author KUDr
Sat, 30 Dec 2006 18:25:01 +0000
changeset 5609 ec38986d2c8e
parent 5216 d581e4db95b6
permissions -rw-r--r--
(svn r7655) [cbh] - Fix: [YAPF] another assert (on opposite cbh when it contained choice). Now it is possible to reach choice when exiting wormhole. So the wormhole cost must be taken into consideration when starting new YAPF node.
/* $Id$ */

#include "stdafx.h"
#include "openttd.h"
#include "oldpool.h"
#include "sound.h"
#include "engine.h"
#include "vehicle.h"
#include "newgrf_callbacks.h"
#include "newgrf_engine.h"
#include "newgrf_sound.h"

static uint _sound_count = 0;
STATIC_OLD_POOL(SoundInternal, FileEntry, 3, 1000, NULL, NULL)

/* Allocate a new FileEntry */
FileEntry *AllocateFileEntry(void)
	if (_sound_count == GetSoundInternalPoolSize()) {
		if (!AddBlockToPool(&_SoundInternal_pool)) return NULL;

	return GetSoundInternal(_sound_count++);

void InitializeSoundPool(void)
	_sound_count = 0;

	/* Copy original sound data to the pool */

FileEntry *GetSound(uint index)
	if (index >= _sound_count) return NULL;
	return GetSoundInternal(index);

uint GetNumSounds(void)
	return _sound_count;

bool PlayVehicleSound(const Vehicle *v, VehicleSoundEvent event)
	const GRFFile *file = GetEngineGRF(v->engine_type);
	uint16 callback;

	/* If the engine has no GRF ID associated it can't ever play any new sounds */
	if (file == NULL) return false;

	/* Check that the vehicle type uses the sound effect callback */
	if (!HASBIT(EngInfo(v->engine_type)->callbackmask, CBM_SOUND_EFFECT)) return false;

	callback = GetVehicleCallback(CBID_VEHICLE_SOUND_EFFECT, event, 0, v->engine_type, v);
	if (callback == CALLBACK_FAILED) return false;
	if (callback >= GetNumOriginalSounds()) callback += file->sound_offset - GetNumOriginalSounds();

	if (callback < GetNumSounds()) SndPlayVehicleFx(callback, v);
	return true;