author Darkvater
Mon, 31 Jul 2006 11:50:23 +0000
changeset 10065 fc91a7eca19e
parent 9959 984493ab6fff
permissions -rw-r--r--
(svn r5669) - Backport from trunk (r5464, r3641):
Codechange: verify the presence of music files in the gm folder. Slightly altered r5464
to exclude the addition of music.c and left out the extra functionality. While in essence
this is not a true fix, several people have reported a rising CPU usage because Dmusic
kept indefinitely looping the file list. This should solve that.
/* $Id$ */

#ifndef MAP_H
#define MAP_H

#include "stdafx.h"

// Putting externs inside inline functions seems to confuse the aliasing
// checking on MSVC6. Never use those variables directly.
extern uint _map_log_x;
extern uint _map_size_x;
extern uint _map_size_y;
extern uint _map_tile_mask;
extern uint _map_size;

#define TILE_MASK(x) ((x) & _map_tile_mask)
#define TILE_ASSERT(x) assert(TILE_MASK(x) == (x));

typedef struct Tile {
	byte type_height;
	byte m1;
	uint16 m2;
	byte m3;
	byte m4;
	byte m5;
	byte extra;
} Tile;

extern Tile* _m;

void AllocateMap(uint size_x, uint size_y);

// binary logarithm of the map size, try to avoid using this one
static inline uint MapLogX(void)  { return _map_log_x; }
/* The size of the map */
static inline uint MapSizeX(void) { return _map_size_x; }
static inline uint MapSizeY(void) { return _map_size_y; }
/* The maximum coordinates */
static inline uint MapMaxX(void) { return _map_size_x - 1; }
static inline uint MapMaxY(void) { return _map_size_y - 1; }
/* The number of tiles in the map */
static inline uint MapSize(void) { return _map_size; }

// Scale a number relative to the map size
uint ScaleByMapSize(uint); // Scale relative to the number of tiles
uint ScaleByMapSize1D(uint); // Scale relative to the circumference of the map

typedef uint32 TileIndex;
typedef int32 TileIndexDiff;

static inline TileIndex TileXY(uint x, uint y)
	return (y * MapSizeX()) + x;

static inline TileIndexDiff TileDiffXY(int x, int y)
	// Multiplication gives much better optimization on MSVC than shifting.
	// 0 << shift isn't optimized to 0 properly.
	// Typically x and y are constants, and then this doesn't result
	// in any actual multiplication in the assembly code..
	return (y * MapSizeX()) + x;

static inline TileIndex TileVirtXY(uint x, uint y)
	return (y >> 4 << MapLogX()) + (x >> 4);

typedef enum {
	OWNER_TOWN			= 0xf,	// a town owns the tile
	OWNER_NONE			= 0x10,	// nobody owns the tile
	OWNER_WATER			= 0x11,	// "water" owns the tile
	OWNER_SPECTATOR	= 0xff,	// spectator in MP or in scenario editor
} Owner;

enum {
	INVALID_TILE = (TileIndex)-1

enum {
	TILE_SIZE   = 16,   /* Tiles are 16x16 "units" in size */
	TILE_PIXELS = 32,   /* a tile is 32x32 pixels */
	TILE_HEIGHT = 8,    /* The standard height-difference between tiles on two levels is 8 (z-diff 8) */

static inline uint TileX(TileIndex tile)
	return tile & MapMaxX();

static inline uint TileY(TileIndex tile)
	return tile >> MapLogX();

typedef struct TileIndexDiffC {
	int16 x;
	int16 y;
} TileIndexDiffC;

static inline TileIndexDiff ToTileIndexDiff(TileIndexDiffC tidc)
	return (tidc.y << MapLogX()) + tidc.x;

#ifndef _DEBUG
	#define TILE_ADD(x,y) ((x) + (y))
	extern TileIndex TileAdd(TileIndex tile, TileIndexDiff add,
		const char *exp, const char *file, int line);
	#define TILE_ADD(x, y) (TileAdd((x), (y), #x " + " #y, __FILE__, __LINE__))

#define TILE_ADDXY(tile, x, y) TILE_ADD(tile, TileDiffXY(x, y))

uint TileAddWrap(TileIndex tile, int addx, int addy);

static inline TileIndexDiffC TileIndexDiffCByDir(uint dir) {
	extern const TileIndexDiffC _tileoffs_by_dir[4];
	return _tileoffs_by_dir[dir];

/* Returns tile + the diff given in diff. If the result tile would end up
 * outside of the map, INVALID_TILE is returned instead.
static inline TileIndex AddTileIndexDiffCWrap(TileIndex tile, TileIndexDiffC diff) {
	int x = TileX(tile) + diff.x;
	int y = TileY(tile) + diff.y;
	if (x < 0 || y < 0 || x > (int)MapMaxX() || y > (int)MapMaxY())
		return INVALID_TILE;
		return TileXY(x, y);

// Functions to calculate distances
uint DistanceManhattan(TileIndex, TileIndex); // also known as L1-Norm. Is the shortest distance one could go over diagonal tracks (or roads)
uint DistanceSquare(TileIndex, TileIndex); // euclidian- or L2-Norm squared
uint DistanceMax(TileIndex, TileIndex); // also known as L-Infinity-Norm
uint DistanceMaxPlusManhattan(TileIndex, TileIndex); // Max + Manhattan
uint DistanceFromEdge(TileIndex); // shortest distance from any edge of the map

#define BEGIN_TILE_LOOP(var,w,h,tile)                      \
	{                                                        \
		int h_cur = h;                                         \
		uint var = tile;                                       \
		do {                                                   \
			int w_cur = w;                                       \
			do {

#define END_TILE_LOOP(var,w,h,tile)                        \
			} while (++var, --w_cur != 0);                       \
		} while (var += TileDiffXY(0, 1) - (w), --h_cur != 0); \

static inline TileIndexDiff TileOffsByDir(uint dir)
	extern const TileIndexDiffC _tileoffs_by_dir[4];

	assert(dir < lengthof(_tileoffs_by_dir));
	return ToTileIndexDiff(_tileoffs_by_dir[dir]);

/* Approximation of the length of a straight track, relative to a diagonal
 * track (ie the size of a tile side). #defined instead of const so it can
 * stay integer. (no runtime float operations) Is this needed?
 * Watch out! There are _no_ brackets around here, to prevent intermediate
 * rounding! Be careful when using this!
 * This value should be sqrt(2)/2 ~ 0.7071 */
#define STRAIGHT_TRACK_LENGTH 7071/10000

#endif /* MAP_H */