp_broadcast = 0;

#endif /* ENABLE_NETWORK */